
Occupation: Psychopath

This is a dangerous psychiatric hospital ...... First we get out of here, then we do what we need to do to make up for six years of missing out, as well as meet a dear "family member", and finally ......

wangyuweijue · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Patient 0414

[Medical record file: patient 0414]

  Once he saw that it was the medical record file of patient 0414 in the intensive care ward, Su Yi immediately raised his spirits.

  Thinking of all the weird phenomena that happened when he was near ward 0414, such as the thing that suddenly appeared on his back, the voice that rang directly in his ears, the voice that kept trying to induce him to turn back ...

  At this moment, this medical record file in hand may be able to give the answer he wants.

  Patient 0414 is named Gu Datong, a local person from Yuan Shan City, twelve years ago in the mental hospital, at that time the director of this mental hospital or Song Ren that old guy.

  What concerns Su most is that Gu Datong's attending physician at that time was Song Ren, who was also the director of the hospital.

  The initial diagnosis of the disease was delusional disorder and mental disorder.

  The cause of the disease is also written in great detail, the patient is due to a strong stimulation of the brain and lead to mental disorder.

  Even the causes and consequences were clearly written, and due to the lack of sufficient space, an additional paper was attached to the medical record, which was more or less like this:

  Already almost forty years old Gu Datong after getting married suddenly became obsessed with gambling, for this reason Gu Datong and his wife between a lot of quarrels, the relationship between the two became very stiff, to the back of the obvious some divorce.

  Until later, Sun Datong's wife was unwell once to go to the city center hospital to check, but accidentally found himself pregnant, she will be this thing directly informed the then Gu Datong.

  Learned of the Gu Datong was the news smashed by the surprise, did not expect that he was going to be a father, after a period of deliberation between gambling and his wife's children he eventually chose the latter.

  He promised his wife that he would not go back to gambling, and in fact, he did.

  Gu Datong did his duty as a father, working to support the family, and returning home to bring up the child with his wife, such days, although hard, but also let him find a new goal in life.

  Until the child was born and then grew up, and likewise started a family.

  Just when everything is moving towards a good future, a piece of bad news without warning destroyed this not-so-wealthy family, Gu Datong's wife was examined for lung cancer, urgently need a large sum of money to save her life.

  Two hundred and thirty thousand ...

  This figure was an astronomical amount for that time, and even now it is not an amount that the average family can just take out.

  But Gu Datong did not hesitate, despite his wife's objections, he directly to the house to sell out at a low price, and pulled out all the family's savings, and along the way to find a few acquaintances to put together some money borrowed.

  The total sum is only one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, still short of eighty thousand.

  My son has just graduated and entered the society not long ago, and he has to rent a house to live outside, and he has a girlfriend who spends a lot of money, so he can't count on him at all.

  Into the predicament of the Gu Datong finally made a decision, he hid his wife and son to borrow loan sharks, and this is also the beginning of the tragedy.

  Wife's medical expenses are there, but he was burdened with a huge debt, and borrowing money from the loan shark company's sudden change of heart, but also crushed him, a month's worth of work owed money nearly doubled.

  This is simply not something that Gu Datong has the ability to repay.

  Even the loan shark company directly to find the son of Gu Datong in the field, the face of the phone in the son of angry words and questioning, has produced a lot of white hair Gu Datong as if more old.

  He took the last 20,000 borrowed to enter the casino once again, but the luck did not favor him.

  But luck did not favor him, in the face of the situation of losing more than winning less, in the face of their own time and time again the wrong bet, he can only watch his money less and less.

  Even so, he did not stop, Gu Datong know that he has no way back!

  A dangerous thought began to surface in his mind.

  In the end, he cheated ... with unclean hands and feet, he was caught on the spot by the casino people, and his two arms were cut off alive.

  When Gu Datong woke up again, he was already in the middle of the hospital, when someone told him that his wife's surgery was not successful and had died the day before yesterday. During this time, his son came to see him once, but did not stay long and left without saying a word.

  Not long after, the news that his son had been forced to jump off a building by a loan shark's company also came, and at that moment, Gu Datong went completely crazy.

  Even so, the loan shark company's people did not intend to let him go, Gu Datong only two legs were also removed, and finally was rescued by the police to send to the mental hospital in the outskirts of the city of Far Hills.


  After reading it, Su Yi didn't know what to think, really behind every crazy soul there is an unknown tragedy.

  Is Gu Datong at fault?

  He just wanted to raise money to save his family, to gather the 230,000 dollars of medical expenses, but in the end, just because he chose the wrong method, not only did he fail to save his wife, but also indirectly killed his own son, and even he himself became crazy.

  "Again, a poor man."

  Su Yi roughly went through the medical record file, from which he actually also accidentally found a note and a photo, which by the looks of it should have been left by Song Ren.

  The handwriting on the note was very similar to the handwriting on the medical record.

  From it, Su Yi learned a few taboos about ward 0414.

  First, never agree to Gu Datong's bet! Once you start betting you can't stop, and what awaits the gambler will be endless bets until there is nothing left.

  Second, once you agree to a bet, you can't go back on it! In addition, what Gu Datong hated the most was people who cheated.

  Third, the first time you come into contact with Gu Cosmos, you must never turn back!

  No matter which of the above three is violated, bad things will happen.

  At the end of the note, there was also the word "Weird Tales", which was followed by a question mark, as if even Song Ren himself, who had written these two words, was also puzzled.

  Looking at the photo again, on top of it was a young woman holding a little boy, and underneath the photo was a string of dates 2016/01/06.

  "Photo taken on January 6, 2016 of a woman and a child? This is ..."

  To say that the note Su Yi could still understand, but who was in this photo, why did Song Ren leave this photo here, and what was the meaning of the strange talk?

  Just as Su Yi was still pondering, his ears suddenly twitched, there was some slight movement in the corridor outside the door.

  Su Yi put down the file in his hand at the first time, and then looked at the photo and note in his hand, after hesitating for a moment, he still put them all into the pocket of his white coat.

  With a few steps, Su Yi crossed the long white table and came to the entrance hall of the archive room, and turned off the chandelier that might reveal that there were people inside the archive room.

  Immediately, the archive room was plunged back into the darkness.

  In the darkness, Su Yi's ears carefully put on the door, but did not hear the slightest sound.

  To wait for a small moment, Su Yi one-handed grip on the hand carrying a stick, the other hand slowly twisted open the door handle, along with the door handle micro-indiscernible turning sound, the archive room door slowly opened a gap.

  Through the doorway, Su Yi squinted and quietly looked out.

  Only to see that the dimly lit corridor was dead silent and empty, and the doors of the wards on the corridor were all tightly closed. In addition to the invisible dead angle of vision, everything seems to be normal ... The movement he just heard seems to be just his illusion.

  "Could it be that I heard it wrong?"Su Yi couldn't help but think this way.

  Slowly, slowly ... the door of the archive room was pulled open bit by bit.

  There wasn't any unexpected situation that happened.  

  After determining that there was really no one in the corridor, Su Yi, who was disguised as a white lab coat, cautiously walked out from the archive room, first glancing at the direction from which he came, and then turned to stride towards the opposite direction.

  What Su Yi did not know was that a certain ward door in the corridor was secretly open with a tiny gap, and a bloodshot eye was staring at his back as he left.

  It was as if he was looking at a prey, his pupils excited to the point of trembling, the bottom of his eyes revealing bloodlust and madness.

  Through the gap in the door of the room, one could see three corpses lying horizontally in this ward.

  Two white coats as well as a psychiatric patient, the clothes on their bodies were stained red with blood, while the body heat still remaining on their bodies proved that they had only died a short while ago.
