
OC Jedi Fixing Everything

THIS IS AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE!! CANON IS OUT THE WINDOW!! IF THIS IS GOING TO BOTHER YOU PLEASE DON'T READ! I AM PROBABLY GOING TO BE F*CKING SH*T UP! Reincarnating as a Jedi Knight with a self given mission to fix some of the idiocy that went down in the Jedi Order. Saving some folks that were supposed to die Saving some folks from turning evil All in a days work for Draik I DO NOT OWN STAR WARS ONLY MY OC's AND THE CREATIVE LIBERTIES TAKEN WITH THE STORY PROGRESSION I DO NOT OWN THE COVER PICTURE FOUND ON GOOGLE!

lawless_last6969 · Movies
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4 Chs

Draik Tress!



I awoke with a gasp, like it was the first breath I had ever taken.

"Oh you're awake! Are you okay?" A soft feminine voice asked from my side.

My eyes take a moment to adjust to my surroundings before I look to the owner of the voice. Sitting by the small bed I'm lying in is what appears to be an alien girl that looks like someone straight out of the Star Wars movies. "I'm.. ahem..I'm okay... where am I?" I asked her trying not to stare at her gorgeous blue skin or the strange tail things on her head. And I'm definitely trying to avoid directly staring at her ample chest and curvy thighs.

"So you can talk! But you really don't remember anything do you?" She asked me and I just shook my head in reply. "We're on your ship currently above Coruscant, you rescued me from a prison cell on a pirate ship and flew us all the way here. You didn't say a single word, you just flew us here and when we arrived you fainted. My name is Vesta by the way, thank you for getting me out of there." She told me and I was utterly shocked at what she said. 'This has got to be a joke... I'm being punk'd... there must be cameras here somewhere.' I thought to myself. "Easy you don't look so good...." She says before stepping over by the bed and pushing me to lay back down again. "Just take a moment and catch your breath and we'll go from there." She says before going back to her chair and I just close my eyes to keep from having a mild panic attack that I know I'm prone to.


A semi-transparent screen pops up into my line of sight looking a like the screen from SWTOR, which was my favorite game to play... I take a moment to read the words on the screen and another shock runs through me.. It read..


You wont remember meeting me, but I am God! Briefly put, you died and I gave you the opportunity to live again in your favorite universe, STAR WARS! This was all your choice. The body you now inhabit was customized by you and lived its life on autopilot for 19 years learning the ways of the force and lightsaber combat forms at the Jedi academy well before the happening of the clone wars per your request. You have the knowledge on how to use all force abilities ever created but you will have to practice them to actually be able to use any of them, you will have an instinctual know how to use basic Jedi techniques and the lightsaber arts you requested though. You rescued Vesta while out on a mission, you have been a Jedi Knight for the last few years running missions. You were the youngest Jedi ever to become a Knight. You requested to wake up a few days before Qui-gon and Obi-wan departed for their mission to Naboo. You expressly insisted on not having a system like many of your reincarnating counterparts from your world. You still have your memories at your request and you have a body you customized and created while you were with me in the void. You're midi-chlorian count is well beyond anyone else including young Anikin at his peak and as you requested they constantly reproduce and double, so you should always be the most force sensitive. Well that's all you requested from me as part of you reincarnation. Enjoy your new life Draik.

P.S. Brace yourself for the download of memories of this body.



The screen disappears in a blink. Suddenly my brain is assaulted with what feels like billions of fiery hot needles, and after a few moments of pain that felt like an eternity, I passed out again not even being able to scream out in pain. To Vesta it appears that I just fell back asleep.

I woke up a few hours later with a screaming headache, but now I have this full feeling in my head so I instinctively sit in a cross legged position and begin to meditate to sort out my mind. 'Fuck me, I know a lot of stuff. I can't believe this is all real... No calm down.. There is no emotion, there is peace... Well that worked. Okay my name is Draik Tress now, cool, I am not the typical Jedi and apparently they know that. I have been caught a few times slipping up and flirting which is kind of a taboo for the Jedi. They apparently let me off because I know several other Jedi who are doing the same but not being caught, hell they even know about Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi having 3 wives while still maintaining his seat on the council. So it's frowned upon but not actually cause enough for Anakin and Padme hiding shit like they did in the movies. This must be an alternate universe, things are similar enough to go by the story for the most part but certain things are different.' I muse getting side tracked since I'm currently a young man again and this body is practically build for debauchery. 'So I don't remember wishing to wake up here but I have a feeling I know why I asked for it. I did this so I could make sure a certain "chosen one" doesn't fuck up everything like he did in the movies. And because alien chicks are hot...' I muse to myself while inspecting my new Twi'lek companion.

I swing my legs off the side of the bed and walk over to a corner to a mirror so I can inspect myself. I take in my appearance and I gotta say I out did myself creating this body. I have shoulder length straight white hair, I have sea greenish blue eyes, I'm about 6 foot 2 inches tall, I keep the bottom half of my face covered with a red skin tight mask that matches my fucking cape and the red Jedi symbols that are on the white armor pieces I am wearing. I then take my 2 lightsabers that are clipped at my waist. They are mainly silver in color except the black bottom halves. They have a cross guard that looks like viking sword cross guards from my past life not like Kilo Ren's dumb looking saber. Turning them on I look at the glowing blue blades in awe, really cementing it in my head that I'm actually in star wars, as if the beautiful Twi'lek wasn't enough to convince me. (See cover picture)

"Hey you're awake again!" I hear from behind me. I deactivate my lightsabers and clip them back to my waist before turning and looking her in the eyes.

"Yes, I thank you for watching over me while I recuperated. I apparently was in a force trance that brought me to rescuing you and it took quite a bit out of me." I tell her with a small bow.

"Oh.. Well I am still in your debt Master Jedi..."

"Just Jedi.. I am not a master yet. You can just call me Draik.. That's my name, I apologize I wasn't able to introduce myself before." I tell her sitting back down on the bed beside her chair. "You introduced yourself as Vesta before I fell back asleep, it is my pleasure to have been of service to you." I tell her taking her hand and placing a kiss to the back of it through my mask.

I look up to see her bluish skin turning a bit purple around her cheeks. "Enough of that D-Draik... I want to talk serious a moment so please give me a moment.." She says trying to get in control of her racing heart. She had never been greeted so formally or in such a way that made her feel like a youngling in love before, most human races found Twi'leks attractive but never spoke to them that way since they were mainly looked at like a slave race meant for entertainment, never really sweet talked. After a moment she calms herself and looks back into his ocean like eyes, "As a thank you for saving me I wish to serve you in any way I can, I'm a capable pilot, I can cook or clean or anything like that. Those pirates were going to sell me into slavery... I have no family, nowhere to go, so no one would have missed me. I figure working for a Jedi will be better than being a slave to some Hutt." She says, throwing a lot of information at me at once.

I think about what she said for a moment. "Are you sure Vesta? You only just met me.." I say and I can see her nod and she has a look of pure determination. "Okay then, welcome to the Roach, my ship,and you will be working with me not for me." I tell her, apparently this body named the ship after the Witcher's horse from the video game. It's what I would have done so the body was essentially still me but running on auto pilot. "She's an old republic model I found in a scrap heap half buried in the sands of Tatooine a few years ago, then fixed up myself." I tell her standing up and turning in a circle arms spread showing off a bit.

"How long did that take you??" She asked looking at all the detail I had put into the ship.

"Well let me think." I said making a show putting my hand on my chin. "I became a Jedi Knight at the age of 16, I found this ship during my first mission, I made a few trips out there over the course of 2 years with parts and things to get her running, then I flew it to the moons of Mandalore to have all the finishing touches put on so in all, it took roughly just over 2 years from start to finish. It's only been a few months I think. Getting all the comforts installed took the longest" I tell her remember every detail like I was really there. 'So trippy having all these memories.' I muse.

"You were just a youngling, and you were already doing missions and building ships..." She says shocked, she had spent plenty of time around space ports and seen plenty of Jedi in her time. Never before had she seen a young Jedi alone, they were always accompanied by an older Jedi they called master. But if this Jedi is speaking true then he was practically a child running across the galaxy and judging from the scoring on his armor he had seen battles and survived fine. It really made her feel pitiful for barely surviving as an adult but here this man was who has been living his life fine on his own.

"I was the youngest Jedi ever to pass the Knight trials so yes, I can feel your emotions. Do not compare your life to mine, I lived rough, but I liked it that way. I have always lived for the moment and there were plenty times I almost didn't make or I passed up meals I struggled as well Vesta, as you have, and here you are, you're alive, you're doing well, and I have enough experience now to confidently say you don't have to struggle any more. You're a member of this now 2 person crew and you know 2 heads being better than 1 and all that, haha." I tell her putting a comforting hand her shoulder. I can see her spirits lift a bit. "Now lets head down to the surface, I have to report back to the council, then we can resupply the ship and head off again for the next adventure yeah?" I tell her.

"Sounds good Draik.." She says as I lead her to the cockpit. I give her the appropriate codes and have her fly us to the docking station at the Jedi temple.

(A/N: Soooo this first chapter was an info dump and kind of a mess I know. But I really wanted to write a Star Wars fanfic. This is an AU so please I don't want all the whining about things being different from the movies, I'm kind of just taking alot of creative liberties and twisting things to fit the way I want them to. Hope you all enjoyed.)