
Obsession is Just Not My Thing

Bakugo is obsessed with Kirishima but refuses to believe it till its too late... “...him trying to hide his little smile made me have butterflies in my stomach. This is not good.“

Crude_Kyle · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

He Isn't a Natural Redhead?

Kirishima's Pov:

After class, I invited Bakugo to my dorm, that way we could get a head start on our project. He actually agreed… that was surprising.

2 hours later

I heard a knock on my door and got up out of my bed to see who it was. It was Bakugo! I let him in and he went over to the floor and just sat down with his arms crossed. Was he angry about me inviting him over here? Nevermind that we have a project to get too.

We sat down on the floor and just stared at each other for a while but it wasn't awkward. More Like it was a comfortable silence. Weird. Fine then, I'll be the first one to start the conversation.

"Are you a natural redhead?"

Or not..

"No, I dyed it before the school year started. I didn't really like my hair color, but now I look like my favorite hero!"

"What color was it before?" he said blankly.

"Black. It sure did take a lot of bleach for the red to show up… I honestly thought my hair was gonna fall out."

He laughed. HE ACTUALLY LAUGHED AT THAT. Are we actually becoming friends? I hope so.

That night we talked about our friends and family. We played games and finally started talking about our project. We just about finished it that night. I never knew how fun this guy was to be around.

Bakugo's Pov:

Kirishima just invited me to his dorm. I'll go (of course). For the next 2 hours I was waiting to go to his dorm. I trained and finished homework in that time. (Who that fuck gives out homework on the first day?). I stumbled into Deku. The nerd who I dislike to a degree that I almost punch his face in whenever I see him.

"Who did you get as a partner Kachan?"

"Kirishima, the redhead. What about you shitstain?"


"That's nice." I said with a shit eating grin, clearly annoyed.

"Well see you later Kachan."

I did not in fact say bye.

After that Lovely exchange I made my way to Kirishima's room, still a little annoyed from earlier. There he invited me in and I sat on the floor. Why did he look so nervous? He sat down in front of me in complete silence. So I decided to ask an "important" question. What is your natural hair color? To my surprise he is not a natural redhead.

He talked about Crimson Riot and for some reason, him trying to hide his little smile made me have butterflies in my stomach. This is not good. Then he made a joke and I actually laughed at it, and he looked startled at first but that dissipated and he began laughing as well. I haven't talked so much with anyone before that night. It was so much fun.

Then we started talking about our project and we pretty much finished it that night. I was a little embarrassed to talk about how much All Might meant to me but to be honest this guy smiling at me made all my worries simply melt away. Not good.

I know that they don't actually get dorms till later in the series but for the sake of this fanfic they have them now *thumbs up*

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