
Oath Of Blood

Raining water is the source of life, isn't it? Every drop that pours on the ground from the sky revitalizes the planet, falling from above. Drip, drip, drip... Isn't this the cycle of life? Every drop that evaporates from the water source laid on the ground, the upper layer of the water in the form of tiny droplets of life, rises, evaporating into the clouds. There they squeeze and move, adjusting to their place inside one of the millions of clouds, until not too long after, the organization of droplets abandons some of the lower droplets, throwing them down. Is going through this relentless process, rising to heights, worth it? When the only thing that is supposed to happen is to fall, are these droplets at the top of the clouds being arrogant? Are they mocking the pouring droplets because they are falling while they are still up? Can't they see that the cloud will soon take in more droplets and if they become weaker and come down their position they will also be pushed down, abandoned, thrown, forgotten? Can't they see the only fate they have is to rise only to fall? But what happens to the droplets that are beneath the water source? Why not find out?

RI_Lore · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 33: Last resort


Ishima-sensei stood before the class, his stern visage framed by the intricate painting of a corrupt beast pinned to the paper board. "This is a corrupt beast named 'Rook,'" he declared, his voice resonating with authority. "Pay attention, trainees. Knowledge of beasts is paramount."

He clapped his hands sharply, the sound echoing through the drowsy classroom, snapping the half-asleep trainees to attention. Noon was a difficult hour for concentration, but Ishima's words carried the weight of life and death—understanding their adversaries was crucial, especially when facing beasts far stronger than themselves. The trainees, still untested and lacking affinities, were acutely aware of the peril in confronting such creatures.

"Kenji, what was I speaking about?" Ishima's voice sliced through the room, directed at a dozing Kenji, who startled awake, drool glistening at the corner of his mouth.

"Huh?" Kenji stammered, blinking furiously.

The class erupted in laughter.

"What was I speaking about?" Ishima reiterated, his tone unyielding.

"I was just dreaming about killing that beast in a single swing, Sensei," Kenji responded, attempting to salvage some pride.

The laughter grew louder.

"Stop dreaming, Kenji, and focus on the lesson. Otherwise, instead of killing it, you'll be its meal. Remember, this is a corrupt beast, not to be trifled with. Let me tell you, every corrupt beast and above has an elemental affinity. Defeating one as a trainee is extremely challenging. A direct confrontation is nearly suicidal.

But because you will face a random corrupt beast in the exam, you must be prepared. Learn its weaknesses and strengths.

If you encounter this particular corrupt beast, Rook, avoid direct combat. But if you must kill it, do so by setting a trap. A frontal attack as a trainee is sheer folly.

Rook possesses a wind affinity, granting it exceptional speed. However, it has vulnerabilities you can exploit. Its feathers, which cover its entire body, and its large eyes are its main weaknesses. Rook hunts at night and avoids daylight due to its sensitive eyes.

It also has a poor sense of smell because of its beak. Blind it, and it becomes easy prey. Nonetheless, it remains a formidable opponent, even for novice seekers. Rook is a predator feared even by other corrupt beasts. Hunting it without a trap is foolishness."

Ishima's words were laden with gravity, compelling the trainees to sit up and pay heed. Understanding their foes was essential, for they might face beasts that could counter their abilities.

The trainee seekers exchanged glances, whispering among themselves about strategies to tackle such a beast if they ever encountered one. Ishima-sensei resumed his lecture, stressing the importance of strategy and preparation.


Reyoma gazed intently, sweat dripping relentlessly, heart pounding with adrenaline. "Rook."

"We must not falter," Ishin muttered, his voice steady yet tinged with urgency. "Stay vigilant and prepared."

Nobunaga, visibly shaken, nodded firmly, tightening his grip on his sword. "Together, we take it down," he declared, trying to muster courage despite his unease.

"So, the corrupted beast we are meant to collect heads of is a rook... this will be exciting," Reyoma mused his heart beting incredibally fast, casting a glance back into the shadowed woods from which they had fled.

'You better intervene if it gets dangerous,' he mentally noted, the thought directed at an unseen presence.

Instead of succumbing to fear, Reyoma's mind was alight with anticipation. His pulse quickened, not from terror, but from the thrill of the impending clash.

He found himself unusually cool-headed, a stark contrast to what one might expect in the face of such a formidable foe.

For the Akatsuki, front-line samurais, fear was an alien concept. These young warriors had been trained from childhood to confront dread head-on, to mask any flicker of trepidation. Though some might harbor fear deep within, none displayed it outwardly.

Concern was the lowest they could stoop, and indeed, concern had settled over the trio—except for Reyoma.

the rook stood in the shadow of the pine oak tree like a statue not wanting to move rook are apex pretitors of the jungle

they see every living thing that roams in its territory as prey but it hated light and fire the so it stood in shadows waiting to the last ray of sun to leave

Because the predictors stillness the trio was able to clam down. "Why isn't it attacking us" nobunaga asks

"It's waiting for sun to go down" without continueing furter talk ishin suddenly sprinted to the south west still keeping a distance from swamp trees

"Why are you running all of a sudden atleast say something before you do" nobunaga said frowning for ishins hurried behaviour

"Follow" reyoma said running behind nobunaga having no choise follow the trio ran evn faster than before Rook still hidding in the trees of swamp followed jumping from one tree to another ishin in this intense still kept a watch on setting sun hoping to reach the destination he wanted before sun goes down

Pant, pant, pant.

No matter their speed, strength, or resilience, they were still only trainee seekers—mere humans devoid of affinities to bolster them. Their stamina ebbed with each passing moment, yet none dared slow their pace. However, doubt began to gnaw at them.

"Wh... where... are we running? Can't we just... gulp... go ahead and fight it instead? We... we might defeat it if we work together," Nobunaga gasped, his voice trembling and breathless from the relentless sprint.

Reyoma, his breath disciplined in a manner known only to him, was equally fatigued. He contemplated uttering a single word to prompt Ishin to elaborate. "Exactly."

If Nobunaga succumbed to doubt and made a rash decision to halt or slow down in this critical moment, the fragile hope Ishin offered might shatter. Preventing Nobunaga from making such a decision was crucial. Sparing even one word might seem trivial, but in this dire situation, it could spell doom. However, Reyoma knew he didn't need to say anything; Ishin would explain. Nobunaga naturally looked to Ishin for guidance.

'He is the prodigy of our batch of trainee seekers. He will endure and explain, right?' Reyoma thought.

"Hun, hun. The arena... there might be more groups," Ishin said, economizing his words yet dispelling Nobunaga's doubts, bolstering his morale.

'There might be other teams, right? They can help us,' Nobunaga thought, his pace quickening, overtaking Ishin. The little push he needed was given. Feeling he wasn't alone in the burden, he believed he could persevere. A small white dot appeared on the horizon as the sun dipped low, its rays filtering through the forest trees to their west.


As the last rays of the sun were about to disappeared, Rook screeched in delight. Finally, it could claim the intruders as its prey. The trio, though shaken by the screech, didn't look back. They ran, the white dot ahead expanding into a full view of a crater, marked by white granite and surrounded by detailed statues of samurai seekers, forming the arena.

But upon reaching this point, it became evident: the help they sought was absent. Their hopes were dashed, especially Nobunaga's, who seemed hollowed of any will to live. Ishin also came to a halt, gasping for air, their legs trembling from the sudden stop of adrenaline.

Reyoma scanned their surroundings desperately, searching for anyone, only to be met with disappointment. Compared to his companions, he fared slightly better due to his controlled breathing, but only just. They had run nearly ten to twelve kilometers, and this was their only refuge—a dead end.

Time had run out. The last rays vanished, and darkness enveloped the sky. Rook screeched with glee. Though it could stand on two feet, it ran on all fours, its small wings flapping furiously as it sped towards them.

As a last resort, Reyoma knew a fight was inevitable. If they had to engage, why do it on the beast's terms? Why not lure it out and take it down somewhere more advantageous? "I... I'll distract it. Run as fast as you can to the camp."

Surprisingly, Nobunaga was the first to react. His hollowed expression transformed in an instant as he ran, his legs quaking with exhaustion, yet he sprinted for his life. Ishin gave Reyoma a meaningful nod before joining Nobunaga.

"Come here if you have the guts, mindless beast!" Reyoma shouted, his voice echoing through the darkening woods. Rook, seeing two humans nearing the forest, initially wanted to chase them, but Reyoma's shouting and stone-throwing disrupted it.

Spotting an easy target that wasn't fleeing, Rook instantly sprinted toward Reyoma. Reyoma drew his rapier, his limbs trembling, his body screaming at him to flee, but his mind was alight with exhilaration. For the first time, he felt truly alive. Taking a stance, he muttered with a smile, "Come at me, you bastard."

Rook leaped at Reyoma...