
Oath Of Blood

Raining water is the source of life, isn't it? Every drop that pours on the ground from the sky revitalizes the planet, falling from above. Drip, drip, drip... Isn't this the cycle of life? Every drop that evaporates from the water source laid on the ground, the upper layer of the water in the form of tiny droplets of life, rises, evaporating into the clouds. There they squeeze and move, adjusting to their place inside one of the millions of clouds, until not too long after, the organization of droplets abandons some of the lower droplets, throwing them down. Is going through this relentless process, rising to heights, worth it? When the only thing that is supposed to happen is to fall, are these droplets at the top of the clouds being arrogant? Are they mocking the pouring droplets because they are falling while they are still up? Can't they see that the cloud will soon take in more droplets and if they become weaker and come down their position they will also be pushed down, abandoned, thrown, forgotten? Can't they see the only fate they have is to rise only to fall? But what happens to the droplets that are beneath the water source? Why not find out?

RI_Lore · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 3: Swords of Honor

In the sanctum of the Akatsuki dojo, where shadows danced in the flickering torchlight and the air was thick with the scent of sweat and steel, one rule reigned supreme: only true blades, forged from the hardest metals and honed to a deadly edge, were permitted. Here, the Akatsuki clan, revered for its dominance on the battlefield, spared no expense in cultivating warriors of unparalleled skill and ferocity.

In the unforgiving terrain of the Thalasor, where the very environment conspired against human survival, conflict was not a distant specter but an ever-present reality. Each clash of arms carried with it the weight of potential annihilation, and the weak were swiftly culled from the ranks, their bodies left to rot as a testament to the brutal nature of their world. In this crucible of bloodshed and strife, strength was not merely an asset but a necessity, and the path to greatness was paved with the broken bodies of those who had faltered in their pursuit.

Within the dojo's hallowed confines, competition thrived like a ravenous beast, driving seekers to push themselves beyond the limits of their endurance. Every clash of steel was a test of skill and resolve, a battle for supremacy in a world where only the strongest would survive. For the Akatsuki clan, there was no room for weakness or hesitation; only those who proved themselves worthy would be deemed fit to carry the mantle of their legacy.

Amidst the relentless training sessions within the Akatsuki dojo, Reyoma dedicated himself fervently to honing his skills, all while meticulously concealing the full extent of his abilities. Despite the stifling limitations placed upon him, he deliberately maintained a facade of mediocrity, shrouding his true potential from prying eyes.

Though his prowess far exceeded the guise he deliberately presented, Reyoma found himself shackled by the absence of willing sparring partners, thwarting any attempt to reveal his true capabilities. The whispers of his peers, tinged with fear and superstition, echoed through the dojo, casting him as a pariah, a bearer of ill omens feared by those who dared not court misfortune.

Nevertheless, amidst the elite of his physically adept peers, Reyoma silently deemed himself to hold a place among the top echelons, ranking no lower than fifth in proficiency. Behind the facade of indifference and restraint, he harbored a burning desire to transcend the limitations imposed upon him, to rise above his peers and become a warrior like his step mother Ayaka.

Foremost among his classmates stood Aimi, a formidable figure born from the crucible of battle, her origins known to none. Regarded as a prodigy without equal by Ayaka, Aimi's every strike executed with calculated precision. In the relentless pursuit of martial mastery, Aimi's presence loomed as a constant reminder of the vast chasm that separated Reyoma from the pinnacle of excellence.

Amidst the ranks of the Akatsuki dojo, Tamura stood as a publicly recognized paragon of power and skill among the trainee seekers. Blessed with genetic advantages that bordered on the miraculous, Tamura had seemingly hit the lottery of physical prowess. Despite his tender age, his towering stature, standing at an impressive 5 feet 10 inches, surpassed even Reyoma by two inches, bringing him nearly to the height of Renjiro himself, whose formidable presence loomed at 5 feet 12 inches.

Tamura's visage was marked by a square jaw, thick brows, and penetrating black eyes framed by locks of hair cascading down to his waist. His masculine build bespoke of strength and resilience, an embodiment of the ideal warrior. Currently engaged in a duel with Ishin, the third most skilled among his peers, Tamura's dominance on the training grounds was undisputed.

In contrast to Tamura's imposing figure, Ishin exuded an aura of quiet humility and detachment. Though slightly shorter than Reyoma, his unassuming angular features bore a perpetual polite smile, a reflection of his innate good nature. Ishin's demeanor earned him the respect of his peers, as he remained impartial in his interactions, engaging with Reyoma and others alike without prejudice or favoritism. Despite their lack of closeness, Reyoma found solace in Ishin's indifference, appreciating the simplicity and sincerity of their exchanges amidst the tumult of the dojo's social hierarchy.

The dojo's atmosphere crackled with anticipation as Tamura and Ishin squared off, their weapons poised and spirits alight with the promise of combat. Tamura's grip tightened around the shaft of his long spear, feeling its weight and balance with practiced precision. He had honed his skills for moments like these, eager to test his mettle against a worthy adversary. Across from him, Ishin stood with a serene smile, his tachi held lightly in his grasp. His stance was relaxed yet poised, a testament to years of disciplined training and unwavering resolve.

the two warriors sprang into action, their movements a blur of speed and agility. Tamura lunged forward with a powerful thrust of his spear, aiming to catch Ishin off guard with his formidable reach. Ishin, however, anticipated the attack with uncanny foresight, sidestepping gracefully to avoid the deadly point of Tamura's weapon. With a swift and fluid motion, he brought his tachi up to meet the spear, the blades meeting with a resounding clash.

Tamura gritted his teeth as he felt the force of Ishin's counterattack, his arms straining against the pressure. 'I need to maintain my composure and find an opening'. He knew he had to regain the upper hand quickly if he hoped to emerge victorious. With a grunt of effort, he twisted his body to the side, attempting to wrench his spear free from Ishin's grip. But Ishin held fast, his stance unwavering as he countered Tamura's every move with effortless grace.

As the duel raged on, each combatant pushed themselves to their limits, their movements a dance of death and determination. Tamura's spear danced through the air with lethal grace, its deadly arc a testament to his skill and strength. But Ishin was a master of evasion, his footwork fluid and precise as he deftly dodged Tamura's strikes with a dancer's grace.

As the intensity of their duel reached its peak, a brief lull in the action presented an opportunity for a moment of respite. Tamura and Ishin stood facing each other, their breaths coming in measured, controlled rhythms as they eyed each other warily. In that fleeting moment of calm, a subtle exchange of words passed between them, a delicate dance of distraction and determination.

"So, Tamura," Ishin began, his voice calm and measured. "You've certainly honed your skills since our last encounter."

Tamura's grip tightened around the shaft of his spear, his expression unreadable as he returned Ishin's gaze. "And you, Ishin, have as always remained a formidable opponent. Your mastery of the tachi is truly impressive."

A faint smile tugged at Ishin's lips as he nodded in acknowledgment. "Thank you, Tamura. But let us not dwell on past victories. The true test lies before us, here and now."

Tamura's eyes narrowed slightly, a spark of determination flickering within their depths. "Indeed. Let us see who emerges victorious in this duel, Ishin. May the best warrior prevail."

With that, the brief exchange came to an end, each combatant returning their focus to the task at hand. But beneath the surface, the words lingered, a subtle reminder of the mutual respect and rivalry that fueled their every move. As they prepared to resume their duel, their minds were clear and their spirits resolute.

In a moment of unexpected coincidence, Tamura overextended his spear, leaving himself momentarily vulnerable. Sensing an opening, Ishin launched a swift and decisive strike, his tachi slicing through the air with deadly accuracy. 'This is my chance!' But just as the blade neared its mark, Ishin's hand halted it at a hair's breadth, a silent testament to his control and precision.

Tamura staggered backward, stunned by the sudden turn of events. 'I need to stay focused and adapt'. His mind raced as he sought a way to turn the tide of battle in his favor. He knew he couldn't afford to let his guard down for even a moment, not against an opponent as skilled as Ishin. With a steely resolve, he refocused his energy, ready to press on with renewed determination.

Meanwhile, Ishin remained calm and composed, his thoughts clear and focused. 'Tamura is a formidable opponent, but I mustn't falter'. He knew that victory was within his grasp, but he refused to underestimate his adversary. Tamura's determination was evident in every strike, and Ishin respected his skill and resolve. 'I must stay one step ahead'. As they prepared to resume their duel, Ishin's mind was already racing ahead, strategizing his next move with the precision of a master tactician.

With a nod of silent understanding, Tamura and Ishin parted ways briefly to take a small break. They drank water to quench their thirst, their minds already turning to the battle that awaited them. And as they prepared to resume their duel, their blades poised and their spirits alight with determination, they knew that they were destined to clash once more in the crucible of combat.

Amidst the flurry of duels, Aimi found herself engaged in a bout with Shoco, a captivating presence among their peers. Shoco possessed an undeniable allure, her serene demeanor and angular features marking her as the undisputed beauty of their class. With a graceful stature that commanded attention, she moved with a fluidity that hinted at her prowess in combat. Her raven-black hair cascaded in a silky cascade down her back, framing her striking features with an air of elegance. But it was her eyes—large, dark pools of obsidian—that held a mesmerizing quality, drawing others into their depths with an irresistible pull. Yet, despite her captivating visage, Shoco remained an enigma, her lower half veiled in mystery, a symbol of virtue and modesty that only served to enhance her mystique.

Aimi found herself locked in combat with Shoco, their blades flashing in a mesmerizing dance of skill and determination. Shoco's form was poised and graceful, her movements fluid like water, as she effortlessly parried Aimi's strikes. Aimi, on the other hand, fought with a fierce determination, her muscles tense and coiled as she sought to break through Shoco's defenses.

With each exchange, Aimi's frustration grew, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she fought to hold her ground. 'I can't let her overpower me, Not yet. I need to find an opening'. Despite her best efforts, Shoco's defense remained unyielding, her movements calculated and precise. Aimi struggled to anticipate her opponent's next move, her mind racing as she sought to outmaneuver Shoco's relentless assault.

Sensing Aimi's struggle, Shoco's expression softened, a hint of friendliness flickering in her dark eyes. "You're doing well, Aimi," she said, her voice gentle yet resolute. "But you must remember to anticipate your opponent's moves. Predictability is your greatest weakness."

Not knowing that Predictability is her greatest of strength.

Aimi gritted her teeth, her determination flaring as she redoubled her efforts. "I know," she replied, her voice strained with effort. "But it's easier said than done." She adjusted her stance, her grip tightening on her sword as she prepared to strike.

Shoco nodded in understanding, her movements fluid and controlled as she deftly parried Aimi's attacks. "True," she conceded. "But with practice, you'll learn to read your opponent's intentions before they even make a move."

As their duel continued, Aimi fought with renewed resolve, her focus sharpening as she sought to apply Shoco's advice. Yet despite her efforts, Aimi was intentionally holding back, concealing her true power and skill. She danced on the edge of revealing her full potential, keeping her abilities veiled beneath a facade of effort and struggle.

With a sudden burst of speed, Aimi launched a flurry of attacks, her movements fluid and precise as she sought to catch Shoco off guard. But Shoco was ready, her defenses unyielding as she countered each blow with calculated precision.

In the end, it was Shoco who emerged victorious, her blade poised at Aimi's throat in a gesture of triumph. With a weary sigh, Aimi lowered her sword, her shoulders slumping in defeat. 'My acting skills are not that great', she admitted inwardly. 'I have to improve them or I'll be exposed too easily'.

"Well fought, Shoco," she said, her voice tinged with admiration. "You truly are a formidable opponent."

Shoco offered Aimi a warm smile hidden behind a veil, her eyes alight with respect. "And you, Aimi, are no less skilled," she replied, extending a hand to help her fellow trainee seeker to her feet. "Perhaps next time, the outcome will be different."

As they exchanged a brief nod of understanding, Aimi couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. Her secret remained safe for now, her true power hidden beneath a carefully crafted facade. Yet amidst the camaraderie of their shared bond, she knew that her strength would eventually be revealed, a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield of the Akatsuki dojo.