

-Don't Read This Story! You will likely regret it. -Don't read this if you're looking for something good, this is a below-average story, written by a below-average writer that many find hard to understand from lack of clarity. -The Mc is terrible, the characters are terrible, the ideas are terrible, the pacing is terrible This is my first story so it starts off a bit poor before developing later into my really bad writing style. A novel inspired by the shows. (Teen Wolf/The Originals) Will not follow the shows exactly. - No Harem - Updates will be slow - Age does not equal strength as some would believe, even in the show this didn't hold true despite them mentioning it. This is about an Original wolf who doesn't care about most things, trying to enjoy what he can while traveling the world as one of the strongest, if not the strongest magical creature ever born. If you're looking for a violent, evil mc that kills and eats people this isn't the story for you. Story will start with The Originals show in focus. ________________________________________________ This is my story that I also have on Royal Road.

Somenonebody · TV
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109 Chs


Rebekah takes Lydia and then Allison home, adding to Lydia's growing resentment as she watches them drive off together. Which went completely unnoticed by Allison, who happily accepted the invitation for a night out with the girls, wanting to have one normal day and enjoy herself before the inevitable doom and gloom in the future lands.

When they arrived, Allison invited Rebekah inside to show her stuff and hang out for a bit longer.

Her father, Chris Argent, greeted them by the door,- "How was your... day?" he trailed off as his eyes went wide when he saw who was accompanying his daughter. A face he knew very well as all good hunters should, one of many faces that were drilled into them during training. Warned to never under any circumstances to attack or draw any attention from. Told to avoid at all costs.

Rebekah Mikaelson, an Original Vampire, extremely dangerous, nigh-unstoppable without careful planning or a very competent witch's help. The most dangerous thing about her however was that she wasn't alone but was part of a family of Originals, each more dangerous than the last. Known to be always in the company of her brother Niklaus, the strongest and most ruthless of them all.

He did receive recent information that one or more of the Originals actually died somehow, taking out entire bloodlines of vampires along with them, but he didn't know which ones, and now there was a chance Niklaus was nearby.

Alarm bells went off in his head thinking of what to do, thoughts of picking up and moving again. He wouldn't hesitate for a single moment to pack his things and leave in order to keep his daughter safe. Her safety is his first priority, one that many would question since he stuck around despite the many dangers, dangers he would argue were manageable. An Original was not. This was a danger he could not contend with.

Quickly pulling Allison the rest of the way inside, which was only a couple more steps at that point. Knowing that their kind was unable to enter a place of residence without first being invited by the owner.

"Dad!?" Allison exclaimed in confusion.

Unresponsive and overwhelmed by what was before him, he simply stared at Rebekah wondering what she was doing here, in a stunned state.

Weirded out by her dad, she called out once more,- "Dad, is something wrong? Do you know Rebekah?"

Hearing the name made his hand twitch towards his hidden gun. A weapon that would usually give him a sense of safety if it wasn't for what he knew to be before him.

Realizing his mistake, he slowly peeled his eyes away as Allison called out to him again,- "Sorry about that, I thought I saw something behind you, didn't mean to frighten you, Rebekah is it?" He said trying to play it off casually like he should have done before, hoping she would just go away.

Rebekah played the part of a bewildered young high schooler, nervously glancing behind herself,- "Um, oh, yes that's my name," she said knowing full well her secret was exposed. She knew he was a hunter of some sort based on all the little secretive conversations she overheard Allison and her other friends have whenever they thought they were alone.

Allison's eyes darted right past Rebekah when she heard this guessing one of the Alpha's might have shown up and that's what her dad was staring at.

Worrying for her new friend leaving alone if something was out there, Allison hurriedly waved her in,- "Don't worry about him, he can just be a little overprotective, let's head to my room."

He looked at Rebekah expecting her to make some excuse and leave but was completely shocked when she strolled in right past him without his invitation.

Baffled at this turn of events, the wheels in his head started to go haywire, positive that he wasn't wrong, but no longer absolutely certain. He could only watch as she headed up the stairs with his daughter, utterly perturbed.

He quickly got on the phone with his contacts trying to find any and all information pertaining to the Originals in the past few months.

"Chris is that you?"

Chris.- "Yes, do you have the information I requested?"

"There isn't much, we lost eyes when they entered New Orleans, and since then we haven't been able to locate them, whatever happened there, it was big and we haven't got a clue, even our few witch contacts are tight-lipped about the whole thing saying they know nothing."

"You still there?"

"I am," said Chris, helplessly looking up the stairs with a clenched fist. Aware that she could likely hear everything if she so wished.

"What we do know is that packs of werewolves did escape the disaster and their alphas are something else, something more. They can turn into real monsters, not just the small changes we're used to. We're talking full-on monster werewolf forms, the stuff of nightmares. They are stronger and faster than any other werewolf we've come across before."

"Could it be those hybrids I've been hearing about?" Asked Chris. Though later he did end up recalling Peter having a similar form. A form, he thought was most likely contributed to by Talia who was said to be able to go full wolf whenever she so wished, often preferring that form over her humanoid one.

"We can't be sure yet, but if it is then that means Niklaus has started building his army," said the man over the line, believing Niklaus the least likely to have died.

A brief silence hangs in the air as Chris nervously paces.


"I'm here."

"Look with your dad out, we've been short on leaders who know their stuff, we could really use your help, especially with this government stuff we got going on. Since the vampires took a hit, we now have high-ranking officials making big moves in the hunting space, and they've been reaching out to us. We're talking Senators and Congressmen on both sides of the aisle. This is Big Chris, like we can finally start winning big."

"I hear you..." He pauses hearing movement upstairs,- "...I'll keep in touch." he said hanging up.

Rebekah walks down the stairs followed by a worried Allison who still thought her father may have spotted something.

"Thanks for having Mr. Argent," said Rebekah, holding back her smirk.

"You don't have to go, you could sleep over, dad would mind, right dad," said Allison.

Unable to hold her smirk any longer, Rebekah let out a soft giggle at his peculiar face from being asked such a thing when he was probably praying for her to leave.

"I think it's best if I go, it's still a school night, and I doubt my folks would agree. It's been fun, I'll see you at school tomorrow," she said heading out.

After she drove away, Allison glared at her dad,- "What's going on, why were you being so weird? If you saw something, it would have been safer to keep her here for the night."

Chris awkwardly answered,- "It's nothing, besides I said I thought I saw something, I was mistaken, she'll be fine, the Alphas wouldn't have any interest in a regular human," he said deciding to keep it to himself, not wanting to unnecessarily worry anyone until he can be absolutely certain. Reminding himself there are still many other things happening that he has to deal with first. Even though he was sure he couldn't be wrong, and that it was definitely her. There really wasn't anything they can do about it in the short term anyways with everything else going on. As for how she was able to enter he didn't know but he couldn't be mistaken. He begrudgingly let it go, deciding he would deal with easier things first and just keep an eye on her for now.