
O Saga: Part Two: Book of Death

Oren is a child of destiny. Dark forces search for his location, while forces of light protect him. Rovan is a warrior who helped defeat an ambitious leader; now, he must rush home to save his family. Kittisek Khan and Sultan Graeo'gi look to suppress revolution as they prepare for war. Thea and Flaero will bid for influence over Malum.

rsLuebben · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter Twenty: Reunion

Malum arrived at Ikai Nor, the capital of Hanwi, under dire circumstances. Kittisek Khan's forces forced a hasty retreat, and the city of Mazatl was lost. The most devastating, especially for Princess Ichante, was that her mother, Queen Waconi, was dead.

Until King Ohdakota came back with the Navy, Prince Hotah, Ichante's brother, ruled Hanwi. It seemed that Hotah neither wanted nor was ready to assume the position of power given to him.

Almost as soon as they entered the city, they were approached by an official entourage. Malum didn't know who they were, but they looked official enough. They certainly had the stuffy, uptight look down.

"Prince Hotah, where is the Queen? We have terrible news." One of them greeted.

"I have some bad news myself. Queen Waconi is dead." Hotah informed them.

The stuffy group of officials gave each other looks of surprise and horror.

"What is it that you were going to tell me?" Hotah inquired.

"Your Father, King Ohdakota, has also fallen. A ship arrived from Anahiti not two days ago with this message. The war against the Sultan is not going as planned." They informed Hotah.

Prince Hotah tried to keep his composure and mask his sadness at this revelation.

"Where is the messenger who brought this information? I wish to find out every detail." Hotah insisted.

"But that makes you the King, Your Highness. We must make plans to swear you in as soon as possible."

"We have more important matters to attend to. If we don't, there might not be a Kingdom to swear me into." Hotah rebuked. "I must find out what is happening in Anahiti and make plans to defend our capital. Kittisek Khan will arrive at our doorstep soon and will not be here for ceremonial reasons. Ichante, if you'll come with me."

Hotah and Ichante left Malum to head for the palace. Malaika and Chaska didn't want to hang around Atoc Baal, and so they left to train. Elisapie and Gaia went to find the nearest place with alcohol. All the soldiers were given time to rest and disperse. That left Malum alone with Atoc Baal.

"I'd like to speak with you about something," Baal said.

"Go ahead, speak freely."

"With the King and Queen dead, my loyalty and oaths may be changing. I might be free now to choose my allegiance." Baal said.

"I see," Malum said, not actually knowing where Baal was going with this.

"I like working with you. What is required to join this Ningal of yours?" Baal said, getting to the point.

"It's not really mine. Chancellor Flaero is who you should ask. I can mention that you wish to join the next time I see him. You're a better soldier than I am. You'd be a great addition. I'll put in a good word for you." Malum said honestly.

"Aren't you the leader?" Baal asked, confused.

"I'm still trying to figure that out myself," Malum admitted.

Baal shook his head in understanding and departed to visit his family in town. Malum didn't ask him for further details, so he didn't know if that meant a wife and kids or just relatives of some kind.

Malum went to check on his prisoner, who was still with the medic. Lady Veneno hadn't woken since she sacrificed herself for Malum. Malum was still shocked that she had done that for him; after all, he was her capture.

He had healed her twice and also saved her life both times, but he hadn't risked his own to do so. The first time he healed her, it was in hopes that he might still get information from her. The second time was only because she had just saved him, and it would be manners not to try and heal her.

Lady Veneno had been taken to the local hospital by their medic. Malum eventually located her, and she was conscious but very groggy. Malum wasn't sure she knew who he was.

Veneno looked at him like she was in a fog, constantly squinting her eyes. Malum knew what it was like to have a massive gash in your abdomen and then have someone heal it shut.

Thea had healed him when he was stabbed in the stomach by Soror Dominus. He still felt pain there most days. Malum imagined Lady Veneno would similarly feel the effects of both her wounds he had healed.

"Where am I?" Veneno managed to speak.

"You're in a hospital in Ikai Nor," Malum told her.

"In Hanwi? What happened to the battle? Was Kittisek Khan defeated? What did I miss?" She rattled off.

"One question at a time. First, you saved me, and I just wanted to thank you for it," Malum said reluctantly.

"Yeah, and I already regret it."

"If you regret it, then what made you do it?" Malum asked, really curious to know.

Lady Veneno looked away, not wanting to answer.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm very grateful that you did. I guess it doesn't really matter why."

"What happens to me now?" Veneno asked.

"I really don't know. I am not in charge here. I imagine they might put you in one of their jails," Malum said, feeling kind of guilty about her situation.

Veneno looked to be lucid enough to be contemplating her future.

"You and I have had a weird journey. I'm not going to lie; I didn't think I'd say this, but I'm glad you're recovering." Malum comforted her.

"Are you saying you care for me?" Veneno teased.

"I wouldn't go that far, but I tend to appreciate people who lay their lives on the line for me. I can't make promises as I don't even know what I can do, but I'll try to help you. Don't expect much." Malum told her. "Maybe someday you'll tell me why you did it."

Lady Veneno averted her eyes from him as if she was about to be embarrassed.

"Seeing as you were witnessed saving my life, you might be considered a traitor back in Nanook."

"What's your point?" She said, agitated at the suggestion.

"You may consider joining the Ningal. You have the power to connect. I might know someone who will be appreciative of your services." Malum said.

"Who would that be?" Veneno asked, genuinely not knowing.

"Me," Malum said, disappointed.

"Well, sorry if I'm not leaping for joy. You've told me my options are going to prison, going back home a traitor, or joining your sing-lal"

"Ningal, but whatever. Look, I'm only trying to help me because you saved me. Perhaps I'm being naive to think that I can trust you."

Veneno didn't respond to his subtle accusation.

Malum was about to continue when a familiar voice called his name.

"Malum? Is that really you?" Continued a voice from behind him.

Malum turned to look and was taken aback to see Thea walking towards him.

"Thea? What are you doing here? I thought you were in Eladoer." Malum said.

"I'm with the Order of the Medicine Wheel," Thea said.

"I thought they were in Eladoer?" Malum questioned.

"No, we go where we are needed. There's a war in Hanwi if you haven't heard." Thea added rather sarcastically.

"And that's why you're at a hospital," Malum said to himself.

For reasons Malum will never understand, Lady Veneno sat up in bed and kissed Malum in front of Thea. Malum was so caught off guard that he didn't react or say anything.

"Who's your friend?" Veneno asked in a jealous tone.

"I could ask the same," Thea said with blood boiling.

Malum finally got his wits about him. "She was just thanking me for healing her. Isn't that so?" he said, encouraging Veneno to go along.

"That's so," Veneno said reluctantly.

"Looked more than just thanks to me," Thea said and turned to walk away.

Malum ran to catch up with Thea and stopped her.

"There's nothing going on between us." Malum pleaded.

"Do you visit all the wounded females?" Thea accused.

"She is my prisoner."

"Worse. Do you kiss all your prisoners? You must be very popular with them, or is this a new kind of torture?"

"Thea, you're twisting the situation."

"Am I?"

"Yes. I captured her when we were patrolling near Rebaz. On the way to Hanwi, she tried to escape and was injured in the mountains. I used what you had briefly taught me to heal her."

"And for that she fell madly in love with you, and now you're friends?" Thea mocked.

"No, there's more to it. She returned the favor and saved my life in Mazatl. She threw herself in front of an energy blast meant for me. Grateful, I healed her a second time. That's everything." Malum said, throwing his hands up innocently.

"So why did she kiss you if there's nothing?"

"If you didn't happen to notice, I wasn't kissing her back." Malum tried to explain.

"You weren't doing much resisting."

"This is a completely innocent situation. Like yours?" Malum hinted.

"Like mine? What are you talking about?" Thea asked, increasingly agitated.

"People have been telling me things. Things about you and your time with the Shadow Coven."

"What people? Nothing happened when I was there except a lot of manipulation."

"So no Black Legion soldier, and you, doing your own kissing?" Malum finally accused.

"There was a Black Legion soldier who was obsessed with me, but nothing happened between us."

"That's not what I heard. Heard he left the Isle of Wicca to go to Eladoer of all places."

"Who told you this? Flaero? If you're accusing me of running off with him to Eladoer, you're wrong. I don't know what he did after you rescued me. But I certainly didn't run off with him, nor did he arrive to join the Order of the Medicine Wheel. Someone gave you bad information. You should trust me more than that."

"As you trust me now?" Malum said, unbelieving of her double standard.

"You didn't find me kissing anyone."

"And I wasn't kissing her. She kissed me." Malum said.

"I've got to get back to my duties. I can't talk about this more."

Malum could see she had tears in her eyes as she walked away.

"Why did you do that? Why'd you kiss me?" Malum asked, upset.

"Like you said, I was thanking you for healing me," Veneno replied.

"Well, you might have just cost me the only person I've ever loved."

"No, she's upset, but she still cares."

"Well, just don't do it again."

"I'll try; you're just so irritable," Veneno mocked. Malum didn't seem to know if she was serious or not. "It's a joke."

"Oh," Malum said, feeling awkward. "I do hope you feel better, and I will see what I can do so you're no longer a prisoner."

Malum left to fulfill his own duties. He needs to find out what Prince Hotah is planning next.


"Malum, there you are. I've been wondering where you ran off to." Chancellor Flaero greeted him.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be defending Dhara?" Malum asked, annoyed at his friend.

"I came immediately after I found out that King Ohdakota and Queen Waconi were dead. Hanwi needs all the help it can get." Flaero explained his arrival in Ikai Nor. "I also heard from Olafur's Uncle, Lord Loean. The Hanwi fleet isn't coming back. Rovan is leading it now, and he is attacking the Sultan."

"So, like Mazatl, Kittisek Khan will have free reign to bombard the city with stones." Prince Hotah joined their conversation.

"No, the Ishvaran fleet is waiting to be signaled. I want Khan to arrive thinking he will have free reign, which may cause him to error," Flaero explained.

"Then there is a chance for us," Hotah said rhetorically.

"Prince Hotah, I will be back to discuss my plans further, but if you'll allow me a moment to consult with Malum," Flaero said but didn't wait for the answer.

They left the palace to find some privacy.

"I sense you wish to speak with me?" Flaero said.

"Yes, it's not about military matters, but personal things," Malum said.

"Of course, I am always here for you. What's bothering you?"

"It's about Thea. She's here, and we spoke."

"That's great. How is she?" Flaero smiled with joy.

"She says that she never ran off with a Black Legion soldier. What you told me was false," Malum hinted at an accusation.

"Yes, isn't that good news? I did tell you that it was just a rumor and that I didn't believe it. I said it was probably bad intel." Flaero defended.

Malum thought back to their earlier conversation, and he remembered Flaero saying something like that. Malum felt guilty for all his negative thoughts about his friend. He now thought his criticism was a bit harsh.

"She saw me kiss someone else. I mean, someone kissing me." Malum corrected.

"So the two of you are quarreling?"


"Who is this other person?" Flaero inquired.

"Lady Veneno. She's my prisoner."

"Prisoner? You have strange taste." Flaero joked.

"I'm not interested in Veneno. She kissed me for saving her life. Thea just got the wrong idea."

"And now you're worried? Ease your mind; the truth will set you free. Thea will see it eventually. Next time you see her, tell her exactly what you're feeling, and I'm sure it will be fine."

As annoyed with Flaero Malum can get, he does seem a genuine friend to him. Malum felt it needed to reciprocate.

"I have two recruits for the Ningal," Malum informed him.


"Atoc Baal of Hanwi, and Lady Veneno of Nanook."

"The one you were just speaking of? Your prisoner?"

"Yes. She has the power to connect, and now that she's saved me, she can't go back."

"I do have the power to free her from her prisoner status. Is she worth it?"

"I don't know if I can trust her, but I am indebted to her."

"Well, that's not a glowing recommendation, but I'll consider it," Flaero said frankly.

"As far as Atoc, he is a great soldier. Better than me."

"I doubt that. From what I hear, you were the only one who had success against Kittisek Khan's forces. I heard you took the hand of an Ijani Knight and forced them into retreat," Flaero said proudly.

"I guess. I wouldn't have been able to do that if Lady Veneno hadn't sacrificed herself for me, though," Malum admitted.

"Well, then, I'll gladly do her a favor," Flaero assured.


Flaero had gone back to plan with Prince Hotah while Malum looked for Thea. He found Thea at the hospital again, but Malum hadn't visited Veneno this time.

"Malum, go away; I don't want to talk," Thea said, distraught.

"I know, and I'm sorry. It's just that Kittisek Khan's forces are heading this way, and things are going to get rough. I might not get a chance to speak with you again." Malum pleaded.

"You'll be fine. You're a great soldier." Thea conceded.

"That doesn't make a difference. Anyone can die in a battle; I'm no exception. I can't face it, leaving things the way they are between us. I want you to know that there has never been anyone else but you. No matter what you thought you saw. I have loved you with all my heart since the moment I met you. That hasn't changed and never will as long as I draw breath. I would have stayed on the farm forever with you and been happy. You wanted to leave to seek a better life, and I'm hoping that you are happy. I love you, always." Malum said his peace and turned to walk away.

"I wasn't completely honest," Thea said, grabbing Malum's attention. When I told you that I wanted to train to be a healer, that was partly true. I, too, wanted to stay on the farm for the rest of my life with you. But when Flaero came to visit, I knew you couldn't say no to him. I hate his influence on you. I told you that I wanted to leave because it was easier than watching you follow him. I knew I couldn't watch him destroy you. So I made it easy for you." Thea finally admitted.

"Why didn't you tell me then?" Malum said with tears in his eyes. "Things would be different."

"You would run to help Flaero then and rush off to fight his war for him now. I love you, and like you, I always will." Thea could no longer contain her emotions and ran away crying.

Malum was left with a sadness in his heart and despair that things would never be right between him and Thea again. He felt a crushing emotional weight sitting on top of him. As Thea predicted, a soldier was coming to summon him. Malum would have to run off and fight.

"Sir, Kittisek Khan and his forces have arrived. You are wanted in the palace." The soldier informed him.

"Thank you. I'm on my way," Malum said softly. He looked back at where Thea had just been standing, lowered his head, and collected himself.


"Kittiske Khan's fleet came around the Pakal Peninsula to get into the Bay of Altifir. This allowed my fleet from Ishvara to move in behind them. If my fleet can hold the line, they will be cut off from retreat." Chancellor Flaero was showing on a map.

The Bay of Altifir was shaped like a horseshoe with two peninsulas. Pakal in the West, which belonged to Hanwi. And in the East by Ishvara. It was the only way to get a fleet to Ikai Nor. Kittisek would have known the strategic disadvantage of the Bay but must have been relying on the strength of his warships.

The terrain in the Hanwi State of Nakota, where Ikai Nor was located, is very dry and hot. Transporting soldiers and siege engines would have been difficult.

"Scouts have spotted heavy infantry, archers, and cavalry approaching from the West. Due to their superior numbers, engaging in a battle outside of the city would be to their advantage. The calvary won't be a factor if we stay inside the walls. It is likely they will send their Ijani Knights to try and breach our defenses. Noyon Altar Gatmaa is leading the ground assault, and Kittisek Khan will lead the navy." Flaero continued his briefing.

Malum was listening, but his mind was still distracted by his meeting with Thea. He didn't know if he would see her again, but if Ikai Nor faced the same fate as Mazatl, Malum wouldn't hesitate to find Thea. She was all that mattered.