
O Saga: Part Two: Book of Death

Oren is a child of destiny. Dark forces search for his location, while forces of light protect him. Rovan is a warrior who helped defeat an ambitious leader; now, he must rush home to save his family. Kittisek Khan and Sultan Graeo'gi look to suppress revolution as they prepare for war. Thea and Flaero will bid for influence over Malum.

rsLuebben · Fantasy
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Chapter Twenty-One: Seduction

Oren and the soldiers had to ride horseback through passes around Mount Roses, the highest peak on the continent. They were coming from the eastern coast by Tiare to the mountain fortress that was the Imperial city of Pule.

They passed over the Wikiwiki River, deep brown from all the mountain runoff heading for the Bay of I'a, which is far to the western coast.

They had passed a family of Mountain Gorillas along the way, who passively stared at them. Oren wondered if they were as power-hungry as the humans they watched.

The Green mountain peeks led to the lush, thick rainforest. The air felt damp and hot all the time. Mount Roses was always in view as the wound around it, heading for Pule.

The first signs that they were nearing civilization again were the numerous farms that utilized the steppes for planting. The workers in the field only give the soldiers a slight glance.

Farming and agriculture turned into homes and markets. The soldiers and Oren spoke only when necessary during the trek but were civil enough to share food and drink.

Then Oren caught his first glimpse of the majesty of the Imperial city of Pule. He had never seen such extravagance. At the center of the activity was a large stepped pyramid, and the sides of the buildings gleamed with golden light. Gold and Diamonds were a critical export that funded this city.

Giant stone causeways led into the city from three directions, as the Eastern side was surrendered to the mountain that loomed large over it. Floating gardens lined the causeways that adorned that visitor with sweet perfumes and smells of fresh fruit growing.

Mount Roses was really a sleeping volcano. It had yet to erupt in thousands of years, but it still made it precarious to put your most important city next to a capable destructive force.

The Hihui River came down the mountain and widened in the city so ships could run commodities back and forth from the sea. Over the years, the river had unnaturally widened and deepened to accommodate bigger and bigger vessels.

As the soldiers and Oren came down the promenade leading to the main pyramid, they passed many outdoor markets that sold things Oren had never seen. His nostrils flared with curiosity.

Oren passed Amphitheaters, sporting arenas, temples, Senate buildings, Court houses, baths, and museums, all of massive size. Three-stepped pyramids ruled the skyline of the city, though.

The Pyramids all had giant staircases leading up the front side. Each pyramid was a mausoleum for the three great Imperatas of the past. It made little sense to Oren to waste such a big building for one person, but that wasn't his concern.

Oren was taken to the Imperial Palace, where he was told Imperat Lakoma lived. A giant red wall surrounded the entire complex, cutting off access to the uninvited.

A gatehouse complete with soldiers lifted the portcullis and let Oren and a few soldiers inside. An artificial stream had been dug out and wound like a snake around the property. Many wood bridges crossed over it, allowing you to stand and watch the fish swim in shallow water.

Trees, shrubs, and flowers were well-manicured, as was the lawn. There were servant quarters, private temples, libraries, and bathhouses. Statues, fountains, and meticulous artwork covered the buildings and gardens. It was a place of high culture.

Oren was brought to the main hall, filled with people in strange dresses. They all stood as Oren entered. A tall, lanky older man came walking towards Oren. His face was handsome, and he was flashing his best smile. Like almost everyone in Viracocha, he had an Epicanthic Fold eyelid, brown eyes, and dark, straight hair.

"At last, I am finally able to meet you." The man said. "Do you know who I am?"

Oren shook his head no.

"I thought not. It's a blow to my ego, I suppose. Let's not let that get in the way of our warm greeting," the man said, but Oren said nothing.

The man brought Oren to a group lined up in a row. He introduced them one by one to Oren.

"Oren this is Senator Saginaw." The man bowed his head, and they moved to the next person.

"Consul Winona." She repeated the same pattern. The man kept saying names, but Oren wasn't listening. He was trying not to show fear as all these people leered at him.

"And I am Imperata Lakoma." He finally stated, turning to Oren as they reached a giant golden chair. "And everyone, this is Oren. I want everyone to treat him as you would me. Do you have anything to say?"

Oren was overwhelmed and said, "Not at this time."

"Then let's eat. It's been a long journey here, and I want you to enjoy our hospitality." Lakoma said.

Oren was hungry, so he didn't say no. He was brought all manner of food, some he recognized and others he didn't. When he was brought meat, he politely said, "I'm a vegetarian."

"Right, of course you are," Lakoma said.

Oren was seated right next to the Imperata in a large dining hall. It was similar to the dining hall in the monastery, but it was far more extravagant and filled with far more intolerable people.

Oren knew they were patronizing him because he was a kid, and they thought they could manipulate him by playing good uncle. Oren had no plan other than to find out what they wanted from him. He would convince them to leave him alone one way or another.

"I am sorry about Master Anoka," Lakoma said casually.

"How do you know his name?" Oren said as his temper was rising.

"Oh, there's lots that I know."

"How do you know so much about me? Why are you so interested?"

"Anyone who knows me knows that you're my obsession. Ever since I learned of a small boy whom the Masters of the Oracle rescued from the clutches of the Witch of Hagar, I have wanted to meet you."

"Why?" Oren asked flatly. "I am just a boy."

"Oh, you are not just a boy; we both know it. But this is something we can speak of later. For now, I want you to enjoy yourself. You are in danger here. Quite the opposite. I would do anything to protect you and keep you happy."

"Then let me leave and never seek me. Ever."

"I'm afraid that is the one thing I cannot do."

Oren anticipated that he would say that, so he reserved his arguments and further things to say later. He would put up with this charade for the evening and get a good night's rest. Oren needed time to come up with a plan. If he used his powers and escaped, the Imperata would look for him again. Oren had to find a permanent solution.

"Oren, after I show you what life could be like for you here. You'll never want to leave."


Imperata Lakoma took Oren to the top of the tallest pyramid the following day. It was just the two of them while hangers-on and soldiers waited at the bottom of the long stair.

"You see, Oren, this could all be yours. My power is your power." Lakoma sweetened.

"I was raised to believe that the greatest power you can have is to give it away," Oren replied. "I see you with all this wealth, and you have kept it for yourself."

"I don't really own anything. I'm just an Imperata. The Senate and the people give me my power. It can be taken away from me as I am not a King."

"Then how can you offer me power?" Oren questioned.

"You have a power no one can take away. If you wanted to rule the world, you could. I offer myself as your most loyal servant, but all servants are rewarded."

"If you wanted my help and cooperation, you shouldn't have killed Master Anoka."

"I had nothing to do with that. If I was there, I would have let your Master live."

"Sure," Oren said mockingly.

"It is the truth. You are too important to me; I wouldn't have killed your friend for no reason. I, too, seek your friendship." Lakoma assured.

"Is that why you have sought me out all these years? You want me to rule the world with you? How do you see that benefit you?"

"As I said, my power is yours, and your power can be ours. Together, we can help make sure your powers do the greatest good. Hiding away from the world like The Masters of the Oracle had you do, who has that benefited? Surely not the world." Lakoma reasoned.

"Yes, I have made that argument to them as well. I still need to see why I should help you. As You pointed out, I have the power. If I choose to rule without you and conquer lands in my name, what could you do to change this?"

"Nothing much. Although you do have a weakness. I may not be able to challenge you, but I can control you."

"How?" Oren protested.

"Through those you care for, obviously. But I don't want to do that. I don't want to be the monster."

"Then don't; you are not forced to be."

"Oh, but I am. I serve the world around me. Ishavara had a Tsar try to expand and was deposed. A Sultan and Khan have retaliated in fear. The Shadow Coven of Witches plots in the shadows. Viracocha is at risk. Sometimes, you need to make war to find peace. You are the weapon that could swiftly make peace in all the lands."

"What makes you think that? Why do you think me so powerful?"

"I heard of the prophecies. They said I knew of the race to find a superweapon created by the Gods. I learned it was you they had found. More importantly, I have heard the whispers in the air in recent months. Travelers have been spreading rumors of a boy who heals the sick. He can save those who have succumbed to death and bring them back to life, like a little girl in a faraway Island village."

The Masters had warned him that performing miracles would expose him, and now he has evidence that they were right. In trying to help others, Oren realized he had set the chain of events off.

"I also heard of a boy who could kill five soldiers by twitching his fingers. A boy who seemed able to control the weather. Does any of this sound familiar? A boy you may know?" Lakoma said sarcastically, as they both knew he was talking about Oren.

"What would convince you to leave me alone and let me live peacefully? I don't want to rule the world." Oren begged

"You weren't given these powers to sit in a cave and let the world go to ruin. You are here for a purpose."

"And you think it's to rule?"

"As ruler, would you not bring peace to the world? Wouldn't you make sure everyone was treated fairly? Would everyone have food and equality? Is it so evil if this happened?" Lakoma said, making a point Oren couldn't really argue.

"I suppose not."

"Then what is there to argue? We want the same thing."

"I somehow doubt that. What's to stop someone like you from killing me once I've eliminated all your enemies and take ultimate power for yourself?"

"But I have no desire to do so. I promise you that I will never let anyone come to harm you. You have complete freedom here."

Oren doubted that very much but said nothing.

"And after I die, that would leave the world in the hands of one person. Isn't it better to leave the world as I found it, as it is only a matter of time before people seek power and break up whatever I put together? It seems a waste of time and effort."

"Those who will have years of a full belly will not complain. Mothers who won't have to lose sons to war in that time won't regret it. Isn't the time you can offer the world a better life worth it? Many would not say it would be wasted.

"And if I want to help the world differently? What if I want to serve others and not be served? What if I want to recruit Monks instead of soldiers? What if I find a way to peace that doesn't give you power?"

"I'm afraid you don't have much choice. I can be at your side as a servant or at the graves of those you love." Lakoma threatened. The predator that was trying to hide itself was coming to the surface.

"What if I used my powers to throw you off this pyramid right now? You couldn't stop me, could you?" Oren made a threat of his own.

"Oh, did I forget to mention? Some of your friends have been staying with us as my—let's call them guests. Lotsee, I believe, is one of the names. Na'ura is another. It's hard to outrun a cavalry when you're driving wagons. Do I need to spell out what would happen if you tried to kill me now or ever?"

"No, I think we understand each other perfectly." Oren lamented.


Imperata Lakoma summoned the leaders of Viracocha from all corners. They came to test Oren and make plans for the future. An electric excitement has been spreading through the continent as rumors about Oren spread.

People have been flocking to the capital, hoping to glimpse the miracle child. Some have been bringing their sick and ailing, hoping that Oren will heal them.

Oren has been kept in the private grounds of Imperata Lakoma and hasn't been allowed to view the general public yet. The authority figures gather in the Senate to question Oren.

"I demand a test to prove that this boy is genuine and not some imposter being used by Lakoma to gain more power." Consul Sikakway of Anaru demanded. There are five states in Viracocha; a Consul governs each. They command their own military regiments and have nearly unlimited power; only the Imperata commands more.

"I second that." Senator Saginaw forwarded.

There were thirty-three Senators, and they all resided in the capital. They were the lawmakers in Viracocha. They held little military power, but the Senate helped keep the power of the Imperata and Consuls in check.

"What sort of test would you have him do?" Imperata Lakoma challenged.

"I want to see him perform a miracle," Sikakway said.

"A miracle? Let's not turn these proceedings into theatre." Lakoma argued.

"May I remind the good Imperata that he suggested this boy had such theatrics?"

"Would you be willing to perform such a test, Oren? And I want to remind you of the people I have in my custody to keep you charitable." Lakoma said.

"I am." Oren reluctantly agreed.

A blind man was brought in from the thousands outside the chambers to be healed.

"This is Deyani, a man long known to be blind. Should he be cured, does anyone here wish to challenge his handicap?" Tribune Lutiant asked.

Tribunes were the highest-ranking military officers who operated under the Consuls and the Imperata. They were the most skilled warriors on the continent, and most had the power to connect with the O element.

No one challenged the man's handicap. Oren was brought to the man. Oren put his hand on the man's face. Deyani screamed in pain.

"What has he done to the man?" Someone shouted, and there was much rumbling amongst the powers that be.

"I…I, I can see!" Deyani proclaimed. "I don't believe it. I can see everyone here."

A hush fell over the crowd, and then loud chatter broke out as people marveled at what they had just witnessed.

"Are you satisfied, Consul Sikakway?" Lakota asked.

"I am mostly satisfied. How do I know this wasn't a trick you played?" Sikakway probed.

"If you don't wish to trust a blind man being healed in front of you, you are welcome to visit the people throughout the Republic who can attest to the many miracles Oren has performed. Otherwise, I shall proclaim that Oren's powers have been witnessed." Lakoma said. No one contested his statement.

"How do we know he can't be replicated by others who can connect to the O element? Tribune Lutiant and Ayamis may be as powerful. Can you prove this boy is special?" Consul Chenoa of Ioserfu stated.

"You can certainly ask the Tribunes or have Oren challenge them, that is, if Oren is willing," Lakoma answered. Oren nodded his head, signaling he agreed to the challenge.

Tribunes Lutiant and Ayamis were considered the best warriors in the land. Lutiant was respected for his honor, and Ayamis for his superior fighting skills.

Oren squared off against the two Tribunes. The Tribunes required swords to connect to their powers, and Oren only needed his mind.

The Tribunes started by attacking Oren with blasts of energy that Oren used his hands to absorb and dissipate. The Tribunes looked perplexed by the futility of their attack. The Tribunes tried some of their best tricks on Oren, but to no avail, as Oren quickly handled them. Oren extended his hands and lifted both of them off their feet all the way to the ceiling with ease. The Imperata halted the rest of the match.

"I think it is clear that even our best warriors are useless against this boy," Lakoma said proudly. No one contested his conclusion.

"It is clear that he is powerful and skilled. How can we know he will be loyal to Viracocha and our aims and not himself?" Consul Winona of Vea Pua queried.

"You can't. Oren, will you be loyal to Viracocha?" Lakoma asked directly.

"I will," Oren said, remembering that the Imperata held his friend's lives in his hands. Oren wanted to add, 'for now.'

"That isn't as convincing, but I am willing to be satisfied." Consul Winona said.

"Then what are our plans for him?" Consul Heyoka of Snana asked.

"That is what we are here to decide. For now, we shall let Oren settle amongst us. What he wishes shall be all our wishes. He should be considered even above the Imperata. Does anyone protest this?" Lakoma asked.

"I do." Consul Suluk Gitchi of Uinese said. "Should we give him that much power right away? There needs to be a way for us to check his power."

"I can't reveal how, but for the moment, we have that. Today, we have Oren and his blessings. Tomorrow, we might have the world at our feet." The Imperata said with authority.

Oren was deflated and reeling. He was desperate to find a way to get out of all this. Oren knew he couldn't kill and ruthlessly take his freedom as much as he wished. His friends might not survive if he did. All Oren could do was pray for a solution.