
Nura Uchiha: The Sword Demon

Live as a young master of an in decline Assasin clan in Japan, Nura had been idling all day long watching anime as the only way to cut down stress. One day he got a request from the UN to join the war in Iraq, war is cruel even kids were used as a weapon. Sacrifice his life Nura determine to rescues the kid from harm, his action moves the god of reincarnation and rewards him with reincarnation and three wishes.

SonOfDragon · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Classic Battle: Uchiha take the bells

After dinner, Nura went back home to sleep as his body is extremely exhausted. Too much training will do no good to his body and it's unlikely he'll be able to become godlike overnight.

As Nura was sleeping the poor Tyrant sight deeply as he thought ' I am glad he's not a robot'. With the intensity of Nura, training Tyrant was extremely exhausted as well as he is the one who needs to heal and reinforce Nura's body staying in extremely focus state or else he might ruin his master body.

The night had passed and the sun is rising in the sky, ' Chip chip Chip...' a sound of birds chirping shook Nura awake from his sleep. Nura wakes up quite late today as he breaks past his body limit twice in yesterday's training and as usual Nura starts his day witch a stretch, refreshing shower, and a quick breakfast.

Nura's put on his usual attire but today he was equipped with a katana strap to his back as it's quite unusual for a kid his age to equid with Katana since he looks like he carrying a Nodachi instead of Katana. This katana is a gift from his brother before he went to war and as for why he not using his brother sword it's because that he just not tall enough to use it's yet with his current age a normal Katana is good enough for him. It's not he can't use tanto or anything but it's just that he favors a long sword that all.

Look at the time he still got 15 minutes before the appointment and it's more than enough for him to walk leisurely to the training ground. Shisui was waiting patiently under the tree shade with his eyes close as he opens his eyes Nura was standing next to him.

"Nura can you tell me what you proficient in? If I am not wrong we will have to fight against our instructor today it's better if I know your ability." Shisui can't help but ask cause somehow Nura was kinda shrouded in mystery.

Nura smiles as he heard the question if Shisui were to ask him 2 days ago than his answer will be Shurikenjutsu, but the way he's right now will not be worst than Shisui if they had to face each other.

"Well, I am proficient in Shurikenjutsu and close combat as for ninjutsu I am not good with the 'Great Fire Ball techniques yet so I prefer not using it in case it backfires and injure myself. " Nura speak calmly.

" Great! I am proficient in Close combat and our clan Ninjutsu. In battle, I can move quite fast." Shisui said seriously as he was thinking of something.

After a while, a man appears in front of their sight and that is their new instructor 'Raido Namiashi.' Nura still keeps his cool but Shisui can't help but feel a cold sweat. As Raido arrives in front of them Shisui said with a serious expression " Sensei you are amazing I can't even feel your presence until you in my sight."

Raido chuckles lightly as he said, " I need to have some ability if I were to be your Sensei right? Prodigy of the Uchiha. How about some self-introduction."

"My name is Shisui Uchiha and my dream is to have everyone lives a life without war." Shisui said with a sad face as the memory of him and his friend going through the great ninja wars is a big trauma to him.

Nura feels the emotion from Shisui as it's hard to not notice the true emotion when one talking about their inner desire. " My Name is Nura and I am going to become the strongest existence ever." A simple introduction yet dominating, Nura feels his blood boiling as he finishes his sentence.

" Well, it's good to have a dream now let's go through some test, should we? This test is given out by lord fourth himself so we had to go through it's and you guy might feel some pain." Raido smile as he took out 1 bell hanging in front of Nura and Shisui.

" The test is simple you have taken the bell from me before lunchtime if you won't be able to do that you two will be sent back to the academy. Let's begin shall we?" Nura and Shisui both disappear after he finishes his sentence.

' Tsk, it seems like this will be a hard battle.' Raido didn't waste any time as he takes out his Kunai and waits patiently under the tree.

Meanwhile, Nura and Shisui were hiding under the bush discussing their plan on how to take down a Jonin. Shisui starts the conversation as he whispers to Nura " Under normal circumstances, I have no problem taking out two Anbu but Raido sensei is specialize in assassination he had a lot of tricks up his sleeve. I know you are strong Nura but we had to cooperate to take him on and working together is the safest bet."

"I know what you mean Shisui to me it doesn't matter who takes the bell as long as we win that is enough. Your speed is amazing Shisui let test him out first you will attack him head-on and I will cover you with Shurikenjutsu. Don't worry I am no weakling myself. "

Hearing Nura word Shisui smile he extends his hand and bumps fist with Nura before quickly disappearing.

Whoosh, Shisui appear 5 meters before Raido, " Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu " Shisui put his thumb and index finger creating an 'O' shape before releasing a fireball at Raido. Seeing the fireball coming at him Raido chuckle lightly as he dodges the fireball, the Fire Ball missed the target yet the moment Raido land on the ground 4 Fūma Shuriken flying toward him from 4 different direction.

Raido face turns serious as he dodges the 4 Fūma Shuriken this small delay is enough for Shisui to reach him and engage in close combat. Shisui and Raido engage in fierce combat as Shisui is extremely strong in hand to hand combat not to mention he activating his Sharingan since the man he faced is a strong foe, forcing Raido to take out to Kunai to keep up with his attack speed.

Seeing the two engage in close combat Nura smile as he unzipped his long coat. A row of kunai was hung neatly on the two sides of his inner coat. Nura quickly throws a Kunai when found Raido opening making him drop one of his kunai.

With only 1 Kunai in hand, Raido retreat to make some distance he glancing at the direction of the Kunai that hitting him. Nura feels his Raido gaze and smiles upon him when their gaze met, Shisui wise is breathing heavily as strong as he is now his stamina is quite a big problem for him when facing a Jonin who extremely good in combat.

Raido throw a ways his Kunai as he reaching his hand into his cloak, a black sword was drawn out and this sword is a legendary Kokuto a sword darker than black coating with poison. ' These two is extremely strong I need to take out the Shuriken kids first as his attack power is not only strong but fast as well.' Thinking through Raido change his target to Nura as he swings his sword and rushes straight toward Nura.

Hehe, a battle scene you guys had been waiting for.

Truth be told I am really sucking with grammar and I know some of you are annoying to no end by it. Well, I had lots of things to do, and writing 1 chapter takes me like 1 hour and a half so If you can and feel annoy please help me edit the chapter instead. When I got some free time in the weekend I try fixing it.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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