
Nowhere in Sight

"History is bound to repeat itself." Celeste said in a cold tone. The man looked at her with a longing expression. "But what if we break the cycle?" She smirked. "The moment you have taken advantage of our kindness, you've lost."

Kei_Ann_ · Fantasy
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3 Chs

02- Celeste

"It's been a long time, Celeste." Dawn, an elf greeted her old friend as she returned from her 'errand'.

"Good to see you again Dawn. You should have seen how I painted my white roses red and how their pleas sounded like melody." She joked as both of them laughed.

Humans treated them like plaything. Its only natural that they would do the same.

"So judging by your aura today you killed the one who framed us right?"

Celeste chucked, "Of course. Even if that person wasn't there I was gonna hunt them down anyway."

"No one can escape you Celeste. You know it."

After their conversation Dawn dragged Celeste to where the others are.

They found them having fun while few of them still have their wings bandaged for the time being. Some of the elves have bandages around their head.

Well some injuries can be healed, their wings and body parts still need to be healed naturally.

It needs time.

"You seemed to be deep in thoughts." Celeste's assistant, Lily remarks.

She looked at her with a soft smile. "I'm just thinking about the future."

Dawn and Lily hummed in response. After Celeste delivered her warning to the humans, they could no longer live a life full of fear and constant running away.

They could no longer know fear.

Fear of having their wings plucked from their backs.

"But. I'm certain in the near future, some humans might try to unite us with them." Lily spoke her thoughts.

"History will repeat itself once again Lily. No matter what, the scars that humans created to us will never heal. No matter how much time have passed."

"She's right Lily." Dawn said in a soft voice as she sat beside her. "They're humans after all. Their greed and desire is what sets them apart from other races."

Lily gave her a small smile. "You're right. We are just tools for them. We deserve to be treated better than that."

"Which is why we will never let them set foot in this forest." Celeste said as white lilies and cosmos made of ice bloomed.

"I'm hoping they have know what it's like to feel fear and losing hope."

Oh how she loved how they pleaded in front of her begging to be spared.

Yet all she sees were her previous comrades doing the same.

The situation have turned.

Their kindness had been taken advantage by tainted people. Too bad they won't witness the same treatment they previously had given them.

A life for a life.

Just like Celeste said to the others: The life of a mere five hundred knights and the crowned prince is not equal to the pain and suffering they had endured.

It's not the same anymore.

They are no longer allies.

When the sun sets, their hatred are what drives them to insanity.

Seeking revenge and making them suffer the same way they did.

Just like before right?

Yes, just like before.

Celeste felt a weight on her shoulder as she saw Dawn leaning towards her while Lily's head in her lap.

She couldn't help but smile.

Such moments like this is not bound to last.

She caress her pink hair and stared at the open sky.

Noticing that some had already fallen asleep, Celeste put the fire out and let the darkness surrounds them.

Though the bright moon illuminates the dark night as she remained awake.

Unaware that her move earlier had scarred numerous humans from approaching them ever again.

It's for the best.

She's doing this to protect others.

Celeste can hear her erratic heartbeat as she recalled what she had done earlier.

She didn't felt fear when she first saw them,

She didn't felt nervous killing them.

She felt, so alive.

Just like back then. She would spend days luring humans in her territory and killed them mercilessly.

Maybe that was the reason why she ended up being asleep.

She dreamt about a future where everything is fine.

Clutching her chest she couldn't help but let a single tear fall from her eye.

Upon feeling the warm liquid, she blink in confusion before realizing what it was.

She was crying.

'I haven't even shed a single tear during my brother's death.' She thought as her smile faded. 'Yet here I am shedding a tear for humans.'

She chuckled quietly thinking about such thing.

Her purple orbs glistened like gems as she stared at the stars on the night sky.

Thousands of stars are present on it as the moon formed a crescent shape.

Celeste smiled reminiscing about the past that she had lived through, while thinking about the future she could never experience.

Drowning in her own dark thoughts, saving others was her priority.

Ironic isn't it?

She's saving others yet no one is saving her.