
Nowhere in Sight

"History is bound to repeat itself." Celeste said in a cold tone. The man looked at her with a longing expression. "But what if we break the cycle?" She smirked. "The moment you have taken advantage of our kindness, you've lost."

Kei_Ann_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

01- Reality

"Please.. Just spare me."

A desperate cry from the man as he watch the person in front of him killed another one of his kind.

"How ironic. Long ago we asked to be spared, yet here you are doing the same." The woman with pointed ears and fairy wings asked.

Amusement was present in her voice as behind her were cries of humans she had killed.

Her hands are painted in a pretty shade of red. Fresh and vibrant as it can be.

Her dark purple orbs stared at the human in front of her who pleaded to be spared and demanded to be saved.


She scoffed. "How dare you demand our protection." She raised her left hand as vines covered the man and killed him.

Smirking to herself she turned around and face a group of human who had intrude her sanctuary.

"Welcome." She greeted them with a soft smile. Her voice soothes them yet some picked up the sense of danger as few pointed spears in her direction.

"It's futile."

Within a blink of an eye most of the human dies from merely vines.

"Tell me." She asked a person who seemed to stare at her in shock and fear.

"That person." She pointed towards the person who is still high up in the air which is being held by her vines and visible red roses blooms from it. "He demanded to be save.

He demanded to be spared by me."

The person she was talking to raised an eyebrow and scoffed. "What exactly are you trying to imply."

The fairy didn't like the tone in her voice which is why she held it in their neck and choke them.

"When my kind was pleading for humans to spare them. Spare their wings, their elf ears, their magic. Did you listen?"

She watch as the person struggle in her hold as it's mask fall from his face.

She smirked. "Huh? Aren't you the one who ordered the knights to capture us? Framing us as traitors to the kingdom? Enemy of humanity?"

"Maybe I should have killed all of you back then." He spat at her face as she merely looked at him with the same look he had gave them before.

The look of disgust.

"Whatever. I have no need for pretty lies. Your body might be the next tourist attraction I should put in this forest~" She chimes as the prince of the kingdom looked at her in horror.

"You wouldn't—"

"Oh yes I can." She let go of him and took it as a chance to stab a sword in her heart.

And he succeeded. But not for long.

"Merely stabbing me in the heart wouldn't kill me instantly." Her purple orbs watched him walking back as the sword was still attached to her.

"I wonder what would be the kingdom's reaction once they found out their beloved prince is killed by the person who is suppose to be weaker than him!~" She excitedly said as her aura grow darker and her wings flutter.

Thousands of butterflies surrounds both of them as she watch the prince in front of her took his final breath.

"Now that's no longer fun." She think for a moment before grinning sadistically.

"I should prepare their bodies. This will be the pleasant surprise for the humans."

Her smile turned into a smirk as she recalled what they had done to them.

"Next time. They will learned how to not mess with my kind. If they still wouldn't heed my warning, I won't hesitate to wipe them from existence."


Hundreds of civilians gather in front of the large forest as they stare in horror in front of them.

The king of the kingdom noticed the commotion and ordered the knights to investigate what it is.

"Your highness." The knight frantically said as he entered the King's chamber.

"What is it?"

"In front of the forest. The body of the prince is found."

Few minutes later they had arrived on the scene and there it was, the lifeless body of his son carved by vines and surrounded by white roses tainted with blood.

He was seething with rage as he wanted revenge for his child.

"Its been a while, your majesty." She sarcastically greeted the jet black haired young king in front of her.

They looked for the source of voice and found a woman, no a fairy.

With the same pointed ears, mesmerizing purple eyes and her waist long platinum blonde hair sways with the wind.

What really captured their attention was her beautiful purple wings that looks like it's made of crystals and gems.

"Who are you." The king yelled at the woman in front of them.

"Have you seriously forgotten me? Lester." She said the King's name filled with venom.

"So you're the one who killed them, Celeste." He gritted his teeth in anger.

"No. I did them a favor. Releasing them from their suffering by killing them." She corrected.

"Still it makes no different that you killed them. You are nothing more than a murdurer."

She wore a taunting smile and let out a chuckle.

Her voice sounded like melody yet the look in her eyes tells. different story.

"Can't you see that you are the cause of this Lester. These knights and your son would have been alive if you didn't killed my kind."

"All of you are nothing but tools to human."

"I could say the same thing about you. Which is why the death of a mere five hundred knights and the crowned prince is still not equal to the pain and suffering you had caused for the elves and fairies alike."


"Which is why this will serve as a warning." She said in a cold voice that send shivers down the people's spine.

"The next time you lay your filthy hands in my kind, I won't hesitate to snap your neck and slit your throats. I can guarantee you that your death will be painful than I had planned once you injured another fairy or elf."

"What do you mean? Are you planning to over throw the kingdom?"

"I have no intention of ever joining humans filled with greed in power and desire for something greater." The fairy stated as hundreds of roses bloomed at the people's feet yet no one dared to touch them.

"Consider this as warning to all of you humans. Long ago we elves and fairies are used to be feared by all of you,

However we seek for humans, elves and fairies to unite and live in harmony.

We might have been deceived and fooled. Selling our wings to the black market, using the elves body parts and claiming it can cure any diseases and illnesses, believing that we aren't no longer the strongest.

That's where you're wrong."

She stated as she walked through the path of flowers as people began to ran from her.

Within a flick of a finger, all of them froze, covered in ice.

"I was asleep. I could hear their pleas and suffering. I could hear them begging to be spared yet alone be left alive after all that.

Torture after torture, pain after pain, day by day, they endured it all.

We learned our lessons humans.

We're no longer held captive by your sweet words which is merely a cover up for your desires and search for power that shouldn't belong to you in the first place.

Call us greedy yet you humans are much more beyond that.

We no longer seek harmony between the elves, fairies and humans.

Make one wrong move, Lester.

I won't hesitate to kill all of you. Me alone is enough to kill half of your army yet I still haven't used half of my true power."

Lester looked at her in shock. Was she bluffing? But the look in her eyes tells that she is stating facts.

"Throughout this whole ordeal. I am hoping that you have learned your mistake.

We had made a decision to never ever join forces with humans, no matter what it may be.

We'll met again, as enemies.

The moment you had took advantage of the kind hearted fairies and elves,

you have released the deep hatred we possess."

If only they had known that a single mistake can result to this, they shouldn't have done it in the first place.

However they could no longer change the past, they couldn't accept the reality,

that their most powerful ally,

is now their enemy.