
Novice Forensic Doctor

Forensic Doctor Zhou Ning will take you into a series of thrilling, stimulating, cruel, and perverse crime scenes! Seeking the truth of the facts, challenging the psychological threshold, exposing the ugliness of human nature. Conspiracy! Mysteries! Doubts! One after another, bizarre and eerie cases continue to unfold.

Princess Xue'er · Urban
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296 Chs

Chapter 211 On Policies and Countermeasures Below_1

Translator: 549690339

The next day.

The three of them had bean curd for breakfast and even packed additional food before quickly arriving at the substation. Upon entering, they saw Sun Gaotie with his hair standing on end, bending over in front of the computer, looking at something intently.

Mr. Zhao approached, gave Sun Gaotie a slap on his rear, which produced a loud smack.

Sun Gaotie jumped up as if his tail had been stepped on, his glasses flying off, while Zhu Xingxing glared at Mr. Zhao with an expression full of dissatisfaction.

"All you know is how to mess around. Can't you see we have serious matters to deal with over here?"

Mr. Zhao rubbed his nose. Despite Zhu Xingxing's reprimand, he wasn't upset, but instead brought the breakfast bags to them.

"Don't tell me you've eaten. This is freshly packed for you guys from Mr. He's favorite shop. Eat it while it's hot."

Zhu Xingxing tucked her hair behind her ear, softening her voice considerably.

"Thank you!"