
Novice Forensic Doctor

Forensic Doctor Zhou Ning will take you into a series of thrilling, stimulating, cruel, and perverse crime scenes! Seeking the truth of the facts, challenging the psychological threshold, exposing the ugliness of human nature. Conspiracy! Mysteries! Doubts! One after another, bizarre and eerie cases continue to unfold.

Princess Xue'er · Urban
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290 Chs

Chapter 210 Criminal Image Portrayal_1

Translator: 549690339

Zhang Haohao coughed twice and hurriedly leaned in.

"Over a week, the decomposition of the body is not obvious, which is difficult to determine, especially since bodies change slower in winter."

Actually, this judgment wasn't wrong, it just didn't meet Xu Dayuan's requirements. What he wanted was something more concrete, an exact determination of the time of death, which would be advantageous for the investigation.

Zhou Ning thought for a moment, then raised his head to look at Xu Dayuan.

"We numbered the bodies in the order from top to bottom. The time of death for the first victim was around twenty-four hours, and then it was basically one per day. After all, I estimate the time of death for the ninth victim at ten days since there's a marbling pattern on the abdomen."

Xu Dayuan looked at Zhou Ning, because Zhang Haohao's answer had greatly disappointed him, lacking confidence and merely responding to questions without any direction for the next step in the investigation.