
Noticed by Kren

Kani has never been noticed in her life and she would like to keep it that way. She ends up going to her first party of sophomore year with her best friend. All is well until she is caught accidentally in bed with her crush which is posted all over social media for the whole school to see. Although her supposed 'crush' isn't who he says he is. All she has to do now is survive Sophomore year. Watch as her unusual love story unfold into her fairy tale.

Krenzacole · Teen
Not enough ratings
106 Chs


Devanie's POV


I lied on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I was facing the feeling of utter regret right now. It was not only that I had to go ta boxing tournament tonight but because I told Samantha about it it was because she was raiding my closet for something nice I should wear.

"Have you found anything yet? I need to leave." I asked as I yawned in the middle of my sentence.

"Your clothes are so weird." She said as pulled out a neon purple sweater

and threw it across the room. "I found it!" She pulled out a white off-the-shoulder crop top. She threw the shirt at my face then threw a random pair of ripped high waisted skinny jeans at me.

It was the same shirt my older sister had worn when she met Jason. It's a long story on how it ended up in my closet. "I'll let you wear the shoes but that's it." Samantha said sternly as she struggled to get off the floor. Samantha seemed to be growing everyday and Fryday seemed to be showing up in the house less and less.

"Don't you leave in an hour? Stop daydreaming and get dressed."

I got dressed and stood in the mirror to mess with my hair. My hair didn't even look like an afro anymore it was more like natural curly hair worn down. It's long of course, but I'm not used to it. "I'm leaving!" I said before closing the door on Samantha who had fallen asleep on my bed with her hand on my stomach.

I drove up to an old looking building and sat in my car staring at it. I looked at my phone and checked the address one more time. This place looks like a warehouse. I seriously did not want to be here. I walked inside the first door I saw and run into someone's chest. Someone's bare chest. I looked up in horror to see that Pryer was standing in front of me with his abs and its glory.

"This is the locker room Devie." Pryer said with an amused look on his face. He only wore his jeans and white shoes from earlier. "I see that now." I said as I tried to turn around and find another entrance.

"Allow me."

Without any kind of warning, Pryer placed his hands on my shoulder and shoved me into the locker room. Immediately, my eyes were met with bare chests and boxer shorts. Boys stood around the room putting clothes on and taking clothes off.

Some of them just sat on the benches with only towels from the shower room. I put my hands over my eyes like a scared kid. I don't care how much I wanted to look I will not put myself in a stupid situation. Pryer kept pushing me towards the entrance door of the locker room. He opened the door for me, but did not once say a thing about what just happened. He knows exactly what he's doing.

I was now standing in front of the now closed locker room entrance door. I still felt emotionally and physically shocked so to distract myself from what I had just seen I played with random strands of my hair. I looked around and started walking until I found some bleachers to sit on. I spotted Voya sitting at the very top of them.

"I am so excited! "Voya indicated excitedly as she clenched the Polaroid camera in her hands, I'm not sure why she brought it with her. Maybe she wanted to make seeing people get beaten up an unforgettable memory, I don't it's just a thought. I shook my head as I sat next to her. Suddenly my mind went to the first time seeing Pryer shirtless. Maybe that's what she want's to be an unforgettable memory? I don't know and I don't care, I don't want to be involved with anything like that.

"Hey Devanie, Hey Voya~."

I raised my head to see Fia and River staring down at Voya and I. Voya jolted in her seat from their sudden voices. She looked up and immediately made eye contact with Fia, who just winked at her. They sat in front of us, but faced towards us.

"I wasn't even planning to come today, but when I heard that you were coming I had to go." River smiled with an amused tone. He wore black jeans, a black dress shirt, white shoes, and chains and earrings to accessorize. His blonde hair was parted to the side and his pale skin and dark eyes matched perfectly. "Can't take your eyes off of me? I knew you'd fall for me."

"No your shirt distracted me from your face." I said sarcastically. Immediately River gasped and Fia laughed at him, Voya laughed along. I noticed at the very back of the room that Pryer was walking towards the closed arena. "He's competing against our enemy school, if he messes this up we won't go to the finals." Fia explained as he turned his body towards the arena.

"He may look fine right now, but I bet he's freaking out. "River laughed and I watched intently. Pryer spotted me and smirked at me, to be nice I stuck up the middle finger at him. "Is he the only one who does boxing?" Voya asked as she looked at River, this time she was less tense.

"Leo also does boxing, but he's not participating this year." Fia explained as he side eyes Voya causing her to instantly pay her attention towards the arena. Slowly the room was filled with crowds of people around the room. This was also when a crowd of River and Fia's fan girls spotted them sitting in the bleacher's right next to us.

They were immediately surrounded and Voya and I are practically smushed. The lights started to flicker and music began to play loudly. The match was beginning.

"Lllllladies and gentlemannnn, welcome to our show! We would like to thank Aria Highschool and Goyer high for coming out to give us a gooood show! Now if you'll let me I'll introduce our amaaaaazing boxers!"

The speakers on the ceiling boomed with a man's voice. Instantly everyone cheered. I clapped with them, I couldn't help but be excited as well.

" Now ladies and gentlemen welcome our last year second place champion. With a whooping 205 pounds and a head of steel. The king of steel, please welcome Damien Gray of Aaaaria Highschool!"

Soon the big blue doors at the opposite side of the room opened. A man wearing purple shorts came walking into the room. He had light brown hair styled into a man bun. When he entered the ring everyone cheered., some even booed. "That's our rival? He doesn't look all that intimidating."

"I think so to, but he did beat up Noah last year. He also threatened to murder the principal of Aria if he didn't get his grades up. He also took a hard fall a few years ago when he lost against Pryer. "River explained as he turned his body towards Voya and I while Fia followed his actions.

"He beat up Noah?" Voya had some noticeable panic in her voice and Fia laughed. "Noah may seem taller than you and Devanie, but he's the shortest out of all of us. His height gives him a disadvantage to things. Noah's tall, but not tall enough." Fia said and Voya still avoided eye contact with him.

"Now ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our raining champion of three years in row. The Kryptonite, The Metal, The Brick, The heart throb, its Pryer Wyatt of Goyer High!"

Almost everyone stood up in their seats, including Fia, River, and Voya. I stood up to see over the heads of people or at least look through the gaps of the crowd. Pryer walks into the ring with only black boxing shorts and a black silk robe. My eyes travel down to his abdominal area, but in the teenage I'm staring at Pryer Wyatt's abs.

"Jeez Devanie how hard are you gonna fall for him?" River asked suddenly with familiar amusement in his voice. "I'm not falling for anyone. Especially not him." I said as I kept my attention towards the arena.

Especially not him.

An hour had past and as expected of the raining champion Pryer was in the lead. Both Damien and Pryer looked fairly beat up. Damien finally was knocked down when Pryer took one last blow to his face. Damien hit the floor in an instant. Soon after Pryer hit the floor after him.

Everyone in our section stared chanting Pryer's name. I spotted Noah and Leo at the very bottom of the bleachers cheering as well. Fia and River did not once look fazed. A few minutes go by and soon the crowd of people started to disperse. Was no one else noticing that Pryer was laying on the floor of the arena exhausted?

Because I think I'm the only one.

"Let's go he should be getting patched up by now." Fia said as they headed to floor of the bleachers. Voya and I followed them close behind. We rounded long hallways as we passerby a few people.

Then we approached a door titled 'infirmary'. Fia opened the door proudly and there sat on the white bed was Pryer. His shirt was off while the nurse was putting some type of medicine that bruised his washboard abs. I stared at them. A six pack was on full display right in front of me and I just stared. "Glad to know your still alive." River said as he leaned against a wall in the room.

"Don't be so hard on him we could've lost." Leo said concerned that Pryer might be listening. "I could've taken him." Noah said proudly and immediately River started laughing followed by Leo and Fia.

"You would've gotten tossed to Mars in one blow."

"He would probably go straight through the ground."

"Damien could knock your head off your body if he wanted to."

"Would you guys please shut up?" Pryer finally spoke up which startled the nurse as she immediately stood up in fright. "Will you tend to his bruises, I've got some where to be." She shoved the cotton ball and bottle of rubbing alcohol to me and rushed out of the room.

"Yeah speaking of places to be, who wants Mc Donald's?" River said and everyone, but Voya and I cheered in happiness. "Who's going to tend to his bruises?" I said in panic as I looked at the group of boys. This is not how I expected this boxing match to turn out.

"You obviously, If any of us did it that would have been super gay. "Noah said and everyone agreed but River. "I think we should take care of our injured friend."

"Stop acting innocent you just wanna touch his abs." Leo said rolling his eyes.

"Don't act like you don't want to either, like when was the last you touched them?" River argued, even though he was the tallest and most manly looking he was super childish.

"Stop acting weird, let's just get something to eat." Fia said to both Leo and River as he proceeded to grab Voya's hand and drag her out of the infirmary. Voya had nothing, but embarrassment on her face. "We'll bring you a happy meal Pryer, and be nice to Devanie!"Noah said as he was the last one to leave the room.

Pryer sighed and threw his head back revealing more bruises on his stomach and way more on his chest. I took a deep breath and I hesitantly approached him." Those look pretty bad."

"You think?" He said and looked down at me again. He smirked and I averted his gaze as I used the cotton ball to clean his bruises and scratches. "Hey watch it that hurts." He whined and I rolled my eyes. "Maybe if you sat still it would hurt less." I was so focused on cleaning his wounds I didn't realize how far down my hand was going. Pryer pulled my arm away, forcing my body closer to his.

"Where do you think your hands going?" He said playfully giving me his oh so famous smirk. I tried my best not to look in his eyes and he let go of me. "You know I think we're going to have a lot of fun together Devie."

"Whatever you say Pryer it's not going to work."

"I wasn't hitting on you that time. We're you expecting something more Devie?"

I looked up and my eyes were immediately met with his dark brown ones. His curly brow hair hung in his face and he was still panting from earlier. He had nice features--


Did I just check him out?

That wasn't supposed to happen--

I'm guessing Pryer noticed my staring and he laughed. Before I could see his smile clearly he smirked yet again. He grabbed a stray piece of my curly afro and gently pulled it until it sprung out of his hand.

"This is going to be really fun Devie."

I shoved the cotton ball and rubbing alcohol in his hands angrily. "Do it yourself." I turned on my heel and walked straight out of the room. I could've ignored him and continued to be a good person and treat his wounds, but I was being backed into a corner that I didn't want to be backed into.

I'm in danger.