
Chapter 7(It's up to you, The awaited time)

Villar's words were loud and filled with faith towards his people. They nominated him to be their leader due to his high intellect and also his ability to overcome any difficulties.

And in return, he trusted them for giving him the honor to serve as the headmaster of thoughts for his people.

Though there would be some misconceptions about his trust and his people's faith.

The blurry figure simply stood there motionlessly and stared towards the cloudy sky up above.

Felt the soft touch of the cold raindrops on his body as the ground surrounding them was drenched in seconds.

The small patches of grasses in between the slowly flowing water from the top of this hill. And the cold blistering wind thumped about all around them.

Villar still retained the fearful expression on his face, though he quickly stood back up and looked towards the blurry figure in vigilance.

"Your trust is pure. And everything about your faith towards your people is beautiful "

The blurry figure slowly spoke.

"Though the differences of status that you had promoted would be the cause for your people's destruction. "

"No, it won't. There's no difference in status between me and my people!. I am equal with them..."

"But your title suggested none"

"I am a leader but in name only"

"But their reaction towards your title suggested none"


"But their heart and their worship of faith towards you suggested none."

"N-no... Your words carry no value of evidence within it. H-how can the differences between status be the cause for your so-called prediction. It must be a fraud!"

"One's yearning and one's jealousy. You refused the treatment but that doesn't mean you won't get a malicious reaction from it"

"One's heart is like a million needles in an ocean... And you... You are only capable to see the ocean and not what is inside it."


"And one's differences would be the cause for envy, and thus led to jealousy. The final results would be the hate between people or even worse for what's to come"

"I-... That is... Impossible..."

Vilar's expression shrank a little with his breathing ragged after all of those quick conversations between them.

He felt tired, extremely tired. But not physically tired, but instead it was mentally exhausting.

Discerning this, the blurry figure said.

"Now then, I did not come here to threaten you with your life choices. I am here to warn you of what's to come. Will you heed this warning and take precautions, or will you ignore it and suffer"

"I-i can't trust you no matter what. I don't even know what you are. You are nothing like us... Maybe it was just your thoughts and assumption..."

Villar responded as he tried to keep himself together.

"Like I said. It's up to you. "

"T-this... "

"I will be awaiting your answer with the call of time."

"W-wait!... "

Without even him being able to say anything else. The blurry figure vanished in an instant as the whole world was finally restored to its previous clarity.

The dark murky clouds instantly receded like a tide as the rain abruptly stopped.

Everything happened in the twinkle of his eyes with his mouth opened in surprise while discerning this miracle.

"Wh-what is he?"

"Is he the one who created us?"


Back to the courtyard.

Liam's eyes were flickering in a divine golden light with his sight landed on the small box world.

Touched his chin for a moment and said.

"Judging by his reaction, the chances of him to take my words would be extremely slim. And the chances for the opposite would be extremely high"

"Though, I would leave that to his heart. "

"It is not my place to decide for him. I can only give a warning and that's it. "

"But I must admit it, he is a genius among his people. Even in the next thousands of years for his people, there might not be a second of him. "

"Oh well, let's just see what will happen to them."

Liam then leaned his back against the chair comfortably. Tossed his gaze towards the horizon and slowly appreciated the reddening sky from the edge of it.

The flock of birds was flying about to their nest in a hurried manner all over the sky and the people from all walks of life returned to their homes one by one to rest their bodies for the day.

After seeing all of this, Liam felt relatively peaceful at this moment. Closing his eyes with the wind blowing by gently.

The soft noises of the tree rustling, the light chatters of the birds, and even the soothing rippling noises of the pond water.

"System, set it that by the next morning. It would be the end of the first year for the tiny box world"

(Yes host)

"Then that's settled it for today. "


"Maybe I should improve my house condition a little"


The next morning.

The sun was slowly rising from the horizon.

Bathing the land under the gentle glow of its divine light as the people were gradually waking up from their deep slumber.

And back to the small courtyard.

Liam's peerless figure still could be seen sitting there on the same chair as before.

His eyes were closed shut with his soft breathing that was signaling that he had slept here for the whole night.

His waterfall-like hair falling from the back and his immortal-like temperament being exuded from his body subconsciously without even him knowing it.

Usually, a powerful cultivator doesn't need to sleep. But Liam sees it differently.

To retain his emotions as much as possible, Liam had decided to keep his life simple and continued with the same habit of what a mortal would always do every day.

Bathing, eating, or doing the minimum.

Not long after, he finally opened his eyes as he pulled his hand up to cover his face from the sunlight.

Yawned a little and stretched his back with his hands protruded up.

"It was a good sleep."

He softly muttered to himself.


author note:

(So it's the author here... I am here to inform you of the updated schedule for this book. Ehhh... Since I am in Asia, I will update this book every midnight with one or two chapters.)

(Ehhh... I will revise the grammar for those prior chapters from time to time and if you guys were to notice any mistakes please do point them out. This is my second book... Eh. It's not that good)

(Anyway, have a good day.)