
Chapter 8(Leveling up his food, False accusations)

"In a beautiful morning like this... Taking a short walk won't hurt would it?"

Liam pondered for a moment after saying those words. And not long after...

"Alright then, a short walk!"

He finally decided and thus he began walking around inside his courtyard in a small circle.

This is the best that he could do right now.

As for going out? maybe sooner or later he will be willing enough to do so.

After he completed his small walk, Liam then went to take a bath and changed his clothes into a new ones. Do the laundry and began preparing his food for the day.

"I think I should cheat my level of food a little... "

"I had been eating plain bread for so many months already. I need to step up a little"

Liam touched his chin and then directly tore the space next to him.

Grabbing a long slender fish from a large river not too far away from the town and then a couple of strange fruits from the nearby forest.

First, he dug out the unwanted portion of the fish before cutting it into 4 large parts.

Seasoned it with weird red chili, salt, and a fruit juice that looked like a lemon.

Plastered it on both sides and took out the large main bone from the interior.

He then washed the fruits that he had picked up and sliced them into small shreds before stuffing them into the fish interior.

Closed it up with a strand of aura and then began heating the fireplace by using the spiritual flame.

Took a large pot from the cabinet in the lower part and placed it on top of the fire over the two stones.

Putting the fish parts into the pot, Liam smiled lightly with a satisfied look on his face and said.

"Now we will wait for 20 minutes. "

"While I am at it, why not check up the small box world activities. I am sure that he is already realizing it now"

And with that.


His vision tore through the void and landed directly on the small world.

Glancing below with an indifferent look and continued down towards the small Villar people's settlement.

And as expected.

"What a shame Villar. Indeed it is your failure to trust them"


Inside the small box world.

At the front gate of the Villar's people settlement.


Villar was thrown to the ground as he hastily stood back and wipe the seep of blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Athrun y-you, why are doing this to me?!"

He shouted in anger as he glared at the figure that was standing not too far away from him.

This figure was coldly looking back at Vilar with his arm bridged over his chest, a mocking look on his face, and a large number of people behind him.

Hearing his words, Athrun simply smiled back with a playful look and said.

"You the murderer of Alasia!. Not only did you rape her! But you also killed her in your own house!"

"You abused your right to power and you dare ask me such a silly question like this?!"

"Athrun!... Do you think the people will believe it!. I had never done such a thing!. There's no evidence for it other than your words "

Villar hurriedly retorted back and glanced toward the people that were gathering behind the gate.

But the moment, his gaze landed on their complexion. All of them possessed this hateful look on their faces while looking at him.

What's this?.

Why are they looking at me like that?.

Dont tell me that they believed Athrun's words?.

Without any evidence?.

Villar's orifices quivered a little after glimpsing this though he clenched his fist and said.

"Dont you guy see it!. it's a blatant lie without any evidence!. Don't give me that look! "

"Be smart for once, you don't have to follow along with what others said like a mindless corpse!"

"I am not a killer!. Athrun is falsely accusing me!"

"Please trust me this one time!"

And the moment Villar's brief speech ended.

His expectation of his people was instantly shattered with their eyes still retaining the same look towards him.

Noticing this, an even bigger smile was immediately plastered on Athrun face as he hurriedly said.

"Humph, still trying to pretend innocent. An evil person like doesn't deserve the title of the leader."

"Y-you!. "

Hearing this, Villar's complexion immediately shrank away with his face turning pale under the extreme anger.

Gritting his teeth heavily with his bloodshot eyes glaring towards the people.

But without even him being able to project his fury, Athrun continued his words while pointing his finger toward Villar.

"On behalf of the people here. You are no longer welcome to this place and you are to exile yourself to the edge of this world!"

"W-why!. I had done nothing wrong!. Is this how you guys are going to treat me after all of those things that I had done!"

"Humph! Trying to use your fake past glory!?. Go away now you killer!"

"Why!... don't look at me with those eyes!"

Though no matter how hard he tried. His words were still ruthlessly rejected by the people.

And this sparked a round of hate from them as even some of them started to throw tiny rocks at him.

"Evil being go away now!"

"Yes! We don't need a killer like our leader!"

"A killer doesn't deserve to be here! Go away!"

And under the barrage of those rocks, Villar could only helplessly run away from the site with his hand covering his head.

Not daring to look back with a sense of loss inside his heart.

He kept on running and running for many hours.

Not knowing where and how he got here, he just kept on sprinting ahead under the tears in his eyes.

'What is this feeling?'

He pondered for a moment as he was continuously running away.

'It... Hurts... '

'It hurts so much when I had given them all of my everything and just to suffer such a fate like this'


'That being was right... He was warning me... And I mistook his kindness with my foolishness'

Happy Ramadan to those who are currently fasting.

Evertruth727_creators' thoughts