
Not Your Current Woman

He let her die, just like that. For that, she swore for revenge. In case she can reincarnate. As old folks said, be careful about what you wish! Now, her wish came true. ::: Karin is a normal girl who operates a cafe called Black Tea and Coffee. All her life, she feels something is missing in her, but she never knew what it is. Accompanied by various nightmares every night, she keeps wondering what happened to her. Is it just a nightmare or maybe more than that? Until one day, fate brings her close to a mystery guy at her cafe. She can't understand her fright towards the man. The more she avoids him, the more frequent he comes, and the closer he brings to her. Her best friend, Jun Seo offers her protection after he realizes the man brings no good. But, Karin insists on knowing what happened between her and the guy. A meeting with a medium recommended by Jun Seo's friend revealed the whole truth. Sad and broken by the fate she faced in the past, Karin decided to seek revenge on her own. *** "I might have been your wife in the past, but not in the present. Not even in the future!" Karin tilts her head and smirks at Kitthan. The guy watches her, still keeping his calmness intact. "People changed, Karin. That's what people do," he replies. "Yeah, that's what I did. I changed." "What do you mean?" ***

anya_mac69 · Urban
Not enough ratings
60 Chs


When I open my eyes, all I can see is the wood plank ceiling. The sky is still dark. That's logic. It's only 3 am.

So, the kiss is just a dream! I sigh deeply. The sight of relief sips into my bones. There is no way I will cross the line, especially when Ivry is around.

That's not me!

I scoot over and jump slowly from the king-size bed. The door feels so far in this big ass room. Compared to the room at the house that I previously used to hide, this room is even wider. You can play table tennis in this room.

I open the door slowly, avoiding any squeaking sounds that can wake the whole house. I don't wanna bother anyone, especially Ivry. Her enthusiastic spirit makes me suffocate sometimes!

I descend the stairs carefully. My hand is not bound with a cast anymore, but I still wear the bandage around my wrist. Sleeping in the air conditioning room makes me feel dry. I wanna grab a glass of water.

As I arrive downstairs, I see a light still switched on in the hall. I hold my steps to check if there's someone still awake at this hour.

But the air is still mute. I hold my breath and walk towards the kitchen carefully. I pass by the hall when I hear some sounds from far away. I try to ignore it, but somehow it sounds like someone is in pain.

Unhurriedly, I walk towards the sound.

There is a body on the sofa. Moving restlessly. Both hands grip the cushion tight. Face soaking in sweats. Gibberish escapes from the lips.

It's Khittan. And looks like he's in pain.

"Khit..." I drop to my knees, placing my hand on his cheek. He's burning hot. I grip his hand softly, trying to calm him down.

"No... Don't kill her! Dont...!" I try to grasp what's coming out of his mouth.

"Khit... Khittan... Calm down..."

"Don't hurt her... Please Khittan! Don't hurt her...!" Khittan swats my hand away. He's getting worse. I have to wake him up fast, or he's gonna get another episode.

"Khittan! Hey, I'm here. Wake up...!" I shake his body and squeeze his palm. I do whatever it takes to wake him up. But, he's stuck in his dream.

I guess, I have no other way.

Quickly, I plant my lips onto his and nibble the lower lips a bit. Yes, I'm giving him a French kiss. He will feel suffocated and gradually wake up. I pinch his nose so he can't breathe.

On a count of three, Khittan immediately wakes up. Our eyes meet while my lips still stick together like sticky rice. I let go of his nose and pulled away the kiss.

But, he pulls my neck closer and kisses my lips one more time. I'm not sure why I didn't pull back or resist. It's just... I just let him kiss me deep.

Just like that, we pull away from each other when we had enough of it.

"I think... I should..." I stand up and pedal my legs faster, climbing the stairs. This awkward feeling, I can't even surpass it.

What just happening?


Never ask why I'm acting like a teenager lately.

If you live with someone who you used to be in a relationship before and still have feelings for them. And still flirting lowkey, well maybe more than that... You will feel shy all the time.

Call me childish but the feeling is not something that I can resist just like that.

Damn you, Khit!

And dumb you too, Karin! For making room for that!

"Sometimes, I find Khit hot... A dumbass hot fella..."

I turn my back towards the voice.

It's Ivry. I quickly scoot far from the window.

"Morning!" she grins at me. I smile, looking at her leaping towards me.

"How are you today?" Ivry asks.

"Ready to go home!" I shriek in happiness. But, I can see Ivry's face drops a bit.

"Don't go home yet..." she grabs my hand and makes a puppy sad eyes. I grin as I softly rub her hair.

"Time has come for me to go home, agashi..."

"I wish you could stay longer. My life has been fun since you've been here," her fingers grab my hand from her head. She puts down my hand and holds it tight.

"What's good always comes to end," I reply to her.

"I wish the good will never stop," she suddenly turns sullen. Her eyes keep staring at me without even blinking. I feel sad to leave as well, but seems like leaving is the best decision. I need to spread my wings and leave everything behind.

I need to end the connection between me and Khittan so he can move on and find his happiness with Ivry.


We both look at Khittan who suddenly pops up at the entrance of the room. His face looks quite bitter. There is no sparkle in his eyes, unlike the usual.

"Khit... Can you please convince Karin to stay?" Ivry whines at him. Khittan looks at her with a serious face.

"Sorry Ivry, but Karin has to leave now," he answers her in a stoic voice.

Leave now? Is he chasing me out? Am I hearing it correctly? Is he that mad at me? I wanna leave, but not this soon!

"What the... Khittan, are you chasing her out?!" Ivry yells at him. I hold her hand so she can stop, but she bats away my hand.

"No. I'm not. Karin, pack your bags. We have to leave now," Khittan walks into the room and takes out my luggage from the closet.

"No! I won't let you chase her out!"

"Ivry, Karin has to go..."

"Why are you being so heartless, Khittan?" Ivry grabs his collar. The man sighs as he glances at me. He then takes out an orange envelope, with a gold royal seal from his pocket.

"It came this morning," I quickly grab the envelope. Orange with the gold royal seal.

It's from home.

"We have to go now. We have to go back to Fransco," says Khittan.