
Not Until You

Not Until You is based on the power struggle in a country. It's about how the lead characters overcome their fear and join hand to bring justice to themselves and their country. This story also throws light on their internal struggle and their fight from the outer world.

Kirti · Teen
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12 Chs

A Stranger Guy

Ella's point of view...



I looked up to see a boy wearing a white t-shirt and black trousers paired with black sport shoes. 

He looks at me a little startled. Truthfully I am a little shocked, okay a maybe a little too much. I never thought I will be paired with a boy who's looks a couple of year younger than me.

Why is he here?

It should be a girl not a boy.

Is he my roommate? No way. How can I be paired with a boy.

I know that there may be less number of girls than boys here but how can I be paired with a boy?

There's no way!!

I give him a once over, he looks really cute. His face can definitely  win heart of many girls. He has charms.

But the question is: WHY IS HE HERE? 

As if he read my mind, he finally opens his mouth after staying mut for so long.

"Are you the room partner?"

I watch him carefully as I answer him.

"Yes, I am"

"What's your age?"

Why do I feel  like I am being interrogated.  He looks little intimidating too. He puffed his chest and squared his shoulders to look dominant. But I don't feel even an ounce of intimidation. He have to try hard to make that kind of aura. His features are smooth which betrayed his whole intimate look. Maybe if he looked a little rough and tough, I could have been intimated.

But why is he interrogating me ?

 I  should be asking him after all I was here first but I still feel a little bit out.

Blinking my eyes twice, I answer him without much thinking. 


"Hmm. A little young but it's okay"

He murmured under his breath. It was almost lost if I wouldn't have been paying attention.

But how am I young to be here? Huh? What is me attending this institution has to do with age?


 I verbalize my thought, finally getting a grip on myself.

"How can a 17 year old girl be here? You are little too young to be attending this institute. By the way, No offence there."

Of course I am going to take offense. I am not that young that he can underestimate me. I was able to attend this institution because of my hard work. How can I let a strange underestimate my capability.

"Offence taken"

"Well I'm sorry then."

He shrugged his shoulders while replying. Even though he apologized but he does not look sincerely. The audacity of him!!!

"What are you doing here?"

"What does it look like?" 

I give him a look that telling him that it is not funny at all.

He signs. " I-"

"What are you doing here? You should have waited for me downstairs. I was searching for you all around ." 

A new voice rang out from behind of the strange boy; successfully cutting his sentence off. 


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