
Not The Summoned Hero Just Their Friend

After finally returning home from a trip to America Eric Kazumitsu and his friends Kazuma and Rizu meet after a long year apart. When a "Magic Circle" engulfs them Eric decides to stay with his friends so he can protect them. While being transported he sees strange markings flying towards him and he avoids them. Arriving in an unknown land Eric must make it back to his world and report to The Spirit Society's king as he has information that could help in the war between The Spirit Society, The Cult Of Dedros, and The Institute. Will Eric be able to make it back to his world and protect it from being destroyed?

JamesTheLostOne · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The happenings back home and mission.

Lila and Ali run after him again. "Eric what was that?" Lila asks.

"Just one of my spells." he says nonchalauntly. "My Lord you shouldn't bully the weak like that." Tux's raspy voice echos around them. "Well I don't know how powerful people are around here, the only reference I have is her." he points at Lila.

"I'm pretty strong you know!" Lila is annoyed by his comment. "Ha ha you did manage to send an attack my way unlike that guard." 

"Wow Eric you know you might be as powerful as my dad." Ali says with a smile."He should be getting closer to the city by now. Or at least I hope so…" 

"I'd love to meet an ancient ancestor." Eric says nodding.

"Eric, are you sure that's a good idea? I mean we should return to the castle soon. The… Your friends will be worried." Lila tries to be the voice of reason.

"They told me that the princess was going to teach them magic. They've probably forgotten about me. Plus you imprisoned an ancestor's daughter and he'll be pissed. So you'll be better off trying to think of a way to smooth things over with him." 

"Huh... " Lila suddenly seems worried.

"My Lord do you enjoy messing with lady Lila?" Tux silently communicates with Eric.

"Of course she's easy enough to mess with. Why wouldn't I enjoy messing with her?"

"Hehe I'm proud to see you taking an interest in women finally. Now have an heir to continue the Kazumitsu bloodline." 

"I'm too young to have a kid Tux." 

"With you being a spirit user you'll never know how long you'll be alive."

"Right I'll keep that in mind."

"Although if you choose Lady Lila, Lady Hitori will probably…"

A chill shoots through Eric's spine.

"Well at least I don't have to worry about her right now." 

"For now my Lord. She and Lady Arobeth should be returning or already be home from their mission. They also knew you were back and imagine what'll happen when they notice your disappearance. 


Yesterday In the kazumitsu household two teenage girls are having an intense stare down. One has long black hair wearing a different school uniform then Kazuma and Rizu. 

The other has pink shoulder length hair with two horns on her head. She's lounging around in her pajamas. She also has a dragon tail. 

"Hitori I told you Eric isn't due back for a week so you can leave now!" 

"Listen here you little lizard, Marx already informed me Eric is due back today." 

"Hmmph all I want is to be the one to welcome Eric back. After all, I am his apprentice."

"Speaking of that, shouldn't you be able to become independent by now?" 

"Hitori you think I'll let you sink your blood stained hands on Eric?"

Suddenly a black katana slashes down towards Arobeth. *bang* In an instant a shot rings out and Arobeth is holding a pistol. She manages to repel the katana. 

"Aww did I hit a nerve?" Arobeth laughs. 

Suddenly they're both wearing a black military coat with red accents. On the right side of their chest and on the right sleeve is an insignia of five red stars displaying their rank. The only difference is Arobeth has a black hat with the five red stars in the middle of it. 

"General Arobeth you wouldn't want two spirit users from the society to fight now would you?"

"Depends General Hitori, what can I gain from that? Oh I know I'll be rid of a nuisance."

"Oi no fighting in here! I just cleaned the place." Suddenly a small green slime bounces between them. 

"Annabelle, where's Eric's location?" Hitori asks. 

"Huh he's currently …. Wait, his spirit signature disappeared less than a minute ago…"

"What!" Both girls say in unison. 

"Huh… Well I'm still existing so he's not dead… and my communication with Tux is currently severed. Well damn I guess Eric is gone forever." The small green slime known as Annabelle shrugs.

Suddenly a black katana and a red bullet splits Annabelle into thirds. "ladies please do not force mitosis. This is Eric we're talking about, there's no way he's gone forever." 

"Your right…". Hitori seems embarrassed. 

"Hmm incoming transmission from Marx." Annabelle says then she liquefied into a puddle on the ground. 

Suddenly the puddle shows a live recording of a guy with white hair, his eyes are glowing crimson. 

"Do you know why I called?"

"About Eric's spirit signature?" Hitori answers. 

"Mhm. There was a strange energy reading. Something other than spiritual. I currently have General Klei trying to track the energy."

"Lord Marx, what was the mission you sent Eric on? I think it's time to inform us."

"Right… Well I sent Eric to investigate the Cult of Dedros and he was on his way to make his report so I have no idea on the situation." Marx says reluctantly. 

"You sent him after the Cult on his own?" Arobeth yells. 

"You know as well as I do that the Cult doesn't stack up to Eric in any way."

Approximately eight months ago in the Arizona desert. 

"So Black lightning Kazumitsu what brings you here?" A woman with long blonde hair and golden eyes says to Eric as he's doing some reconnaissance. She's wearing a black overcoat. 

"General Kapasis, why are you here?" 

"Same reason you're here. Lord Marx sent me." She says with a smile. 

"Ah I see…"

"Anyways I'm here to help. Mei come out."

"Yes Mistress?" A small black cat appears beside Kapasis. 

"Go scout." 


"Can I assume you have Tux scouting as well?"

"Mhm." Eric has an eerie feeling. 

Suddenly Tux appears. "Lord Eric, all the cultists are dead."

"Huh…" Eric looks through some binoculars. 

As he's looking through the binoculars Kapasis quietly sneaks behind him manifesting a black spear with white specks scattered throughout it. She thrusts it towards Eric. 

"My Lord! A white mist appeared between Eric and Tux. Only the real Tux appears and attacks the fake Tux. 

In that same instant Eric dropped his binoculars and deflected Kapasis's Galactic Blade with his Galvanized Katana.

"I knew you felt off General Kapasis." 

"Aw what gave it away? Well no matter, my cover may be blown but let's have some fun. Mei let's go." 

"Of course Mistress!" The fake Tux transforms into another Kapasis. 

"Tux go play with the copy I need to have a chat with General Kapasis."

"Right my Lord." Tux glows with a white aura and instantly appears in front of Mei. Swinging his claws towards her. "I call upon the spirits. Light of my master, shine upon me. Erina's Gift." 

Tux's body has an overwhelming aura surrounding him. His claws barely scratch Mei's body but that's all Tux needs. "Blood Field." Suddenly Tux and Mei disappear.

"Now start talking." Eric says pointing his katana at Kapasis. 


"How direct a lot like your father. Haha this'll be fun. Dragon Essence Armormants Splitas Rapture." Kapasis's arms have galaxy colored scales from her shoulder to her hands. She also has dragon claws. With a wave of her hand the gravity around Eric shifts and he's being crushed by the force. But he manages to stand his ground. 

"How ya like that? Since your father's already dead, killing you will suffice instead." She laughs.

"Dragon Essence Armaments Aros Blessing." After activating his spell white wings spread from Eric's back and the gravity around him shifts back to normal. "You didn't think a little gravity shift would affect me did you?"

"That would've been a disappointment if that's all it took to bring down Dragon Master Kazumitsu's son." 

Kapsis points her spear towards Eric and a spectral beam fires from it. Eric is surprised by the speed that it flies towards him. He manages to tilt his head to the side. Blood spurts out from his freshly cut cheek.

"Hmm you dodged that? Ha ha you're about to make me get serious."

The next moment Kapasis's galactic spear clashes with Eric's Galvanized Katana. While still locked in combat Kapasis's spear head enters a spatial gate and stabs into Eric's side. "Gah!"

"You can't leave yourself wide open hun."

"Railgun." Eric thrusts his hand towards Kapasis's head. This time she tilts her head but Eric was able to get a deeper gash than what she did to him.

"Dammit you little bastard, how dare you lay your hands on me."

"Aww I think that's an improvement." Eric smiles.

Suddenly out of nowhere a giant serrated stone flies towards them.

"Looks like there were still cultists left oh well with your injuries they should be able to finish you off. Though that would be a huge disappointment. Mei let's go." She says and the copy of Kapasis returns with tons of scratches on her then they enter a gate and disappear. Right as they disappear Tux appears and slams down on the spot they were just at making a crater in the ground.

"Damn… My Lord, we need to leave." Tux grows larger in size and Eric hops on top of him and they retreat.