
Not The Runt

As the title says. I'm sooo not the runt of the pack. so hi, my name's Kristie Jefferson head cheerleader of Katy high's cheer-leading squad girlfriend of all-time-hottie Devon Faulkner american football captain... well... not really~ more like a best friend, though people don't know that except him and me. But to be honest... i really do wish we were real. The only problem is... were we really meant to be? Do i have to find my 'the one' somewhere else? My whole life is practically breaking apart now as one problem pops out right after another. And not problems your usual ordinary werewolf girl faces everyday. Try adding second chance matings (in the wrong time!!!), secrets, traitors, revenge, and a whole bunch of misunderstandings to the picture. bad enough? Now add murderers, faction wars, prophesies, 'creatures from hell?', and a 99% chance of 'us' failing that will lead to the fabric of our world ripping apart. bad enough yet? The saddest part is... I neither have the time nor the tears to cry anymore. So I ran away, to escape everything, join a new pack, and changed my name, my appearance, and even my gender!!! But why do you insist on holding my hand? Who are you? Why do I feel a bond with you that should'nt be there? And why do you seem so familiar?! I dont know you! Why do you keep looking at me with that loving gaze?! . . . Bro. . . are you gay?!?!?! . . Want to buy me coffee to continue this book? Support me on patreon.com/thegirlwithcurls . Also please say you want more warewolf chapters so Id know which novel to pour my effort on! ♡

MoistJuicyLemon · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 10

Kristie P.O.V

I was surprised that the cake Connor gave me was the one I made... does he know? ... Nah probably didn't even think about it or where it came from, much more who made it.

We made our way to the living room where Devon was now stating in the middle facing away from us, suddenly people started singing the birthday song and we joined along.

"Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you~ Make a wish Dev. <3"

He had a small sad smile on his face before he blew out the candles.

"What did you wish for?"

"...it's a secret." He answered me in a hoarse voice. I think he's already drunk... how?! In such a short time...

"Alright then mister mystery boy, Have some cake!!!" Connor half shouted as he pushed my hand making Dev face plant into my chocolate cake then comes the whipping crème on his hair.

The room burst into laughter before a full blown cake fight erupted including not only the teens but also the adults and children.

I think I may have even spotted Alpha Claude try to escape the ruckus but not before getting caked by his wife and son. Best combo ever!!!

Whipping crème and chocolate cake as well as some rainbow cake I didn't know we had, was flying through the air, I think I even got cherries in my hair, again, I didn't even know we had. It was not soon after that Connor came crashing onto the floor but not before dragging Olivia and I with him.

He was... very slippery! I think he had more whipping crème on himself than other unknowns, how? Hahaha I'll leave that to him. I mean, he couldn't have sprayed it on himself... right?

Damn I can't even stop laughing now, were just rolling on the floor trying to get away from his grip when other people started tripping on us, forming the heavies dog pile, E.V.E.R.


The night was a blast but truthfully, I can't even remember most of it. I think someone slipped a small amount of wolfs bane in the rainbow cake, it's like catnip for wolfs... its wolfnip!

I was very curious about one thing though in peculiar, but... I sort of don't care as well... it makes me happy, you see the next morning I woke up on a bed, fully dressed though thank goodness, and... in the arms of my mate.

Dev <3 =)

Rose P.O.V.

(this is back-in-time-ish, after waiting for Dev and his father's conversation to be done as they hid behind the counter)

Connor took the girls away leaving me alone with my mate. Oh my goodness mia my hands are sweating, heart pumping, breath shortening, dang I'm a nervous wreck.

"Follow me." He spoke in his deep voice that resounded in my ears. I gulped air hoping that it would help me speak.


... go girl way to stutter in front of your mate, how bewitching (sarcasm~)

I followed him all the way to the back of the pack house, the forest just a few yards away.

I waited for him to speak but as time passed by really slowly, an awkward air filled the space we were standing in. I, was starting to get scared, not of him but what I feel is coming.

"I can't have you as my mate."

Huh?... what did he just-

"Your to weak to stand as my Luna therefore I, Devon Osric Van Zandt Faulkner reject-"

"No!!! Don't you dare complete that sentence? What gives you the right to do this to me?!"

"I have every right to decide who shall be MY mate."

"Please- don't"

"I, Devon Osric Van Zandt Faulkner reject you, Rochelle Skye Hadley Evans, as my mate."

"How could y-"

A pain struck right through me, I felt as if I was being pierced by a spear that was twisting while being plunged straight into my heart, I felt myself being ripped in half, and my stomach was being boiled in oil.

Immediatedly falling to the ground while clutching my chest, tears spilled past my eyes before I could no longer handle the pain and so I blacked out.

Devon P.O.V.

I did it, and as soon as I did I regretted it, now that I have done what I did, I knew I was no longer the mate she deserved, I could no longer hold her in my arms to protect her but... it's for her own good.

I love her that's why I had to let her go. I can't have her hurt in the war just for being the Luna of our pack; I don't want her to die.

As instructed, as soon as she fell to the ground, I covered her nose and mouth with a cloth containing a small amount of wolfs bane, painkillers, everything that could be used to dull the pain. For a few seconds she had been slightly convulsing in my arms but she finally went limp in a relaxed state.

Though I say relaxed, the expression she held on her face pained me more than I had planned. I wish she didn't have to go through this, I wish I never had to hurt her but... it's better than losing her forever. I hope she forgives me soon, I hope this war will end fast.

I know I no longer deserve her, but I wish she would find her happiness soon, as well as a safe and secure life, that which I couldn't provide for her.

The pack doctor appeared two seconds later to bring her to the clinic. He gestured for me to go back to the party but with every step I took farther from her, was a stabbing pain I couldn't remove.

I can't cry for I must be strong.

Rose... she hasn't even left the pack premises yet but I already miss her. How would I be able to go on like this for at least a year when I already feel like breaking after a few seconds?

"Just how much do I already love you to make me this way?"