
Not the Hero Nor the Villian

When a cataclysmic event transports humanity to the game-like realm of Aetheria, cancer survivor Alistair finds himself bestowed with a mysterious system that grants him abilities akin to those in video games. Miraculously cured of his illness by the system, Alistair must navigate the surreal landscape of Aetheria, facing challenges and dangers at every turn. Tasked with defeating ten beings to progress, he embarks on a perilous journey through the desolate Deadlands, confronting monstrous creatures and uncovering the secrets of the enigmatic Tower of Ascension. As he grapples with his newfound powers and the uncertainties of his reality, Alistair must confront his inner demons and forge his path in a world where survival is the ultimate game.

Hazey_Blackwater · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

The Tower’s Bane

"Ugh…. Where the hell am I?" I grumbled, regaining consciousness."

A sweet, sour, metallic taste lingered in my mouth as I became aware of the new situation I found myself in. It was completely dark, yet strangely comforting. I lay there while recalling the agony of being eaten alive. Now, somehow, I was in a warm, almost suffocating cocoon, overwhelmed by sensory overload.

The pelt around me was both rough and silky, sending shivers down my spine. The scents were overpowering: rich, earthy musk mixed with a sharp, metallic tang, and a sweetness that made my head spin.

Even though my senses were off… No- rather amplified, I somehow felt that my body forged anew in a strange way. I felt that strength coursed through my very veins now. 

My bones felt sturdier as if my entire skeleton had been thrown into a furnace and smelted together with iron. My skin felt like what I assumed a newborn baby's felt like. It was as if… My brain had been put into the body of a much more evolved being.

I needed to figure out what was going on with me physically because the last memories I could recall were ones where I was bleeding out and on the verge of death. Cautiously, I crawled out of the cocoon. As I did, its texture changed from soft to prickly. 

Once finally out and free from whatever I was inside, I started blinking against the dim light of the outside world. Turning around, It was then that I discovered what I was inside of.

Behind me was the massive, lifeless form of a gigantic wolf monster, its pelt devoid of bones. Strangely enough, judging from the looks of it, the wolf had four eye sockets. 

"What could have killed something this big?" I shudder in worry. My mind raced. As it did, I finally realized that the changes I was experiencing weren't just me overthinking things.

Glancing down at myself, I realized, with a jolt, that I was completely nude. The suit I was wearing had disappeared. Not only that, but my body had changed, covered in gray fur.

"What…the…hell?" I didn't even mean for those words to escape my lips, they just did. I was shocked, subconsciously gripping the chains wrapped around my hands for comfort.

My physique had become noticeably more muscular, my frame more imposing, and that was saying something considering that after becoming a player, my body had been pushed to its physical prime. Nervously, I began running my fingers through my hair, which held another minor surprise for me. 

My hair now cascaded down to my waist in an extremely wild manner. It was also now dark gray locks of black flowing through it as if an artist had drawn me with the aspiration of creating a character for a story… To be honest, that statement wasn't too inaccurate to my current predicament, I suppose. Since the tower manifested, the world turned into myth.

My fingernails had turned into black claws, sharp and incredibly sturdy. My new fur, soft yet dense, insulated against the biting cold that I was currently experiencing. 

It began at the nape of my neck, trailing down my spine and spreading across my shoulders and upper arms. My chest, face, and abdomen were bald, but the fur thickened at my thighs, encasing my legs down to my ankles. Even my feet had transformed with the same elongated black claws 

that adorned my fingers. 

Running my hands over my body, I felt the contours of my new muscles. Every slight movement I made was powerful, and fluid. It was… Odd. Almost supernatural.

I glanced at my hands and feet, flexing my fingers and toes, watching the claws extend and retract, my fur rippled with each motion. My senses were heightened; I could hear the faintest rustle of the wind outside, and smell the myriad scents of the wilderness around me. 

"How did it turn out like this?" Even with just speaking, I felt new changes. My mouth felt…different. My teeth were more rigid which caused a lisp, but with a bit of concentration, I discovered I could retract and protrude eight sharp fangs at will. I spent a few moments experimenting with this new feature my body had, getting used to its new sensation before going anywhere.

A few moments later, as I took a step forward, I felt a strange weight at the base of my spine. Twisting around, I saw a long, bushy tail, covered in the same dark gray fur with a black stripe running down the center, swaying gently behind me. The sight was both startling and mesmerizing. I reached out to touch it, feeling the soft fur beneath my fingertips and marveling at how natural it felt to have this new appendage.

With every step I took, I felt the tail's subtle movements, balancing my body with inherent grace. It was a reminder of how profoundly I had changed. As I continued to examine myself, I felt a deep sense of confusion and unease. This transformation was beyond anything I could have imagined, leaving me questioning my very existence now.

'First things first, I need to see what's going on and where I am,' I thought, opening my status window.



Name: Alistair  

Age: 29  

Life Span: ???  

Race: Jötunn

Level: 1  

Exp: 3/10  

Health: 500/500

Mana: ???/???  

Vitality: (30)  

Strength: (20)  

Endurance: (20)  

Agility: (28)  

Magic: (?)  

Attribute points: (0)

[Page ⅕  >]  [Skills]



Passive Skills  

- Devour  

Absorption: Grants the bearer the ability to permanently absorb physical attributes and memories of consumed prey. Upon consuming the flesh of fallen foes, the bearer not only gains a percentage of their strength or other physical attributes but also assimilates fragments of their memories. This allows the bearer to glean insights, skills, or knowledge from their victims, enhancing their abilities and understanding of the world around them.

- Almighty presents

Authority: A high chance to paralyze enemies upon showing greater dominance.

Active Skills

- Riftting (Level ?)


- Empathize (Level 1)

Shared Burden: Enables the bearer to temporarily absorb the emotional burdens of others, alleviating their suffering but also potentially overwhelming the bearer with their pain.

[Page ⅕  >] [Quest]


I noticed significant changes in my status menu, such as my lifespan and race. Some changes even reflected on my body visually like my strength. My health had increased dramatically as well, which was possibly the reason that the constant pain in my leg—or anywhere else on my person—was gone. I felt better than ever.

When it came to skills, my Devour ability had become more vague, lacking a level, and my Traumatize ability had transformed into something even more enigmatic: Almighty Presence.

I tried to wrap my head around these new abilities, prognosticating what their effects could mean for me, but how could I even begin to fathom understanding those when I still had no idea what Rifting did or was for that matter?

Frustrated, I attempted to access other parts of the system, only to be met with error messages. I couldn't access the quest menu, title menu, or live streaming menu. Nothing made sense to me. I mean, nothing did in the first place, but this was ridiculous.

Stepping out into the frozen wasteland, I realized I was completely lost… more than usual. The landscape was a desolate expanse of ice and snow, jagged mountains in the distance, and a sky perpetually cast in twilight.

Despite the harsh conditions, I wasn't cold. My vision, as aforementioned, had improved dramatically; I could see through the blizzard with incredible detail, each flake of snow as clear as if it were inches from my face.

As I took stock of my surroundings, I found myself in a landscape plucked from the darkest corners of fantasy. This frozen wasteland stretched endlessly in every direction. The ground was a cracked, uneven sheet of black ice, with jagged formations jutting out like primordial fangs. Above, the sky was perpetually gray twilight, heavy clouds swirling in a turbulent dance, casting a dim, eerie light.

The wind bellowed mournfully, carrying faint echoes of cries and whispers that sent shivers down my spine, as if this place was haunted, something I had never even experienced in the Deadlands where I was sure an innumerable amount of people died. 

Even though I felt the ominous feeling of death surrounding me, this place felt alive, imbued with ancient, malevolent energy that I could barely put into words. 

In the distance, colossal, ice-covered mountains loomed, their peaks lost in swirling mists. They stood like silent sentinels, watching over this desolate land. The ground was littered with remnants of past tragedies—broken weapons, shattered armor, and bones half-buried in the ice, the last remains of countless people who had perished here. Honestly, it felt like I was on a movie set or a video game cutscene here.

Coming from a world of technology and a place where myth was just that, I felt a severe case of derealization.

Amidst the ice and snow, I began to notice structures emerging from the white expanse as I traversed the terrain. Towering spires of ice twisted into grotesque shapes, resembling the fingers of giants reaching out to the sky. 

They were adorned with jagged, crystalline formations that sparkled dimly in the eerie light. These spires were connected by bridges of ice, precariously suspended over deep chasms, creating a labyrinthine network of pathways.

Along the way to—I don't know where—Ruined fortresses, ancient and crumbling, dotted the landscape. Their walls were made of dark stone, now covered in thick layers of frost, their battlements shattered and collapsed. 

Some gates hung loosely on their hinges, creaking ominously in the wind. These structures seemed to be remnants of a once-great civilization, now forgotten and consumed by relentless cold.

I wasn't stupid enough to go exploring those places. My system was temporarily down, I had no idea where I was, on top of all that, there was a very real possibility that the monsters or beings that resided in this strange realm were just as big and possibly dangerous as the wolf-thing that I had crawled out of.

Even though that may have been my stance on things currently, I still took mental note of the massive iron gates and deteriorated castles covered in hoarfrost that I passed by. It was my way of mapping landmarks. 

With my enhanced vision, I could see that they were adorned with intricate, macabre carvings depicting scenes of torment and suffering, they seemed to warn any who dared to trespass. Beyond their gates were vast halls, their roofs supported by columns of ice that glistened in the dim light. These same halls echoed with the whispers of lost souls.

While climbing over broken stone columns of unknown origin, I noticed that the sky above was split by a gaping maw of darkness, a chasm that seemed to suck the light from the world. Occasionally, streaks of pale green and blue—like the Northern Lights—rippled across the sky, casting an otherworldly glow on the landscape. These lights pulsed with a rhythm as if the very air of this place was alive and breathing.


'It is kinda beautiful here… In a haunting way.'

I stood there, unsure of where to go or what to do next. My senses were heightened, every detail of this strange world etched into my mind with crystal clarity. I felt a strange pull, an instinctive urge to follow the wisps that had been passing by. Perhaps they knew a way through this place, or at least they could lead me to some semblance of answers.

With no better options, I decided to follow them. As I began to move, the tail swaying behind me provided a natural balance on the uneven ground. Each step felt powerful and assured, my new body adapting effortlessly to the harsh terrain. The wisps drifted ahead, guiding me through the labyrinthine ice formations and treacherous crevasses.

The wind grew stronger as I continued to follow the ethereal lights, carrying with it the distant sounds of wailing and whispers. It was as if the very air was saturated with the despair and sorrow of countless lost souls. I felt a twinge of unease, but I pressed on, determined to find some sense of direction in this bleak, unforgiving world.

This place, with its eternal twilight and endless suffering, seemed designed to test the limits of any soul. Yet, amid this desolation, I felt a strange sense of purpose. My transformation, and my newfound strength, all seemed to be leading me toward something. And so, I followed the wisps, their ghostly glow lighting my path through the icy darkness.

As I embarked on my endless walk, guided by the ethereal wisps that danced and beckoned before me, I climbed over the ruins of a collapsed structure. Upon reaching its peak, my gaze was drawn to a phenomenon unlike anything I had ever seen.

Rising from the frozen landscape like a beacon of emerald light, a gigantic green and blue beam pierced the sky, parting the clouds with its majestic presence. It seemed to pulsate with otherworldly energy, drawing me closer with each step, along with a countless number of whispers who seemed to be approaching it, with the same amount of vigor as nats to a lightbulb.

'I don't know what that is, but getting closer to it might be a good thing.' 

As I drew nearer, a profound sense of awe and trepidation engulfed me. Despite its initial distance, the colossal beam's surface shimmered beautifully and bathed the surrounding landscape in a transcended radiance. Its sheer magnitude and grandeur appeared to challenge the very laws of nature, stretching skyward with a silent majesty that rendered me speechless.

With each step I took, the beam seemed to defy logic, growing impossibly larger as I got closer. Its enormity expanded beyond comprehension, dominating the horizon with an overwhelming presence that commanded my attention and reverence.

Standing at the edge of the expansive beam, I could feel the energy emanating from it, swirling and pulsating like a living thing. It hummed with power, vibrating with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine. As I approached closer, but not yet at its base, my enhanced vision allowed me to discern a figure in the distance, their presence adding to the enigmatic allure of this place.

But what truly caught my attention was the giant hole in the ground nearby, like an endless pit from which the light emanated. Its depths seemed to stretch into infinity, and the green and blue hues danced and flickered within. The air crackled with electricity, and I sensed that there was something significant about this encounter looming just ahead.

As I stood there, staring at the figure in the distance, confusion gnawed at the edges of my mind. Why was someone here, in this desolate place? And why did they seem to be watching me?

Suddenly, the figure turned its head, its gaze locking onto mine with an intensity that sent a chill down my spine. I froze, my heart pounding in my chest as I watched in disbelief.

But as quickly as it had appeared, the figure began to fade, dissolving into mist before my eyes. I blinked, trying to clear my vision, but there was nothing there. Just the endless expanse of the icy wasteland, stretching out before me in all directions.

I shook my head, trying to shake off the strange encounter. Perhaps it was just a trick of the light, or my mind playing tricks on me. But deep down, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to it, something I couldn't quite understand.

Still reeling from the strange encounter with the fading figure, a voice broke the silence, sending a shiver down my spine. It was soft yet commanding, with a tinge of sorrow and hopefulness that sent a jolt through my heart.

"Brother? Is… is that you?" The voice trembled with uncertainty, its seductive yet cold tone stirring conflicting emotions within me.

Panicking, I spun around, my scorpion chains equipped and ready for battle. My senses heightened, adrenaline coursing through my veins as I prepared to defend myself against whatever threat lay before me.

But as my eyes fell upon her, all thoughts of combat vanished in an instant. Before me stood the most beautiful woman I had ever encountered, her presence commanding the very air around her. Her hair cascaded in waves of ebony, framing a face of metaphysical beauty that seemed to glow with an otherworldly light.

She was dressed in flowing robes of deepest black, adorned with intricate emerald and royal blue patterns that seemed to shimmer and shift with every movement. A cloak of midnight velvet draped around her shoulders, billowing in the icy wind like the wings of a raven while barefoot.

Her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of emerald green, held a depth of sorrow and longing that pierced straight through to my soul. And yet, there was a hint of warmth and vulnerability lurking behind their icy facade, a vulnerability that drew me in despite my better judgment.

At that moment, I knew that I was in the presence of someone far more powerful and ancient than I could ever comprehend. As I gazed upon her, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and reverence wash over me, mingled with a deep, undeniable longing that stirred something primal within my heart.

As her gaze locked onto mine, it felt as though she was peering directly into the depths of my soul, unraveling the very essence of who I was. I stood frozen under her scrutiny, unable to tear my eyes away from hers as she probed me with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine.

But then, something shifted in her gaze. Anger flickered in her eyes, and a single tear trickled down her pale cheek. "You are not Fenrir," she exclaimed… Or at least, it felt like that was the case. In reality, the tone had not changed, yet, her voice became many times louder as if she was directly speaking to me in my mind.

Before I could react, an unknown power surged through the air, forcing me to my knees. I fell to the ground, completely helpless and subservient, my scorpion chains clattering uselessly at my side.

Internally, panic gripped me as I struggled to make sense of what was happening. What kind of power was this, that could render me so utterly defenseless with just simple?

Fear and uncertainty swirled within me, as I realized that I was at the mercy of a being far more ancient and powerful than anything I had ever encountered. As I knelt before her, trembling and vulnerable, I couldn't help but wonder what fate awaited me in this desolate realm of ice and shadows.

"You dare to wear his form, to mock me with your presence?" Hel's voice exploded in my mind like nuclear weaponry, her words dripping with venomous hatred. "You are nothing but a pale imitation, a hollow shell. Fenrir's essence may linger within you, but you will never be him."

As she spoke, I felt her emotions wash over me like a tidal wave, overwhelming my senses with their intensity. Hatred, sorrow, and longing mingled together, forming a maelstrom of emotion that threatened to drown me in its depths. It was as if her very essence radiated from her, filling the air around me with her palpable rage.

I struggled to breathe, the weight of her anger pressing down on me like a suffocating blanket. My chest constricted, my throat closing up with each labored gasp. Hysteria surged through me, a primal instinct screaming for escape as I fought to make sense of the overwhelming onslaught of sensations.

But the harder I struggled, the tighter the invisible bonds around me became, squeezing the air from my lungs and leaving me gasping for breath. I felt unable to speak or move as her presence bore down on me with merciless force.

Desperation clawed at the edges of my consciousness, my mind a whirlwind of confusion and fear. I couldn't think, couldn't breathe, couldn't do anything but surrender to the overwhelming tide of emotion that threatened to consume me whole.

It was then that system notifications flashed before my eyes, 


[Empathize - Level Up]


As the notifications faded, I became acutely aware of the emotions coursing through me. I could now feel the woman's hatred and sorrow as if they were my own, the intensity of her emotions threatening to overwhelm me completely. before I knew it, tears began to pour down my face.

With graceful elegance, the woman knelt to my level, her movements fluid and graceful despite the weight of her presence bearing down on me. As she extended her hand, strange runic-like circles began to materialize around my entire body, glowing with an otherworldly light.

In a mesmerizing display, she cast her spell, weaving intricate patterns in the air with her fingertips as she spoke in a strange, ancient language that resonated deep within my soul.

The circles surrounding me transformed into chains, their metallic forms wrapping around me tightly and sending sparks of electricity coursing through my veins. I cried out in pain as the chains tightened, binding me in place with a force that left me gasping for breath.

Through gritted teeth, she spoke in the same runic language, her words filled with a power that seemed to shake the very ground beneath us. "Although I cannot peer into your mind for some unknown reason," she said, her voice echoing with authority, "I can force you to tell the truth with this spell."

Her words hung in the air like a heavy cloak, suffocating me with their weight. I felt a strange compulsion take hold of me as if I were being compelled to reveal the deepest secrets of my soul against my will.

And then, without warning, the truth spilled from my lips, the words tumbling out in a rush of desperation and confusion. "I… I don't know what you're talking about," I stammered, my voice trembling with uncertainty. "I don't know who your brother is, or what happened to him."

As the last syllable left my lips, I felt a wave of exhaustion wash over me, the chains around me growing heavier with each passing moment. As I lay there, bound and helpless before the god-like being before me, I couldn't help but wonder what fate awaited me now that the truth had been revealed.

As my words hung in the air, I watched as a myriad of emotions played across Hel's face. Her lips began to tremble with a mixture of fear, rage, sadness, and loss, each emotion echoing through my being as if I were experiencing them myself.

With a voice choked with emotion, she finally spoke her words barely a whisper. "Who… who are you?" she asked, her gaze searching mine with an intensity that could shake the core of any man.

"My name is Alastair Warden. I'm 29 years old, and I'm from Crescent Falls, a city in Illinois."

As the truth of my identity sank in, the woman bit her lip, tears flowing freely down her gray-skinned freckled cheeks. Her eyebrows furrowed, her jawline tightened, and her cheekbones stood out in sharp relief against her pale skin.

With a trembling hand, she plunged her fist into my chest, but instead of blood, her hand seemed to pass through me as if I were made of air. I gasped in shock as I felt her grasp my very being, a sensation unlike anything I had ever experienced.

With what I could only assume, my soul appeared before us, a shimmering, immaterial form bathed in a soft, yellow light. It pulsed remarkably similar to how a heart would.

The woman observed my soul for a moment, her tears drying as she muttered under her breath. "Brother, you idiot," she said, wiping the tears from her face with a shaky hand.

"Why would you allow yourself to get consumed?" she asked, her voice tinged with frustration and sadness.

With a gentle motion, she returned my soul to its rightful place within me, the sensation of its reintegration washing over me like a warm embrace.

And as she muttered to herself, her words barely audible, I couldn't help but feel a sense of humility wash over me. At that moment, I realized that I had been granted a second chance.

As the woman released her magical restraints from me, I felt the oppressive weight that had been pressing down on my body lift, leaving me gasping for breath as the chains dissolved into thin air. The tension in the air dissipated, replaced by a sense of calm that washed over me like a soothing balm.

Slowly, I pushed myself up from the ground, my muscles protesting with every movement as I rose to my feet. With a shaky breath, I looked up at the woman, my eyes searching hers as I struggled to make sense of the whirlwind of emotions that had just passed between us.

"Who… who are you?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper as I met her gaze with a mixture of curiosity and trepidation.

The woman stood before me, her presence commanding yet tinged with a hint of grief.

"I am Hel," she began, her voice carrying the weight of her title. "Goddess of the underworld, ruler of the realm of the dead. I am both feared and revered, for I hold dominion over those who have passed from the mortal realm."

Her words echoed in the icy silence, each syllable carrying the weight of her ancient lineage. "But I am more than just a figure of myth and legend," she continued, her voice softening with emotion. "I am a daughter, a sister, a guardian of those who have been wronged and forgotten."

But then, a shadow of melancholy crossed her features, and she amended her words. "Or at least, I was. Now, I am an administrator."

Hel's eyes flickered with a mixture of shame and reluctance as she spoke. "I have watched as countless souls have passed through my realm, each one carrying their own story of pain and loss. And though I may be feared by many, I am also a beacon of hope for those who seek justice in the face of adversity."

As she finished her words, Hel's expression softened, her gaze meeting mine with a newfound vulnerability. "Now you know who I am," she said, her voice gentle yet firm. "But the question remains: who are you, Alastair Warden? And what role do you play in this unfolding saga of the tower?"

As Hel's words hung in the air, I couldn't help but feel a sense of uncertainty wash over me. Who was I, in the grand scheme of things? What role did I play in this unfolding saga of the tower? These were questions that I had grappled with since the moment I had set foot in this strange and unforgiving world.

For a moment, I hesitated, unsure of how to respond. My initial goal had been simple: to become stronger, to never be seen as weak again. But now, as I stood before Hel, I felt a sense of resentment creeping in. Was it because of all the hardships I had endured, all the times I had been pushed to the verge of death? Or was it something deeper, something I couldn't quite put into words?

After a few seconds of internal struggle, I finally found my voice. "I want to get to the top of the tower," I said, my words tinged with determination. "I want to understand what's going on."

As I spoke, I couldn't help but notice the subtle shift in Hel's body language. Her posture relaxed ever so slightly, her gaze softening as she regarded me with a mixture of curiosity and concern. It was as if she could sense the turmoil raging within me, the uncertainty that gnawed at the edges of my mind.

But then, without warning, her expression changed again, a hint of mischief dancing in her emerald eyes. "And what if you don't like what you see?" she asked, her voice laced with a playful challenge.

Once again, I hesitated, unsure of how to respond. But then, something inside me shifted, a steely resolve taking hold of my mind. "Then I'll break it," I said, my voice firm and unwavering.

I knew that it was risky, to say something like that to an administrator. After all, Hel could easily snatch the truth from me at any moment, rendering any attempt at deception futile. But still, I spoke the words with conviction, determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead with courage and determination.

To my surprise, Hel smiled at my response, her lips curving up in a playful smirk. "Good," she said, her voice filled with a hint of determination. " That's what I want… that's what my brother wanted… at least partially that was our objective.

I blinked, trying to make sense of Hel's reply. "Good? What do you mean by that? You're an administrator. Wouldn't the tower being destroyed be a conflict of interest?"

She stared at me in silence for a moment, then shook her head. "Just like the majority of you mortals, this was all forced upon us. Some of us submitted and the ones that did not or stripped of their domain and became rewarded for challenges."

"But—" I started to question what her words meant, but she cut me off by placing her index finger on her lips.

"That's all I can say. If you want to know more, you can probably predict what you have to do."

I nodded, though begrudgingly.

"Before I send you back, there are some things that need to be arranged," she said, casting a spell. A portal opened behind me, shimmering with an eerie light.

I looked at her, confused. "What is this?"

"It's a portal to your original tower… you're currently not in your Pantheonnic domain. I could tell when I analyzed your soul. It's the reason your system wasn't working as intended."

"What? My original tower? What does that even—" I was cut off again as she touched my forehead, launching me back into the portal.

As I traveled through the portal, I heard her voice telepathically. 

"Do not allow my brother's will to diminish. Keep climbing and don't go astray from your goals. Do not compromise."