
Not An Isekai Story

Inspired by Mushoku Tensei. Join Zen Hawthorn on his quest to prevent the resurrection of the Demon King and discovering more about the strange world that he lives in as he uncovers secrets, Celestials and Cosmic beings. Join him as he retells his origin stories until adulthood, strangely filled with memes and Easter Eggs. An action, comedy & romance story that is certain to put a smile on your face. Try your best to guess who would end up being his wife. Possibly not an Isekai story, don't take my word for it. This story will contains Japanese folklores, Norse mythology & Greek mythology as well as elves, demons, reptilians, vikings and dragons. Have fun reading!

King91OM · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Chapter 2: This World [SUN]

Alright, let me be clear on this. As I have been living in this world for 35 years, the world had only discovered only a very specific magic so far. Sadly, we do not have teleportation, fireball or great spiral ball. There are a few exceptions to this which you will find out more as we go deeper into the story. But what we do have are fortification magic or enhancements as you call it. We can strengthen the physical items that we wield or our body. However, despite my story of 35 years, I can tell you that I had barely scratch the surface on what this world has to offer. All around the world there are hidden treasures or secrets just waiting for someone to find them. So my dear daughter, your adventure is going to be very different than what I am about to tell you. And I can't wait to hear them when you go out in your own adventure.


I opened my eyes from the call of the jikentette. They usually make their cockle just before dawn. I rose from my futon and yawned. Rubbing my eyes, I was surprised to see grandfather already sitting at the main sliding door entrance. He was wearing a different kind of dough than the one he usually wears. This one looked much easier to walk in. He had his katana tied to his hip already.


"Freshen yourself boy, we will need to walk quite some distance today," he said.


I obliged and proceeded to splash my face with cold water from the well. Believe me when I tell you that cold water wakes you up in a completely different manner as compared to the hot showers that you people get to take. I got ready and tied my wooden sword at my hip and proceeded to the main entrance.


"Ready? Let's go, we'll have our breakfast when we reach the first stop," said grandfather as he stood up. I just nodded my head and tagged along. I had no idea where we were going or what we are about to but when grandfather ask me to follow, I must follow.


We reached the first stop when the sun was already up. There was a fork on the road that leads to different paths. An arrow signboard points the way to different locations. The arrow pointing straight ahead is written "City Of Pines" on it. That is where I need to go next year. I hope I can reach the city walls before winter approaches. The other two arrows were written "Gosling's Farm" while the other was "Forbidden Forest" with the word "DANGEROUS! DO NOT APPROACH!" scratched hastily at the bottom.


Woah, hold up. Isn't that.. the direction of where our hut is located? We had been living in the forbidden forest all these while? Is the forest itself dangerous or are they referring to grandfather? Can it be that grandfather scratched those words himself? As I pondered on those thoughts, grandfather made a gesture for us to stop.


"Let's stop and have our breakfast here. Into the shades, boy," he said as he pointed towards the shadow beneath some trees by the side of the road. Both of us sat under the cooling shades when he took out some bamboo leaves wrapping. He unwrapped it to reveal some nigiri inside.


"Wow, you usually hate wrapping these," I muttered to him as I reached out to grab one.


"Take two and leave the rest for our journey back," he told me as he took out his own onigiri wrapping and began eating.


"May I ask where are we going, Ojii-san?" I braved the question wondering whether I will even get an answer.


"We are going to an open field in the direction of the city. There is a monster hunting quest that requested for me to eliminate," said grandfather as he smiled at me.


"Monster hunting? What about the adventurers or soldiers from the city? What about the guild members?" I asked with a bedazzled look.


Odd that grandfather have to dispose of this monster himself. What is the purpose of soldiers or the adventurers if they would require a frail old man to fight? He is in his eighties now.


"Ah you see, this monster in particular is exceptionally dangerous. Common soldiers or adventurers will have a hard time eliminating it without the help of perhaps an army of a thousand men. And that is if you managed to pierce through its thick hide," he explained with a sarcastic face while stroking his chin.


I gave him a blank expression. Is he messing with me or something? Is what he is saying real or just some made up nonsense to impress or scare a 10 year old boy? I guess I will know about it at the end of the day. If it's some damn slime or snail monster then I am going to give a surprise smack to grandfather.


We departed towards the direction of the city and reached the destination probably around late noon. The sun was high up in the sky at this point. We stood at the side of a cliff overlooking an open field grassland filled with tall grasses with white tips. I just love the grass smell and the way it moves is calming when the wind blows against it. A part of me wishes to say the words "Winds Howling" if it's not for the bloody giant monster that is fighting with soldiers in the middle of the field right now!


Now I am going to make things clear. A creature with four legs and wings with a majestic head is what you call a dragon. A two legged lizard creature with claws at the tip of its wing is what you call a wyvern or some other lizard creatures. There is no two-ways about it, this is certainly a dragon! But damn is it beautiful to look at. With the green scales that grow evenly across its body, to its hide that looked like it can withstand just about anything without even making a dent on it. Everything about this mythical being just screams beauty. The soldiers fighting the dragon were definitely struggling to get their bearings together even though some were distracting the dragon while they had their portable cannons firing at it. I counted around 10 cannons but only 3 remained as the others were a pile of wreckage.


"FIRE!" shouted a soldier in command. The cannons hit the dragon dead-on. Yet all it did was pushed the dragon possibly just a couple of inches backward before it rushed forward and destroyed the cannons.




Well, there goes the last remaining cannons with a swipe of its tail. The dragon looked unscathed whatsoever despite the cannon balls hitting the dragon. Talk about insane durability to be able to tank cannon shots as though it is nothing. And they are expecting grandfather to fight this dragon?! I mean, sure, I know grandfather is strong and all but still, this is a freaking dragon we are talking about.


"Stay right here, boy. Under no circumstances should you move from this spot. Understood?" grandfather asked with a stern look.


"Sir yes sir!" I replied with a salute.


"Keep your eyes opened and see the world that you are about to venture in. This world is filled with plenty of mysteries and adventures waiting for you to discover. I have the utmost faith that you will make a name for yourself one day. You are your father's son after all," he smiled warmly at me and leaped off the cliff where we were standing on.


"Wha..?" I could not even finish my sentence as I was surprised that grandfather leaped from here.


The cliff where we were standing was at least 30 meters in height and he just leaped down from here?! He descended rapidly and made a roll upon reaching the ground while using his right hand to stop his forward momentum. Was that a superhero landing? This frail old man just jumped off the cliff as though it was nothing and here I am at the age of 35 with random aches across my body just because I stretched too hard.


He rushed towards the dragon while gripping his scabbard at his hip. From where I was standing, it should be about 500 meters from where the dragon is. He reached closed to the dragon and began shouting to the soldiers to move back. All the soldiers retreated back immediately after he shouted. Many were limping while some were just lying flat on the ground. I guess its the afterlife for them.


Alright, what is about to come is probably going to be one of the most badass scene to ever spawned. Keep in mind this is an old man fighting a bloody dragon. Not some 1000 year old Shinigami with plenty of fighting experience.


The dragon took a look at my grandfather and tilted its head. Probably wondering why an old man is here in the first place. Grandfather began exhaling and unsheathed his katana. The dragon immediately crouched low baring its fangs as though it knew of the imminent threat that is to come. This dragon casually fought off a hundred soldiers with cannons and yet it is getting serious against grandfather?


Grandfather held up his katana above his head horizontally on one-hand. Just a heartbeat later, a blinding yellow flash shone from his katana. Did grandfather used the reflection of the sun to create that flash? All I know is that even from where I was standing, I still had to squint my eyes. The soldiers who were closer to grandfather were definitely blinded and so it the dragon. Grandfather had vanished by the time the flash had ended and streaks of blood appeared.


I panicked. Was grandfather squashed beneath one of the dragon's huge front legs? Thankfully to my relief, the blood was from the dragon as it had its underbelly sliced. The dragon started to panic and spread its wings in an attempt to fly but another heartbeat later, there goes the left wing. It was sliced cleanly with a searing mark on its wound along with steams rising from it. It looked as though the dragon was being cooked alive. I could not see grandfather among the chaos. The dragon panicked even more as it started thrashing its tail and legs in an attempt to kill grandfather. More blood was spilling from the dragon as time passes. It was just 10 heartbeats. Just 10 and the dragon was laying on the ground dead.


Grandfather was standing on top of the dragon. Such a magnificent scene with the sun shining on his bald head as though it was reflecting it back to its owner. The dragon's body started disintegrating and it would seemed as though the dragon's very soul is being absorbed by grandfather. Any moment now and I can see him screaming at the top of his lungs with a "FUS RO DAH!".


I snapped out of it. What the hell am I dreaming? My imagination went wild for a moment there. You cannot blame me going crazy as a 10 year old boy when your senile grandfather single-handedly decimated a dragon with just a katana.


He hopped down and gestured me to come over with a hand-wave. I had to look for an alternative route to descend the cliff. No way am I jumping down that cliff, I am certain if I did, I won't be here telling the story to my daughter.


I ran over as fast as I could with my short legs and I eventually reached the carcass of the dragon. The soldiers were all in awe at the sight of the dead dragon and of course, my grandfather who had slain it. Many of the soldiers bowed in respect while the one in command kowtowed to my grandfather while repeating himself saying "Thank you for saving my men. Thank you so much". Even I bowed to my grandfather as a sign of respect.


"Ojii-san, never will I ever look at you the same way again. You have my utmost respect," I said while I bowed to him.


"Ah, it was nothing. It was just a green dragon after all which was the weakest of its kind. That letter had me worried when the type wasn't mentioned. I am certain you will be able to kill one of your own someday. I have my faith in that," he smiled with a warm expression.


You put way too much faith into this 10 year old boy, grandfather. But I had decided that on this day, I realised how weak I was in this world. I will really need to get much MUCH stronger in order to stay alive and not ending up as dragon poop. Only 1 year left of training with grandfather before I am to leave and travel to the city alone and hopefully, join a guild.


Will I die before reaching the city? Will there be other dragons that I will meet on my way there? I shudder to think of such possibilities.


"Let us go home, boy. The soldiers will handle the dragon's body from here," said grandfather.


"Isn't a dragon's body valuable? I am certain that every part of them is going to be worth a lot. Isn't the fang being used for weapons while the hide for armour?" I questioned grandfather as he was not bothered in collecting even a trophy or something for all his hard work that he just did. It was as if he is giving away free money while we end up drinking soups or stews all the time.


"The soldiers are aware of who I am, boy. They will be informing the collectors to deposit the funds into my account. There is nothing to worry about, boy. I am sure the soldiers knew who called me for help and they won't be foolish enough to steal anything. Am I right, lads?" he asked while turning his head towards the soldiers.


The soldier in command rushed and kowtowed in front of grandfather.


"I swear on my life that I we will certainly not be doing anything illegal! You had saved us from certain death! If any of my subordinates steal anything, I will personally execute them and prostrate myself in front of you offering my life!" the soldier shouted with sweats streaking down his forehead.


"See? Nothing to worry about. Let's go home, boy," uttered grandfather with a soft tone.


I nodded to him as we began our journey back.


"Ojii-san, when we reached home, can you train me on how to survive in this world? I do not know how much more I can learn in a year's time and I am worried that I might not make it," I asked him with a shivering voice.


"What do you mean, lad? I had been teaching you on how to survive for these past few years. Did you think that the training I was giving you is something that a 10 year old should had been learning? But, if you are inclined, I will begin a more intense training for the remaining year. You better don't regret it, boy," he smirked.


"I am ready, Ojii-san. Please continue to teach me," I said to him with a bow. I mean, I have to be ready, the world does not wait for one boy. Hence, began my insane training for an entire year. Did I regret making that request? Maybe a tad bit.




"Alright my little pumpkin, time for breakfast before your mom starts nagging us," I said to my daughter as she was so drawn in on my story. Not really sure why such a young girl would be so keen to listen to her father's story. I bet it is my wife's tactic in keeping her busy so as to not disturb her with her daily chores. Hey, I do not mind helping out in parenting in any way, shape or form possible. Which husband would rather see their wife's angry or sad face than to help out? I had seen it too many times sadly and I do not wish to see more of it.


We headed back in. The smell of fresh bread and soup was permeating the entire living room. Sadly, this world does not have rice to enjoy with a main dish. Rice in this world are usually hard and crunchy as compared to the soft and fluffy that you all have. We usually use it as a side dish or garnish as it just does not fit in a normal meal.


I reheated the kettle by the fireplace, making sure there were sufficient water for the three of us. I headed into the kitchen to make sure that my daughter was seated at the table. Peeking into the wet kitchen, ah, there she is, my lovely wife.


Too bad all of you could only see her silhouette. Where is the fun in giving away the surprise this early? I gave her a peck on the cheek and carried the tray of food that she had prepared to the dining table. I set the dishes while we waited for her to be seated. No eating until everyone is at the table, a rule that I set. We made a small prayer and began eating.


We made some small talks while we ate. Mostly about topics like the weather, any upcoming quest giving by the guild or what supplied we need for the coming months. Obviously my daughter is disinterested with these topics, all the while nudging me to continue with the story. I told her that I will only continue after we had finished breakfast and when she finishes her homework.


Indeed, we have schools now. While it is not purely educational, it focuses on real-world skills in both theoretical and practical. And of course, swordsmanship included. I figured that it would be beneficial for her to learn things that neither my wife and I were proficient in. And of course, being in school meant that she can socialise with other children as well.




Evening time approaches. My wife and I had finished out daily sword practice and were busy preparing for dinner. Life these days are certainly much laxer as compared to my younger days. It used to be me taking on small quests from the guild to earn money or fulfil the weekly quota. Nowadays, the quests given to me are relatively special but difficult. I had already acquired the highest rank possible just before the guildmaster as there can only be 1 Lord. My wife is the same rank as me too but she barely takes on any quests nowadays. She had chosen to take care of our daughter exclusively. But never did she neglect in her own training. I trust that she is still powerful enough to whoop my ass.


I do my part in taking care of my family but being the head of the household, you just got to provide for the family. We finished dinner and as usual, I will spend quality time with my daughter with a story. This is way before bedtime but since there is barely any other entertainment aside from books, story is just the way to go. Watching fire twirling around in the fireplace can only get so entertaining the first few seconds. And so, I sat my daughter on our wooden couch with cushions made of docket feathers and proceeded with my story.

This chapter had been rewritten!

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