
Not a Spider, But a Dragon

Peter had thought that he would die that day, yet he lives now, with such powers he had never thought of even in his dreams. He admired a Spider, tried to be a Lizard but now he faces the world as a Dragon. Witness Peter Parker in a completely different form in his journey throughout the multiverse of Marvel. This is a Marvel fanfiction with elements from various other fictions.

DRAGONS_EYE · Anime & Comics
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119 Chs

Chapter 69

"Erik Lehenserr was a Jew born in a small town in Germany. What was surprising about that town was that it harboured Nazi thoughts even after decades of World War 2. This had great effect on his upbringing and perhaps it was the harassment he felt while growing up that led to him becoming the cruel man he is today.

Later, upon some research, I had found something shocking about that town. It was actually a secret Hydra camp. If only Erik had not suffered this much in his childhood, then he would have been a much different person." Professor Xavier said as he started the story of Magneto in a sorrowful tone.

"When Erik's mutant powers activated and it became known that he was a mutant, he felt even more discrimination from that community. Even his mother had been killed by an officer who had tried to control him. This led to him fleeing from Germany and arriving in America. After a few weeks surviving on streets,he met me through a coincidence.

At that time, I didn't have much control over my telepathic powers and thus I often read the surface thoughts of nearby people. But it was only because of this that I found Erik. As he had nowhere to live at that time, I gave him a place to stay and slowly we became good friends." Professor Xavier continued the story in a wistful tone as if remembering those days.

"Later, Mystique found both of us and taught us everything about mutants. It was because of her that we could gain confidence in our powers and start viewing them as a blessing rather than a curse. Although, it seems that Erik has now taken that thought to a whole new level." He said with a deep sigh.

"At that time, I had finally found mutants after whole decades. You both were so confused about your powers and how to deal with them. Seeing your condition, I just knew that I just had to take you under my wing." Mystique said upon hearing Professor's words as she also remembered those days. Honestly, as they talked about those past days, it didn't look like they had been on opposite sides for years.

"But then came the 1990s. I don't need to tell you what happened those days, right?" Professor said with a dark expression on his face.

"We know, Professor. Those were the darkest days for the mutants." It was at that time that mutants had been publically revealed to exist for the first time.

At that time, a few mutants had even been burnt alive even though they had very weak powers. All of this had started due to the assassination of a major politician by a mutant.

"But everything had been resolved when the government changed. Right, Professor?" Kitty said in a bid to cheer Professor up.

"That is only on the surface. It was only because of our efforts during that time that we had stopped that conflict. But it had been too close. If we had not interferred, there could even have been a World War 3 by a few mutant supremacists." Professor Xavier said, shocking us all.

"But what kind of person would want to cause World War 3?" Jean asked.

"It was a guy named Sebastian Shaw, a mutant with the ability of energy absorption. He was the one who had sparked the entire conflict by assassinating that politician. In fact, he was the same person who had killed Erik's mother.

To combat him and his team of mutants, the government had created a team of mutants of its own which we had joined. But Sebastian turned out to be one step ahead of us. Using the fear in the mind of mutants of our team, he made nearly of them defect and join him which also included Mystique."

"How could you join someone like him?" Kurt asked Mystique accusingly.

"I just wanted to have a place where I could live without being discriminated against. I was too tired of running around from one place or country to another. His words combined with the fear I had for my future caused me to join him. However, I realised his true nature soon after. But it was unfortunately too late for me to return." Mystique said, explaining why she had left Professor's team.

"After that incident, the only one left in our team was me, Erik and Hank who had met during the recruitment. Even Erik would have left if it was not for the fact that Sebastian was the one who had killed his mother." Professor continued the story.

"In the end, we did a final attack on Sebastian and the others in an attempt to defeat them. We only managed to win because of Erik's tremendous mutant powers.

But it was after Erik killed Sebastian that he revealed his true colors. He shared the same ambition as Sebastian and had only not joined him because he had killed his mother. I tried to convince him but it was too late. Erik was not going to move from this path. Since then, we got separate."

Professor finished the hidden story of the 1990s where he was an unsung hero along with Erik aka Magneto. To think that he had done this much for the mutants.

"During that battle, my legs got damaged. Erik who now only called himself Magneto had already taken the surviving mutants with him. The only ones left were me and Hank. So, I retired along with Hank and came to this mansion I had inherited from my family.

I had thought that it was over and I would never be able to battle Magneto. But then SHIELD saved Logan a few years later and left him in my care because of his amnesia. The three of us formed the initial X-Men although it was only Logan who went on operations. And some years ago, Ororo joined us. Once we had enough funds and clout that we could protect the young mutants, we started Professor Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters."

As the story reached its end point, all of us were greatly impressed by Professor's efforts for the mutant kind. He tried to work for a peaceful solution no matter what and didn't lose any hope despite losing his legs.

"By the way, how many other mutants are there in the Brotherhood?" I questioned, wanting to learn about the enemy's strength.

"Not many, kiddo! I had killed every single one of them I had encountered during my missions except Sabertooth." Mr. Logan said proudly.

"Don't get too cocky, Logan." Ms. Ororo said.

"Remember what had happened when we had encountered Magneto just last year. You would have died if it was not for my quick thinking that allowed us to escape that abandoned Hydra facility." Ms. Ororo reminded Mr. Logan.

"Since we are talking about Hydra, I think you should know that Hydra is still alive. It was never destroyed." Mystique revealed this shocking fact after hearing Professor's words.

"How can this be? Wasn't Hydra destroyed decades ago?" Emma said upon hearing Mystique's words.

"Actually, Hydra was only destroyed about a decade ago as there had been many fringe groups left. But I can confirm that it has already been destroyed. I myself had been deployed in the last mission involving Hydra." Logan said, clarifying the matter.

"No, Hydra is still alive and working. I can confirm it because Magneto had dealings with Hydra." Mystique said, confirming that Hydra was still alive.

"Moreover, they even have many agents in SHIELD and in high ranks at that. I also know that both Hydra and the Brotherhood had been doing various unethical experiments to further their ambitions. Although I don't know anything more as Magneto didn't trust me with this information." Mystique said, once again shocking us all.

"This is very dangerous news. It seems that I must call Director Nick Fury and tell him this information in person." Professor Xavier said, ready to inform SHIELD as fast as possible.

"So, what are you going to do with me now?" Mystique asked about her fate.

"Since you are Kurt's mother and also willing to tell us everything you know about Magneto and the Brotherhood, I would like you to join the X-Men." Professor Xavier said, offering her a position in the X-Men.


I decided to show X-Men's backstory in this chapter as I would not get another chance. Also, with Mystique revealing that Hydra still exists, the Winter Soldier arc will be much different.

The relationship between Professor Xavier and Mystique is quite different in this story since Mystique was a mentor for Professor Xavier. As for what experiments Magneto and Hydra have done, they shall be revealed with time.

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye. We are already at Peter's meeting with Spider Supreme and Avengers Arc is going to start in just 5 chapters.