
Not a Spider, But a Dragon

Peter had thought that he would die that day, yet he lives now, with such powers he had never thought of even in his dreams. He admired a Spider, tried to be a Lizard but now he faces the world as a Dragon. Witness Peter Parker in a completely different form in his journey throughout the multiverse of Marvel. This is a Marvel fanfiction with elements from various other fictions.

DRAGONS_EYE · Anime & Comics
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118 Chs

Chapter 68

"Yes, it's true. I am indeed your mother." Mystique confirmed Kurt's words with a deep sigh.

"But I am curious about how did you find this fact." She asked us in a serious tone.

"It was just a guess of one of our students. I just checked the speculation and surprisingly found it to be true." Professor Xavier said.

"If you are my mother, then where were you my entire life? Why did you abandon me in that secret lab?" Kurt asked her while shouting.

"Why can't I remember ever seeing you?" Kurt finished his words in a low tone, tears dripping from his eyes.

Hearing Kurt's words, Mystique's eyes had also gone misty. It seems that she in fact, had feelings for Kurt despite most of us thinking otherwise.

"Ah!!" Suddenly, Mystique screamed for some reason. When I focused, I could see that the shock collar had been somehow activated.

"She tried to use her shapeshifting powers for some reason." Mr. Hank reported what had happened.

"Charles, can you allow me to use my powers for just a moment? I need to show Kurt something. Can you indulge a mother's request?" She asked, her eyes misty and voice tinged with sorrow.

"Hank, deactivate the collar. But be ready to reactivate it at any time." Professor Xavier gave the order.

As soon as Mr. Hank deactivated the shock collar, Mystique shapeshifted into an appearance which was quite similar to her true appearance except that it was just not blue in colour.

"Anna?" Kurt said, this time recognising her.

"Yes, that is right. I was Anna. I didn't abandon you. I…. I was there for you." Mystique said, her voice crackling.

"Who was Anna, Kurt?" Ms. Ororo asked the question which was in everyone's mind.

"You know that I was raised in a secret lab right. When I was there, nearly every caretaker who was assigned to me didn't like me. The only caretaker who took care of me genuinely was Anna.

But for some reason, she was only with me a few days per month and sometimes even disappeared for several months. In fact, I had the motivation to escape that lab because Anna used to tell me about the outside world which made me curious enough to escape. Now, I know why she often took care of me when everyone else hated me. It was because she was my mother."

Kurt was obviously happy to learn that his mother had not abandoned him entirely and had been with him the whole time even if she could not reveal it.

"If you could take care of your child even when he was in a secret lab, then why did you try to manipulate me and make me hate the X-Men?" Rogue suddenly interrupted the conversation between mother and son, saying words which shocked me.

"When did that happen?" I asked when I saw that only me and Bobby didn't seem to know about this matter.

"Oh! I had forgotten that both of you didn't know about that matter as you had joined later." Professor said, realising that we didn't know about this matter. Then, he started telling us the whole story about Rogue.

Apparently, when Rogue had first awakened her mutant powers, she had nearly killed someone. The shock of this incident led her to escape her home.

Later, she was found by Mystique who taught her about her powers and even took the role of a motherly figure to her. However, Mystique also tried to manipulate her to join the Brotherhood of Mutants.

Mystique even tried to foster hate in Rogue's heart against the X-Men by transforming into them and then attacking her.

It was only when the students accidently met Rogue that she became aware of the reality. This made her leave the Brotherhood and live in the X-Mansion after an offer from the Professor as she had nowhere to go.

Later, after seeing the true face of the X-Men and realising that there was a place in this world for her to live without anyone fearing her for her powers, Rogue finally joined the school as well as the X-Men.

"This is not something we can tell generally as it is Rogue's dark past. I am only telling both of you because you won't be understand what is going on without this knowledge." Professor Xavier explained why we didn't know about this fact.

"I sincerely apologise for how I treated you during that period. But I had no other choice." Mystique said, surprisingly even bowing her head to apologise.

"No other choice! How can you say so? You literally played with my life." Rogue said furiously as she heard Mystique's words.

"If I hadn't done that with you, he would have killed Kurt." Mystique explained her situation, shocking us all.

"Killed me?" Kurt said, realising that Mystique always wanted to protect him.

"Yes, he would have killed you if I didn't obey his orders. In fact, the reason I could not raise you and you were raised in that secret lab was because he had captured you soon after you were born.

As such, I had no choice but to join the Brotherhood of Mutants and obey his words. He also wanted to research on someone like you who was born a mutant. That is why he had put you into that lab." Mystique explained the whole matter.

"So, in the end, you didn't abandon me. You always tried to protect me and were even there for me when you could. Thank you, Mother!" Kurt said, thanking Mystique and even calling her mother.

It was something truly special for Kurt who had been raised without any parents to learn that his mother had not abandoned him and had even been there for him whenever she could.

"Who is this he, Mystique? Is he who I think he is?" Professor Xavier asked in a serious tone.

"Yes, it is who you think. Magneto, the leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants." Mystique revealed who was behind this whole situation.

"To think he would become so much cruel." Professor Xavier said with anger in his voice, something we had never seen before. His grip on his wheelchair had tightened and even his knuckles were turning white.

"I had told you before, Charles. Erik is now long gone. There is only Magneto left." Mr. Logan said to Professor in a serious tone.

"Just where did that guy who only wanted to give mutants equal status went?" Professor said with sorrow in his voice as he seemed to remember past memories.

"That guy is long gone, Charles. He now wants to make mutants the new rulers of this world with normal humans as their slaves." Mystique said, shocking all us students regarding how tyrannical this Magneto was.

"Just who is this Magneto, Professor?" Jean said, asking the question which was on our mind.

"I think it is time for you to learn about Magneto. With the capture of Sabertooth as well as Mystique,it is likely that he will make his move as both of his aces have been captured."


It's now time for everyone to learn about Magneto. Moreover, the confrontation with Magneto will come soon. I hope you all liked how I dealt with the situation between Mystique and Kurt.

I could have made Mystique's personality similar to that of comics but I decided to make it this way since I didn't want to stretch this arc too much.

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye