
Not a Hero, Nor a Villain

In the gritty city of Verdantia, a shadowy figure known only as Crypt prowls the streets, A monster, legend, that's what the people likes to call him. Crypt's actions have garnered both reverence and fear among the city's criminal underworld by killing two of their heads. "Not a Hero, Nor a Villain" is a gripping tale of a flawed and conflicted anti-hero's journey towards self-discovery and redemption in a city where the line between good and evil is blurred.

Raixen · Action
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19 Chs

Chapter 17 - War Begins

A tall mascular woman is standing in front of the cell, she's wearing an outfit that reveals her belly button and a tight pants. Her hair is white just like Grim.

Grim is looking up to her with serious expression, the atmosphere is intense as the two of them glare at each other.

"You look like sh*t, Brother." The muscular woman said.

Grim clenches his jaw, his eyes narrowing as he responds, "I see you still have that same charming way with words, Vex."

Vex smirks, crossing her arms over her chest. "Always a pleasure to see you, Grim." She looks around the cell and saw Allen struggling with the chains, then she looks back at Grim. "You know, this place suits you. Looks like you finally found your calling."

"Help me escape this cell." Grim demands.

Vex chuckles, walking closer to the cell bars as she sizes up the situation. "Escape, huh? And why would I do that, Brother? Last I heard, you were making quite a name for yourself as the Grim Reaper of the Criminal Underworld. Seems like you're right where you belong."

"You know what the Rat King's intentions are, I need to stop him before he makes a move." Grim says.

"You're too late, we already makes a move and the city is in chaos, heroes are fighting back but they will eventually lose." Vex says, her shadows looming over Grim.

"What do you mean?!" Allen cuts off their conversation, "It's only been four days since I was captured and you're saying that the Rat King already makes his move?!"

"Aren't you, Crypt?" Vex asks, "So you're the wild card that the Rat King is talking about."

"Wild card? What are you talking about? I didn't agree to anything." Allen says, a hint of confusion in his voice.

"He will use you to counter the only Dragon-Class hero in this city," Vex says.

"Counter? I don't know what you're talking about. I can't beat a Dragon-Class and I will not be controlled by the Rat King." Allen says, determination in his voice.

Vex chuckles at Allen's determination, seemingly amused by his boldness. "Oh, you have spirit, I'll give you that. But trust me, the Rat King is not one to be underestimated. He always has a plan within a plan, and right now, you're a crucial part of it."

Grim, still eyeing his sister warily, interjects, "Vex, stop playing games. We need to get out of here and deal with the Rat King before his plans come to fruition."

"Then goodluck escaping this prison." With that, Vex disappear.

"Good grief." Grim sighs. "I thought I can convince her to our side."

"What now? You said she's our only goal to escape." Allen asked.

"Only goal? I didn't say anything like that." Grim walks towards Allen. "I've escaped already and I have the key to remove that chains."

Grim unlocks Allen's chains and helps him to his feet. "You need to move fast," Grim says, his eyes scanning their surroundings.

"What about you?" Allen asks.

"Don't worry about me, I'll follow after you." Grim says, he disappear out of thin air.


Everywhere in the city is destroyed, buildings crumbled, black smoke filling the air, there are no people left. Only heroes and Rat King's henchmens are fighting.

Half part of the city is destroyed there's no more left, only the ground which is now all dirt.

Jayson is standing before a muscular man, he's now battered and bruised his shirt is burnt.

As Jayson catches his breath, the muscular man smirks and cracks his knuckles, taunting him to continue the fight. The sounds of crumbling buildings and distant explosions echo around them, creating a chaotic backdrop to their intense battle.

"Why did your master attack us?" Jayson demands.

The muscular man chuckles darkly, his eyes gleaming with malice.

"Rat King seeks power and control, he wants to rule this city without interference," He sneers, tightening his fists.

"You heroes are nothing but obstacles to his ambitions, so we were tasked to eliminate you all."

"You guys don't know what you're doing, you just killed a Pillar's daughter, do you think you can get out of this alive?" Jayson says, his eyes burning with anger.

The muscular man's smirk falters for a moment as he processes Jayson's words. A flicker of doubt crosses his face before he quickly masks it with a defiant sneer.

"We serve Rat King without question," He growls, his resolve hardening. "We will not be swayed by your threats or your supposed pillars. We will do what is necessary to fulfill our mission."

With a sudden surge of energy, the muscular man lunges at Jayson, aiming to overpower him with sheer force.

On the other hand, Amplify is fighting two women in white cloaks and she has the upper hand. Amplify moves swiftly, dodging the attacks of the two women in white cloaks with grace and precision.

She then stop on her track, she punch the ground causing the whole city to vibrate.

The shockwave from Amplify's punch ripples through the city, knocking the two women in white cloaks off their feet. Debris and dust fly into the air, adding to the chaos of the already devastated cityscape.

The ground cracks under the force of the impact, sending spiderweb patterns outwards in all directions.

Amplify turns her attention back to the two adversaries as they struggle to regain their footing. Sensing an opportunity, she unleashes a powerful punch in the air causing it to release a powerful shockwave towards the two women.

The shockwave hits the women, sending them flying through the air and crashing into a nearby building. The impact creates a loud boom that echoes through the city streets.

"Is that it?" Amplify says, "So the two of you only knows how to outmaneuver your enemy."

As the dust settles, the two women slowly pick themselves up from the rubble, looking more determined than ever. Their white cloaks billow around them as they stand in defiance of Amplify.

One of the women smirks and says, "You're underestimating us."

The other woman nods in agreement before they both leap back into action. They move with an intricate dance-like coordination, each strike calculated and precise. Amplify finds herself hard-pressed to defend against their combined assault.

Despite the ferocity of the women's assault, Amplify remains calm. She channels her strength and focuses her energy into a devastating combination attack. With a resounding cry, she unleashes a burst of energy that sends shockwaves rippling through the air, pushing back her adversaries with formidable force.

The two women stagger, momentarily disoriented by the sheer power of Amplify's attack.

"Your strength is impressive," One of the women admits, "But can you handle this?"

Before Amplify can react, the women join forces in a synchronized assault, their movements flowing seamlessly together like a perfectly choreographed dance. It's a sight to behold, a testament to their skill and coordination.

As the women in white cloaks advance with their synchronized assault, Amplify remains focused, studying their movements and looking for an opening. She quickly assesses the situation and realizes that she needs to change her strategy to counter their coordinated attacks.

With a swift movement, Amplify flips backward, narrowly avoiding a precise strike aimed at her. As she lands gracefully on her feet, she channels her power and release shockwaves that ripples through the air.

The shockwaves disrupt the women's synchronized assault, causing them to momentarily lose their coordination. Amplify seizes this opening and launches herself into a counterattack, striking with precise and powerful blows.

One of the women stumbles backward from the force of Amplify's blows, while the other manages to block a few strikes but is still pushed back.

The women in white cloaks regroup, they exchange a knowing glance before launching a new series of coordinated attacks, moving in harmony once again.


Velocity and Brock are fighting against a large lizard. Velocity readies his energy sword and dashes towards the lizard, Brock charges forward and the lizard open its mouth a smoke coming out of it.

The smoke begins to envelop the area, making it hard for Velocity and Brock to see their opponent clearly. As they try to navigate through the thick smoke, they hear the lizard's hissing grow louder, indicating it's getting closer.

Velocity activates his energy sword, its blue glow cutting through the smoke around them. Brock takes a defensive stance, waiting for the lizard to emerge. Suddenly, the ground beneath them starts to tremble, making it difficult for them to keep their balance.

As the ground shakes violently, cracks begin to form underneath Velocity and Brock, threatening to swallow them whole. Their quick reflexes kick in as they jump away from the crumbling ground just in time to avoid being consumed by the earth.

The huge lizard emerges from the dissipating smoke, towering over them with its massive claws ready to strike. Velocity and Brock exchange a knowing glance, silently communicating their next move. With a nod, they both spring into action, each attacking the lizard from a different angle.

Velocity swiftly maneuvers around the lizard, striking with precision and speed, while Brock uses his brute strength to deliver powerful blows. The lizard lets out a deafening roar as it tries to fight back, but Velocity and Brock's coordinated efforts start to wear it down.