
Not a Hero, Nor a Villain

In the gritty city of Verdantia, a shadowy figure known only as Crypt prowls the streets, A monster, legend, that's what the people likes to call him. Crypt's actions have garnered both reverence and fear among the city's criminal underworld by killing two of their heads. "Not a Hero, Nor a Villain" is a gripping tale of a flawed and conflicted anti-hero's journey towards self-discovery and redemption in a city where the line between good and evil is blurred.

Raixen · Action
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19 Chs

Chapter 16 - Grim

"So that's, Crypt. I didn't expect that he would be a teenager." The figure sitting on the throne says, "And what the h*ll happened to him? He looks pretty beat up."

"I-I apologized, Master." The man with the crown tattoo says, "He resisted like a cornered beast. He's not like the others we've captured before."

"I see..." The figure seems uncertain. "Well you still capture him and our plan is finished."

"Y-Yes, Master. I'll put him in the cell." The man with the crown tattoo says, as he drags Allen away.


Sierra pace back and forth inside her room, her desk is destroyed.

"I should have known that it is a trap." Sierra says, her face is serious but worried. "I knew it was too good to be true. I shouldn't have sent him."

Sierra clenches her fists in frustration, her mind racing as she tries to come up with a plan to rescue Allen from the clutches of the rat king.

Suddenly a shadow cocoon appears inside her room, within a second the shadow cocoon starts to melt, revealing Ash who is unconscious, many bruised on her body.

Sierra rushes to Ash's side, checking her pulse and breathing. She feels relieved when she confirms that Ash is still alive.

"What happened to you, Ash?" Sierra whispers, concern evident in her voice as she tries to wake her up.

Ash slowly opens her eyes, wincing in pain. "I-It was a trap, Boss. They knew we were coming," She manages to say weakly.

"Did you see where they take, Crypt?" Sierra asked.

"I didn't, I only saw Crypt fighting a guy with crown-shaped tattoo across his neck. That's the moment I passed out." Ash says, as she sits up wincing.

"Sh*t, I need to know where is their real base." Sierra said.

"I think my visor can provide you that information." Ash says, giving her visor to Sierra.

Sierra quickly inspects the visor, scrolling through the data that Ash's visor contains. After a few moments, she finds the location of the Rat King's hidden base.

"Got it," Sierra exclaims with a determined look in her eyes. "We're going to get Allen back, and we're going to take down the Rat King once and for all."

"I'm useless..." Ash says, her voice cracked. "It's always like this... I have strong power, but I can't even use it right."

"You're not useless, Ash," Sierra reassures with a gentle tone. "We all have our moments of weakness."

"No! Same things always happened, I'm useless." Ash says, her tears starts to fall down. "Another man will die because of me."

Sierra places a comforting hand on Ash's shoulder. "Listen to me, Ash. You are not useless. We are a team, and we look out for each other. We will find a way to save Crypt, and we will do it together. Your intelligence and skills are vital to our mission. Don't give up on yourself now."

Ash looks up at Sierra, her eyes filled with a mix of emotions. "But what if I fail again? What if I let everyone down?"

Sierra looks at Ash with unwavering determination. "We only fail when we stop trying. We learn from our mistakes and we grow stronger. You are not alone in this, Ash. Believe in yourself, just as I believe in you."


Allen slowly open his eyes, his vision is blurry, it looks he's inside a dark room. He looks around and saw chains connected on his arms, neck, and feet.

He tries to move and realizes his movements are restricted by the chains.

Panic starts to set in as he struggles to remember how he ended up in this situation.

The last thing he remembers is fighting a man with a crown tattoo on his neck and that same man putting a power dampener on his chest.

Feeling a rush of anger and frustration, Allen tugs at the chains binding him, testing their strength. Despite his efforts, the chains hold firm, leaving him trapped in the dimly lit room with no apparent means of escape.

"Stop doing that." An agitated voice said.

"Who's there?" Allen responds, straining to see in the darkness. A figure steps into the dim light, revealing a gaunt face with haunting eyes.

"I said stop struggling, those chains are reinforced with a dampener. You won't break free." The man's voice carries a tone of resignation mixed with a hint of sympathy.

Allen squints to get a better look at the man before him. His voice, though laced with an aura of defeat, holds a sliver of familiarity that tugs at the corners of Allen's memory.

"Who are you?" Allen's voice sounds hoarse, betraying his thirst and the general weakness that comes from being restrained for an unknown amount of time.

The man hesitates for a moment, as if contemplating whether to reveal his identity. Finally, he speaks, "My name is Grim or rather my codename. I've been down here longer than I care to remember."

Grim approaches Allen, his movements slow and deliberate as if weighed down by the heavy atmosphere of the room.

"You're not the only one who's been captured by the rat king," Grim continues, his voice low but filled with a strange sense of resilience. "But I can see the fire in your eyes, the same fire that burns in those who refuse to be broken."

Allen studies Grim's face, trying to make sense of the situation. "How... how long have I been here?" He asks, his voice tinged with a urgency.

"Hmm... Three days I think." Grim says, he seems to be thinking something. "Silas brought you here, I thought it's strange because they put you in chain."

"Silas? Who's that?" Allen asked.

"The man with the crown tattoo on his neck. He says that the rat king wants to break you and after that he will control you." Grim said.

"The Rat King... I'm gonna kill him!" Allen says, his eyes flash with anger.

"Good luck with that," Grim replies dryly, a hint of bitterness in his voice.

"Wait, how did you end up here?" Allen asks, his expression change.

Grim's face darkens as memories resurface. "I used to be one of them, a part of the Rat King's organization," He starts. "But I had a change of heart, couldn't bear the things they were doing anymore. So, I tried to leave, and well, you can guess how that turned out."

Allen listens intently. "So, you're a traitor to them..." He concludes, trying to piece together the details of Grim's story.

Grim nods solemnly. "That's one way to look at it. But I see myself more as someone who refused to become a pawn in their twisted game any longer."

"Wait, the Rat King's Organization exist before the two heada of the underworld got killed?" Allen asks, looking curious.

Grim nods in response to Allen's question. "Yes, the Rat King's organization has been around for quite some time. They've operated in the shadows, pulling strings and orchestrating various illicit activities long before the recent power shift in the underworld."

Allen's mind races as he processes this new information. "And Silas... he's one of their key figures?"

"In a way, yes," Grim confirms, his voice tinged with a mix of disdain and caution. "Silas is a ruthless enforcer, known for his methods of aggression and destruction. He's been with the Rat King for years, rising through the ranks with his brutal efficiency."

"That Silas, his power is not ordinary. He can explode his limbs and it will regenerate again and again." Allen says, remembering his fight with Silas.

Grim's eyes widen slightly at Allen's revelation. "So, you've experienced Silas's abilities firsthand. You're lucky to have survived a confrontation with him," Grim remarks, a note of respect creeping into his tone.

Allen nods, the memory of that intense battle still fresh in his mind. "I barely made it out alive. His strength and endurance are unmatched. It felt like I was fighting a monster."

"That guy is a walking nuclear bomb." Grim said.

"Grim, how do we get out of here?" Allen asks, looking around the dimly lit cell for any possible escape routes.

"It's simple..." Grim says, "We don't escape,"

Grim's words hang in the air, leaving Allen puzzled. "What do you mean we don't escape? We can't just stay here and wait for them to do who knows what to us," Allen protests.

Grim lets out a weary sigh. "There's no way out of this place, at least not that I know of. But I have a plan," He says, his tone more determined now.

Allen's hope flickers back to life. "What is it? Tell me."

"First, I need to talk with my sister." Grim says, "I think she'll visit me tomorrow."

"Your sister? Is she part of the Rat King's Organization?" Allen asked.

"Yes, my sister is part of the organization, but she's not fully on board with their extreme methods, I think." Grim replies, he seems worried.