
Not a Choice

Born with a beautiful face, intelligence above average, and existing liked by many people is not always a guarantee to make life filled with happiness and always get love from everyone. That's what a 17-year-old girl, Nadia Arsa Wijaya's feels. The beautiful girl has a very kind and polite personality to anyone, but all of that makes her hated by the people around her including her stepsister and even her biological father as well. However, since the arrival of a teenage boy named Rafandra Mahardika, everything has changed. Rafa made Nadia realize that only one can determine the future without the intervention of others. Nadia, who originally always received all the harsh treatment from her stepbrother, began to dare to fight against her. Will Nadia turn things around because of Rafandra? Or does Rafa's presence make Nadia's life worse? Read more here... :) Story'by : Wintermyne Art by : Pinterest

Wintermyne · Teen
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147 Chs


"Don't you dare touch her, bastard?!"

The scream echoed. Three male figures were standing watching the commotion. And one of the three boys ran towards Dilan and Nadia.

"Bastard!! Fuck?! You die in my hands!!"

Bughh... Bughh.. bugh...

Dilan got a barrage of blows. Until Dilan did not have the energy because of the barrage of blows.

"R-Rafa..." Nadia really couldn't believe what she saw.

Rafa saved her, and where did she come from?

FLASHBACK 15 minutes ago,...

"Tsk, why is your house so remote? Why don't you just buy it on the outskirts of town?" squeaked Rafa while scowling.

The three people had walked quite a distance down a narrow alley that was only fit for motorbikes to pass. Rafa is a child who is quite spoiled actually because he is not used to tiring things. You know, in the past, Rafa's life before moving was only living in his house. So, he will be a little annoyed if he has to do something that feels a little tiring.

Lucas sighed heavily because Rafa was constantly grumbling. At first, he also had no intention of inviting the teenager to come to his house, but he offered himself because he was bored at home and wanted to join his brother.

"Mark, can't you ask this little brother of yours to be quiet? I'm uncomfortable with his useless words," Lucas said to Mark who was walking beside him.

"What can I do? He was born to curse other people," said Mark with a small chuckle.

"I heard you guys talking about me,"

"Indeed," Lucas snapped.

"Ahh, you..." Rafa sneered disapprovingly.

"It's polite, I'm 2 years older than you!" growled Lucas.

"Stupid. Do I look like I care?" sneered Rafa.

The two of them were busy arguing, while Mark just shook his head slowly at the behavior of his brother and friend. .always fight when they meet even though they've only known each other for a few days.

No wonder, because Lucas is a person who is quite friendly to everyone and his shyness seems to be non-existent. So, Lucas will get used to new people around him quickly. Having a friend like Lucas has its pros and cons, but what is certain is that if you are friends with Lucas, your patience is always being tested.

"Eh, it's just too bad that the beautiful girl hasn't passed," Lucas said suddenly.

"That girl you talk about a lot? The one who always passes in front of your alley at night?" said, Mark.

Lucas nodded strongly, he had often told Mark about this girl. Not just once or twice Lucas saw him, but many times.

"Are you sure it's a human?"

It was Rafa who asked in an ignorant tone.

"Tsk, of course. I even greet her often. oh, believe me, she's beautiful and sweet..."

Lucas praised the girl until Mark shook his head again. This wasn't the first time Lucas had told about the girl who always passed by the front alley of his house.

"Anyone... Please... Help us...?!"

Until a few moments later, a girl screams for help.

"Did you hear people screaming for help?" Lucas asked.

Rafa and Mark nodded.

"D-don't be that girl..." Lucas screamed.

"Let's see!!" take Mark.

"What if she was robbed? Do you have a gun? how about a sharp weapon? I don't want to die at such a young age," Lucas said with his wandering thoughts.

"Coward. Come on, dude. we'll see .." Rafa asked who was not afraid at all.

Mark and Rafa walked slowly towards the source of the sound. Meanwhile, Lucas was alert and dialed the number of the police. Prepare an umbrella before it rains.

"Y-Sis... They are a lot..." said Rafa when he saw what was in front of him.

"That's rape, Rafa..." Mark said.

Rafa's slanted bead caught something familiar to him.

"That bag..." Rafa's eyes widen perfectly.

Rafa knew for sure who the owner of the bag he recognized was. It was the bag that belonged to the cute girl he had always admired lately. The bag belonged to Nadia, and in the end, Rafa beat Dilan as brutally as possible.


Dilan is now helpless because of a hit from Rafa. The boy almost fainted on it. Luckily Mark immediately blocked Rafa from beating Dilan again.

"Are you alright?" asked Rafa to confirm Nadia's condition.

Instead of answering, Nadia ignored Rafa and tried to stand up and approach Bianca.

"Are you alright? .are you hurt again? Is there something wrong?" Nadia asked repeatedly and looked very panicked.

"I-I'm fine..." Bianca whispered.

Bianca looks pathetic. Her clothes were damaged and her face was slightly bruised due to Dilan's rough grip and the girl had received several hard slaps on her face.

Mark watched Bianca and felt familiar to her. Seeing Bianca who was very messy he couldn't bear it, the teenager who was growing up took off his jacket and covered Bianca's body.

"Don't be afraid anymore, you're safe," Mark said softly. Meanwhile, Bianca didn't answer and just kept quiet.

Nadia immediately wrapped her arms around Bianca's limp body and patted her beloved sister's back to give her peace of mind even though she was also very scared. However, Nadia knew that Bianca was more afraid of what had happened to her earlier.

Mark, who saw how the two beautiful girls were doing, was silent for a moment, then he found his younger brother and Lucas were also staring at Bianca and Nadia. Meanwhile, Dilan and his two friends were also helpless after being beaten badly by them.

"Rafa, take them to Lucas' house first, calm them down. I'll take these hooligans to the police station," Mark said to his brother.


Not long after, the police came and arrested the three thugs. Nadia and Bianca had been taken away by Lucas and Rafa. .it's better for the two girls to be calmed down first than having to deal with the police directly.

Now it was Mark who was in charge of taking care of the hoodlums because he also acted as an eye witness to what had just happened. Mark is an adult in terms of age, and he can also represent the report of the harassment so that Dilan and his two friends can get a reprimand from the authorities.

Meanwhile, Rafa can breathe a sigh of relief because he is sure that Nadia is now fine. Maybe if he had not gone with his brother and his brother's friends to go, he would not have known what happened to Nadia and her sister. Bad things could happen and Rafa would regret it.