

20xx, the year the world had finally been free from chaos and endless war against monsters and evil entities. The players had already won the battle and now, they returned to their worlds. A happy ending, if some would say. But for the inhabitants of the earth, it was nothing but tragedy. The world was left barren and all living things are on the brink of extinction. And with the goddess' wrath, all hell broke loose and doomed the earth. It was already the end for the earth and its people. But to Cipher, it was just the beginning of his regression to save it. ********* Note: Chapters will be published on a weekly basis, with new updates released every Monday. ********* Hey, there! Yaj here, and hope you like reading my WSA 2022 entry. To understand a little backstory of Cipher, read the prologue in chapter 0. You can follow me on my Twitter and IG accounts. Twitter: https://twitter.com/YajImagination IG: https://www.instagram.com/yajimagination/

YajImagination · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Goblin King's Wrath

Every breeding ground we cross, we destroy. We tried rescuing those poor souls however, most of them were beyond our help and already cling to death for salvation in the monstrosity they've experienced.

We didn't count how many nests we razed or how many goblins we annihilated on our way, we just couldn't stand the sight of it.

"This is probably already the fifteenth breeding ground we destroyed… Is there no end to this?" Law asked.

"These vile creatures don't deserve to be spared."As I watch the dead bodies burn and turn into ashes, my rage piles up. There's no forgiveness for these goblins.

"Sire! Sire! The Goblin King! It's coming this way!" the rat soldier warned as he pants from running.

"It's coming here!? Cipher, we have to get out of here-" Law claimed however, I had already drawn my blade.

"Good. Time to meet his majesty."