
Nongmen Space: Lucky Jiaojiao comes to farm

Gu Fei, a rookie who has not survived three episodes in the apocalypse, traveled to ancient times with space and became a girl in the Hou Mansion. As soon as I arrived, my house was ransacked and sold. It was finally bought back by his family. Then there was a severe drought in his hometown for three years and there was no harvest. Gu Fei and his family fled the north. Along the way, countless people died of hunger. Gu Fei: Don't be afraid, there is food in our space. Bandits and refugees were rampant on the way forward. Gu Fei: Don't be afraid, we have weapons in our space. After all the money was spent, Gu Fei led his family to farm and open an inn to make a fortune, and by the way, he gained a little overlord's son. The innocent prince: My wife can always conjure up many strange things. My wife must be a little fairy. Novel keywords: Nongmen Space: Lucky Jiaojiao Comes to Farm without pop-up window, Nongmen Space: Lucky Jiaojiao Comes to Farm txt full set download, Nongmen Space: Lucky Jiaojiao Comes to Farm latest chapters to read

Line_Huang · Sci-fi
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390 Chs

Chapter 17 Debt collectors are coming

Gu Fei fell asleep in a daze.

  I don't know how long it took, but Gu Fei was woken up by the rich smell of chicken soup.

  At this time, the door rang, and Li Chunhua pushed the door open and came in, smiling: "Sister, wake up. Mom has already prepared the meal. Can you get off the ground?"

  Gu Fei nodded, "Sister-in-law, give me a hand." There is chicken soup. Drink, she will crawl over even if she crawls.

  Gu Fei was helped to the main room, and two teenagers ran over happily, "Sister, you are finally back."

  "Second brother, third brother." Gu Fei called.

  At this time, a little girl with two pigtails running up to the sky ran over and hugged Gu Fei's legs, "Sister-in-law, you are back."

  Gu Fei looked down at Xiao Douding and smiled. This was Gu Qing's The child's nickname is Xiaocao and he is just over three years old.

  Li Chunhua hurriedly pushed her away, "Your sister-in-law is injured, please stay away."

  Mrs. Chen took a cushion and put it on the chair, and Li Chunhua helped Gu Fei sit down.

  The whole family also sat down.

  There is a pot of chicken, a stack of cornmeal pancakes, a bowl of pickles, and a bowl of green beans on the table. This is the extent of the New Year celebrations at home.

  Gu Fei's eyes narrowed as she smelled the aroma of chicken soup.

  Xiaocao sat in Li Chunhua's arms and clapped her hands, "Oh, it's time to eat chicken, eat--"

  "Hey, you redeemed a lost product and actually killed the chicken to eat?" Xiaocao's cheerful words were interrupted by a sharp voice. Suddenly, a middle-aged woman with a slumped face and a long green cloth dress walked in from the door.

  Gu Zhang frowned and said, "Sister-in-law, my Xiaofei is not a loser. Be careful what you say."

  "Why is she not a loser?" Qian walked in quickly and almost poked Gu Fei in the face with his finger. Fei hurriedly got out of the way.

  "A girl's movie is worth twenty taels of silver? If she can't work for two years, she will get married off, and she will have to pay a dowry. Brother, I think you have lost your mind!"

  Gu Zhang stood up with an ugly face, " Sister-in-law, how much I am willing to spend to redeem Xiao Fei is our family's business and has nothing to do with you. Our families have been separated for a long time!"

  Qian turned and pointed at Gu Zhang and spat, "That has nothing to do with me? Don't you go to our house to borrow money?"

  "You took advantage of my absence and cheated your honest elder brother of a tael of money. Did you think that my money was wasted?"

  Gu Qing lowered his head when he heard this. He was the uncle just now. The family borrowed money.

  "Give me back the money!" Qian spread his hands with his palms facing upward.

  Gu Qing looked at Gu Zhang. He knew that Gu Zhang still had two taels of silver in his hand.

  Gu Zhang hesitated for a moment, but then said: "Sister-in-law, I can't pay you back the money right now. In two days, I will go to the city with their brothers to find work. I will pay you back the money before the end of the year."

  The two taels in his hand He still has some use for the money. He has to go to the Yamen to cancel Xiao Fei's slave registration, and he also needs to transfer Xiao Fei's household registration back. This all costs money, and two taels may not be enough.

  "Bah!" Mr. Qian spat fiercely, "Don't lie to me. The drought has been like this this year, and there is no work in the fields. They have all gone to the city to find work. I'm afraid there are hundreds of people under the city wall. "I don't care

  , I want money now!"