
Nongmen Space: Lucky Jiaojiao comes to farm

Gu Fei, a rookie who has not survived three episodes in the apocalypse, traveled to ancient times with space and became a girl in the Hou Mansion. As soon as I arrived, my house was ransacked and sold. It was finally bought back by his family. Then there was a severe drought in his hometown for three years and there was no harvest. Gu Fei and his family fled the north. Along the way, countless people died of hunger. Gu Fei: Don't be afraid, there is food in our space. Bandits and refugees were rampant on the way forward. Gu Fei: Don't be afraid, we have weapons in our space. After all the money was spent, Gu Fei led his family to farm and open an inn to make a fortune, and by the way, he gained a little overlord's son. The innocent prince: My wife can always conjure up many strange things. My wife must be a little fairy. Novel keywords: Nongmen Space: Lucky Jiaojiao Comes to Farm without pop-up window, Nongmen Space: Lucky Jiaojiao Comes to Farm txt full set download, Nongmen Space: Lucky Jiaojiao Comes to Farm latest chapters to read

Line_Huang · Sci-fi
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390 Chs

Chapter 16 Real Relatives

 Gu Zhang didn't say much, he just said in a deep voice: "Go get it."

  He knew how much money his family had, and there were only a few places where Gu Qing could borrow money, and these families were not rich either. Not much money.

  Mrs. Chen didn't say anything else. She went back to her room and opened the kang cabinet again, took out the box and took out the land deed inside.

  Gu Fei's eyes flashed, and she turned around and asked: "Mom, what are you doing with the land deed?"

  Chen held the land deed tightly in her hand and forced a smile: "It's nothing, don't worry about these things, just take good care of yourself, mother." I'll kill the chicken to make up for it later."

  Chen quickly came out and handed the land deed to Gu Zhang with great reluctance.

  Gu Zhang took the land deed and hurried to the village chief's house.

  Seeing Gu Zhang walking away, Mrs. Chen became cruel and went to catch a chicken from the chicken coop and killed it in the kitchen.

  Gu Fei was lying on the kang, and Chunhua was giving her medicine. She heard the crow of the chicken and licked her lips. It had been a long time since she had eaten chicken.

  When the apocalypse comes, it will be difficult to find food to survive, let alone eating chicken.

  Although there were a few frozen chickens in her space, she had no chance to make them. The people at the base were too arrogant and she didn't dare to take them out.

  I really want to drink chicken soup.

  About a quarter of an hour later, Gu Zhang turned around and said, "This is twenty taels of silver. I just weighed it at the village chief's house. Brother Shitou, please keep it."

  Shitou took the silver with a complicated expression. He admired this family. , even though he is so poor, he still keeps his word and has such backbone.

  It was clearly said that the money did not need to be repaid, but even if the land was sold, the money would have to be repaid.

  When Gu Zhang took Mrs. Chen out before, Shi Shitou had a sharp ear and vaguely heard the word "land deed". There was nothing he didn't understand.

  He nodded, "The money has been paid back, and I won't bother you, so I left."

  Gu Zhang grabbed him and said, "Brother, don't leave. You've worked hard and you have to eat before going back."

  Shitou kept saying . Waving his hand, "My young master is still waiting for me to serve him. I really can't afford to delay him. I accept your wishes and take my leave."

  Gu Zhang couldn't hold him back and watched Shi Shi get on the carriage.

  When the room became quiet, Gu Zhang turned around and asked Gu Qing, "Your sister—"

  The door to the back room was closed, so he couldn't go in rashly. Gu Qing

  just met his father at the village chief's house. He glanced at the door of the inner room and said, "The girl is injured. Chunhua is giving her medicine."

  Gu Zhang's voice tightened, "Where is the injury?"

  Gu Qing was depressed. Boringly, "Back."

  "The clothes are all stained red."

  As she was talking, Chunhua came out of the back room, holding the clothes Gu Fei had changed in her hand.

  Gu Zhang's eyes lingered on the blood stains on his clothes for a long time, and he asked tremblingly: "Xiao Fei didn't tell you how he was injured? Is it important? Do you need to call a doctor?"

  "The girl said she was beaten in the Hou Mansion. I checked in the city and came back with the medicine." Chunhua said, carrying her clothes and going to the water tank outside the door to get water.

  Gu Zhang beat his heart and looked ugly, "It's all my fault, it's all my fault!"

  Gu Qing helped Gu Zhang sit down, "Dad, don't blame yourself. Now that Xiao Fei is back, the family can finally We're reunited. Let's treat her well in the future and pay back what we owe her slowly."

  Gu Fei raised her ears and listened to the sounds outside, and let out a long breath in the back room.

  From this point of view, it seems that the Gu family values ​​​​love and justice, and their character is upright. She will treat them as true relatives in the future.

  They were connected by blood, and the memories in her brain were also accompanied by emotions. She couldn't let go even if she wanted to.