

Story of the Naruto world in the Boruto era with Otsutsuki clan as the main enemies and the expansion of the setting into space. Disclaimer: Don't own anything. Harem. Long and Slow Story.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 9

Finishing up the meal in silence as King threw out the free loaders leaving only the two of them in the house.

It was a nice experience and reminded him of his time with Shion and Hinata. They were his girlfriends back home but the relationship was platonic.

In the ninja world monogamy wasn't a thing, people married as they wished and such laws weren't created so Naruto's sense of relationship was made according to that.

If you liked a person then you should be together and that's it but Naruto had never actually fallen in love.

He used to say he loved Sakura all the time but Jiraiya taught him everything and fixed him up in the 2 and a half year.

Jiraiya wasn't just his master he was his father and the person more important than his own live. Naruto would die for him and kill anything for him.

The man might be a pervert but he was a good master that had learned from his mistakes and taught him carefully, taking into account that he wasn't a genius like Nagato or Minato.

Naruto was talented but his talent was limited by Kurama's presence so they had to use methods with slow progress while trying to get him ready to achieve sage mode to fight Kurama for the final test.

Jinchuuriki could bond with their beast from mutual understanding or by beating them in combat but seeing that Kurama wasn't listening, Naruto had no other choice but to look forward to the fight.

It was his test left by his father because after defeating Kurama and taking his power, Naruto would surpass the limits of humanity.

That was that and the man taught him about love, and he was made aware of his shallowness.

In a short time with a proper master, he matured and understood the world.

He understood what a good person was like and what a normal person was like, and what a bad person was like.

Jiraiya changed his mindset from thinking that he owed Konoha anything, just because he was the Kyuubi vessel doesn't mean he owed them anything.

With such knowledge Naruto realized how few good people actually existed and most people were just normal, as they could give lip service but wouldn't act.

Among his friends all of them fell into the normal category, none of them were actually good people. They ignored everything around them because it didn't happen to them.

It wasn't a secret that he was isolated, you would have to be blind and all of them had seen him walk around the village with depression.

Naruto didn't put this against them because really it had nothing to do with them and they were still good friends as they would put down their lives for each other.

The problem was that it was normal not to care about others and ignore things because it could get bothersome.

Moving on from those problems after the training journey, Hinata confessed to him as he had seen through her feelings and he accepted to give it a try.

She knew that it was just a trial and accepted it with joy.

Naruto also felt happy at actually being loved especially by such a beautiful girl. Hinata had been the quite girl in the class that was actually the strongest without anyone knowing.

She was quite but among the people he knew she was the first person of his age to call out to him. During the chunin exam his team mates weren't worried about his injuries while Hinata gave him a healing balm.

She cheered for him when not even his team mates did so.

She looked up to him, when no one would ever do so.

She was that weird girl that was burdened by life and Naruto could only feel sad for her, for himself. If her father had been stronger than Hinata would have walked to him with confidence and made friends with him but she feared what the clan would do to him if she interacted with the village pariah.

Her mind was burden by her love for her sister as she had to show herself weak so that the clan elders didn't slap the slave seal on to her head.

Hinata was willing to put herself in that position because of her love for the sister that didn't even know how much her elder sister cared.

Neji had been fixed by Naruto and with a clear mind he understood Hinata's position as his father had been made into a slave because he was the younger sibling.

He helped her out with the goal to reform the clan and Naruto also intended to go with it. Seeing they were in a relationship, Naruto thought he would end up falling in love through their experience together and with time.

Shion came later like a few months later when he went on a mission to guard her life. They spent two weeks together and she fell in love with him because of his persistent personality.

Unlike Hinata, Shion wasn't shy and asked him to give her a child.

Naruto said if he fell in love with her than he wouldn't mind so she became his second girlfriend.

It was only a month later did he go to a mission to hunt down a forbidden puppet user that he ended up here.


"Naruto, how much do you know about the world?" King asked as she held her coffee mug

"Not much, I lived in a village hidden from the world." Naruto answered honestly without clarifying since she didn't need to know about it.

"I guessed as much so you don't know about Murim Association."

"What is that?"

"First you are lucky that you didn't let the battle drag into the city or you would have been attacked by them. Murim Association is the organization that looks over the Ki users and is made up clans or other martial artists.

They have branches in every country and they make sure nothing goes too wrong. They won't interfere with small things but if Ki users start doing things too big than they will step in and take care of them.

Right now they are in a very bad mood as their members had been killed by Jin Kazama so you better be careful.

You are strong but you have to remember that Murim Association is directly linked to the country itself that means the army.

You know Akuma, yes even the raging demon wouldn't dare make a mess inside a country because fighting a country is too much.

Even his Ki would run out and the damage would build up, if the country is willing to take losses.

It is the reason that Ki users are subdued and don't cause too much damage. Otherwise fights would happen anywhere and people would die in hoards.

Right now there are two enemies to the Murim Association called Shadaloo and NEST. Both of them are evil organizations that have been involved in very unethical practices that used to be tolerated in the old days of chaos but now have been banned even in the Murim.

You are strong Naruto so all of them must have taken notice of you without your knowledge. They have a database for all fighters and they can come for you without notice.

Shadaloo and NEST are known for kidnapping talented fighters and many have been killed by them. For now NEST seemed to have been taking more interest in Kyo Kusanagi but who knows what they will do so I just want you to be careful.

The last move that damaged your hand was very careless even if you seem to have a powerful healing factor. Just because you don't see a powerful enemy doesn't mean he might not be there so you should never weaken yourself for even a second. I have lost friends in this manner." King explained carefully and slowly so that Naruto wouldn't make the mistake of fighting against the force of order or taking it easy and getting taken out by the force of chaos

"Is nobody going to take care of them? Where do they operate mostly?"

"The Murim is after them and some countries are working to destroy them but they have yet to have any significant successes since both these forces live in the shadows. There bases could be anywhere from being in the middle of nowhere to popular cities.

They operate mostly in China, Japan, Thailand, India, USA, Russia and Australia." King answered as she looked up from the coffee

"Don't tell me you want to fight them?" King noticed his expression

"From what I heard they don't sound good so if I come across them I will handle them and if they have databases of fighters than they must have databases on all kinds of abilities. I want to break into their base if possible." Naruto said with a curious expression

He liked these kinds of organization as you could help people out and even get treasure from them. There were similar organizations like that in the ninja world as well and he had raided some of them with Jiraiya, and found old documents about powerful jutsu.

These people were good collectors so if you could beat them, you would find a library of precious knowledge.

Only groups like Akatsuki were useless, they were just anarchist but completely barren when you found their base.

On such excursions, Naruto had found the wind armor jutsu and the wind flight jutsu but had been unable to complete it because of poor control.

"I know it seems useful but the risk is too great. They have very strong fighters that could even take down the demons if willing to sacrifice their main fighters.

Do you understand how dangerous it could get if you pushed them too much? They were fighting against countries and whole organizations!"

"Relax King, I know my limits and would never act without thinking. I will attack when an opportunity is given. I am not going to go hunt them down or anything."

"Even then you will be on their wanted list, Ryu and Kyo face attacks every week. Are you okay with such a life where danger can arrive at any moment?"

"I am used to such a life so it won't matter much and now I have subordinates to help me out."

King could see that he wasn't going to budge on this matter. He was the same as Terry and Ryu, and all the guys she was involved with. None of them would back down from such threats for their purposes.

Even she would not back down if she had a reason but it seems peace had dulled her mind.

"I understand but what do you intend to do with them? They can't be trusted, you know."

"I intend to use them for practice since I am going to be the leader of my village. This experience would help me out.

I want to earn my keep, manage forces and properties.

With them as the starting point I may get more fighters under me so I can spar with them and evolve my fighting style since I am just starting to grow now." Naruto replied in an exciting tone as he couldn't wait to learn the jutsu and master his wind style and clone style before entering Sage mode

The Akatsuki are going to wish that they never existed when he was back.

Seeing his excitement King was surprised as Naruto was already strong and if his growth was just starting then he really would usher the new peak of martial arts.

'Maybe he is just boasting' Of course that was also an option.

"If you want to train then you can go to the mountains and nature if you need for bigger purposes but if you are going to polish a fighting style without causing massive damage then there are many gyms for our kind of people."

"Hmm, I will need both but first I will go with the nature one."

"Well your choice but remember to be careful since you aren't going to be the only one out there."

"I will keep that in mind and thank you very much King. You really are the best. From this day on you are my friend and if you need any help then give me a call and I will come running without hesitation." Naruto got up from his chair and hugged King tightly, and spun her around before putting her down

"No problem, it's nothing really so you don't have to go so far and yes we are friends." King smiled as she looked at him

He really was a fun guy that infected people with positive vibes.

"Well, I will see you later."

"Take care"


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment

Can you guys leave review if you have been able to form a proper opinion of the story till now?

Hinata and Shion will be part of the story but in the final part.

There are times i forget that people mix up filler with canon material without knowing. And most people don't actually remember much details of the story.

I also forget but since i have been writing and checking it out so my memory is refreshed.

Hinata's canon problem is like this and she isn't weaker than Hanabi. I don't how people can actually believe something like this instead of thinking that Hinata lost on purpose for her sister.

Its literally canon that retired Hinata beat prime Hanabi in fighting but this episode wasn't made and exists in the novel.

After Neji's death Hinata is the strongest Hyuga now. Her eyes have been stronger than all hyuga from birth.

You should realize how much potential was actually wasted here. She could see 20 km into the distance unlike Neji's ten.

Also you know emotional trauma and shit from what happened to her. She was kidnapped as a child to become a breeding stock, her mother died, her sister was in danger of the seal, her family was shit.

People really forget what kind of situation these characters are actually in and start bullshittng. If i was in his situation i would do this when you would most likely piss yourself in most of these situations.

We all know of how effective our combat prowess are in the imaginary street fights.

I am not just talking about Hinata but all characters. Its just that Hinata is one of the most likely target of such things and people only like her for liking Naruto because let's be honest she looked worse than Sakura in Shippuden.

At least the kid version was cute.

I only find her last and Boruto movie versions actually good. Last version is the best and made her the top of Naruto girls in one go along with Ino.