

Story of the Naruto world in the Boruto era with Otsutsuki clan as the main enemies and the expansion of the setting into space. Disclaimer: Don't own anything. Harem. Long and Slow Story.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 10

It had taken a day but Naruto's mind was in focus again and things were trying to adjust into place. He walked the streets of Tokyo to think about things before meeting his new team.

He had appeared in this world without any clue.

He had been chasing someone through a portal.

Kyuubi was missing.

His speed was restrained and his body was stronger.

He just had a dream about a man from Akatsuki that attacked with a shockwave or something similar that covered a large range.

'On a scale of 1 to 100 that seemed pretty fucked.' Naruto thought about his own expression and voice

He didn't have such dreams, his dreams were always about the darkness, Kyuubi or ramen or being Hokage.

One thing about dreams was that they were random and most of the time didn't make any sense plus you hardly remembered after waking up.

This one was too clear to be a dream and the man wasn't someone he knew.

Now that means he was actually missing some memories or it was a false memory itself.

Where were they fighting? Most likely inside a city and not just any city concluding from his expression, it was Konoha.

'Someone has either placed false memories inside of me or I forgot because of trauma. It wouldn't make sense for it to be false as the last thing I remember is jumping through a portal.

So if I take the mostly outcome, I likely forgot because of the trauma. My memories are missing and slowly coming back in pieces as by subconscious mind is protecting me from succumbing to it.' Naruto put things together slowly and a very harsh reality presented itself.

Konoha was most likely destroyed by this man but the question was how he ended up here. Why was he alive after the extraction of the beast?

Did anyone survive?

'They must have survived or I wouldn't be here. It might be because of Kakashi's ability I ended up here. It is a space-time ninjutsu so if something went wrong with it this could be a result of it.

Okay let's stay positive, no need to let bad thoughts inside.' Naruto took in breaths to calm himself down before his depression resurfaced its ugly head

Jiraiya managed to make Naruto look inside and accept the darkness, face his loneliness, pain, and rage that had built up throughout his life.

The outgoing him was his way of coping with his darkness that wanted him to sink, wanted him to kill himself to relieve this ache or kill them all to fill in the hole.

From that day he had decided to never turn an eye away from his pain because it was the cowardly way and it would only cause more pain in the future.

'They are alive but definitely in trouble now if Akatsuki has the Kyuubi. I am confident they can survive but I should get back earlier or they might all die when I am back later. Two years, two years should be the limit.

They can definitely survive that long if they play it safe.' Naruto stopped in front of an electronics shop where he could see TVs showing the Spiderman movie.

He ignored the case of time difference between both worlds as it had a negative and positive side but one that he had no way of knowing at the moment so it was better not to voice it and increase stress about things out of his control.

"I went to the movies just last week in my memories. I wonder how good the movies are in this world." Naruto enjoyed watching action movies with some romance or comedy movies.

He wasn't a fan of the horror genre as the things weren't scary enough to get his heart racing. It didn't actually work on any ninja and only the normal populace enjoyed it.

The film world was filled with people from different back grounds and the actions scenes were all real with slight changes.

So it could be a fun experience seeing what the normal had created with their higher tech.

The ninja world was behind this world in tech level but not too far as they already had electricity, radio, computers, guns, trains, cameras, TVs, game consoles and more.

They lacked automobiles since Ninja moved faster than these things and didn���t need them. They were also not safe for the people since conflict was still in place.

A lot of these things didn't exist because the countries were not at peace and were constantly fighting, diverting their attention from tech to magical powers.

It was the reason that medical sciences were much higher in the ninja world since they researched so much into biological enhancements or bloodline replication.

'Right, I shouldn't forget to relax or I will end up doing harm to my body.' Naruto stopped his thoughts from narrowing down as he remembered Jiraiya's words about a balanced life.

Working out all day wasn't going to help him so he should go with the initial plan, learn things at a moderate pace, cover things from this world, learn about leadership as desired and travel around the world.

Eliza knew about his targets so he could speak to her about it and prepare plans to beat the enemy into submission.

If he trained like usual he would finish mastering his jutsu within two months and not need more than a single hand sign for them.

He had trained with such disadvantages so now that it was gone, his control was top class.

Taking the positive outlook, Naruto stretched before going back to the place to meet up with Mad Gear.


On the roof of King's bar the gang had gathered and was waiting for Naruto in a pretty relaxed manner. It wasn't their first time changing bosses so they got used to it.

"Poison, do you really think it will work? You spent the night with him so what's the verdict." Rolento asked, among the group of guys he was the most perceptive and the brain of the team. The rest of the guys were pure muscles.

He wasn't one to keep a grudge and accepted the loss cleanly since the foe was too strong. He had no intention to fight him again.

Naruto had already marked them and there was no escape but more information about the Boss was always valuable as it will allow him to act appropriately.

He wasn't as careless as the others who just enjoyed fighting and eating.

He was similar to the girls since he desired to live a rich life style, it doesn't matter what the source of that richness was.

The girls were sluts for power, they would do anything for it and acting as loyal slaves to their boss was no big deal.

"He is a virgin that cares a lot about feelings and chastity. So you guys avoid talking about these topics if you don't want to get thrown aside.

He is very perceptive and even in sleep his danger level doesn't go down. I thought of trying to kill him and the danger from him increased so much that my legs gave out.

Just remember that he might look careless but he is a monster in human flesh and we haven't seen him fight yet." Poison explained as she smoked and looked out to the city from the roof while Roxy sat on the wall and sucked on a lollipop

Hearing this information they weren't surprised as it was within expectation or Poison would have died while attempting to attack Naruto in his sleep.

Naruto had been trained to react while unconscious by Jiraiya for 2 years as the man attacked him at all moments.

King might have lectured him but Naruto was very sensitive to threats and the only thing worth listening was about not weakening yourself.

"Understood, we are going to focus on legal things from now on."

"Most likely but we can slip in some underhanded stuff since he doesn't care about stealing and such if it doesn't harm the people."

"I was thinking we could slip in some machines and such start a legal business. It is slower than stealing it directly and doing it the fun way but maybe this could be fun. Mad Gear and co. Hahaha" Poison chuckled as she turned around to look at them.

But she didn't see them laughing and realized someone must have stood behind her at that moment.

"I think that's a good idea but let's earn the money through a tournament or battle instead. We are all fighters so let use our birthright to earn our stay." Naruto said with a smile as he landed on the wall after jumping from the telephone pole

"Boss, what is your goal? If we know it then we can do better than just sitting around waiting for your commands." Roxy asked as she looked at happily

She had changed from her short denim pants to orange shorts that came to her knees while wearing a black top that left her belly button to view where she had a rose tattoo with thorns.

Poison had also changed her style after realizing that disturbing might not be the right way and he might the type that doesn't like what he owns to show everything to others.

If they wanted to capture his interests they had to understand his tastes carefully and slip into his heart.

They might have to actually start liking since he seems to know what others were feeling.

It was a danger they were willing to risk for a fun life filled with wealth.

"My goal is to become the strongest and learn dimensional travel. I intend to take down people like Akuma and force them to give me the answers. That is my top goal but on the other hand I also want to learn leadership skills and lead our group to become successful in this world since my future is being the leader of my people.

I am the son of the Uzumaki clan, the son of the Fourth Lord of Konoha and the Future Sixth Lord of Konoha.

As for what is Konoha, it is a ninja village. What do you guys think? This path is going to fun and difficult, filled with danger and opportunities."

Naruto replied in an enthusiastic manner as he talked about his dream. The dream that was complete unlike the old one where he wanted to become Hokage so people would like him.

Now he wanted to become Hokage to stand at the top and use these resources to change the world into the image he wanted.

Peace and order couldn't be attained by a single man, the path Jiraiya had walked was limited and he saw that a force was needed not just one person.


Hashirama and Madara had the chance to bring peace to the world but they chose selfishness and narrow-mindedness.

Madara gave into hate once Hashirama took the side of the people and took the First Hokage position promised to him while Hashirama chose the way that didn't hurt people.

He gave up one in a millennia chance to peace because he didn't to cause deaths and allowed for conflicts to stop for a time until he was killed by some unknown force.

Madara would never have chosen such a path but would have caused too much destruction pointlessly to show dominance but Hashirama could have controlled that and together they could have built a utopia.

Naruto learned about these two and the Sage of Six path to learn from their examples.

The Sage had brought peace to the world for a time but he had not made a force that would keep it up without him.

His sons had ended up being the biggest fires of wars in all history of the world.

Both of them had similar outlooks in life to Hashirama and Madara. Both could have maintained the peace that their father had brought.

But the older brother lost and the younger brother refused to kill him, allowing a war to erupt.

Jiraiya had said these parts so that he won't end up making such mistakes as Sasuke would also have the possibility of walking the path of destruction.

His clan had been slaughtered by Itachi and a Madara Faker, the person responsible for the Kyuubi rampage.

This was the result of Hiruzen's weakness of allowing Danzo to live after so many betrayals. Even though he was not directly involved, Hiruzen was responsible for this atrocity as Danzo was only able to cause problem and affect the young mind of Itachi because Hiruzen was too soft.

Itachi was a serious person and smart guy but in the end he was just a young man with a lot mental burdens.

Hiruzen's slow response and soft approach made him loose hope while he was wondering whether to support his clan in the revolt or fight for Konoha.

The revolt would fail without a doubt and anyone with a mind could see it. The Uchiha weren't strong enough to take out all the clans and would get slaughtered while completely smearing their names in history.

Then Danzo came to him in the time of weakness and ordered him to kill them for the safety of Konoha.

The whispers of the devil were reinforced further when Fake Madara offered the same to him and once he heard that there was no going back.

Jiraiya obviously knew about these things because Itachi had talked to him about his guilt and regrets as they were colleagues even now.

Naruto understood that things weren't always what they seem to be and showing kindness was good but you should have limits. You need to show a strong front and induce confidence in your people or they would take wrong steps even though you could have solved the problem in a better manner.

'Will you kill Sasuke if there is no choice left?' Was the final lesson that Jiraiya gave him

'If he has fallen too deep and I have no choice but to kill, I will kill him.' That was Naruto's conclusion after listening and learning from Jiraiya.

The man had lived with the regret of never killing Orochimaru when he had the chance and now felt guilty for every innocent life lost because of the snake.

Naruto wanted to kill the snake and save his father from this guilt while promising to never repeat such mistakes because his pain would cause Jiraiya pain.

His life was not just his own anymore. He had a bond and those people care for his well being so he could not allow this life to get snuffed out or suffer because it will be disservice to the people he called family and friends.

His empath ability from his blood had been increased because of Kurama and it allowed him to connect to people.

He hadn't realized it before but did it unconsciously.

He understood their pain and shared his pure feelings to them.

It happened with Gaara and it happened with Sasuke.

On his journey he had connected with many people and understood their darkness. Not everyone was good deep inside as there were some people that just didn't deserve to live.

For the path that his father figure walked, the path his father walked, Naruto was willing to embrace it and bring it to completion as he accepted this path as his own.

With the path in sight, his steps were straight and filled with confidence. There was no wavering in his heart as he accepted all the risks and pain that would come with it.

No matter how difficult it gets he had promised to bring the dream to completion because this pain was too much and he didn't want others to suffer it.

Of course unlike others before him, he decided to walk this path with friends and family so it would be a journey filled with joy and lower mental stress as you had no one to talk to you.


Listening to his words, they were surprised as none of them had expected that Naruto was actually a ninja and someone from a noble background.

They had met ninja like Guy and Ibuki, and other fodder ninja but all of them were different than Naruto in their manner of appearance and talk.

It was complete confidence in power and his desire to walk in the light.

This is what they understood because other ninja did everything in secrecy while he was going out of his way to fight in the public.

'This is much better than what we thought.'

'Yeah, I thought he was one of those people like Ryu.'

Poison and Roxy shared their thoughts and weren't deterred by his goals because his potential was just that big.

Sixteen year old, that was his age and no known fighter in the world at that age could compete with him.

"Boss, will you take care of us? How are you going to treat your servants?" Poison asked the most important question

They needed to know if he was going to use them as pawns to be thrown aside or would he take care of them like precious weapons.

"If you follow me properly I will treat you like family. If someone beats you up, I will beat them up. If you are suffering, I will help you overcome it. I will not let you suffer and will give you the rewards you deserve but if you break my rules then you will get the punishment you deserve." Naruto answered honestly and for the first time released his killing intent that was so thick that their hearts would have popped if they were normal humans

It affected the surroundings and made it heavier for them, causing cracks to spread on the ground. Luckily he stopped within a second or they might have difficulty breathing and collapsed the roof from the pressure he had given off.

Killing intent with chakra had such affects and it was strong inside of Naruto because of Kurama.

This made people believe that he had slaughtered countless people and made them shit their pants.

"Understood Boss, please don't show us that again." Poison muttered as she caught herself and felt respect for Naruto, for his strength even more than before but she wasn't masochistic enough to want to experience that again.

It was worse than Akuma's presence.

'And here I thought he was a saint or something but he was just a demon turned saint.'

"Don't worry I will never show it to you again." Naruto said with a gentle smile as he appeared between the girls and hugged them

"Now spread out, and gather information about tournaments or fights for me. If you have any other plans then we can also discuss them if you have a clear idea.

If you know people who we can recruit than mention it and we will see what to do with them.

I will work on a way to make your wrestling band interesting and we are going to make it famous.

Abi and Hugo will follow me, rest of you can go now and we will meet back here when I call you or at 5 P.m sharp." With those words, he gave the girls a kiss on their cheeks and let go

Seeing his way of doing things they were surprised, they had never expected him to be so smooth and touchy.

It was his way of showing that he was giving them a chance to become closer to him and now it depended on them.

"Yes Boss!" Roxy shouted enthusiastically followed by the rest and they jumped of the roof without another word as they needed to show some results now.

They will know more about the future at the end of the day. How was he going to respond to their actions?

"Okay, let's go to your gym." Naruto heard that they owned a place where they trained and even a place where they held matches but because of their bad history not much of a crowd had been gathered.

Criminal history was bad for business.


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment

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