

Story of the Naruto world in the Boruto era with Otsutsuki clan as the main enemies and the expansion of the setting into space. Disclaimer: Don't own anything. Harem. Long and Slow Story.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 7

King was sitting in her office, a small room in her establishment, and thinking about Naruto as they had left him to fight such a powerful enemy that reminded King of Rugal.

The small room would have been like a can of sardines if the giants weren't sitting in the bar handling their wounds while the girls sat in the office.

"Sis, what are we going to do now?" Roxy asked as she relaxed on the sofa, none of them were actually worried for Naruto except King

Poison remained silent for a moment before answering, "We will wait for our new boss."

"I thought you were going to run before he came back." King was surprised by those words and looked towards the woman

All of them were acquaintances in a bad way as they had fought against each other since King was also part of the slums.

Mad Gear gang had entered their region and gotten beaten by Terry while King had also helped out.

They all came from similar backgrounds, slums and no parents but King always walked the legal path while they had taken the criminal path.

It was the easy way out since they had the power to get what they wanted and walking the normal path would take time.

They had let power get to their head and violence take over their mind.

All of them were quite tame compared to the time when she had met them for the first time or when the gang was at its peak.

After so many defeats they had learned to be humble and know their place.

"I trust my taste in men."

"I thought you slept with masochists."

"Here this is for you, as for what I like, I like strong men and of you don't know then I offered myself to Terry once but he rejected my approach and I wasn't willing to risk getting beaten by his bitch." Poison flipped her middle finger at King and answered while looking at the clock

It had been 10 minutes already so the battle should be finished.

"You better clean your mouth before I throw you to the streets. Mary is my friend, remember that. Now what are you planning to do with Naruto?"

King was getting agitated as bad memories had surfaced from this battle, memories of her hometown where her friends had almost died in a battle against a superior foe.

"Nothing, how do you suppose we control boss? He could snap our pretty heads easily, how would we dare do such a thing? We are not fearless warriors like you, girl." Roxy chimed in as she dropped her phone since King was being an annoyance

"I am done." Naruto said as he entered through the window

King reacted as she always did with unexpected intruders and threw a Qi wave at him through her leg, which cut through the air like a sword.

"WOW" Naruto muttered in surprise as he blocked the attack with his forearms enhanced by chakra as his physical body would break if that hit him

"Next time come through the door, our kind of people need to be on their feet so such reactions are necessary." King said as she inspected the stains left on her carpet from the coffee she had put on the table

"Sorry about that, I am just used to such a thing but next time I will try coming in like normal." Naruto replied with a smile as he rubbed his head

"Just be careful and how did the battle go?" King asked with curiosity as she could see damage on Naruto's body and she didn't believe even one bit that it wasn't dangerous

"We fought to a compromise and now we are friends. She even has information that I want so I can finally focus on a specific target." Naruto said in a light tone as all the weight had been lifted as his goal was now clear

Eliza had said the targets were very strong but he wasn't worried since now he could achieve his full potential since the fox was gone and if that wasn't enough then he will finish the Senjutsu training. The knowledge was incomplete but he can make it up as he goes using clones to test it out since death was a risk involved.

"Can you trust her words? She is a demon and I can tell you from experience, none of them have ever been good."

"I am good at reading people and I trust her words as she needs me."

"Well if you say so, it is your choice but I don't want her anywhere close to my place."

Naruto understood her worries so he didn't mind, "No problem but have you heard her about her before, her name is Eliza?"

King tried to remember such a name that was in this level of power but got nothing, "I don't know her but what happened to her."

"She is sleeping somewhere. Can I have some food, I am starving?" Naruto replied and asked as he could feel his body weaken from the hunger strike within his stomach

King was curious but didn't push her limits as she was not close to Naruto.

"Okay, wait here." King said as she walked out and ordered some food for Naruto while sending a message to Chizuru, who was a priestess of the Kagura clan. She was a powerful woman that could come between rivals like Iori Yagami and Kyo Kusanagi.

Her clan was known for its sealing powers and divination so she thought this would interest her since a demon was never a good thing.

Three demons were already too much for the world already. King thought of Akuma, Jin and Kazuya.

'I hope she is doing fine.' King thought as she felt sympathy for her friend's who was trying to get those two men to work together and put down the ancient hatred of the clans

It was like they were born to kill each other and they couldn't resist the instinct.


With King gone out of the room, Poison thought he would talk to them but it seems he was too tired to care about them.

"I will just make the seal now to make it official and we can talk about these things tomorrow." Naruto muttered with a yawn, the day had been hectic

He had woken up in a new world, moved around the city, fought thrice and handled so much emotional burden that his head was feeling dizzy.

"Okay" Poison and Roxy said together, standing up Naruto felt his body heat up in this tired state as both girls became naked

"You didn't need to do that, your hand would do." Naruto said as his eyes drank up their body

"All this belongs to Boss now so we want to show it you and as for the seal, I want it here." Poison said as she placed her hand below the belly button.

"I want it here Boss." Roxy said cheerfully with a mischievous smile as she rubbed her inner thigh

Both of them were the type to worship power even though they dominated others most of the time but that was outside of intimate relationships.

The battle and the subsequent event had sold them the idea to serve Naruto. He was powerful, young and good looking.

His future body could look even better and his powers much higher. They would be his girls while he stood at the top.

They could have anything they want in the world.

With such thoughts in their head, they were sexually attracted to him because of their personal desires and tastes.

These actions were to tease him and make him act on his lust but Naruto wasn't someone foreign to the female body.

He had even drawn seals on them before so this wasn't his first time.

Suppressing his wandering and tired mind, Naruto bit his finger and drew the seals using his blood while the girls did their best to make it uncomfortable by moaning with each touch.

'I might need to whip them before they become too free with me.'

After finishing up the seals and eating Naruto finally lay down to sleep, he had filled his stomach and the fatigue had caught up to him. He hadn't slept a wink since he arrived in this world and had been through much.

It was the first time in an unknown place without a companion and it kind of put stress on his mind which he chose to ignore so that he could enjoy the experience and not lower his efficiency as worrying was pointless.

'I hope everyone is doing well. I wonder what happened to Master. I haven't seen him since we came back to Konoha. Wonder how Sasuke is doing?' Naruto closed his eyes and so many thoughts poured out

"Sleep, no need to think." Naruto muttered to himself as he tried to sleep in the foreign place faraway from all that he knew


In the jungles of Africa, in a country that was filled with piracy, a mercenary gang had been invited to clean up the filth known as the Ikari Warriors.

The Ikari Warriors were not aligned with any country, acting independently in dangerous missions all over the world.

They would take missions to handle regional issues and threats to countries. They were a force of order and did not take tasks to spread chaos or killing of innocents, no matter the price.

The pirates lived in a world filled with violence but they should have known that there are monsters in these waters and a day would come when they messed with something beyond them.

The three mercenary's dashed forward after analyzing their targets and with their pure physical prowess destroyed the pirate's ships and their bases along with their lives.

"Captain, how long do we need to stay?" A man with a strong build and blonde hair wearing a hat asked in a respectful tone

"Until we are sure of the mission's completion. We will not let even one slip by." Leona replied as she took a bite from her rations

"Oh, it's good then that I am here." A voice disturbed the team and they took a defensive stance as they looked towards the man

"Muteba, what do you want?" Ralf Jones asked in a confident tone, he was itching to try his might against the foe that was known as the Genocider

Ralf and Clark were similar height of 188 and their body was built powerful through extreme training. It wasn't thin or too big but in the middle.

Clark was the silent guy while Ralf was the energetic one among them.

Ralf wore a white shirt and camouflage pants along with a red bandana covering his head. He had guns and bullets strapped on him while wearing a bullet proof vest.

On the other hand Clark wore a blue shirt and camouflage pants with guns. He wore sunglasses and wore a hat.

"Don't get your panties in a bunch and chill. I am here to invite you personally to the next KOF tournament." Muteba replied as he stared at them with an unwavering gaze

Muteba was an infamous blind mercenary from Congo. He was hired by Togo Tomari to represent Iwami Heavy Industries as their affiliated fighter during the Kengan Annihilation Tournament.

Muteba was a tall, very muscular black man with whited-out eyes and whose entire head and body was covered in numerous tribal tattoos. He wore a green jacket and shorts, being very casual.

Leona felt her heart beet quicken at the mention of the tournament, the last one had not gone well for them and she felt something worse will happen this time.

'Why am I feeling like this? Is it my blood?'

Leona was special and not in a good way so when this feeling came, she had reasons to worry.

"We will be there so you can leave now." Clark said as he knew Leona didn't like Muteba since he was one disgusting man as he treated women like sluts that should be waiting to satisfy his monstrous appetite and only respected those with strength.

He was a mercenary but he did not have a code of honor and took any job, luckily he was contracted to someone that leashed him to the barely legal side of the spectrum or they would have killed him already.

Muteba smiled as he heard those words, he had come personally through choice as his master could have sent someone else.

'She is feisty as ever.' Muteba thought as he felt her presence and could see the bloodlust hidden deep in her soul. She was a monster and he knew it, and it excited him. He wanted to claim her when she was at her wildest.

'But I am not ready; sadly the dream will be a dream at this rate.'

"I will be leaving now so take care." Muteba replied as he walked away and touched his chest, where he had received scars from Leona some years ago. The battle had shown him that he was not invincible and opened him to a new world.

'I hope the yin-yang reactor is prepared quickly so that I can take part.'


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment

You can check what the characters look like in the comments of the chapters they are introduced. I am posting them for people who don't know.