

Story of the Naruto world in the Boruto era with Otsutsuki clan as the main enemies and the expansion of the setting into space. Disclaimer: Don't own anything. Harem. Long and Slow Story.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 6

"So sleepy, how long has it been." The girl muttered while Naruto analyzed her carefully and the others showed fear

Naruto was extremely wary as he felt a strong darkness from her, she was strong and she didn't seem to register them as threats.

'An enemy or not?' Naruto thought as he observed her carefully, his attention shifted from Poison who felt like a hare stuck between two beasts

'I hate this feeling of weakness, the feeling of being inferior.' Poison backed away along with the others and stayed behind Naruto for safety.

They went from getting beaten by the young man to being protected by him. He was their only hope for survival as the devil was too strong for any of them to survive even a single hit.

The rampage that Jin Kazama went through was recorded on the net and she had seen it, the scene of one sided massacre.

He had killed everything that came at him, army men, helicopters, fighter jets, fighters and every one of them had died in one hit.

There was only one lucky guy that had asked Jin's anger and that man was one of the strongest fighters in the world, a top fighter from South Korea.

Ending his rampage with a beam attack from his horns that carved a trench through multiple blocks Jin Kazama had disappeared from public view.

Of course he wasn't the only one, his father Kazuya Mishima also had a demonic side but he had more control than the son.

'Please let us at least escape.' Poison prayed for her life and her partners

To her Naruto's life was of no concern but her team had gone through thick and thin, they were best mates especially her sister and Hugo.

The signal for the battle was given and Naruto saw his target move, she was fast and she came for him. Naruto smirked with joy at the rush he was feeling and moved as he dodged her hand that came for his face and kneed her in the chin.

She was thrown into the air and Naruto followed it with a kick t her side, sending her flying to the right.

Naruto could tell she was being sluggish and the hit rattled her brain making it even worse but her body was really solid.

'Very durable'

Naruto thought as he locked on to the target and launched himself at her, before she could fall Naruto crashed into her from above as he pushed against the wind.

Both legs planted into her abdomen the woman hit the concrete ground.


The impact caused a crater to form and Naruto was smiling as he finally found a powerful foe.


During the training journey Naruto had learned to relax and let go of his darkness hidden within.

He learned a lot about the world, its problems and its beauty.

He learned the role of a ninja in this cruel world and accepted his own path. He learned to enjoy what he was, a warrior not a killer.

He might have been born to be a ninja but ninja were not assassins in their world. They were masters of ninja arts, those who employed tactics devoid of any honor, stealth mastery, stealing, spying and such were the actual main parts.

Assassins were a different branch but that didn't mean that normal ninja didn't kill or anything. It just meant they didn't have to kill most of the time.

There were the rare few bandit missions or if they encountered enemies while doing another mission or while protecting their client.

Naruto was one of the rare ninja that had killed very rarely, he could count the people on his hands and they had been exceptionally evil.

Orochimaru would be added to that list sooner or later along with his servant, Kabuto.

Jiraiya taught him about the cycle of hate and taught him how to avoid the mistakes of his past while moving towards a noble goal of bringing peace to the world since that would definitely put him as the best Hokage ever.

Naruto had taken time to understand the immensity of the task but as he saw the hate and suffering, he felt the desire to actually help people especially since he knew what pain felt like.

The pain of the soul was worse than the pain of the body.

In the last months of the journey he found his calling and learned to enjoy the world, let go of all negativity and even talked to the fox though it still acted like a prison bitch.

People could say he was a fighting maniac and a prankster or joker since he enjoyed the small things in life.

Everyone had been shocked when they say him again because of his appearance looking like his father and the fact he had changed so much in a short time.

Yes, he had learned about his parents from Jiraiya during the second year and finally let go of one of his questions in life.


While he was enjoying the experience, he had not forgotten his goals. She was strong, meaning someone important.

He thought the attack might have done some damage but it seems to have only helped her focus as she caught his leg.

Her grip was very strong and Naruto could feel it break through his defenses.

"Excuse me Goth girl" Naruto muttered with a smile as he jumped using her as the platform

The force applied pushed her deeper into the crater and she let go.

Naruto landed outside of the crater and looked down to see his leg bleeding with claw marks.

Her nails had extended into claw like shape and they were covered by a dark energy that felt disgusting, unnatural.

It reminded him of the Land of Demons where he met Shion and fought that demonic dragon that was supposed to have killed him if Shion didn't awaken her powers.

"You are from the demon world, aren't you?" Naruto asked as he covered his leg with chakra to avoid any demonic infection

Eliza blinked her eyes and yawned as she got up and licked her claw.

"Aahn" She moaned sensually as she took in the blood that Naruto thought she might have just climaxed.

It was just weird, at least better than that pervert he fought in the tournament with a hard on.

That was disgusting.

Naruto could see a change in her power and aura, she seemed to have awakened properly and her eyes shone with red light.

Locking on to him, Naruto could feel her predatory desires.

"Naruto, she is a vampire. Don't let her catch you." King finally decided to intervene and sent cutting Ki blades towards Eliza with a snap of her leg

But the powerful attack that would cut through any metal with ease was blocked with her delicate looking hands and sent back with a slap.

King had already jumped away from the position so only the surroundings got hurt from the attack reversal.

The building collapsed when the attack hit as it carved through it.

Eliza felt alive after so long, the blood was too delicious to resist. This is what she had been waiting for. Eliza was only supposed to take a short nap, but she ended up sleeping for 600 years. Upon awakening, she found her powers as a vampire had faded to low levels. In an attempt to restore her strength, she consumed the blood of several victims. However, it wasn't enough.

What she needed was the blood of someone with an intense spiritual force? Maybe then she would return to peak condition. But did such a person even exist in this era? No-one sprang to mind so once again she ended up taking a nap and fell to sleep for four hundred years.

She was a creature of the dark world just like the Ogre, succubus and demons but had found herself stranded in the human world and didn't know a way back.

She was also too lazy to care about it and the only problem was her powers leaking since this world resisted her existence unlike her home world filled with dark energy.

Eliza still preferred this world because she wasn't haunted by people wanting to kill her back home, they were too annoying.

"Finally, I have found you."

"Why don't you introduce yourself first before looking at me like that? My maiden heart feels very shy now. Also" Naruto replied playfully as he watched her movement that went very casual and lazy to excited and full of energy

"My name is Eliza and you look like a treat so why don't you let me have drink. You are really too delicious. I have never come across such a fine dish in my long life."

Naruto felt a chill run down his spine as he could see Eliza almost drooling over him, "What are you?"

"I am a vampire" Eliza replied as she moved at blinding speed for everyone around here except for him

Her speed caused the ground to shatter and the air to explode. It forced Naruto to use his clones to save the others from damage as this was serious now.

"Interesting ability" Eliza muttered while the shocked spectators were carried by Naruto away from the battlefield

"Naruto, do you need help?" King asked as Naruto and Eliza tested out their physical might

"Boss, we can help out if you need." Poison also joined in to give some lip service as she knew he wasn't going to make them fight

"I can handle it. You guys get to safety and I will meet you later." Naruto said and the clones took them away

"Are you finished?"

"Yes, thanks for obliging to my request."

"I do not want weaklings to ruin my meal." Eliza smiled as her right leg went for his chin while his hands were caught by her but it wasn't checkmate as he blocked it with his own leg

The impact sent tremors across his body and Naruto realized that her legs were exceptionally strong. She was physically stronger than him with his current skill in chakra enhancement and current body growth.

Her base was higher and with dark energy enhancement it became even worse but it wasn't anything new to Naruto since he was used to fighting people with higher stats.

Going for a headbutt, Eliza pulled backward and caught him in a bear hug. It would have been a lovely encounter if she wasn't crushing him and both of them fell to the ground while she mounted him.

"What are you going to do?"

"Are you not scared that I was planning to kill you?"

"No, I don't feel your desire to kill."

"I need you alive as there is no other person that can give me what you have so we can come to an agreement since I don't want your taste to be ruined by despair. I let you live and you feed me, is that clear?" Eliza said with a lovely smile, she looked so beautiful and haunting at the same time

Naruto stared into her red eyes and knew that he could resist, it wasn't impossible but before he could even do anything Eliza had wrapped around his body like a python and held his head in a chokehold while her legs caught his arms. He was unable to move while she bit his neck and sucked.

There was a moment of slowness with his movement caused by her aura when Naruto looked into her eyes.

'Damn how stupid of me.' Naruto berated himself for forgetting about eye abilities just because he was in another world.

Naruto thought it would have been painful but all he felt was pleasure for some reason and his bodies resistance wavered.

'I will not give.' Naruto focused with his mind and concentrated his chakra outside his body to made it shine gold

This managed to push her off him and he quickly made clones to handle her while he gained his bearing.

'She is too strong physically and her combat skills are higher than mine when I am fighting alone. Our speed is now the same even though my eyes are still the same but the body can't move any faster.' Naruto thought as he could barely fight at mach 4 when in combat and reach mach 5 with acceleration at the moment

"Why won't you consider my offer? I am offering you my companionship, isn't that an honor. I really need a drink, would you let me fall asleep for who knows how long?" Eliza muttered as she destroyed the clones with darkness wave

Naruto could feel her genuine desire but it was something very awkward, 'Should I restrain her or not? She is not evil from what I feel but could be if I run away now.'

Naruto had yet to fight her seriously as the battle might get out hand and they were not too far from the city proper.

"Do you know anyone with the ability to travel dimensions?" Naruto decided to ask as she was strong and from how she talked, he assumed she was old

"Dimensional travel, are you interested in such a thing? Then I can satisfy that desire, I know of two beings that can do that but both are beyond your capability and are very dangerous." Eliza replied with a smile as she walked towards him with graceful steps, she was full now and she was feeling happier than ever as her body was filled with energy.

'If he can use this energy right then I would be the human while he could be the monster.'

"I accept your request but in return help me when I am ready for them." Naruto said, he didn't mind her drinking his blood as he healed quickly and didn't feel much of a drain on his energy since it was enormous and would require minutes to recover

"Wonderful then don't mind if I take another bite, I used some energy on your puppets." Eliza clapped her hands and hugged Naruto, and bit him

Naruto felt her body stick to him, her breast hitting his chest. The situation and the condition made him feel sensitive and he felt his body enjoy the contact

Eliza ignored the hard thing hitting her stomach as she knew this would happen and sometimes the men will climax uncontrollably.

"Thank you for the meal, now could you guide me to your quarters." Eliza said as she separated from him

Naruto nodded and decided it was time to leave so he led Eliza to a hotel that he broke into as no one was occupying the room.

"You are a thief, I presumed you a hero." Eliza muttered as she lay on the bed

"Why would you think that?"

"I can tell from the taste of your blood, it tastes of purity with no impurity."

"I am a shinobi so stealing isn't much to us." Naruto said as he looked at her and felt weird, deciding it was better to stay away for the night as she had reminded him of his lust that had been forgotten for three years as he was too busy

"I see that might be it. If you wish you can leave. I will find you tomorrow or you can come back in the morning." Eliza said as she went to sleep making Naruto feel that she was really a contradictory existence

"She didn't want to sleep but now she is sleeping, habits are really are hard to break." Naruto muttered as he walked out of the window and flew away as a bird using the transformation jutsu


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment

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