

Story of the Naruto world in the Boruto era with Otsutsuki clan as the main enemies and the expansion of the setting into space. Disclaimer: Don't own anything. Harem. Long and Slow Story.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 4

The Mad Gear Gang used to be led by the crooked businessman Belger and it controlled virtually all of Metro City USA, from the slums to the transportation systems all the way to the uptown district, with at least one policeman in their pocket. Though he proclaimed the gang was an outlet for the frustrated, disadvantaged youth of Metro City and a safe haven from the worst aspects of urban life, Mad Gear nevertheless was a racketeering and underworld enterprise under his lavish management. This situation came to a head when Mike Haggar was elected mayor after a campaign promising to be tough on crime.

The gang's tyranny ended when they came in conflict with Cody and his friend Guy because of kidnapping Mike's daughter Jessica.

From US to Japan the gang had made a name for themselves but finally fell to its current state. The members broke off, choosing paths as disparate as professional wrestling, attempting to found a utopian nation, starting a legitimate and legal business, to continuing in law enforcement.

These days it was made of few members in Tokyo and the main gig of the gang had been wrestling, some illegal fights, and even making shady dealings with Shadaloo or NEST.

Really there were just out of control youth that had lost themselves to the grandeur of violence and enjoyed the freedom of power but now reality had set in and they had learned how dangerous the world was.

Regardless it seems, it was hard to let go of the crush so the gang members still participated in crimes but covertly without leaving evidence as they didn't have much power these days.

They weren't a big problem yet but King could see that they were taking steps towards taking over one of the Yakuza gangs.


Naruto followed King as they ran towards the harbor side where the gang had rented a warehouse for use.

He could feel many signals of varying power and realized it could be a real battle if he wasn't serious.

Looking at King, Naruto wanted to check them out without using his clones. The clones were core of his fighting style and he had worked very hard to make a fighting style utilizing them effectively, it was ever growing and even Jiraiya had said with this style no one could rival him in combat after a few years.

Just like that Naruto had become the founder of a new fighting style but it was still in its infancy since he was just starting grow and it might die with him since it required too much chakra, people would rather use it on more powerful jutsu.

"I want to go solo."

King turned to him as they stood above a building far from the warehouse, "Are you sure?"

She was curious how he was going to handle them. The mad gear of now was weaker than before in numbers but the main core members were all here except a few.

Those members had only grown in power since their defeat.

In the world of fighting you either die or grow from each battle.

Peace had made her progress slow but even without that King wouldn't be able to beat all six members at the same time.

That would require someone like Terry or Ryu to get it done without incurring damage.

Mad Gear was a small time gang in the big world but in the fighting world there members had a reputation.

"I am confident in my instincts and you are watching my back so I got no worries. We are friends now."

"Heh, get back from the fight and we are friends." King shook her head and smiled at him, the young man was friendly and likable with no real negative traits till now.

"It's a promise." Naruto gave a wide smile and jumped towards his destination

It was like he had taken flight as King had never seen someone make such a long jump in her life as he covered more than 100 meters and landed at the entrance of the warehouse.

It wasn't like the feat was impossible but the fact was he did no damage to the ground.

'I thought he had bad control, this is high level Ki control.' King was very much impressed as Naruto had done a high level technique in the warrior world, damage mitigation.

When warriors reached a certain level, their attacks would cause massive damage so there was a technique that some warriors knew that left the world unaffected.

There was the other technique that did something similar, enhance the environment itself to handle the increase in power.

'He most likely did the enhancement. There is no way he could do the first one.'

King was right, Naruto had just enhanced the surface to endure the force or he would have crushed the building under him.

It was a basic ninja technique to avoid causing destruction and obviously he also knew the first technique or he would be unable to run at extreme speeds.

His max speed was above mach 100, meaning very dangerous as he could literally put the surrounding on fire and causing massive destruction by moving so using chakra he cancelled out the affect.

Every ninja had to learn this properly and it was a code of life for them. Guy and Lee also followed it mostly but there fighting style utilized these natural affects so they let the affect happen within a small area.

Naruto wasn't some serious guy so he had played around with it in deserts and such places without people.

It was extremely fun seeing the air on fire, the ground on fire and turning the sand to glass and leaving destruction by just making a dash or jumping.

But he avoided getting too lost into this fascination and learned to appreciate nature even more than normal as he was walking the path of the sage.

Jiraiya was preparing him for learning the Sage mode so Naruto had focused a lot on control and meditation.

He had learned a lot of things about nature, more than he ever cared about.

His wind control was at high levels and with this training it was going even higher.


"Who are you? Don't you know this is our turf?"

Naruto looked at the men in leather clothes and the warehouse behind them; he had just arrived in the wharfs. It was one of the bases of mad gear, a gang that had been n the rise for some time in Tokyo as they took over the previous gangs.

"I am here to meet Poison, why don't you bring her out." Naruto replied in a confident tone, he had been told that she was a very agile and skillful opponent.

The new leader of Mad Gear and with a style that was fit for the streets.

'A dirty fighter, who didn't play fair, is just my kind of fighter.'

"Kid, you should have left when we asked. It seems today you will be swimming with the fishes." The man replied as he indicated for the rest to kill him

The gun laws were strict and making noise was asking for trouble with supernatural beings moving randomly so the gangs most of the time relied on knives and swords.

The thugs were armed with steel knuckles, pipes and daggers as they rushed into kill him. It seems the heat of being a rising gang had gotten their heads along with that mysterious supporter making them even more out of hand.

Naruto felt like rolling his eyes at such a stupid attempt as the man were moving in slow motion to him.

'Should have just listened.' Naruto thought as everyone dropped like dolls within a single moment, it was too one sided to be called a fight.

"Bravo that was marvelous."

Naruto heard the voice and the sound of clapping, and looked towards it to find a very scantily clad woman wearing heels along with five other members.

There was Roxy who had similar appearance to Poison as they were twins, except her hair color was orange. She wore a black peak cap, a midriff-revealing tank top, black high-heeled shoes, cutoff red jean shorts and, like Poison, carried around a pair of handcuffs.

There was Sodom, who wore tabi and zori, samurai gauntlets, blue jeans, body armor, and a samurai kabuto mask, which obscures his facial features entirely except his blue eyes.

On the front of his outfit, Sodom had written the Japanese kanji shi meaning "death".

In his hands were a pair of jitte, it was a weapon that he had been using for more than a decade, making him a weapon master.

There was Rolento who was a muscular, athletic and acrobatic German-American man with solid white eyes, pronounced jaw and cheekbones, and a scar running down from his forehead through his nose bridge and into the left side of his face.

He wore yellow military fatigues with a red scarf on his neck, a brown belt and a brown leather chest-harness with two grenades. A red beret on his head, brown military equestrian boots and brown fingerless gloves, and fought with a green staff and green grenades.

There Abigail, one of the giants of Mad Gear with a height of 3 Meters similar to Hugo but taller than Zangief who was 2.5 meters. He was shirtless, but accessorized with a pair of goggles and large tire shoulder bands with chains draped across them. He had a black flap top hairstyle, shoulder length dreadlocks and his tire-track marked trousers were suspended by a belt with a cog as a buckle.

And finally there was Hugo the hulking giant similar to Abigail. Hugo wore a pink leopard skin tank-top with darker pink jeans, brown boots, and black studded wristbands. He wore a thick chain from the back of his waist, to 3/4 of the way around his waist, ending at his hip. He had long, messy black hair that bounces and moves around as he moves and attacks.

The two giants were the big muscles of the group as they looked like the Hulk.

The whole gang was here as they were planning for their next moves.

'I didn't expect this but she is definitely using her beauty to distract her foes.' Naruto felt she was very ninja like with her style

"You must be Poison, I apologize but I need to take you down." Naruto replied

"I don't think we have any hatred between us so why don't you join us. I will make you a core member." Poison said in a sensual tone

Her voice was very attractive and sweet that it melted a weak man's heart but Naruto was very strong willed and didn't budge at her attempt.

'Weird, he didn't even show a reaction.' Poison was surprised as it was her first meeting such a man but if she had met Ryu and Akuma then Naruto would have been the third

"I don't work for villains." Naruto said confidently while he decided to test Poison, she wasn't a threat but she could be an inspiration for new techniques

"Hey sis, did your voice become weaker or is the guy a machine?" Roxy muttered as she stood beside Poison with a metal bat

It was her main weapon just like Poison's whip.

Naruto threw a small pebble at Poison at speed close to mach 1 and she reacted by attacking with her whip, even then her movement was sensual especially the movement up there that even Naruto was affected.

Poison had long pinkish-purple hair and wore a black peak cap with a chain-link design, a skimpy white midriff-revealing tank top, and a pair of skimpy denim "Daisy Dukes" cut-off shorts and high heels. She also had a chain around her waist, a studded black collar on her neck, and a pair of hand-cuffs hanging from the chain around her waist. Her appearance screamed that she was sadistic and liked to see people in pain.

"Won't you consider it, we are not so bad." Poison replied and she could tell this was not a good fight already as the foe was too relaxed and when the foe was relaxed it just screamed hidden dragon crouching tiger


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment

I decided to change the affects of the shadow clone as its a plot breaker. Using it someone like Naruto can easily became the strongest fighter in a year. Even Kishi only used it once and never again.

Naruto is literally nerfed in the canon series now since that affect is canon.

Here the shadow clone don't have the ability to transmit information and they are just exact copies of the user to help him fight or test out traps.

Jiraiya actually trained him instead of wasting his time so the shadow clone training wasn't necessary and he knew the rasenshuriken before even coming back to konoha. His fighting style uses wind mixed with clones.