

Story of the Naruto world in the Boruto era with Otsutsuki clan as the main enemies and the expansion of the setting into space. Disclaimer: Don't own anything. Harem. Long and Slow Story.

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 3

"You definitely did a number on that guy. It's all over the net and your popularity is climbing at a fast rate." King said as she showed him the video on the official street fighters site

Naruto had just returned to Tokyo in the afternoon and entered the bar to ask for more directions, when King showed him the results of his act.

"So how many more do I need to beat?" Naruto asked and he was hoping for a challenge this time

"Not much just one or two, Zangief is good but he is on the slow side and he was taken by surprise so you expect him to come after you." King replied while she analyzed much closely this time as she understood him more

'Nice guy but it feels like he doesn't know about the net or most of the tech.' King thought as she looked at Naruto's curious gaze

'Did he live in the mountains like Ryu and his ilk?' King thought of the wandering warrior that hid his thirst for combat

"Really? Does he actually have some skill?" Naruto asked as he looked King and felt like she was looking at him too much

'Is she catching onto me?'

"Haha, of course he does. Zangief is one of the best grapplers in the world and his body is peak durability. Not even tanks could injure him when he is serious, your attack hit him when was playing around and he will be in complete fine by tomorrow morning." King explained as she had come to the realization that Naruto didn't know anything about the world and was like Ryu, someone brought up far away from civilization

"Isn't that too much? Heal so many broken bones in a single night, does he have a healer beside him or does he have a healing ability?" Naruto was surprised at her words as he didn't think there would be much difference in ability if he was serious or not

But from King's expression, he could tell that Zangief was supposed to be a lot sturdier than what he handled.

"His body has strong healing properties as he is used to getting hurt. His path of martial arts is all about endurance and strength. So sadly this fight doesn't count for the people as many of them will think it is a fluke."

"What do you think?"

"I do not know as I have never seen you fight but you have the advantage in energy and speed so you can most likely win."

"Why don't we have a fight and you can advice me on some improvements and tell me who I can challenge and who I cannot." Naruto offered with a smile, he was very much curious about her ability and he wasn't lying

If he was going to work with King then she should at least have an idea of his powers, not all of it but some of it as he needed to keep his full power a secret to avoid getting trapped in nefarious plans.

Through his new senses he could tell King wasn't a bad person and she gave him a good feeling. She had a good personality and helped him out when she could have thrown him out.

She was the third person in his life that had given him assistance without having any connection to him and at no cost.

The first had been Teuchi and second was Iruka while everyone else had some relation to him, or was doing a duty or needed him.

It made her special in his eyes as not many people were willing to give him any sympathy and just treated him like he was living the life.

"Not a bad idea but I have something better for you. Here take this and I want you to take down some of my problems." King said with a gentle smile as she put the IPhone in front of him. Naruto knew what it was since he had watched people use it but he was not really sure how to use it.

"What kind of problem?"

"There is gang known as Mad Gear and it has been causing trouble in town during the night. I know they are the culprits but I got no proof and fighting them alone is impossible for me."

"Don't you think this is an inappropriate compensation for such a job?" Naruto questioned with a raised eye brow as he felt like she was using him

"What do you want in return?" King asked, she was curious and wanted to test him

��Supply me with food for a year." Naruto asked as he didn't like stealing so he needed a source of food in the city. He wasn't going to depend on her for that long but Naruto didn't want to appear easy or else she might try to use him through various means.

"Okay" King replied without hesitation as it wasn't much of problem to feed another mouth

"Great, give me the detail and I will deal with them tonight."

King nodded and intended to follow him, she wanted to see for herself what kind of being was he. Did Naruto have a dark inner being like Ryu or was he a monster like Akuma or was he like Jin Mishima or was he just a lovable fellow like Ryo.


Taking the phone and learning how to use it, Naruto got to learning about his surroundings as King already realized that he didn't know anything.

Seeing that she found out, Naruto asked for help directly and she gave him some books from her room to read.

Naruto finally knew something about this world called earth. It was a planet where majority of the people were normal people and everyone was born with Ki.

In the ninja world majority of the people were normal people and small percentage was chakra users. Chakra users and chakra born were a minority, and not everyone born with the capability to use chakra learnt how to use it as they might not be aware of this fact.

Chakra was the mixture of the mental/spiritual energy and physical energy while Ki was the physical energy.

Everyone in this world was capable of learning how to use Ki if they wanted but of course it was hard work and those who were not talented would have to bleed for it.

It was the reason that with time Ki became something rare and people started to believe that those people were born with it.

It became the property of specific groups or clans, dojos and not something the normal citizen would know about.

Ki could do everything that chakra could do from what he read but there was no mention of bringing people from the afterlife, teleportation, portal creation, molecular disintegration, spiritual attacks and such.

Naruto wasn't stupid enough to just decide the state of things from these books as they were not some secret manuals.

People with such rare abilities were never common in the first place so he needed to search for them.

In this world there were four people at the top currently and were considered extremely dangerous.

Tung Fu Rue, Akuma, Jin Kazama, Kazuya Mishima and Rugal Bernstein, all of these individuals were monsters in combat and two of them were evil beyond redemption.

The legendary master of Hakkyokuseiken, Tung Fu Rue was the former master of both the noble Jeff Bogard and the power hungry Geese Howard. He was also the master of the now top fighter of USA, Terry Bogard.

The man was only kind person among these monsters and was extremely gentle. He lived his life far from the modern civilization and continued to keep his power up for when it was needed.

Akuma had challenged the old man but defeat was the only answer he got.

Akuma was just a pure fighter that looked for great fighters to fight and killed people while Jin Kazama seemed to have a dark side that made him turn killer.

Both of them were monsters and killed many people without much remorse but the other two were pure evil as they had done much worse outside of battle.

Rugal was the reason that the world finally knew more about the hidden masters as he held the King of fighters tournament after Heihachi Mishima had held the First Iron fist tournament.

KOF built on the excitement of Iron Fist and invited major clan members and strong fighters across the globe to challenge himself as he wanted to prove his powers.

He had challenged the one of the strongest fighters in Japan, the head of the Kusanagi clan and defeated him before the tournament.

Akuma seemed to have been in deep meditation and missed the chance to fight Rugal as the man was defeated by Kyo Kusanagi's team and in rage blew up the ship where the final was taking place.

It was assumed that he died in the explosion by normal people but in the martial world people expect him to surface again sooner or later to take revenge on Team Japan.

One thing was common among every Ki user, the main thing was body enhancement and Ki projectiles. Not every Ki user had some elemental attack but everyone could just throw pure Ki as an attack by shaping into what they wanted.

Naruto would have looked down up on them but he understood that the normal world was very dangerous as they had atomic bombs, missiles and such powerful weapons.

The atomic bomb and its brother bombs were more powerful than anything he had ever seen in his life and would most likely kill him if he was hit directly.

And then there was Akuma, the man had caused a small island to sink with his power.

Naruto was unsure how he did it and if he could replicate it but that didn't matter since this proved this world had powerful people and he could go on living with hope of finding a way.

From the beginning he had been acting positive as negativity would make him weak and only cause pain. He had lived with pain from young age and knew how to handle it.

Naruto always looked towards the positive side as negative side thinking won't make things better but worse.

Learning things and finding a nice person, Naruto could finally relax and he felt relieved.

'Wait for me, I will come back home soon.' Naruto promised towards his friends back home, not knowing that Konoha had been wiped off from the map and the world was moving towards the awakening of the Immortal Queen


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment