
Nocturnal Goddess

Milan Aster. You'll probably only ever meet her by chance, and if you do, it is when the sun goes down. Most people who know of her call her the nocturnal goddess. Rumor has it, she's allergic to the sun, that's why she only comes out during the night. Can someone who can't bare the light of day without extreme repercussions even dream of falling in love? Of course, but can a dream turn into reality? *Warning: 1. this book will probably contain mature/ sexual content, don't like? Don't read. 2. Writing is something I do in my spare time, so dont expect daily chapters, honestly its lucky if I can get weekly chapters out. I'll try not to be awful and just wait until I've completed the novel before sharing unless I am asked, then I'll post before.

Caity_Sylvia · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

As Milan was rushing out of the hospital, she wasn't paying attention to her surroundings, since she was so focused on getting home before the sun rises.

She suddenly came to an abrupt halt and felt pain in her nose and looked up to see she had run into a wall of muscle and cursed out loud as the pain intensified, "Fuck."

She was about to tell the stranger off when she looked up to meet his eyes that were focused on her and was struck dumb.

This wall of muscle was basically a 6'3 male god with his sparkling ocean blue eyes and luscious brown hair, and don't even get me started on the sexy stubble on his face. Some men can just really pull off the stubble look and others just look like they have pubes on their face. He looked like he was sculpted to perfection by the God of Seduction himself. This man is an evildoer for sure.

She felt electricity course through her body as if struck by lightning the moment their eyes met. It ignited something within her, but she just shook it off and blamed it on her lack of love life.

At a loss for words, she quickly muttered, "I am so sorry," before escaping to her car.

Before he could respond, she had already ran off to her car.

The muscle wall that Milan had run into was none other than Kyler Reign. Mysterious, bad boy, CEO of Reign Enterprises, who is also the number one bachelor whom most women would fight for a chance to tame. Many have tried their luck, but have failed to get more than arms length to him.

When he felt the soft little body of Milan run into him, he immediately looked down to see who had the audacity to be so brave, but when he heard the soft curse coming from such an angelic little beauty, he couldn't stop the smile on his face.

The smile quickly disappeared when their eyes locked.

Milan is 5'2 with a petite frame, but she had the right curves where they were needed. Her large almond shaped eyes were a vibrant hazel green color that seemed to shimmer gold in the right lighting and were framed by thick curly eyelashes. She had a small heart shaped face and pouty pinky lips that seemed like they were begging to be kissed. Her long golden brown hair cascaded down her back as she looked up at him, and you could make out a light blush on her pale skin.

Kyler felt enchanted looking at this little goddess that literally crashed into him, but before he could get a word out, she was apologizing and running away.

He shook himself out of his thoughts as he rushed to the hospital room where his brother and friends were taken to. He had heard about the accident that occurred and immediately drove over as fast as possible.

When he got there he immediately asked the attending resident to explain the situation.

"The patients were involved in an accident and two sustained multiple gunshot wounds on top of the injuries they got from the car accident." Resident A started to explain after confirming this man was indeed a relative.

"Lucky they came when the Nocturnal Godess was working or they would surely have no luck in being able to survive and if they did, their recovery rates and abilities would be vastly different." The same resident said without thinking.

Kyler was curious about this so called nocturnal goddess and resident A filled him in, telling him all about Doctor Milan Aster and the many rumors surrounding her since it wasn't exactly a secret.

After hearing about the surgeon who saved his brother, although he was interested, he focused on the more important matter at hand.

He made a phone call ordering his assistant to investigate the accident tonight. When he heard about the gunshot wounds, he knew this wasn't as simple as, 'wrong time, wrong place' so to say. A cold grin appeared on his face as he hung up and went to see his brother.

The people close to Kyler knew that expression would leave a trail of blood behind eventually.

When Kyler found the room, his brother, Xander, had a dazed look on his face. Kyler proceeded trying various methods to shake him out of it.

He eventually was so annoyed he smacked the back of Xanders head.

"Ouch! Jesus, Kyler haven't you heard you shouldn't be violent to the injured?!" Xander yelled while rubbing the back of his head.

Kyler smirked lazily, "I was worried that you grew stupid with this accident since you wouldn't respond. Looks like my worry was for nothing."

Xander shook his head at how shameful this older brother of his was and ignored him.

"I was saved by a heavenly beauty and I think this is what they call love at first sight." Xander explained.

Kyler couldn't hold back the laugh that built up at his younger brother's remarks, "You, the playboy of the century, in love? More like, in lust! Leave the beauty alone."

Xander sighed, "I think even you would be tempted by her. I tried to ask her out as thanks, but she actually rejected my godliness and said I was out of her league and then ran away!"

Kyler smiled slightly as the image of the little beauty who crashed into him suddenly appeared. "You probably are then."

Xander couldn't help but want to cry at his brother bullying him, but instead he put a pillow over his face and pretended to sleep.

Seeing this, Kyler left the room and visited his other two friends to see their condition before leaving the hospital.

A few minutes later, his assistant called him with the results of the investigation.

"Assign team alpha to exterminate those bastards. Puny little wolf gang trying to get brave with us." Kyler said angrily as he hung up and proceeded to drive to his company for work.

Kyler walked into his office on the top floor of the company building and sat behind his large desk and pressed a button to alert his executive assistant and best friend, Micah, to come in.

Micah walked in and spotted the weird expression on Kyler's face and was tempted to turn around and walk out, but Kyler's voice quickly stopped him.

"Micah, where are you going?" Kyler smirked.

"Well, I was going to avoid you since you seem to be feeling a bit salty." Micah retorted.

"I want to speak with the doctor who attended to my brother and his friend's injuries last night." Kyler said.

Micah couldn't help but to sigh as this man was always giving him difficult tasks to accomplish. "Kyler, that doctor won't meet just anyone.."

"Well that is for you to figure out. You can leave now." Kyler said.

Micah could only pity himself for having this devil as a friend and boss as he left the office and contacted a few people who might be able to help put him in contact with the doctor.