
Nocturnal Goddess

Milan Aster. You'll probably only ever meet her by chance, and if you do, it is when the sun goes down. Most people who know of her call her the nocturnal goddess. Rumor has it, she's allergic to the sun, that's why she only comes out during the night. Can someone who can't bare the light of day without extreme repercussions even dream of falling in love? Of course, but can a dream turn into reality? *Warning: 1. this book will probably contain mature/ sexual content, don't like? Don't read. 2. Writing is something I do in my spare time, so dont expect daily chapters, honestly its lucky if I can get weekly chapters out. I'll try not to be awful and just wait until I've completed the novel before sharing unless I am asked, then I'll post before.

Caity_Sylvia · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

*beep* *beep*

"Ughh!" she sighs as she presses the button to silence her pager and straightens her white coat, all while checking in the mirror for any signs of drool left on her face that might hint at the nap she snuck in, before leaving her office.

"Doctor Aster!" A resident said as he hastily walked up to her upon seeing her come out.

"What is the situation?" she says lazily.

Stunned by her abruptness, the resident replied quickly since he was well aware of the rumors about City Hospital's, nocturnal goddess.

"An ambulance is on the way carrying three heavily injured people, two of the three are bleeding severely from sustaining gunshot wounds, while the other one seems to have only suffered minor injuries from being in the car when it crashed."

"Troublesome." She muttered as she made her way toward the emergency room to wait for the ambulance to arrive.

When the blaring of the sirens could be heard, Milan said in a calm tone, "Residents A, B, C, and D. Pair up. You guys will take the less severe patients. I want assessments, diagnostics, and treatments in 5 minutes."

Milan had a thing for labeling just about anything that had multiples with letters.

Once the patients were unloaded from the ambulance and the paramedics gave their reports, the residents took over while Milan swiftly attended to the more severely injured patient of the group.

After having a nurse transfer him into a bed, she used her scissors to immediately cut the fabric of the shirt to see the damage she was working with and couldn't stop the frown forming on her face.

There appeared to be three gunshot wounds. Out of the three, two went all the way through, but one was lodged in a complicated place very near to the heart.

This man was lucky he had come to the hospital where Milan was working, otherwise, he probably wouldn't live through the night.

After Milan carefully checked him over, she ordered the standby intensive care nurses to prep him for surgery immediately then went to hear the reports from the residents.

They were quick and thorough, yet you could still hear how nervous they were in case they made a mistake and had to suffer their nocturnal goddess's punishment.

Milan did her own quick assessment of the patients before nodding her head in approval, "Prepare patient B for surgery. You two will assist me. Also, send patient C for an MRI and ultrasound to verify any internal injuries we may not have seen."

After giving her orders, she left for the ICU and suited up for surgery.

Three hours later, she wiped the sweat from her forehead as she let the residents take over closing patient B. She had initially started with patient A in surgery, and it had taken her a bit longer than she had thought to dislodge the bullet, but she was able to do so, and the young man would definitely be pull through, recovery on the other hand would be another story, but her job is done.

The night shift team at the hospital, once again was blown away at how quick, accurate, and precise she was in getting through surgeries that should be several hours long.

After washing up, she lazily said, "I am leaving. Call me if you need anything.... Don't need anything."

Milan looked at the time on her pager and cursed, "Shit." She only had 45 minutes until the sun would rise.

She raced to her office and changed back to her street clothes in record time all while complaining to herself for being too nice and answering all of the new residents' questions.

Their were lots of rumors about her, and the first time she heard them she couldn't help but laugh. If only people knew that there theories were actually true.

Milan Aster, known for her genius medical skills that is said to be able to save anyone on the brink of death no matter what the severity of their injuries are, has a rare genetic disease.

She was born with Xeroderma pigmentosum. To dumb it down, yes, she is deathly allergic to the sun.

Her parents found out about her disease very early on. It was lucky, they were able to take all necessary measures in order to protect her even though it meant she had to live the life of a caged bird.

She knew her parents loved her though and just wanted to protect her. They taught her to love the night and the safety that the moon gave her.

Overtime the yearning she felt for the sun, just seemed to fade into a dream.

Since she didn't get to go out except for the occasional night adventure when she would sneak out, she would read anything and everything, but because of her disease, she found herself deeply intrigued by the idea of learning medicine.

Her parents were astonished at their daughter's learning ability and it soon became apparent just how gifted their daughter was.

When Milan was 16 years old, she witnessed an accident in the middle of the night by the roadside involving an elderly couple.

Without thinking, she immediately gathered some supplies she asked her parents to buy her when her curiosity in medicine had first peaked and ran to the scene of the accident and began treating their injuries.

She was hesitant at first since it was her first time administering treatments to any injuries of this severity, but pretty soon all hesitation fled as her natural instincts just took course and in a blink of an eye she had saved the couple's lives.

When the paramedics arrived and saw this unreal like scene of a gorgeous young girl in a white night gown that had been stained with blood, administering first aid to the victims, they had to wipe their eyes to make sure they were seeing correctly.

That was the night, her parents truly understood how amazing she was, but beyond the amazement, they were proud. Their daughter taught herself through school, finished early and even managed to obtain her doctorate in medicine by the age of 20 without even leaving her house, other than for clinicals, she was able to complete during nightshift due to her condition.

She was a genius.

As long as she wanted it, her parents gave their unwavering support.

After graduating and becoming a doctor, many hospitals and clinics hunted down this mysterious doctor who only few had ever seen, but most had heard rumors of.

The director of the City hospital happened to meet her by complete accident and after hearing her conditions and about her disease, agreed without even needing to think twice.

She would only work after the sun sets and before the sun rises again. She would not do any scheduled surgeries unless she wanted too. She hated being forced to do things afterall.

Just like that, one night, with her parents help, she moved into one of the most luxurious penthouses in the city within close distance to the hospital.

Now at 22 years old, she is a world renown surgeon who people would pay millions, if it meant having the security of her performing their surgery.

Unfortunately, she wasn't impressed by money or material things. If she felt like it, she would accept it, if not, she wouldn't.

Despite all these rumors saying she was cold, she really wasn't, she is honestly just too lazy to put up with people. She is carefree and straightforward. The few people who are close to her know how much of a goofball she can be.

She had never had to be around so many people before due to her illness, so despite her high IQ, her social EQ was very low, which explains a lot of the rumors. She just isn't good at socializing.