

Chapter 1251: Night and Shadow

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After a while of chatting, the duo soon began working on their own.

Bloody began coming up with a detailed plan for the coming year following the information and documents she had.

Lin Huang, on the other hand, created a message with his communication device and sent it out.

"Old Yang, I'm Lin Huang. I've just arrived in the God Territory of a great world today. Are you still doing what you were before? I'm in a hurry for three fake identities; the sooner, the better. It's inconvenient for me to make video calls and phone calls to you here, so we can keep in touch by text."

Although there was a shield-like restriction in the guest room, theoretically, the outside world would not find out about whatever that was happening in the room. However, it was Whale13's territory after all. Nobody knew if the room was bugged, so Lin Huang thought it was better to err on the side of caution.

He got a reply within ten seconds the text was sent. "Send me the names and photos. Come up with your identities. I can make Protoss identities too, but they are easily exposed in a God Territory above grade-5, thus I don't suggest doing that. Also, no matter what identities you're counterfeiting, you'd better disguise yourself properly and not expose any flaws."

"I'll send you the identities right away. Give me a minute. Can I ask approximately when I'll get them?" Lin Huang replied as soon as he saw Yang Ling's reply.

Yang Ling responded again a moment later, "It doesn't take long to create fake identities. It can be done within half an hour at the most. However, it takes time for the logistics of the identity rings. If you're in human territory, tomorrow will be the latest you can get them. However, since you're in a God Territory, there'll be a transfer in logistics. They'll only reach at least three days later.

"Moreover, not all God Territories have goods receiving points in the Shelters. All Shelters of grade-5 and above undoubtedly have receiving points, but only approximately 10% of grade-3 Shelters and around 30% of grade-4 Shelters have receiving points.

"Send me your Shelter code. I'll check the closest receiving point for you. I'll send the goods to the receiving point then, and you'll have to pick them up yourself."

Lin Huang had never expected a God Territory's logistics system to be so backward.

"Sure, I'll pick them up myself. I'll send you the documents soon."

Lin Huang began discussing with Bloody again after exchanging messages with Yang Ling for a while.

"I've come up with a rough identity, but I'm not sure which tribe to use. I'll get Yang Ling to make one up for me. You should think of an identity to disguise as. Come up with one for Kylie too."

After all, they were in Whale13's territory. For safety purposes, Lin Huang did not summon Kylie directly.

"The both of us will use our real identities," Bloody replied almost without hesitation, "We're going to stay in the core zone for a long time after all, and we might need to talk to people often. It might backfire easily if we disguise as other people, so we'll just use our names and tribes."

"It's too risky to use your real identity." Lin Huang frowned slightly when he heard her suggestion.

There's no harm actually. Kylie's and my characteristics will stand out even more if we use our identities. Under normal circumstances, if something were to happen, it's easy for one's real identity to be tracked. Then, it'll be more difficult for one to get away. It might be troublesome to others, but you can recall us back into card form which can wipe all trails immediately. If something really were to happen, all I need is to send you a message to get you to recall us back into card form." Bloody seemed to be adamant about using her own identity.

"Besides that, they don't lack powerhouses with high access in the core zone of the God Territory. There'll be even more trouble if they find out about our fake identities. By using our real identities, even if they discover something wrong, we can say that we're from a mini world. To avoid trouble, we bought fake identity rings, but we registered our authentic details. Even if the Protoss contacts our tribe to verify, there won't be any problem at all."

Lin Huang thought Bloody's explanation made sense indeed.

Although Yang Ling had superb skills when it came to creating fake identities, this was the great world after all. Moreover, just like Bloody said, the core zone of the God Territory had many powerhouses with high access. If someone's access was high enough to track their fake identities, that would spell trouble for them. However, if they were to register their fake identities with genuine information, even if the Protoss was to expose them, the most they could prove was that their identity rings were fake but their identities were authentic.

Even if Bloody could not find the exact tribe, other wisdom-types would definitely come forward to vouch for her. Meanwhile, Kylie was a pure God's Blood herself who belonged to the Nephilic Judge Tribe which belonged to the superior bloodline among the Protoss. Among the superior bloodlines, there were only a few of them. As soon as she was exposed, the Nephilic Judge Tribe would definitely come forward for her.

Bloody only made the decision after some careful consideration and concluded that it would be safer to use their real identities.

Lin Huang stopped disagreeing with Bloody's decision after some careful thoughts to himself.

After creating the three identities, Lin Huang sent them together with the Shelter code to Yang Ling.

Yang Ling soon replied with two messages, "Your location is really remote. I've checked. There are two receiving points that are closest to you. One is the Start Shelter (grade-3) and the other would be the Jupiter Shelter (grade-4). While the grade-4 Shelter is slightly closer to you, it doesn't make much difference. So, which receiving point do you want me to send them to?

"Also, I've told you that fake Protoss identities are easily exposed in the God Territory. Are you sure you want your summoning beast, Kylie, to disguise as a Protoss? I'm not responsible for any after-sales service if there's any problem with that."

Lin Huang replied while smiling after reading Yang Ling's message, "Send the goods to the grade-3 receiving point then. As for Kylie's identity, it's alright to disguise her as a Protoss. I won't force you to take responsibility if something goes wrong."

Two words popped up within three seconds Lin Huang sent the message. "Got it!"

After sorting out the fake identities, Lin Huang opened the Royal trading page and began looking at disguise god rule relics.

Soon, he saw two relics that he desired.

One was a black mask named Night. The mask was pure black and was adorned with golden droplets so tiny that one almost could not see them with their naked eye. They were like stars that lit up the night sky. Apart from that, there was a white precious stone the size of a thumb mounted on the forehead, resembling a full moon.

The effect of the mask's rule could isolate any energy from penetrating from the outside. Not only did it block Divine Telekinesis and Divine Power, but it could also block a majority of energy impact, creating a certain level of defense.

The second relic was a cloak with a hood named Shadow. The cloak was pure black without any decoration or patterns. The effect of the rule was disappearing, including blocking one's aura from being detected by the outside world.

In the beginning, Lin Huang struggled a while as he wondered which one to purchase. In the end, he decided to purchase both of them.

The starting price of a god rule relic was up to a million Divine Stones. Both god rule relics were expert-grade, so their price exceeded ten million Divine Stones. To be exact, both of them cost 46 million Divine Stones. It was not a small figure even to the wealthy Lin Huang.

He happened to only have just over ten million Divine Stones. He would have to sell lots of his resources to gather 46 million Divine Stones. That was the reason why he was struggling with which to purchase in the beginning.

However, after some consideration, he eventually decided to splurge on both the god rule relics for safety purposes.

Chapter 1252: Money Boss

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In order to get money to purchase god rule relics, Lin Huang only left behind a couple of demigod and god relics that he usually used and sold the rest on the Royal trading market.

To sell all those demigod and god relics, he set them at a rather low price. They were even slightly cheaper than the market price. However, the speed of the goods being sold was much faster than Lin Huang expected.

Within less than ten minutes, up to a hundred demigod and god relics were sold.

"I thought I'd need at least two to three days to gather the remaining 30 million or so Divine Stones despite selling them cheaply. I can't believe I made close to 10 million Divine Stones within ten minutes!" Lin Huang said as he checked the buyer record. However, he began to appear doubtful after doing so.

"What's wrong?" Bloody noticed his expression immediately.

"This person seems to be the only one who bought up to a hundred of my goods just now," Lin Huang said through voice transmission while grinning, "The buyer record shows that it comes from the same account with the username 'Money Boss'."

"One can tell from the username that the person is loaded," Bloody said amusedly, "In reality, it's not strange that this person bought so many things. You priced them slightly lower than the market price since you're in a hurry. Anyone would know that they'd be sold at a much higher price if they were sold at an auction. This Money Boss has most probably bought so many demigod and god relics for reselling purposes.

"Of course, there's another possibility. He might happen to have an underling who's lacking equipment, so he desperately needs demigod and god relics. He bought the equipment for his underling without hesitation as soon as he saw what you were selling.

"The second possibility is too much of a coincidence. Moreover, this person has the username 'Money Boss'. There's a higher chance that he's a businessman…"

As Lin Huang was chatting with Bloody, a message popped up on the Royal trading page all of a sudden. Lin Huang looked closely to see a message from Money Boss that he was discussing with Bloody.

"Why's that guy looking for me?"

Skeptically, Lin Huang tapped open the message that the person sent through the Royal trading page.

"Hi, Mr. Lin, I saw that you're selling many demigod and god relics today. They're slightly cheaper than the market price. I suppose you're in need of money, aren't you?"

Lin Huang did not create a username on the Royal trading page and only showed his family name which was the default setting. He could not help but raise his brows upon receiving such a message coming from Money Boss out of nowhere.

"Why do I have a feeling that this is an usury advertisement? Is this guy offering me usury?"

Though skeptical, Lin Huang decided to chat with him to see what exactly this buyer wanted. He did not answer the person's question. Instead, he gave a straightforward reply, "Give it to me straight and don't beat around the bush."

Money Boss's message came one to two minutes later. "Well, I'm a businessman. Apart from doing some middleman business to make some commission, I do loans too to make some money from interest. I'm sending you this message to see if there's a chance if we can come up with a business deal, Mr. Lin."

As expected, it was an usury advertisement!

Lin Huang chose to reject decisively, "I won't take a loan from you."

"Usury isn't what I'm doing. The annual interest is only 4% as long as you pay it off within three years. You can consider it, Mr. Lin." Money Boss had yet to give up.

Lin Huang did not expect the rate to be even lower than the housing loan on Earth. "What if I fail to pay everything back within three years?" he asked curiously.

"The interest will be doubled for payback within three to ten years, which is 8%. It will double again for payback ten to 20 years, which is 16%…"

'And you said it isn't usury..,' Lin Huang thought to himself secretly.

I was just asking out of curiosity. Neither do I have the habit of borrowing money, nor do I have any interest in your usury business."

Lin Huang thought the person's hopes would be killed and he would stop clinging onto him after his reply. Never did he expect another message to pop up just when he was going to turn off the trading page.

"Since you aren't interested in taking a loan, we can talk about another business, Mr. Lin."

Lin Huang frowned slightly and replied with a question mark.

"I've looked through the number of goods and prices that you are selling this time. I speculate that you're in need of money, Mr. Lin. The price of goods you're letting go is 30 million Divine Stones. To be exact, it's over 35 million Divine Stones. No offense, but may I know if you're going to purchase something with the money?"

"I think that's none of your business!" Lin Huang thought the person was nosy.

"I don't mean to disturb you. Perhaps I can help you get a bargain if you're using the money to purchase goods. I'll apologize for disturbing you if the money is for something else and I'll no longer disturb you."

"Get me a bargain?" Lin Huang was skeptical. This person's way of making business was clearly out of the ordinary.

"Yes, I'll get you a bargain. I'll take 30% of the difference while you'll enjoy 70% of the discount."

Money Boss seemed to be worried that Lin Huang might not understand and soon sent another message. "Let me give you an example. If an item's original price is 10 million Divine Stones, I'll save two million for you if I manage to bargain for eight million instead. You'll pay me 30% of two million as commission, which will be 600,000. That means you only pay 8.6 million for something that was originally 10 million."

"You mean you'll purchase the goods at a bargain and resell it to me? How can I trust you not to sell it to me at a higher price? It's totally possible for you to purchase a 10 million item at eight million and sell it at 12 million to me. If I'm desperate for the item, I suppose I'll have to accept the price you offer, wouldn't I?" Lin Huang voiced his doubt.

"I've considered such risk and doubts in trust for my clients' sake. Therefore, I'll only be responsible for getting the bargain for you. You'll have to complete the purchase yourself as I won't be participating in the deal. After the purchase is done, you'll pay me the commission as agreed," Money Boss replied.

"Do you really trust your clients? What if I take my word back and refuse to pay you the commission after the deal is done?" Lin Huang thought the person was pretty naive.

"I've encountered clients who've backed out on their words. However, they died soon after the deal was done without exception."

Lin Huang did not think that the person was boasting after hearing what sounded like a threat. After all, the person dared to trust his clients. It proved that the person had a high possibility of being able to control the risk of his clients breaking their promise.

"What's the confidentiality of the deal like?" Lin Huang was a little tempted now. After all, the two items would add up to 46 million. Even if the person only managed to get a 10% discount and take the 30% commission, he would save over three million which was quite a significant figure.

Clearly, Money Boss came to Lin Huang upon noticing that he was purchasing something expensive.

"I'm just a businessman who wants to do business. I won't reveal a word about the business of all of my clients to anyone. There's nothing to worry about, Mr. Lin."

"Alright, there are indeed two items that I'd like to purchase. I'll need to discuss the collaboration details with you to decide if we have a deal." Lin Huang finally agreed to discuss more with the person since Bloody, who had been sparing a portion of her attention to observe the conversation, nodded.

Chapter 1253: Death Sickle

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Within two hours, close to 40 million Divine Stones worth of items that Lin Huang was selling in Royal's market were almost sold. In reality, over 90% of them were purchased by Money Boss.

Lin Huang was finally relieved to have gathered enough money to buy god rule relics during his trip to the God Territory this time.

"I've got you a bargain. It will be a 22% discount for Night. The original price was 25 million and now it's 19.5 million. You get 25% off for Shadow, which was originally priced at 21 million and is 15.75 million now. In other words, you're only paying 35.25 million for something that was 46 million. The difference is 10.75 million. I'll be taking 30%, which is 3.22 million. Let me round it up for you. Just transfer me 3.2 million after you've paid the buyers."

"So, how do I trade with the sellers?" Lin Huang asked immediately.

"You'll have to send the sellers a personal message. Tell them that you're the buyer Money Boss mentioned. After that, just follow the steps they teach you."

"Sure, I'll transfer you the commission after the deal is done."

Just when Lin Huang was done messaging Money Boss, he contacted both sellers immediately. The sellers changed the price of the items without hesitation as they changed their privacy to be visible to Lin Huang's account.

The Royal trading system was very unique. Product logistics on the page did not matter, whereby the products would be transferred to the storage equipment the buyers set up directly as long as the purchase was successful.

The next official trade was completed smoothly within a minute. Lin Huang was finally relieved to see two extra god rule relics in his storage space.

He scanned through his storage equipment with his Divine Telekinesis and checked properly, confirming that both god rule relics were fine. Lin Huang then clicked Money Boss's account and transferred the 3.2 million Divine Stones in commission over.

"I've transferred the Divine Stones to you. Please check."

"Got it. It's a pleasure working with you! Please get me to bargain for you again if you're getting more god rule relics or business that's more than 10 million Divine Stones in the future," Money Boss replied almost instantly.

Lin Huang could not help but smirk when he saw the message. "I'll definitely look for you next time."

"Is it done?" Bloody had been sparing a portion of her attention to Lin Huang's progress.

"I've gotten both of the god rule relics. I've checked them and all are good." Lin Huang nodded.

"I'm basically done on my side too, but it's a little inconvenient to finish the master plan now." Bloody was also cautious. After all, they were in someone else's territory now. "Let me give you a rough idea. We'll discuss the details after I'm done with the master plan and I'll send it to you tomorrow.

"First of all, you'll have to summon Kylie after leaving this Shelter. The three of us will head to the Start Shelter to pick up our identity rings. Later on, Kylie and I will head to the core zone of the God Territory. You'll disguise yourself and head to the next grade-3 Shelter.

"I've given a good thought about your identity. It's best that you aren't a lone ranger. The great world is different from the gravel world, and you'll encounter plenty of trouble since you have no organization background. Although Royal is a huge organization, its headquarters is in a human territory that's too far away from the God Territory. Distant water cannot quench the present thirst, thus it's best that you join an organization in the God Territory.

"There are a couple of major organizations in the God Territory, but currently there are only two that are recruiting and are suitable for you. One would be the Combat God Temple while the other would be the Death Sickle.

"The Combat God Temple is the best choice for your need to kill a great number of virtual god-level monsters alone. The Combat God Temple is the biggest mercenary troop in the God Territory, whereby they take on all sorts of group hunting missions all year long. If you join them, not only can you hunt all sorts of monsters, but you'll be given mission rewards from the Combat God Temple too.

"However, the biggest disadvantage of joining the Combat God Temple would be the lack of freedom. The reason being, all members will be put into a small troop and they'll have to move as one unit. Although the troop can choose their own missions most of the time, sometimes there are some compulsory requisitions that you can't say no to."

Lin Huang frowned a little upon hearing this point. "Tell me about the Death Sickle then."

The Death Sickle is the biggest assassin organization and its main business is all sorts of assassination missions.

"The Death Sickle is very lax on their member recruitment. Almost all tribes can register as their reserve members regardless of their ability. The reserve members have all the freedom they want, and they can even reject all the missions. Of course, that would mean not having benefits at all.

"As long as the reserve members complete three assassination missions within a year or accept three specific missions within ten years, they'll become an official Black Sickle Assassin."

"So, there are ranks among Death Sickle members?" Lin Huang could not help but interrupt to ask.

"Yes, the ascending order of ranking in the Death Sickle would be the reserve, Black Sickle, White Sickle, Golden Sickle, and Blood Sickle. There are only seven Blood Sickle Assassins, all of whom are on heavenly god-level. The seven of them control all of Death Sickle's decision-making."

"So, what're the benefits of the higher ranks?" Lin Huang asked again.

"The higher the ranking, the higher the grade of mission one gets and the better the reward. Reserve, Black Sickle, White Sickle, Golden Sickle, and Blood Sickle correspond with the grade of the mission. Reserve members can only take missions below virtual god-level, Black Sickles can only take missions below true god-level, White Sickles can only take missions below heavenly god-level missions, and so on and so forth…

"Not only are there mission rewards for completed missions, but there're also accumulated points. One will earn a place on the Death Leaderboard when they have sufficient points. There are three leaderboards for the Death Sickle, which are the Black Sickle Leaderboard, the White Sickle Leaderboard, and the Golden Sickle Leaderboard. There are only 100 names on each leaderboard which will be renewed every day at 00:00. Throughout the month, those who manage to rank the top ten will receive a handsome reward.

"Those who are usually on the Black Sickle Leaderboard are top virtual god-level powerhouses. Those who rank the top three will receive a reward that is at least comparable to a god rule relic each month. The rewards for the White Sickle Leaderboard and the Golden Sickle Leaderboard are even better."

"One per month would mean that one will get 12 god rule relics in a year. I've only gotten two god rule relics after my hard work in the gravel world and spending most of what I had. Meanwhile, the few of them on the leaderboard can earn that within two months! So, what's the disadvantage of joining the Death Sickle?" Lin Huang turned his head to ask Bloody immediately.

"You must complete at least three missions each year if you become a Black Sickle. You can pick the missions within your own level. If you fail to complete a few of them in a year, you'll be given a few specific missions in the next year. The specific missions are usually those that basically nobody is willing to do because they're very risky."

"Secondly, the number of hunts will definitely be lesser than those in the Combat God Temple if you join the Death Sickle. After all, the killing in the Combat God Temple is done in battles with many enemies. It's more suitable for you to elevate your combat strength."

"I'll join the Death Sickle. I can go to battles on my own when there's no mission. I just won't get the reward that the Combat God Temple will be giving," Lin Huang shared his thoughts, "To me, the Combat God Temple's restriction is too much. Besides that, I'll have to fight in a team, so there'll be many techniques that I can't use. I think the Death Sickle is better for me since I can fight on my own."

"I figured you'd choose that." Bloody shrugged helplessly.

Chapter 1254: Start Shelter

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Huang and Bloody bade farewell to Whale13 early the next morning.

While Whale13 was surprised, he said nothing. All he did was pat Lin Huang's shoulder heartily. "Go if something has come up. Don't delay your business. Please come play at my Dust Shelter anytime when you're free. I'll welcome you with open arms at all times!"

Lin Huang summoned Kylie after bidding farewell to Whale13, and as soon as they left the Dust Shelter, he disguised himself using the two god rule relics.

The three then headed to Start Shelter at ease.

According to Yang Ling, the identity rings would need at least three days to reach the receiving point. Therefore, they were not in a hurry.

Under normal circumstances, they would need to transfer at only five Shelters to get from the Dust Shelter to Start Shelter. However, there were two grade-4 Shelters among them. For safety purposes, they decided to take a longer en route whereby they transferred 11 times at grade-3 Shelters along the way.

Fortunately, none of their identities were suspected at all. Bloody would even request the Shelter guardian for permission to read at their archives at each Shelter. None of the 11 Shelters rejected her, which allowed her to gain access to more documents and information.

Apart from asking about the mission at the beginning, Kylie was cold and arrogant as usual. She did not even ask about the details of the mission, and Bloody was the one who took the initiative to tell her.

Meanwhile, Lin Huang spent most of the time shopping at underground black markets and auctions. Whilst familiarizing himself with the market prices, he was trying his luck with worthy items.

His new disguise was a man in a black robe that was transformed from his god rule relic, Shadow. It was completely different from earlier and was adorned with a simple golden pattern from the pure black before.

Meanwhile, his mask was transformed from his god rule relic, Night. The delicate mask was now pitch black. It was so black that it could even absorb the diffused reflection of the light. Apart from that, there was a layer of black mist lingering around it.

The hoodie of the cloak would hide whatever that was beneath it even during the day as long as the light did not shine directly on one's face. After putting on the mask, even if the light were to shine directly, one could only see a black silhouette.

Three days later, the trio arrived at the Start Shelter.

Lin Huang was a little shocked to see skyscrapers and crowds when they arrived. "Why's this Shelter so crowded? I suppose a grade-4 Shelter isn't as crowded as this!"

"Although Start Shelter is only a grade-3 Shelter, it has the top standard among grade-3 Shelters. The crowd is even larger compared to some remote grade-4 Shelters," Bloody explained through voice transmission.

"I heard the guardian of Start Shelter, whose name is Start, is a pure Protoss. His father is a rather famous Heavenly God who's also the guardian of a grade-5 Shelter.

"Due to his background, many guardians of grade-3 and grade-4 Shelters nearby are willing to be his friends, and they have trade agreements with Start Shelter. When Start Shelter was newly built, many neighboring guardians brought businesses and immigrants to them, making Start Shelter develop quickly. After Start Shelter elevated to a grade-3 Shelter, Start's father used his connection in the God Territory to get him the privilege of a receiving point. Since then, the Shelter prospered completely."

"A pure Protoss whose dad is a Heavenly God…" Lin Huang frowned slightly. "We don't even have identity rings now. If we visit him, we might expose ourselves."

"We don't have to visit him this time. There are up to a million people coming in and out of Start Shelter every day. There are always True Gods and Protosses coming in and out. If Start has to host those guests every day, I guess he'd have to host at least a hundred times throughout the year.

"I heard that he's arrogant whereby he looks down on ordinary Protosses and True Gods, and he doesn't care to befriend them. Moreover, we're only staying for a day or two to pick up our stuff. There's no need to embarrass ourselves by visiting him."

"So, you're not going to their archive?" Lin Huang asked.

"Although Start Shelter is crowded, it's just a grade-3 Shelter after all. I'll have many opportunities to visit grade-4 and grade-5 Shelters in the future."

"Then, let's look for a place to stay. We'll leave right after we pick up our stuff. Let's not have any contact with him." Lin Huang began browsing for hotels as soon as he was done speaking.

The receiving point of Start Shelter was located in the central zone of the entire Shelter which was also where the guardian residence was. They were only less than a kilometer apart from each other.

It was the most crowded place in the entire Shelter. Above 90% of the luxury hotels in the Shelter were located in this area, making up more than 70% of the Shelter hotels that were in the central zone.

Although they had no identity ring in the God Territory, Lin Huang picked a small hotel where registration was unnecessary. He got them the biggest three-room suite in the hotel.

When they opened the door to the suite, Lin Huang realized it was the crudest room that he had ever stayed in since he traveled to this world.

Although the three rooms were close to 100 square meters large, the walls were all white and the ceilings were made of plaster. Apart from a bed, a wardrobe, a table, and a chair, there were almost zero decorations.

Although there was a fabric couch in the living room, it looked like it had been there for at least 20 years. The coffee table before it seemed to be made of glass, but there were four to five cracks on it.

Lin Huang thought that the glass coffee table might crack entirely if he were to put an ashtray on it.

"Let's change hotels." Lin Huang did not mind the place, but he felt bad for the two ladies, Bloody and Kylie, to be staying at such a place.

Kylie glanced through the living room quickly. "We'll stay here since it's only for one or two days."

"We don't have identity rings now. I suppose hotels that accept frauds like us would have similar conditions. It doesn't really make sense to change to another hotel. Let's just stay here then," Bloody agreed to stay too.

"Alright then. Let's tidy up our rooms. It might be slightly bearable if we clean it up a little," Lin Huang suggested.

Both ladies nodded in agreement.

The trio spent half an hour to tidy the rooms completely. Although it did not look like it had been renovated, at least, it was more pleasing to the eye than before.

Lin Huang thought he would let the ladies stay in the bigger rooms while he occupied the smallest one.

However, Bloody realized that the smallest was only six or seven square meters large. The entire room was cramped with the bed and a wardrobe. Not only that, there was not even a tiny window for ventilation. Therefore, she suggested staying in the same room with Kylie while Lin Huang took the bigger room.

Kylie did not reject the suggestion.

The man and the two ladies then stayed in the Start Shelter's small hotel.