

After breaking out of their container, the vampires discovered that a lot of the gas that had already entered their bodies continued affecting them. In fact, it had become most obvious when they had punched to break out of the glass. Each one of them felt that their strength had weakened slightly. Even if none of them would say anything, Vincent could tell that they were a few concerned and hiding it on their face.

'Still, it shouldn't be a problem for whatever we face, but I can't help but worry about what is going on in there. Quinn, what exactly is taking you so long?' Vincent was worried about his descendant.

Before the vampires started to move, they could feel something moving under the stage. Something else that was mechanical. The vibration could mostly be felt towards their right side, where the south glass container was. They could see the back of the container opening up. In an instant, green coloured humanoid beasts began storming into the glass container, filling it up bit by bit. They hadn't attacked the container but just stood there looking towards the leaders.

"Are they human?" Sunny asked.

"If they're human, then I'm ugly." Fex commented on the situation that looked to be worsening by the second. Right after it looked like all of those inside the glass container had bashed on it with their hands, breaking it with ease, and they were faced with a large hostile force.

"There are humans mixed in with them." Fex clarified, as he noticed some at the back who hadn't fully transformed yet. It was hard for the vampires to figure out if they were beasts or humans. Their smell was a mixture of both, and seeing their forms it seems that way as well. Unlike the Dalki though, they seemed to be somewhat in a permanently changed state.

Shit… how many of those apes are there?" Nicu asked, drawing his sword. After breaking out of the glass, more and more were storming out, and their numbers had gone from dozens, to several hundreds, and might reach a thousand if this continued.

"If they're humans, then this should work." Muka said, running first into the army of beasts. "She soon reached them when they were only a quarter way past the field, she took off her helmet for a few seconds.

"Halt!" She shouted, but it seemed like despite her Influence skill being abnormally strong, forcing her to wear a helmet to not accidentally set it off, right now it was proving completely ineffective. A secret she hadn't quite told the others yet.

"Muka, get back here! It doesn't look like your Luck is going to help you much here!" Vincent shouted, but the one to act before she got somewhat flattened by the stampede was Lee. A piece of string wrapped around the Royal Knight and pulled her out of the area quickly.

"Quinn isn't here, what do we do? Who's in charge?" Jake panicked. "The King didn't want us to hurt humans, but can those things even be called that? They also look like they're very much looking forward to hurting us!"

In this type of situation, usually one of the two Royal Knights would take charge, but they didn't exactly instil hope. Their inexperience was showing, in that Fex was panicking, and Muka's idea having outright failed.

That's when Vincent stepped forward.

"I'll speak on behalf of Quinn in this situation. Do your best to refrain from killing them. That being said, your life is more important than theirs. If you don't have any other choice, then don't hesitate. None of you are dying today!" The tenth leader shouted.

The next second, from one of the snake-like strands of hair, on top of those monsters had opened wide and fired out a strange green liquid aimed at Vincent. The old vampire avoided the projectile, making it hit the ground, which started to melt upon contact

Retaliating, the tenth leader used a Blood swipe, successfully hitting the beast, which had lifted its hands in protection. Its forearms revealed strange hard scales, and aside from being pushed back a few meters, only a scratch was left.

'Oh…these are a little strong, maybe... we might have to use them sooner than we thought.'

The thousand or so beasts had almost reached the vampire leaders at once, but each one of them was strong. Jin was able to use his exploding blood to hit them all and stop them from advancing too far. While being careful about the power of his ability he used. Meanwhile, the other leaders were using their martial arts and blood powers to pierce their skin.

Having learned their lesson, they all avoided the forearms, which had proven to be the hardest part of their body. This meant that they were far easier to kill compared to the Dalki, though these beasts did have their own advantages.

For one, the hair on the beast's body allowed them to attack at midrange, and the acid they produced was enough to cause burns on the vampire leaders' skin. During the fight, Jake had suffered a hit, and it was a place where he hadn't used Blood hardening.

The pain was getting to him, a vampire lord, and it was burning quite quickly. Luckily, Katori, who was by his side, had sliced the skin off, and quickly used her ability as the second leader to reverse it back to the state it was once at.

"If you were going to do that, did you need to cut it off!" Jake shouted.

"Everyone, do your best to avoid their acid! If you're hit, come to me!" She shouted.

Thanks to the warning, they were being more cautious, and the leaders had decided to protect the second leader, understanding how valuable her ability would be.

Another advantage the beasts displayed were their flexible bodies. Some of those fighting hadn't fully transformed into a beast state, and it looked almost as if just their hands had been transformed.

The beasts with the beast armour seemed to be getting a boost from that as well. At the same time, since they weren't actually beasts, they didn't follow a type of attack pattern, each one of these were individual in their powers.

Ultimately, most leaders stopped holding back, utilising more deadly attacks, hoping to lower their numbers.

'Vampires may have great stamina, but using our blood powers like this will exhaust us.'' Vincent thought, as he grabbed one of the Pure beasts and used its shoulders to jump off. Using his elevated position he quickly checked out the situation in the south container.

'Just how many… did they do this too?' Vincent wondered, as he could see more and more people coming from the south container. More and more of the enemy. The only good thing was it was impossible for them all to fight them at once, at the same time.

It was annoying as more and more of those creatures began firing the strange acid from their hair.

'If these are humans and our Influence skill isn't working on them, then there has to be someone controlling them. Think… Pure, they were capturing those from the Bree family, in order to control beasts… is it someone from the Bree family then that's controlling them? Would that even work?' Vincent contemplated going out on his own, to find whoever controlled them.

Unfortunately, he was unable to see anyone that stuck out among the crowd, and he was worried about how the other leaders would fare without him helping out. For once, everyone was working together, and it was only thanks to that they were able to somewhat survive the onslaught.

'If this continues, eventually… I will have to order them to use it.'


Watching from an unknown location, a certain Pure member that had left them all early on could see everything, and in his hand he currently held a crystal that looked almost as clear as glass. Inside the crystal there was a strange substance that floated about.

'I can't believe this is working... this crystal really holds the ability to control all of these. Today will be a big win for Pure. If this really works, then we'll be able to steal the abilities from others without the need for Turedream…

'Lucy, it looks like we will make your dream come true after all.'

*****Just like in the main arena, right now Quinn was having to fight off an endless stream of Pure Beasts. He had been taking them out one by one, rather than use an attack targeting multiple ones. There were many ways Quinn could have used a number of his skills to take out the endless army, yet he didn't and Ray, who was with him in the system, knew why.

The Cursed faction leader was still trying to find some way to save them. Each time he killed one of the Pure Beasts, his ancestor could see that Quinn's fists hesitated for a fraction of a second. With his strength a single blow in the right place was enough to finish them. Nevertheless, he did what needed to be done, and the Pure Beasts were falling to the floor.

Rising above them, Quinn lept to the air and used his gauntlet to cling onto the side of the arena walls. He readied his fist trying to punch it. As it slammed into the wall a clang was heard and an indent was made but there was nothing else.

'How thick are these walls. I've never seen so much Glathrium being used?' Quinn thought.

Glathrium was apparently meant to be a rare substance, but he didn't think that was the case with how much he could currently see. Perhaps the Board members were the ones that were creating an artificial demand by limiting its use, and that way raising the price. After learning what type of people they really were, nothing would surprise him anymore about their scummy ways.

As Quinn readied himself to punch the wall once more, several of the Pure beasts started to climb on top of each other, creating a pile to reach him and at the same time they fired from their hair the green substance. Quinn would fire back at the green substance hitting it with his blood swipes, as he quickly leapt down and headed back to the floor.

Fortunately, the Blood armour he was currently wearing allowed him to use his own Blood powers non-stop. Not only did Quinn use that to shield himself from the special spit their hair was producing, and was able to channel blood into his attacks, as he kicked them, punched and kneed and elbowed his enemies.

While fighting, Quinn noticed that some of them were changing their appearance. After sustaining enough injuries, they would eventually revert to being somewhat human. Unfortunately, it didn't stop them from attacking him, though, yet the power difference was apparent.

All of that reminded him awfully of Borden, who was quite different compared to the rest of the Dalki.

'What is this?' Quinn thought.

'I'm pretty sure it's the beasting process like I said before.' His ancestor answered. 'There has been a great difference between my time and yours, but after watching them for a while I'm sure it's something similar.

'In the past, humans were weak, and many of them needed a boost in fighting power, so what better way then to use the strong beasts that they needed to go against. Later on, they found a way for humans to absorb the essence of a beast crystal, changing their body into this. However, it came with great risks. One required strong power to control the change, not just anyone could do such a thing.

'At the same time, to minimise the risk, you wouldn't go for a high tier beast, but would usually start from the ground up with a Basic tier crystals, then Intermediate and so on, but this…'

Just then, Quin grabbed the serpent-like hair, and pulled one of the beast's heads down while slamming his knee into its face. Quickly, the vampire spun around and delivered a kick, towards one that had managed to get behind him, sending it flying through the air.

'This… they don't feel like they absorbed the essence of only one beast.' Ray continued. 'It's almost like a chimaera of some sorts. Like they have mixed multiple beasts crystals into the humans.'

Quinn couldn't agree more, the claws, the scales, and the hair. Each one of them had different properties, and he felt as if he was fighting multiple beasts at once. It was why they were a little more difficult than regular beasts to fight, but listening to Ray speak, Quinn found something interesting in what he had said.

'Explain to me, if this would be the beasting process, then what level do you think these beasts were at?' Quinn asked.

Ray had been watching them fight for a while now, and was thinking.

'It's hard to say, since I don't know how strong the humans were beforehand. If the human was already strong, even a Basic tier beast crystal would see them gain a huge boost by giving them a beast-like body and powers. With many beasts seemingly being used, I can only assume it would further strengthen them. However, these guys in their human form seem incredibly weak, so my guess would be an Intermediate tier… King tier at best.'

'Did he just say Intermediate tier… is the strength of an Intermediate beast mixed with humans?'

The Dalki and the beast in front of them were both quite different yet similar. One method was combining the powers of a beast with a human, while the other was creating a new species with human and beast DNA.

If what Ray said was true though…

'How strong would a human be if he were to go through this beasting process with a Demon tier beast crystal?' Quinn asked.

'I have no idea.' Ray replied. 'During my time, that never happened. It would have most likely just killed any human that tried to go through such a thing, but if it was possible then judging by the situation you are in now, they would create something that was beyond a demon tier.'

Although Quinn knew somewhat what the answer was going to be, he was hoping he wouldn't have heard that answer.

'I wanted to find a way to help them, but I can't find the one controlling them, and it looks like my abilities aren't going to come back. The others are in trouble so I have to get out of here.' Quinn said to himself.

As he raised his hand, blood started to gather not just from within himself, but from all the others that had been hurt as well.


Inside the room, everyone was slowly watching the glowing eyes of what was in front of them. For some reason, those in the room were reluctant to move, it was as if they knew whoever was to act first would be the one that needed to deal with the Pure member, it also was clear to them that something had changed with the said person.

And, although Leo and Such were able to see better during the night, the same couldn't exactly be said for them in the smoke, which was making it hard to see anyone's position.

'The smoke is still pouring into the room now.' Logan noticed. 'I need to disable them somehow, if I get a hold onto the machines. Then I might be able to use my soul weapon, but I have a feeling that I won't be able to freely move.'

Instead, Logan decided to use what little spiders he had left. He no longer had enough to create his regular suit of armour and had already used a good amount of them creating the masks for those in the Graylash family.

They could perhaps disable the machine somehow, if they found the right component, but it would take some time. Still,it made Logan wonder why one person hadn't acted yet. There was one who was in the room with them that had strength that equalled Sil at times. Surely he should have been able to break out of the room.

When Sil went to turn his head to look in his direction, suddenly, they heard a thud, as another member of their group had passed out and had fallen to the floor.

Sera had just summoned a sword in his hand, and it looked like he was ready to act, but before he did, he had collapsed onto the ground as well.

"That idiot!" A voice said.

That idiot!" A voice was heard. Due to the certain individual who had spoken a lot before, the others were able to recognise the voice. It was coming from Abdul, the Unranked who stood next to Sera's side most of the time. "You didn't even bother covering your mouth! Did you think this thing wouldn't affect you or something?"

Abdul, complained while having created a makeshift mask from ripping a piece from his shirt. The two were towards the back of the room, more so than the others, which was why the gas had taken longer to affect them compared to everyone else.

'I guess even if they have that immense power, there are some things that even affect them.' Leo concluded.

Just because Sera had the power of a God residing in him, didn't mean his body wasn't that of a human's. Perhaps an enhanced human, but a human nonetheless, which meant that even he suffered the smoke's effect. Alas, this God of War had been too stubborn to believe that he would fall to such a thing.

"It looks like our strongest are falling in the room one by one, and we're too egoistic to have to deal with this mess." Sach pointed out, as he got into a fighting stance, standing by Leo's side. He looked at Mona, Sil, and now Sera who had all collapsed.

The problem was, it wasn't exactly like the vampires were unaffected by the smoke, they just had more resistance to it. The sound of Agent 3 could be heard moving, and Sach decided to meet him head-on.

"Let me take care of this!" Sach shouted, going in front of the Vampire Knight.

'If I take the first blow, then it will give the chance for Leo to strike!' Was the thought running through the Supreme Commander's head, and it seemed like Leo was following along with the plan, following a short distance behind him.

However, a large fist of what looked to be raw muscle with no skin came out and hit Sach. He was able to lift his knee to protect himself. With his ability and new vampire body, he should have been able to withstand any blow, and this fact was proven in the came. The strike that hit him though wasn't just powerful, it had the power of Qi behind it.

Sach could feel his cells reacting strangely as an explosive power hit him, sending him flying back and hitting against the wall. Once again, the bones in his knees, he could feel they had slightly fractured but worst of all, it didn't seem to be healing like it usually would have.

'I can still use my leg. Guess I'm lucky it's not broken, but if anyone else gets hit by him it won't end well for us.'

Leo, noticed the other hand come towards him, and activated his soul weapon. Using it, he was able to redirect the punch over to the side. He didn't use too much of his power, afraid that it would drain him quickly.

Since his last fights he knew now that when he was facing stronger opponents, it was best if he naturally deflected the attack while only using part of his soul weapon's ability to redirect the aura. There was no way for him to increase the amount of MC cells in his body so instead he needed to put each one to better use.

Using his skill, the hand missed and went past him, and now Leo had an arm that was prime for chopping off.

With his blade he struck down, making sure to coat it in Qi, and he could see it quickly cutting through the muscular red flesh. His second stage Qi made it as sharp as ever. However, as it reached halfway something strange happened. It looked as if the muscles on the arm were alive, as they were cut and detached from the hand, they started to wrap around the sword, almost holding it in place. Each strand moving individually holding onto it tight.

The sword also looked to be doing nothing, as the muscles themselves were now coated in Qi as well.

'I can feel the strong Qi through this beast's body! How can a beast use Qi?' Leo wondered.

'Do you need my help?'

'Not yet…if it comes to it, I'll gladly fight this thing together, though.' Leo replied to his familiar.

Right now he had to figure out the problem in front o

of him, for even with his second stage of Qi it seemed that he was struggling to pull out his blade. Grim and Owen had been busy with Logan trying to find a way to get rid of the smoke, or break out of the room.

Unfortunately, they haven't quite figured out a way just yet. In the first place, Grim and Owen's strength were in their abilities, yet it seemed to have no effect on the glass. Seeing that Leo and Sach might be in trouble, they could see the creature now fully as it walked up to Leo. On its back, it had what looked like countless bones sticking out from it. They were in no shape or form, but just looked like multiple hands dangling from its back.

Agent 3, was roughly the same size as a Dalki, but its body was something else. Completely covered in flesh, with the same markings of white in certain places. It didn't look like a beast, but something that came from the world of the undead itself.

'We have to try and get out of this place!' Logan concluded since his spiders were taking too long. Instead he took off the casing from his arm, which revealed his Dalki self underneath. The Graylash family were too focused to be in shock, as Logan pulled back and threw a punch towards the glass as hard as he could.

When it hit though it did little to nothing.

'Damn it, my strength is not enough!'

"Hut me, cut my arm!" Logan demanded from the two.

Owen was a bit hesitant, but Grim had caught on to what the boy was trying to do. A single finger was coating in lighting, as Grim went to cut Logan's Dalki arm as much as possible. Now, Logan could feel the Dalki strength rising in him.

He punched the wall again, and this time there had been a slight crack in it.

"More!" Logan shouted, but his arm was already bleeding heavily and blood was dripping on the floor.

"The boy could die." Owen said concerned.

Seeing this, the two thought of another solution and could see that the beast was getting ready to attack Leo again. Trying to stop his advance, the two were getting ready to attack the beast when a large figure handed them something. They were surprised that it was two women, Samantha and Mona. He shoved them forward quickly, trying to empathise with something.

"I think he wants us to look after them." Grim figured out.

'Isn't this the beast that Mona was controlling? Is it acting on its own? I thought in situations like this, the tamed beast is meant to do whatever it can to protect its owner…so what is this?' Owen wondered while holding onto Mona.

The next second, the large figure started to charge straight towards Agent 3 with no fear at all. It wasn't affected by any of the gas in the slightest, and continued to run forward until it tackled the Pure agent. It also grabbed onto both of its arms and gripped it with as much strength as possible, causing it to finally let go of Leo's sword.

Before any of them could react, it had crashed through the back of the glass container, shattering it, and the two were falling onto the arena stage. The two looked to be struggling mid flight, but the large figure was still holding onto the box. Until, he eventually dropped the box, and it fell to the ground. The impact had caused the latch to open, and a round object could be seen rolling out.