

Lucifer looked at Fire Sorrow with intensity, making the Seventh Order mage feel a little uncomfortable.

As Long Tian's roars of pain continued spreading throughout the universal area they were all in at the moment, a single second was as precious as gold to these Higher Existences who ironically didn't care about the time in the past.

Long Tian's dragon form had already lost its tail, one of the giant wings, and its scaly body was replete with bloody gashes and deep scratches that had easily pierced through the hard golden scales that covered Long Tian's body like a carapace that previously seemed to be indestructible.

Under the sharp destructive claws of the Heavenly Wolf, even the most powerful defense in the world was fated to collapse!

In fact, were it not for the fact that Long Tian had wisely decided to switch to his full dragon form, his life might have ended long ago! The only reason Long Tian had managed to hold on until now was exclusively thanks to his hard scales that provided him with one of the most powerful physical defenses and magic suppressors in the cosmos!

As the explosions of the single-sided battle spread far and wide, it was clear from the roars of pain that it wouldn't be long before one of the most powerful beings in the current universe would be cruelly slaughtered by one of the most powerful beings of the ancient universe.

"Lucifer, what's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?" Fire Sorrow finally could not stand the gaze of the man in front of her anymore so she asked with a frown.

This was one of the few times she referred to the leader of the Demonic Army as 'Lucifer' and not as 'His Majesty' in front of a large number of existences; even more so, existences belonging to other factions.

Lucifer stared at her for another three seconds before sighing and saying in an apologetic tone, "I'm afraid I'll have to ask to borrow that from you, Fire Sorrow."

"...That?" Fire Sorrow muttered in confusion. However, suddenly her violet eyes twitched violently as if she had thought of something. Fire Sorrow shook her head from side to side and shouted loudly, "Impossible! Do you want me to use one of the few things left from the past to hurt Sirius? Dream on! Let that arrogant dragon suffer for his own actions!"

"... You're not thinking things through clearly or deeply, my beautiful strategist." Lucifer sighed and removed his pajama hat to scratch his head. "Whether Long Tian lives or dies that is not a matter of my concern at all. But what will happen after that? That shadow over there isn't the real Heavenly Wolf, it's merely a remnant left behind by its will, a remnant meant to protect the Firmament Fragment inside the constellation."

"Hmph! If I say no, then it's no." Fire Sorrow seemed to have made her final decision. She looked at Lucifer with serious eyes and slowly said, "Are you also like those white pigeons over there? You disappoint me too much, Lucifer."

While Medes, Uriel, Michael, and a few more of the Army of Heaven were a bit angry and uncomfortable at Fire Sorrow's words while the rest of the Army of Heaven was confused, the entire Demonic Army except for Lucifer and other silent characters looked at Fire Sorrow with surprise and disbelief.

This was without a doubt the first time Fire Sorrow referred to the Army of Heaven as 'white pigeons' and as if that wasn't enough, she even said it clearly enough for them to hear!

Lucifer couldn't help but force a smile into his heart as he smiled bitterly on the outside. He held up both hands and said in surrender, "Since that's the way it is, forget it then. Your stuff is your stuff, I'm not forcing you to do something you don't want to do."

".... Sorry." Fire Sorrow sighed and shook her head. She waved her hand and from her storage ring, a small object was drawn to her just like the opposite poles of two magnets.

This object was a reliquary-style necklace quite old as several broken parts could be seen here and there. Moreover, despite being surrounded by powerful runes of magic, it was clear that the power contained in the necklace was not really anything worth paying attention to anymore.

However, that same necklace that could not even be considered a Rank 3 accessory was being cared for by a Seventh Order existence like Fire Sorrow in the same way a mother cared for her newborn baby.

Lilith naturally realized that the necklace had a high sentimental value for Fire Sorrow, and judging by Lucifer's complicated look, for him as well. However, she could not understand how such a weak necklace could scratch such a terrifying existence which was crushing one of the most powerful beings in existence.

Fortunately, Lilith had learned not to underestimate or judge based solely on appearances. Wasn't she a much more powerful monster than she appeared on the surface? Wasn't Bai Zemin the same? Therefore, whatever her doubts, she kept them to herself.

Lucifer turned his gaze back to the battlefield and sighed as he saw that the situation was finally reaching its climax.

"... How are we supposed to get out of this now?" The lazy Lucifer couldn't help but sigh again as he looked at the silhouette of the wolf howling towards the heavens as if it was repeatedly challenging them. Lucifer whispered, "You really are a pain in the ass."

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!...

Golden chains coiled like giant snakes around the four limbs of the giant dragon and an even thicker one tightly bound the beast's mouth to prevent him from attacking.

Long Tian shook fiercely in an attempt to free himself from the restraining bindings but instead of succeeding, the only thing he achieved was that the injuries that plagued every inch of his body began to bleed even more heavily than before.

Unable to free himself, his golden eyes glowed with anger amidst despair.

Hundreds of magic circles suddenly flashed around the area where Long Tian and the ghost of the Heavenly Wolf Sirius were standing. Magical power rushed through each magic circle at unimaginable speeds and the mana inside the dragon's body shook violently.

"It's pointless." Lucifer sneered.

Just as Lilith and the rest were wondering what he meant by those words, the next scene shocked everyone.

The magic power and mana circulating from Long Tian's body in his dragon form were like a lighter and powder that ignited the magic circles. However, the golden chains suddenly acquired a slight crimson glow on the surface, and like sponges, the golden chains quickly began to absorb the magical power and mana that Long Tian was using.

The pupils of the mighty dragon, but at the same time helpless against the power of the enemy he faced, contracted to the smallest possible extent. For the first time, the proud and arrogant dragon who believed he did not need to respect or fear anything in the cosmos began to feel fear; fear in the face of imminent death!

"It even ate the magic!"

"The Heavenly Wolf canceled the magic spells?"

"God, protect us..."


The various existences of the different factions were shocked by what they had just witnessed.

Anti-magic spells, despite being rare, were not shocking enough sights to leave everyone dumbfounded and despairing. However, what they had just seen was clearly not an anti-magic spell.

It was something else. Something different.

That was... Blood Manipulation?" Lilith muttered in shock as her ruby eyes twitched at what they were seeing.

The golden blood flowing from the injuries on Long Tian's body, far from being carried away by the 0 gravity of outer space, was being absorbed by the golden chains surrounding the mighty dragon's body. Moreover, the most striking thing was that the more blood they devoured, the chains not only became more powerful but the faster Long Tian's Mana disappeared and the faster the magic power was consumed.

"Eh? Lilith, you know about the skill Blood Manipulation?" Fire Sorrow looked at Lilith with wide eyes.

"This... Isn't that the main skill of Immortal Bloodlust's leader?" Lilith blurted out matter-of-factly.

Lucifer's eyes flashed strangely as Fire Sorrow shook her head and said in a serious voice, "Immortal Bloodlust's leader's skill is called Blood Maker. It is undoubtedly an extremely powerful skill, even more so considering how high the evolutionary level of his skill must be at the moment.....But the Blood Manipulation skill is not something a normal soul can handle."

"Excuse me?" Lilith looked at her with wide eyes.

Suddenly, she felt a pair of eyes watching her intently and a shiver ran down her spine as she saw that Lucifer was looking at her with a curious smile that for some strange reason seemed not only playful but also excited.

"Your Majesty Lucifer, I don't like the way you're looking at me." Lilith pointed out with a frown, her voice slightly tinged with displeasure to mask her true agitated emotions.

".... I'm sorry." Lucifer nodded and looked away.

No one found this little exchange odd. After all, Lucifer's personality was known to be an extremely flexible one and the coldness of the Bloody Succubus was also widely known within the Demonic Army.

Just as Lilith let out a sigh of relief in her heart, a silhouette wearing white armor approached them.

It was Medes. God. The Lord of the Army of Heaven.

Medes at this moment was no longer wearing that normal white robe from before. His body was covered by a compact plate armor and in his right hand, he held an exquisite white spear over two and a half meters long.

"Lucifer, I along with the others have just agreed to all attack Sirius' ghost," Medes said in a deep voice. "If we stay here and do nothing, sooner or later we will experience the same fate as Long Tian or even a worse one that hasn't happened to him yet."

"Attack? Attack my ass!" Lucifer barked loudly. He looked at the God of Heaven as if he was an idiot and said disdainfully, "Old man, did you forget what the Heavenly Wolf's specialty was and the reason why the enemy armies never dared to face it?"

"That's..." Medes frowned and as if he had remembered something his expression turned extremely ugly.

"Hmph! If you want to die go ahead and die yourself." Lucifer laid down in the void and let the 0 gravity drag his body casually as he calmly said, "If I lay here, I might survive. Who knows..."

Medes looked at Lucifer and said with suppressed anger, "You and I along with a handful here have lived longer than any other living being ever. We have experienced the end once but even that end was but a new beginning for us. You can fool others, but you cannot fool me, Lucifer. I know you fear death as much as I fear it."

Lucifer opened his dark eyes slowly and a nostalgic glint flashed in his gaze for an instant as he whispered, "I fear death? Sure, I fear to die.... But what I fear is not death itself. What I really fear is not being able to accomplish my goal and failing those who rely on me to survive."

Then, Lucifer inclined his head slightly and looked at Medes with a smile that the God of the Army of Heaven had seen countless years before as he said:

"To me, death is no different than eternal sleep.... And you know what, old friend? I love to sleep!"

As Medes and Lucifer stared at each other as if they understood what the other was thinking, a giant golden spear began to form in th

form in the hand of the Heavenly Wolf Sirius' ghost.

The golden spear in the hands of Sirius Heavenly Wolf's ghost was clearly not an energy spear or anything similar.... It was a real spear.

The Higher Existences who were paying attention to the events were stupefied when they saw Sirius' ghost extend its right hand and as if responding to its call the constellation behind it lit up before the spear shot out from the interior.

What did this mean then? It meant that inside the constellation of the Heavenly Wolf Sirius was not only a powerful Firmament Fragment waiting to be claimed but there were also powerful treasures!

Although such things were normal, the golden spear with several crimson red engravings not only looked extremely beautiful but the aura it exuded had even materialized to the point where from the distance a faint deep red glimmer could be seen on the edges of the weapon.

"Welp." Lucifer closed his eyes and crossed one leg over the other as he muttered indifferently, "I must say, it was not a pleasure to meet you all. See you all in hell.... Or maybe not? Wasn't I the ruler of hell in some bullshit legends?.... Whatever."

"What's happening?" Lilith frowned as the mana inside her body began to circulate under her command.

Even if it was impossible, she wasn't willing to fall without putting up a fight. Lilith had experienced hardships and sorrows few here could imagine to get to where she was now. Throughout her relatively short life, she had learned that nothing was absolutely impossible; it was just a matter of how much you were willing to sacrifice to achieve your goal.

Lucifer did not respond. Instead, Luciah narrowed her eyes and as she stared at the beautiful, majestic-looking spear in the hands of Sirius' ghost, she couldn't help but mutter in shock, "That spear.... Annihilation of the Falling Sky.... To think that Sirius would leave the spear that accompanied it for several thousand years behind."

Fire Sorrow's expression was bitter and like Lucifer, she simply decided to wait and see what fate had in store for her.

"How ironic..." Fire Sorrow suddenly laughed freely and said nonchalantly, "For hundreds of millions of years, I have been revered as one of the greatest talents in the path of magic regardless of era or world. I always believed that my fate was controlled by me, but look at me now..... I guess it's never too late to learn something.... Life has many twists and turns after all."

Lilith narrowed her eyes and a strange light flashed in her gaze as her eyes went back and forth between Luciah and Fire Sorrow.

Perhaps it was due to the shock of everything that was happening but the two women didn't realize that they inadvertently revealed information that to the current Lilith was of utmost importance.

"I am not willing!" Michael roared skyward and flames burst outward with him as the center.

The ring of fire was so large that all nearby angels were directly sent flying amidst screams of surprise and pain.

Michael's personality was explosive and strong just like his flames. Therefore, when something didn't please him or when things didn't go his way, it was not at all uncommon for his temper to flare up as it was doing right now.

"Lord, why do we have to give in to a ghost?!" Michael looked at Medes and shouted in apparent anger, "Sirius is a thing of the past! The legend of the Heavenly Wolf is nothing but history! I refuse to believe that we can't defeat a remnant spirit of someone who left this world long ago!"

Everyone in the area was silent as Uriel looked at Michael with pity.

Maybe, Michael himself had not noticed, but his grip on his spear was no longer as firm as before and his hands occasionally trembled, exposing his inner feelings which he tried to mask with anger without even realizing it.

Medes hesitated as he listened to the words of his most powerful archangel. Although he felt that what Michael was saying made sense, the truth was that Medes still feared the memories that were as old as the universe and as fresh a


After all, as Lucifer had just said, if they stood still obediently then perhaps they could survive. However, Medes knew in his heart that unless Sirius' ghost weakened quickly, anyone who dared to attack it would not only die but also serve as fodder to make it more powerful than it already was.

Just then, Sirius' ghost made its move.

When the ghost of the Heavenly Wolf moved, the only beings who managed to see a blurry moving silhouette were the leaders of the various factions of Higher Existences. As for the rest, even to the eyes of the Seventh Order existences, the movement of the ghost was so fast and fine that it was no different from teleportation.

Seemingly without any technique and with a simple stab so simple that even a 5 years old child could do, the ghost of Sirius Heavenly Wolf firmly held onto the spear in its hands and pushed forward.

Crimson cracks immediately appeared in space wherever the spear passed, revealing a space that was significantly darker and filled with chaos and death in which even the strongest beings would only survive a meager amount of time before succumbing.

There was no strange magical sound, far from it; only silence and soft breaking.

The size of the giant dragon Long Tian had transformed into compared to the minuscule size of the Heavenly Wolf's ghost made as big a difference as the difference between a skyscraper and a human standing next to it. However, the one who shuddered in fear and helplessness as his body was tightly suppressed by chains of golden blood was not the small wolf but the giant dragon!

Long Tian fought with all his might. He really tried again and again. However, regardless of whether it was his monstrous and incomparable physical strength or whether it was his destructive large-scale magical attacks; nothing was of any use.

The golden blood chains that clung to his body were as if they were treasures meant to seal gods as even the mana was absorbed denying the magic.


Overwhelming pain flooded Long Tian's senses at the same time as the scales and defense he was so proud of were easily torn apart by Sirius' ghost spear as if there was no obstacle to begin with.

The giant dragon involuntarily wanted to roar in pain, but even that was denied to Long Tian as his mouth was being tightly sealed.

It was only a stab, but the pain Long Tian was feeling was the greatest pain he had ever felt in his entire life! It was clear that the golden spear with deep crimson engravings in the hands of the Heavenly Wolf's ghost had some special feature to increase the pain of the injuries it inflicted or else it would be impossible to make a proud and powerful Eighth Order existence at the top of the universe want to cry out in pain!

Scales were split, the skin was separated, the flesh was pierced. Finally, under the terrified eyes of the Higher Existences belonging to the Dragon God Realm and amidst screams of terror, the heart of the mighty Long Tian was pierced from side to side.

Long Tian's draconic eyes opened wide abruptly and red veins appeared inside. Despair and disbelief shone in his eyes as he felt the enemy's spear before him growing inside his body and his heart was pierced from side to side before exploding in a bloody mess.

If Long Tian's heart had magically been pierced by an ordinary spear, then he would be able to sustain his life with serious injuries and in a few years recover completely. However, when the heart of a Higher Existence was pierced by another Higher Existence wielding a high-quality treasure..... There was no room for lamentation.

"Lord God Dragon!"


"How... How could this happen..."


Amidst the wails and groans of the Dragon God Realm members, Long Tian felt the life force leaving his body at astonishing speeds.

The other Eighth Order leaders also noticed Long Tian's life force rapidly disappearing. Lucifer opened his eyes for a moment to look at the situation before sighing and closing them again as he muttered in a voice only he could hear:

"How long has it been since someone so powerful fell?"

Lucifer couldn't remember.

The most powerful existence that had fallen in the last five hundred thousand years was a being of the Seventh Order who tried to obtain a Firmament Fragment but fallen into the constellation. This alone shook the entire universe for over three hundred thousand years before everyone slowly began to overcome the shock.

As for 8th Order.... For 99% of those present, this was the first time they had not only heard but witnessed such a thing.

While Lucifer felt nostalgic and even a little sad since regardless of the differences Long Tian was a necessary existence for the universe, the other six leaders began to look at the members of the Dragon God Realm with greed.

Not because of bad intentions, but because of something different.

When the leader of a Higher Existence faction died on the battlefield, the faction would naturally be removed from the records that made up the universe. So, just as when a guild leader decided to eliminate the guild after asking a video game NPC to do so, all members of the Dragon God Realm would immediately lose all records that made them Higher Existences.

After all, except for the eight leaders present, everyone else had only become higher beings after joining one of the existing factions.

Therefore, what would happen when Long Tian's life energy completely disappeared? The members of the Dragon God Realm would be faced with two options.

1) The first option was, naturally, death.

After the loss of the records that had been forcibly engraved on their souls to overcome the limits of time and nature, they would all fall to the peak Fourth Order immediately. As a consequence, all these beings who had lived millions of years would quickly confront the passage of time and witness how their bodies would get old before turning into ashes.

2) Quickly make the decision as to which other of the seven factions still standing they would join. Only by quickly becoming Higher Existences again after accepting the modifications of records that made up who they were, these fallen beings could once again stand against the fierce passage of time.

Of course, option number 2 had an extremely strong drawback and this was that once fallen from Higher Existence to Lower Existence and then again ascended to Higher Existence, the Sixth Order and Seventh Order beings would lose all the levels they had gained and fall back to the initial Fifth Order; the same applied to the Fifth Order beings as they would fall back to the initial level immediately.

It was a cruel but natural punishment considering that what they were doing was somehow against the principles of the Soul Record. Besides, as long as there was life, the levels could be regained since regardless of the time needed the Higher Existences had an eternity of time waiting for them unless another being killed them.

Lilith watched the greedy eyes of the faction leaders and her heart not only grew cold but the ridicule and disdain in her grew to the highest possible peak.

Even in such circumstances, these people still thought of benefits? It was a mystery whether the next second they would still be alive but instead of thinking of countermeasures to survive, they were thinking about profits.

I guess large-scale greed is not something uniquely of mankind," Lilith whispered to herself as she remembered her own past and all the things she had seen while supporting Bai Zemin from the shadows in every step he took.

"Uh?" Suddenly, Lucifer abruptly opened his eyes and looked at Long Tian in shock.

"Don't tell me... this fucking bastard..." He muttered in disbelief as a thought ran through him.

The other six leaders also realized that something was wrong when Long Tian's soul life energy stopped diminishing.... No, instead of continuing to diminish and far from stopping, the life energy that had dropped was being strangely returned to his body at a speed even faster than the speed at which it had dropped before!

Suddenly, a brilliant green light enveloped the giant dragon's body. The emerald green light was so bright that for a moment it forced everyone to close their eyes tightly as the light continued to spread farther and farther.

Just as the strongest managed to open their eyes after the light dimmed considerably, the roar of a dragon shook the space with power and vigor.


Nikolay looked at the now free and extremely healthy Long Tian roaring. The powerful Eighth Order vampire's eyes flashed with anger as he snarled through gritted teeth:

"This damn son of a bitch.... It was actually him who killed Cinthia and stole the Firmament Fragment of the Goddess of Rebirth!"

Approximately 800,000 years ago, one of the central pillars of Immortal Bloodlust had headed to a world abundant in resources to become the guardian of that world. However, Nikolay could still remember the shock he felt when he perceived that Cinthia had been killed in a second without even giving her time to send a single mental message.

Cinthia had been a powerful healer and holder of a powerful Firmament Fragment that had saved the lives of countless members of Immortal Bloodlust, so, her fall had enraged many. At that time, Immortal Bloodlust was so mad with rage that they cared little for attacking all factions at the same time in search of answers.

Now, that mystery that had always been a thorn in Niolay's heart and that so intrigued everyone had finally been solved.

It was clear that Long Tian had somehow managed to not only kill Cinthia twice but had also taken advantage of the fact that the will left behind by the Goddess of Rebirth in the Firmament Fragment had disappeared after handing over her legacy to Cinthia!