
Left Alone

"I'll try to come back before supper. You're upset because you're all alone here tomorrow, right?" he said patting my head. I remained still with my head down. I can feel heat from my eyes.

"Don't cry. You look ugly when you cry." He said as if he can see my face. I sniffed on his remark but still remained my head bowed.

"Ayaka, what are you? Three?" he said, patience coming to end but I didn't cared at all. Call me childish but I don't think I want to experience again being left alone after having Yoongi reside in our house.

"Fine." He said in surrender. "I'll try to come home as soon as I can. Is that good enough?" he said sounding like it is the last bargain he can offer me. I nodded and continued eating without looking at him.

"I will take care of the dishes. You can go rest now." U said after we finished eating. Yoongi nodded and leave the dining table and I start cleaning up.

Sunday came and when I woke up Yoongi already left. I looked arpunf the empty and quiet house feeling like I go back 10 years ago when I was alone.

My Mother passed away 11 years ago. I was only around 8 years old then. For a year, I saw how hard my Father tried to live normally like almost nothing happened for me to live a happy life even when Mother was not around. But then, the time comes when he can't masked his emotions anymore and gradually breaks down.  He started to come home late and drunk.

I always waits for him to have a supper together like we always does but he comes home drunk so I had to help him get to his room, remove his shoes, took off his suit before I'll go back to the dining table and start eating.

I look after myself and my Father at an early age. My Father works in the day and return late at night drunk. It goes on for days, months, years.

It's hard for a little girl like me to cope up with a sudden change of environment like that. I told myself to stay strong, that my Father needs me the most now.

When I get a little older, I tried to look for places where I can work or atleast earn a bit of money since I'm not in the legal age yet to work.

The neighboring supermarkets, convinient stores, I tried hard to make them agree to let me work in their stores. Given my situation they agreed not long after. I did menial work since I can't be on the front because they are afraid that someone will report them for making a minor like me work for them. I looked for jobs to help myself. My Father still takes care of my education and other daily necessities but I can't just bring myself to ask for more money to pay for other expenses at school so I decided to look for a job. My Father was not aware of it.

As I became busy with school I quit my jobs. And not long after, Yoongi and Auntie showed on our doorsteps.

I'm so happy seeing Yoongi that time that I literally jumped on him to give him a tight hug. I grew up seeing his face all the time. They moved away because of Auntie's work and soon after my Mother died. During my Mother's wake, only Auntie and Uncle came because Yoongi was away for his studies and didn't manage to come back since they said he is in an important conference.

So I was really happy when I saw him! I greeted Auntie too and invited them in. I called Dad who fortunately is somber right now. I head to kitchen to prepare some refreshments for them.

I heard them talking about how Uncle left them with a huge debt and she asked if Yoongi can stay in our care for a while. I walked to Auntie to console her and calm her as she begun crying. I hand her a glass of water too to calm her down.

Then I sat next to my Father and tugged at his shirt. He looked at me and saw my puppy eyes pleading him to accept Yoongi.

"Of course. Of course." my Father said. "He's like a son to me too. So that's why I haven't seen him around the office lately. I thought he's just dealing with the client outside that's why he is not coming to the office. I didn't know what happened to 000 and that he had that huge debt." Father added.

"You don't have to worry about Yoongi. Me and Ayaka will look after him." My Father said. Auntie burst in to tears once again and could not stop saying Thank You to us so I walk to her and give her a hug.

I looked at Yoongi who did not speak a word all this time. Even though he did not have any trace of emotion on his face to begin with, his expression now makes me feel sad. There's nothing on his face right now. He feels so distant. Seems like there's some kind of wall around him, big and thick wall.

They stayed for dinner that time and Auntie said they'll come back by the end of the month and Yoongi will stay by then.

I didn't know how I function for the whole day but the doorbell brings me out of my reverie. I look at the time and it's already five in the afternoon. I look at the books in front of me and I haven't solve atleast one problem all this time.

Another bell rings and I collected myself before getting up to see who's came. Yoongi would definitely not ring the bell as he have the key as well as my Father.

I looked at the peephole to see who it is but I did not see anyone. I opened the door and waa about to walk out when I run into something. I looked down and saw a parcel. I pick it up to see the informations written on it.

"It's a package for Yoongi. But there's no name on the sender…" I said to myself.

"Aya. What are you doing there?" I looked up when I heard a voice.

"Yoongi, you're back." I said.

"Yeah. What are you doing? What's that?" he said as he walk up to me and pointed at the parcel.

"Parcel. For you, but there's no name on the sender." I answered and hand him the parcel. He looked at it intently as if checking it.

"Go in. It's cold outside." he said and lightly pushed me inside the house before I can even asked what could be it.

"Have you eaten? I haven't cooked dinner yet." I said as I follow him to the kitchen.

He takes out a bottle of water from the fridge and drink it.

"I already ate. Why haven't you cook yet?"

"I didn't notice the time."

"I'll cook." he offered. "Did you finish the problems I left for you?" he asked while getting out the things he need from the fridge.

"Did something happen? You seem to be in a good mood." I asked.

"Yeah." he nodded. I bowed my head, feeling a bit lonely inside.

"What's wrong?" he asked as he noticed my silence.

"Eh? Nothing. I haven't solved a thing from your given problems! Why did you give me difficult questions!" I said in a loud and high voice before marching out of the kitchen.

While trying to solve the questions in front of me, Yoongi called out from the kitchen saying dinner is served.

"Yoongi, you won't leave anytime soon, right?" I asked in the middle of eating. He looked at me puzzled but nod his head.

"What are you saying? As if there's a place I can go instead of here." he said.

"Yes. You're right." I said and laugh dryly.

"Did something happened?" he asked. I shook my head no.

"I have to go. Lock the doors before you sleep. I will be late so don't wait for me. You have class tomorrow." he said as he get up from his seat.

"Where are you--" my question cut off as he disappeared from my sight then I heard the door as he closed it.