
No Love Lose

Abidemi had always felt like an outsider the moment her mother died. Sure, she had a best friend and little brother but it never erased the feeling that she didn't belong to the Kingdom Of Valtis. So she decided to leave Valtis for Elov. What awaits her?

Alexialasthope · Fantasy
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218 Chs

You Need To Get Over It

"DUCHESS OF BLACKLAKE! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?" Wyatt yelled as Blake just looked at him with an empty expression. Wyatt had shot up from his seat as Akeem leaned against the chair to relax. Eden just rubbed his forehead, trying to soothe his aching head. Yet Wyatt just yelled, not minding the younger two men's attitude. Glaring at Blake with so much anger that could kill a horse. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT PEOPLE SAY ABOUT ME?"

"Yes, and you should learn not to care." Blake said while crossing her arms in front of her chest. Wyatt groaned as Blake shook her head. There was a flash of emotion in her empty eyes, but then it quickly disappeared. As if it was never there. "You never cared this much when ….while you know what I'm going to say."

"That was then and this is now." Wyatt hissed.

Blake rolled her eyes. "Yes, and now your house will fall in ruin for all of Freya's crimes. Yet if you tell the King about this matter now. You would lose some business and also probably be jailed for a little while but The Household will mostly be intact."

"Did you just say jailed?" Wyatt asked as his eye twitched.

Blake sighed. She crossed her arms. "I'm only stating the worst, Wyatt. Besides, the King will have mercy on you."

Wyatt laughed. "The King. Have mercy on someone like me?!"

Akeem blinked at Wyatt's tone. Then he looked at Blake, the Duchess stood there strong and tall. Her stance looked a bit familiar to him but he couldn't figure out where. Yet he pushed that thought aside to ask his curious question. "Um, any reason why the king won't have mercy on him?"

Blake looked at Akeem before giving him a warm smile. She sighed before looking at a very annoyed Wyatt again. "There are tons of reasons why the King won't have mercy on him." Blake fixed up her long hair but her dead expression never left Wyatt's face. "One of the big reasons is that Wyatt was supposed to marry the King's sister."

Akeem blinked at this. Akeem looked at Wyatt oddly. He knew a lot about the Sealen household but not about this matter. "What now? Why didn't he marry her?"

Blake shrugged her shoulders. "Because at the time, Wyatt had an inferiority complex." Akeem wanted to smile so he covered his mouth.

Eden, who wasn't the least bit surprised, muttered. "Of course he does."

Wyatt groaned but Blake kept going. "Scratch that. He still has it but it was way worse years ago."

"And you're way too blunt and unfeeling for a Valtis woman," Wyatt muttered at her. Blake rolled her eyes and looked at Wyatt. "It's a wonder why River's decides to marry you."

" Why River married me is really none of your business." Blake said to him.

"Then why bring up my past with Amelia?!" Wyatt barked. Blake narrowed her eyes at Wyatt.

"Because it's one of the main reasons why the King and you are having this conflict." Blake said. Wyatt swallowed heavily. Blake sighed. "Thankfully Amelia was able to marry the Grand Duke Of Spring sky and is very happy."

"Yet the King still likes to give me problems." Wyatt muttered.

"He'll give you more problems if you keep this from him." Blake said in a flat tone. Wyatt glared at Blake. "If you really care for Eden. Telling the king will make things a lot easier for him."

"He has Demi and Daisy!" Wyatt pointed out.

"At the moment Abidemi and Daisy have no power in both Elov and Valtis. There are just mere candidates right now." Blake said darkly. Wyatt swallowed.

Blake held out her hand as a ball of black water formed. The sounds of mocking voices could be heard as Wyatt's eyes widened from fear. They were all mocking him, calling him names and putting him down. Making him more uneasy and uncomfortable as words from that thing made him swallow his breath. "Put that thing away." Wyatt groaned. Glaring at the dark water ball that was in her hand.

Blake didn't do so. Instead, she just looked at Wyatt with empty eyes as the voices from the dark water ball got more talkative. There were some images but they were distorted and unclear. Twisting and swirling as if it was trying to make a picture but it couldn't.

Blake only spoke up, her dead voice made Wyatt shiver in the most uncomfortable way. "Do you really think people won't say worse about you if you don't say anything now?"

Wyatt cursed out loud while rubbing his forehead. He stood there for a few seconds before grabbing his jacket. Then he started to gather his paperwork as he glared at the woman before him. "I hate you, Blake."

"The feeling is mutual." Blake said as she watched Wyatt neatly but quickly put his paperwork in his bag. She looked at Akeem and Eden. The water ball quickly dissipated as she looked at the two. "I'm really sorry that you gentlemen had to see that."

"It's fine." Eden muttered. He looked at Blake. "Will this really save the house?"

Blake smiled at Eden. "It was a 90 percent chance before I got here. Now your House Of Sealen would be just fine but it'll be extremely hard for you to repair what has been damaged."

"I'm not afraid of a little hard work." Eden said with a smile. Blake smiled warmly at Eden.

"Good. The Servants in Sunflower Mansion raised you quite well. If Nini was alive, she would absolutely love you." Blake said.

Eden blinked at Blake. "You can't be so sure about that."

Blake sighed. "I'm sure. She'll never talk to Wyatt again but she'll love you. Just like how she loves Demi." She looked away from Eden. She looked almost sad as she frowned deeply. As if she was remembering something very sad and haunting. "But that's not possible now."

Akeem and Eden watched her for a few seconds before she noticed Wyatt leaving the room. Blake followed after him but Wyatt glared at her. "What?"

"You're not coming with me." Wyatt said. Blake scoffed.

"Oh. I am. I need to see the King as well. There are more of Freya's crimes to expose." Blake explained. Wyatt only groaned as he wanted to smack himself.

"There's more?!" Wyatt almost exclaimed. Blake only rolled her eyes. Wyatt rubbed his forehead before muttering. "Of course, there's more. Why won't it be more?!" Wyatt quickly left the study with Blake close behind him.

Akeem and Eden watched them leave before looking at each other. "I didn't know that your father and the Duchess of Blacklake were friends."

Eden let out a small nervous laugh. "She's more of Demi's mother's friend than father's. She just likes making things hard for him."

Akeem hummed. " Demi's mother's friend." Akeem said to himself as he stood up from his seat. Eden nodded his head as he sighed. "I have never seen the Duke so unnerved."

"I think it's because Duchess Blacklake creeps him out." Eden said with a sigh. He got up and dusted his clothes a bit. "Then again most nobles of Valtis feel that way about her. Only a few could be friends with her. Demi's mother, my aunt, the King's sister, and the Queen. If she leaves for Elov, they probably like her a lot better over there."

"Definitely. Some women will love her." Akeem said with a smile. He sighed and looked at Eden. " Will you be alright?" Eden looked at Akeem, Eden frowned deeply as he sighed.

"I'm more worried about the added stress that this will bring." Eden muttered.

Akeem frowned deeply. "I knew about the Light stones but I didn't know what they were used for." Akeem looked at the door that Blake and Wyatt went through."Plus, light stones and dark stones aren't exactly easy to use or to make."

Eden sighed. He stood while crossing his arms in front of his chest."My mother doesn't know much about magic. My father didn't teach her nor did she learn it herself."

Akeem shrugged. "At this point, I'm not really surprised with how the main house works." He walked over to the door with Eden close behind him. "I'm glad that Demi will be far away from this place in two days."

Eden only sighed as they stopped at the door. "I'll say. I don't think she needs to get involved with this ducal household anymore." He closed his eyes as he grabbed Akeem's arm. Akeem stopped and looked at him. "When you officially meet Demi as Prince Akeem, don't tell her anything."

Akeem frowned. "Why not?"

Eden laughed a bit. "Because she'll want to stay and make sure things with me are alright. I don't want that for her. She was supposed to leave last year but she stayed behind for Daisy. If she finds out about this, she will try to find a way to stay or come back."

"Demi has the right to know." Akeem said. Eden looked at him dangerously. Akeem sighed and rubbed the back of his head. "Fine. Fine."

Eden smiled at him. "Thanks. Now I just have to keep this from Daisy."

Akeem let out a nervous laugh. "You know Demi and Daisy are going to be really upset with you and Demi is going to kill me."

Eden smiled sadly at Akeem. "But it's better this way, your highness."Akeem frowned as Eden crossed his arms. "I'm the heir of this household and I have a duty to fulfill. I can't have both of them worried about me."

Akeem gave a pained expression as he looked up at the celling. "Demi is going to kill me for sure."

"So, are you still going to see your friend tonight?" Eden asked. Akeem nodded his head as held up his red mask.

"Yup. Of course, you're coming along." Akeem said with a smile. Eden nodded his head in agreement. "Good, I would hate to go alone." Eden only shook his head as both Akeem and Eden left the study.