
No Love Lose

Abidemi had always felt like an outsider the moment her mother died. Sure, she had a best friend and little brother but it never erased the feeling that she didn't belong to the Kingdom Of Valtis. So she decided to leave Valtis for Elov. What awaits her?

Alexialasthope · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
218 Chs

Meeting Growing Ivy

"I didn't think that you'd have a mask for me at the ready." Eden said while he looked at the white mask in his hands. It was decorated with light blue raindrops and snowflakes as fingers traced over the design. He was in the carriage while looking at Akeem who was now disguised as Sol. He gave Eden a small smirk. Eden narrowed his eyes at Sol. "Please don't tell me that you spend more money on this mask."

Sol shrugged his shoulders while he fixed his black cloak."Nope. It takes too long to make magic masks. The ones I have were given to me as gifts from mages, magical beings, or my parents. I heard it's really hard to make one so I didn't bother with it."

"Why would your parents give you these masks?" Eden asked. Sol laughed a bit.

He smiled. "They saw how restless I was," he explained to Eden. Eden started to put on his mask as Sol looked out the window. " I was always a kid with a ton of energy. I caused a ton of trouble for my cousins and sisters. My parents thought it was best to vent my frustrations elsewhere."

"So you really do have sisters." Eden said to him. Sol let out a nervous laugh.

"I never lie to Demi about all of that." Sol said with a smirk. "I do have six sisters. A ton of girl cousins and a few boy cousins."

Eden let out a sound of an acknowledgment as the carriage came to a stop. Both of them covered their heads with a cloak, before leaving the carriage. They watched as the carriage rode off. Eden looked at Sol. "So, where to?"

Sol blinked before smiling at Eden. "Ever heard of a tavern called Rotten Nails?"

Eden was starting to feel his eye twitch under his mask. " Rotten Nails Tavern?" Sol nodded his head as Eden started to follow after him. He frowned deeply. "Why that place?"

"Ah. So you heard of it." Sol stated as they walked down the street.

Eden looked around the city to see that it was mostly empty. Not many people were around at this time of night. All the shops were closed, only leaving a few soldiers out and about. Eden then looked at Sol's back."My soldiers mostly go there for drinks. From what I gathered from them, they had always been fighting, disagreements, and shady businesses."

Sol let out a hum. "I am very much aware of that, Ten told me as much." Eden looked at Sol oddly. Sol noticed and smiled at Eden. "He's one of the Shadows I told you about. From what I could tell from him, he's one of the younger ones but he has a very good ranking."

"Sol, who are these Shadows?" Eden asked as he followed Sol down the empty dark street. The moon was out despite the fact that dark clouds covered up the sky.

"They are nobles' sons and daughters that trained to protect the royal families of Elov and Valits. Most of the time there are either second, third, or fourth children. Other times they could be the heir of the household. I think one of Valtis trusted Shadows is the heir in his house." Sol explained. " Some of Valtis shadows live in Elov. And some of the Elov shadows live in Valtis."

"Why do they do that?" Eden asked as they turned the corner. There was someone lighting up the street lights as the two walked. "Live in different places despite being part of another Kingdom's unit."

"To be honest. I have no clue. There are a few things that my prince's education didn't teach me yet. My parents did say I'll know all my Shadows' real names one day. Until now, it is best if they remain just as rankings." Sol explained.

They kept walking a few more steps before stopping in front of a tavern that was bustling with music inside. It was a red brick building with a few vines on it. The sign read, The Rotten Nail Tarven as the faint scent of smoke hits their noses.

Sol looked at Eden who was frowning. "What's wrong?"

"I just want to know about the people you placed around my sister." Eden said. Sol shrugged his shoulders as he walked over to the door. Eden grabbed Sol's arm, Sol looked at Eden curiously. " Is it even safe for a royal to enter a tavern like this?"

Sol laughed at Eden before opening the door to the tavern. " You should relax, brother-in-law. I met Growing Ivy plenty of times in this place before. Maybe three or four times in the last year." Sol walked into the place. "It's not bad compared to other bars and taverns."

"Not that bad?" Eden asked as he followed Sol in.

Sol just shrugged his shoulders as he looked around the place. Sol peeked at Eden as he gave him a cheeky smile. "Let's just say that some bars and taverns aren't for the faint of heart."

Eden sighed as he looked around the place.

It had a smell of smoke and liquor he quickly covered his nose. There were a few people talking too but he also noticed that there was also singing. The bar was a lot bigger than he thought and had dimmed lights. He looked around to see a singer on a makeshift stage singing a song with a few people playing music behind him. He watched the singer for a few minutes before Sol tapped him on the shoulder.

Eden blinked as Sol motioned his head toward a corner of the room. "I found him." Sol said to him. Eden followed Sol through the crowded tavern. Looking at many people talking and laughing with each other.

"Growing Ivy, you have grown from the last time I saw you." Eden blinked as he looked over to a man by the table.

"And you're still grinning like a fool." the man said. His voice sounded a bit light.

The man gave Sol a big smile as he stood up to his feet. Like Sol, he wore a mask but it was dark green and it fitted his face perfectly. He was almost the same height as Sol, the two men gave each other a firm handshake.

The man had black wavy hair, dark brown eyes, and light ivory skin. He was dressed in a cloak as well as some black pants. Unlike Sol who always looked playful, this man looked a bit more serious.

He also can't help but feel familiar with the person in front of him.

"So this is Eden." Ivy said, catching Eden's attention. Eden blinked as he looked at Ivy with a cocked eyebrow. Ivy gave him a small smile. "As Burning Sol told you, my name is Growing Ivy but you may call me Ivy."

Ivy held his hand out as Eden took it. They shook hands firmly. "It's nice to meet you. No, offense but Sol doesn't talk about you much. I found out about you yesterday."

Ivy shrugged as he took a seat, Eden and Sol followed after him. "None taken. Me and Sol usually keep it that way. The least people that know that we know each other the better. Even so, Me and Sol might have to reveal ourselves very soon."

Eden blinked at Ivy's words. "Very soon?"

Ivy hummed. "You were there. The shadows told me." Eden blinked before Ivy sighed. " Daisy of Wheatfire's magic results."

"You know I'm from the house of Sealen." Ivy nodded his head. Eden glared at Sol who was smirking at him. "What's the point of me wearing a mask then?"

"Because it will be odd for the heir of the Sealen Household to be seen by two masked men of unknown origin." Sol said with a smile. Eden sighed as he shook his head.

Ivy nodded his head in understanding. "It's bad enough that House Of Sealen is about to go through some rough times. Due to your mother's bad dealing, forging important documents, possible kidnapping..."

Eden's eyes widened at Ivy's words. "Kidnapping?! Who was she going to kidnap?"

"You're sister, Abidemi of the Sealen Household." Ivy said. Ivy looked at Sol who was glaring at the table. Eden clenched his fist as he kept himself from growling.

"When have you gotten word of this?" Sol asked.

"A few minutes ago." Ivy answered. He sighed as he crossed his arms. "Apparently that woman was trying to find someone who could do the job by tomorrow night. Midnight at the latest but your shadow mostly intervenes every time."

"Huh. She is really desperate to protect her only daughter. Isn't she?" Sol said as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. " What good would it do to kidnap Demi?"

Ivy shrugged his shoulders. "I wanted them to grab Lady Freya but the Shadows were given other orders."

Sol's eyes twitched. "Other orders." Ivy just looked at him. "Who would want that woman to walk around freely? Who gave the order?"

Ivy frowned deeply. "My father."

Eden looked at Ivy with a deep frown. "Your father."

Ivy hummed while he closed his eyes. "He's the only other person besides my mother that could give them an order that could cancel out mine." Sol growled as Ivy sighed. He looked at Sol with a blank expression."You don't need to worry about it, Sol. My father won't let anything happen to your princess."

Sol frowned deeply. "How can you be so sure?"

Ivy hummed. "He may not like The Duke Of Sealen, Lady Freya, and the stepdaughter but he has no ill will to Abidemi and Eden." Ivy explained to Sol. "If anything, he believed that Abidemi and Eden are probably the only good things that came from that Household."

Eden frowned. "The only good things?"

Ivy smiled a bit. "Besides that one unfortunate event, your sister is praised to be the perfect woman by many Valtis bachelors. She had the image of a perfect wife. Always elegant, posed, and had the perfect smile as well."

Eden snorted. "You mean they only liked her because she fits their image of a Valtis woman."

Ivy nodded his head. "Fear so. Sure most of the nobles don't like The Duke of Sealen but they can't deny that he had the 'perfect' daughter. Yet the Duke of Sealen rejected every marriage proposal offered. He even turned down an offer from the Spring Sky household."

Eden let out a small laugh and shook his head. "He probably had the extra pleasure doing that."

"Probably. I am aware that the Grand Duke doesn't like the Duke of Sealen."Ivy smiled as he looked out the window. " The Grand Duchess was extremely angry at him. Claiming that The Duke was hogging his daughter and all that. My father had to calmly tell her the truth multiple times for her to finally let it go."

Sol let out a small laugh. "The Grand Duchess has a temper?"

Ivy laughed. "Like you won't believe but that's beside the point." Ivy sighed then looked at Eden and Sol. "My father won't let anything happen to Abidemi. So there is no need to worry."

Sol relaxed but Eden still was tense. "How can you be sure?"

Ivy blinked before saying. "There are many reasons, both political and personal. You'll just have to trust me on this."

Eden slowly nodded his head and relaxed. Ivy looked as if he was going to say something but something was thrown at their table. All three men got up Ivy sighed before looking at the group of men pushing at each other.

"Well, damn this early." Sol said while shaking his head. Ivy's eyes narrowed behind the mask as he walked over to the group of men. "Ah. That's not good."

Eden blinked at Sol's words. "What's not good?" Sol motioned Eden to watch as he noticed something coming out of Ivy's hand. It was glowing dark green magic as if it could kill something.

It looked familiar.

Eden's eyes widened when he saw Ivy grab one of the men by the neck and slammed him to the ground. Eden looked at Sol who was smirking at Ivy's actions. Then he looked back at Ivy who was glaring at the frightened group of men.

"Now, which one of you fools started it." Ivy demanded.