
No Love Lose

Abidemi had always felt like an outsider the moment her mother died. Sure, she had a best friend and little brother but it never erased the feeling that she didn't belong to the Kingdom Of Valtis. So she decided to leave Valtis for Elov. What awaits her?

Alexialasthope · Fantasy
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218 Chs

The Perfect Woman

"Father." Abidemi said with a curtsy. The Duke of Sealen nodded his head as Abidemi stood up. She gave him her best fake smile as the man frowned. She clasped her hands in front of her as she watched him. Like the perfect, Valtis woman. "I trust that you are having a pleasant morning."

"It's been fine. So far. I had a meeting with an important person." The Duke of Sealen said. Abidemi cocked her head.

"I hope I'm not intruding but was it the Crowned Prince Of Elov?" Abidemi asked her father. The Duke of Sealen raised an eyebrow at her. "There are rumors that you're housing the crown prince here during his visit. There were a few people talking about it by the refreshment table."

The Duke of Sealen nodded his head. "Yes. It is true that the crown prince of Elov is staying here for the time being."

"How odd? Won't it be better to stay in a castle instead, there is much more security?" Abidemi said while she arched an eyebrow. She noticed her father looking at her before bowing her head. "I'm sorry. I said that out loud. Forgive me."

'This girl. She may have her Valtis face on but her blunt nature always comes through.' The Duke of Sealen thought as he let out a long sigh. He looked at Abidemi with a blank expression. "Abidemi, I know you didn't come here to make small talk. Please state your business."

Abidemi sighed as her fake smile dropped." Always straight to the point. Aren't you father? Oh well." Abidemi shrugged her shoulders as she looked at her father with a blank expression. Her ocean-blue eyes held no emotion as she said her next words. "I'm planning to leave for Elov at the end of the week."

The Duke of Sealen let out a sigh before taking a seat by his desk. "How long will you be gone?"

"Probably forever." Abidemi said. The Duke of Sealen stiffed as he looked at Abidemi as she watched him. "Of course, I'll come to visit Daisy, Eden, and my shops but this is a permanent stay."

"Permanent?" he whispered while Abidemi nodded her head. "You mean, you're not coming back to Valtis, ever?"

"I'm not coming back but I will come to visit." Abidemi said with a shrug. She looked at the Duke of Sealen with a deep frown. " I have earned enough money from my boutiques and jewelry stores for the long trip. I even brought a nice big lot for myself."

"How long have you been planning this?" The Duke asked. Abidemi looked at her father. He sighed. "How long have you been planning to leave?"

"A While ago. Maybe five or six years. I was planning to leave last year but things came up and I had to stay longer." Abidemi said. The Duke Of Sealen frowned deeply.

'That's right. The Duke of Wheatfire's step-daughter's engagement was broken up.' The Duke Of Sealen thought as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He looked at Abidemi with a deep frown. "But by the end of the week. Isn't it a bit too sudden?"

"Well, father. I could've left today but I was talked out of it." Abidemi said while she closed her eyes. "Besides, I wanted to leave as soon as possible without much trouble. Everyone in my estate knew months ahead."

"And you're telling me this now." The Duke of Sealen said with a deep frown. Abidemi frowned.

"Well, father. You were pretty busy with many things and I did request this meeting weeks in advance. Daisy always knew that I was leaving but she never knew the date." Abidemi said.

" Lady Daisy knows that you're leaving?" The Duke of Sealen asked her. Abidemi hummed.

"I told her last night. I wanted to tell her in a more private matter but things keep coming up. She's been awfully busy and so was I. Sadly, I wish I could've had more time with her." Abidemi said to her father.

"What about Lord Logan?" The Duke of Sealen asked her. Abidemi bit the inside of her cheek.

"I'll send him a letter." Abidemi said flatly. The Duke of Sealen shook his head as he rubbed his face with both his hands. "Me and Logan aren't as close anymore and I don't want to waste his time or mind with a visit."

"A letter is a bit impersonal, don't you think. The both of you have a history." the Duke of Sealen said to her. For a brief second, the Duke caught a small frown on his daughter's face before she put up that pleasant fake smile again.

" Forgive my rudeness, father but he was the one that suddenly stopped talking to me." Abidemi said. " He was the one that ended our friendship and pushed me away. If anything I'm being kind in sending him a letter then not sending him anything at all."

"Abidemi, this could cause problems with our relationship with the Duke Of Blacklake." The Duke Of Sealen said. Abidemi only sighed.

"Father, I'm just one of the vicious women of Valtis. I'm pretty sure that the Blacklake family will overlook this. I'm nothing more than a small speck in their eyes." Abidemi said to her father. "Besides, you don't even like them."

The Duke of Sealen sighed as he rubbed his forehead. "Your brother."

"I'm going to tell him after I tell you. He also knew I was going to leave but of course, I couldn't tell him until today. He was busy as well." Abidemi said with a sad smile. The Duke noticed his daughter's expression and sighed. "I'm not even sure if he's home."

The Duke sighed. "Eden is home. I'll have a maid go get him."

Abidemi smiled at her father and bowed. "Thank you, Father."

The Duke only hummed as he pushed a button and looked at Abidemi again. The young woman had stood up straight and was looking at him with a pleasant smile.

If it wasn't for her ocean-blue eyes and black hair. She would look exactly like her mother. She even acts like her mother most of the time too. The Duke of Sealen wanted to laugh.

'My dear. Our daughter is going to be a handful for any young man that thinks he could tame her. No man in Valtis deserves a girl like her.' he thought sadly. "Abidemi why don't you take a seat? This can take awhile.'

Abidemi nodded her head and took a seat on one of the sofas. She sat down properly as she fixed up her skirt and her shoes. The Duke looked away and went back to work. 'Well, that rotten crown prince is getting what he wanted. Let's see if he won her heart too.'


"By the end of the week. Have you tried pushing it back a few more days?" Akeem asked the maids that were standing in front of him. The three were in the guest room. The two maids just sighed at him as the prince smiled.

He was petting the black cat that was now on his lap. It was strangely content as she rubbed against his chest.

"Well, your highness. That's how far she's willing to go. She doesn't want to stay in Valtis any longer than necessary." Shyla said with a deep frown. Akeem frowned deeply as she crossed her arms. "And personally, I don't think she should be here any longer than that."

"But I don't leave until much later." Akeem said with a small pout. Shyla rolled her eyes while Kanene just sighed.

"Well, you'll have to deal. She had delayed this move for a whole year because of personal matters. Now that things calmed on this end she could finally leave." Shyla said while glaring at the prince.

"But Shyla." He whined which made Shyla roll her eyes. "Can't you just, somehow persuade her?"

"Nope!"Shyla said while crossing her arms. Akeem pouted and then looked at Kanene who was laughing at Akeem. Shyla blocked his vision as she glared at him. "Don't you dare start with Kanene?"

Akeem huffed as he crossed his arms. He looked the other way which made Kanene shake her head and Shyla sighed. Kanene smiled. "I'm sorry, your highness. We may be family and you may pay us but we serve Lady Abidemi first. We have been serving her for years."

"Unless there is some kind of delay or family obligation. I don't think Lady Abidemi will be leaving anytime later." Shyla said while glaring at Akeem.

"Delay." he muttered. Kanene frowned deeply at him.

" Your highness, whatever you're thinking about. Stop thinking about it." Kanene said to him. Akeem frowned at Kanene. " Also you really shouldn't meddle in her affairs."

Akeem put his hands up. "I wasn't. I wasn't. I promise I won't meddle in her affairs. That will probably keep her here longer."

"That's good that you know." Kanene said while she smiled at him. Akeem sighed as he rested his head in his hands.

"Besides the fact that Abidemi is finally leaving for Elov for good. What about everyone else? Is everyone else getting ready to head back to Elov?" Akeem asked them. Shyla and Kanene nodded their heads.

"Everyone will depart a few days after our lady leaves the estate." Shyla said. She noticed right away that Akeem was pouting. "Prince Akeem."

"I still think you should push it back a few days. Hell, I'll even pay for it." Akeem said with a frown. Shyla groaned while Kanene sighed. " The port doesn't even close until the end of summer."

Shyla's eye twitched as Kanene let out a sigh. "Yes and during that time it's much harder to get a boat. Then she'll have to wait three more weeks for the next boat to Elov."

"Not if she's with me." Akeem said with a grin.

"If you want to be with her so much then why don't you leave early." Shyla groaned and shook her head. "Seriously, how does Naaji deal with you?"

"I honestly feel sorry for him." Kanene said with a sigh. Akeem let out a laugh. Kanene frowned at him. "It's not funny, your highness. If you want Lady Abidemi to be your crown princess. Do not meddle in her affairs."

Akeem sighed. "I won't."

"Or pay the captain to hold the ship back for a few days longer." Shyla added.

Akeem blinked at Shyla."I'll never do such a thing." Kanene and Shyla looked at him blankly. Akeem sighed. "Fine. I wouldn't. I wouldn't."

"Good." Shyla said while shaking her head. "Honestly. You could be very frustrating."

"Understatement of the year." Kanene said while crossing her arms.. Akeem laughed. "Is there anything else, your highness?"

"Nothing else. Just keep her safe. I'll have the shadows come for you if I need you." Akeem said with a smile. Kanene and Shyla smiled before bowing at the prince. Kanene goes to pick up Pearls from his lap. Then they left the room. After a few minutes, Akeem sighed and walked over to his dresser.

He pulled out a box and smiled." Maybe. Maybe it will be a good time to see my princess again."

I'm posting this chapter now and posting another later.

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