
No Love Lose

Abidemi had always felt like an outsider the moment her mother died. Sure, she had a best friend and little brother but it never erased the feeling that she didn't belong to the Kingdom Of Valtis. So she decided to leave Valtis for Elov. What awaits her?

Alexialasthope · Fantasy
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218 Chs

Mother, what are you up too?

"I knew that you were going to leave but I didn't know when." Eden said while the two walked down the garden. Abidemi laughed a bit as she smiled at her brother before looking at the sky. Shyla and Kanene remained behind them. Kanene was still holding Pearls, who was now taking a catnap. "I think Daisy was a bit sad about it."

Eden was a young man with shining off-white blue eyes, warm fawn colored skin, and very curly long whitish blue hair. He wore a white shirt with dark gray pants and simple shoes.

"Yes. I think she was going to cry but we were in a public place." Abidemi said with a small smile. "We spent the whole night talking about the latest trends, gossip, and remembering the old days."

"You're not having a going away tea party. Like last time?" Eden asked her. Abidemi sighed.

"That ended terribly because George broke up their engagement." Abidemi said with a deep frown.

Eden let out a small laugh. "Wasn't his name Jeffery?"

Abidemi huffed and crossed her arms. "I don't believe the man that hurt my best friend deserves to be called by his given name." Eden shook his head and smiled. "Besides, Daisy said that every time we throw a party we have bad luck so it's probably best to avoid it."

"Now, sister. That's not true at all." Eden said. Abidemi only snorted.

"May I remind you of the last few times we tried to have a tea party?" Abidemi mentioned to him. Eden started to laugh nervously.

How can he forget those times? There was that one time when it rained on them. Another time Abidemi suddenly burst into tears because Logan broke their friendship and stood them up. Another time that rabid dog crashed their party and took off with Daisy's hat.

The memory of all three of them chasing that dog around the estate still made him laugh. Unfortunately, it suddenly started raining on all three of them. Daisy was so mad but she was later laughing as Abidemi wrestled the dog for the damned hat.

Abidemi had to be reminded by maids several times that she was unladylike and she should stop but Abidemi was just so into getting the hat back. It wasn't until Abidemi fell down in a dirt puddle that she finally let go and the dog had run off. Then all three of them started to laugh once again.

Eden started to chuckle, which earned him a raised eyebrow from Abidemi. He only smiled at his sister before saying. "Sorry, dear sister. I was just remembering that time when we were chasing that dog that took Daisy's hat."

Abidemi only smiled and shook her head. "Please don't remind me. I still don't know how that dog entered the parlor. And the sudden rain as well." she said with a deep frown. She glared at the flowers."I may have an idea who could've done it but it was so long ago. We also have no proof as well."

"Still. It was quite the sight." Eden said with a smile. Abidemi glared at Eden before shaking her head.

"Well, it was pretty funny to see Daisy covered in mud. Shyla and Kanene were pretty cross with me after the whole thing." Abidemi said with a big smile. She could hear Shyla and Kanene groaning from behind her. She laughed a bit.

" Of course, Daisy's maid was also mad at her. I never saw Stella so mad. What did Stella tell her?" Eden asked with a smile.

"That is no way for young ladies and gentlemen to behave. I don't care if a hawk had swooped down and taken your hat. You have to act proper and dignified." Abidemi said in a high voice.

The two siblings blurted out laughing as they both shook their heads as they walked. Eden looked at the sky sadly as he smiled. "I am going to miss having days like those."

"Oh, I'll come to visit you and Daisy once everything is settled in Elov. Or maybe you could come to visit me."Abidemi said with a sad smile. Eden sighed as he shook his head.

"It won't be like before, you won't be here anymore."Eden said while looking at her. Abidemi only smiled at her brother before sighing.

"I know. It won't be the same." Abidemi whispered as she closed her eyes. Eden smiled at his sister.

"But these things happen, am I right? People had to leave or else they wouldn't grow."Eden said sadly. Abidemi only nodded her head. "Just send me a letter once things are all settled. Alright."

"I will." Abidemi said with a smile.

"Oh, Abidemi my dear. Your father didn't tell me that you are coming to the main estate today." a woman's voice called out. Abidemi and Eden shared a brief exhausted look before facing the woman that had entered the garden.

She was an older woman with her long blond hair tied up into a bun. Her dark green eyes glowed in the sun and her fair skin was fresh with morning dew. She wore an elegant green dress and low heels shoes . Her maids were using a light green parasol to protect her from sunlight as she walked over to the two young adults.

Abidemi and Eden bowed to her as the older woman nodded her head.

Abidemi only smiled at Freya. She could feel Shyla and Kanene were much closer to her now. She looked over to them to see that their heads were bowed and their eyes were closed. She looked back at Freya and was smiling at her pleasantly now.

" If I knew you were coming over, I would've had someone to come pick you up." Freya said with a smile. Abidemi gave Freya her own fake smile before shaking her head.

"There was no need. I was just going to tell Father and Eden something was very important before I head back to my estate for breakfast." Abidemi said. She kept her tone even and pleasant as she smiled at Freya. Freya looked at Abidemi oddly before Abidemi sighed. "I'm leaving for Elov by the end of the week."

"Oh. Is it your yearly trip already?" Freya asked her. Abidemi opened her mouth to speak but Freya kept going. " I thought you were over that since you didn't go last year."

"That's because Daisy needed me. So I had to hold off on my plans until now." Abidemi said. Freya only nodded her head. She stopped when she heard Abidemi say those words.

"Till now?" Freya asked her.

"I'm not coming back to Valtis." Abidemi said with a warm smile. Freya stiffen. Abidemi cocked her head as looked at Freya. "I was supposed to leave last year but things held me back. I believe now would be a good time."

"You're leaving. Permanently?" Freya asked as her right eye started to twitch.

"Yes. I am. I was coming to the main estate to tell Eden and Father that so they could be made aware." Abidemi said with a smile. Freya's cheek started to twitch as Abidemi spoke. "After that, I was going to head to my estate to have breakfast."

"Isn't it a bit too sudden? The end of the week. It's a bit quick."Freya said. Abidemi sighed as she held her cheek.

"Oh, mother. I was planning this whole trip for five to six years. Eden and Daisy knew about it." Abidemi said while she shrugged.

"Five to six years? Eden never told me this."Freya said while looking at her son. Eden looked the other way, not looking at his mother.

"That's because I told him not to tell you or Father. So, it really isn't his fault." Abidemi said with a smile.

"And your father just allowed this?" Freya asked. Her voice was a bit strained as Abidemi just shrugged her shoulders.

"Father had always allowed me to do what I wanted. I believed the only thing that he didn't like was that I was suddenly leaving for good." Abidemi said to Freya.

"Excuse me. I have to go." Freya said quickly as she moved past Abidemi. Shyla and Kanene moved out of the way as they watched Lady Freya quickly head inside. Freya's maid quickly followed after the angry woman left Abidemi and Eden confused.

"What was that about?" Abidemi asked once Freya was out of hearing range. Eden only sighed as Abidemi looked at her brother with a raised eyebrow.

"I have no idea either. Father had always kept me busy with my studies. Hell, I don't even know what Mila is thinking half the time." Eden said with a deep sigh. Abidemi let out a sigh.

"Oh well. It is not my concern anyway." Abidemi said with a sigh. She crossed her arms. "But still. I'm pretty sure she'll be more relieved that a daughter from a previous marriage is leaving the household."

" Again. I have no idea what is going on with my mother's mind." Eden said with a sigh. Then he looked in the direction that Freya walked off to and frowned. "But you are right. Mother was acting weird."

Abidemi blinked before letting out a sigh. "Oh well. Whatever is wrong with her, Father could probably deal with it." Abidemi looked at her brother before smiling at him. "I should get going. If I ever get the chance I'll come over to say goodbye. Of course, I'll do the same for Daisy."

"I'll like that very much." Eden said with a warm smile. Abidemi gave him a quick curtsy before walking off with Shyla and Kanene following close behind her. Eden's smile had fallen as he looked over to the doors of the estate once again. 'Mother, what are you up to?'

Added another chapter.

See ya later.

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