
No Love Lose

Abidemi had always felt like an outsider the moment her mother died. Sure, she had a best friend and little brother but it never erased the feeling that she didn't belong to the Kingdom Of Valtis. So she decided to leave Valtis for Elov. What awaits her?

Alexialasthope · Fantasy
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218 Chs

I Like Your Bluntness

" You know. Your Highness. I would've knocked you a new one if I was there. Are you out of your mind?" a voice coming from a silver badge yelled. Akeem sighed as leaned against his chair.

It had some speakers on it. It also had clear white and yellow stones on either side of it. The badge fits in the palm of Akeem's hand as he held it away from his ear. Trying to save his eardrums from all the yelling. "Relax, Naaji. Relax. Demi healed me."

Naaji scoffed which made Akeem sigh. "And you should be so lucky. If it wasn't for the fact that she was able to do that in one go is a blessing. You better be praising Osdea that she managed to figure it out."

Akeem bites his lips to keep from laughing. Naaji will tell him off if he even hears a chuckle coming from him. His advisor is known to scold him. Naaji is probably the only person that wasn't a relative that was allowed to smack him silly. Akeem also lets him since it's one of the ways that he shows that he cares.

"Are you trying not to laugh, Akeem, because I swear…" Naaji yelled through the speakers.

Akeem swallowed his laughter and brought the badge to his lips. "I'm not laughing." Akeem could imagine Naaji rolling his eyes right now. Akeem cleared his throat. "Besides telling you what happened last night. I called you to ask if you know where Demi is going to live."

Naaji let out a sigh. "Should have known."

Akeem laughed nervously. "Please Naaji."

"She's going to live in the capital of course. She bought a big lot by the Townsquare a few years back and built a big house. She was supposed to move in last year but things came up." Naaji said to him. Akeem hummed. " You want me to send servants there, don't you?"

"Also guards too. Also be sure that the place is clean and well dusted." Akeem said to Naaji. Naaji is probably nodding his head and taking notes in his mind. Akeem's eyes darkened from the next words. "Be sure my uncle doesn't hear a word of this."

"I understand. Your Highness. I won't breathe this to anyone." Naaji said, which made Akeem smile.

"Thanks, Naaji." Akeem said to the badge.

"You're welcome. Your Highness." Naaji said.

The connection was cut off as Akeem placed the badge in his pocket. He leaned against the chair as he looked at the ceiling. He let out a long sigh before someone knocked on the door. Akeem looked at it. "Come in."

The door opened up as Ten walked in the room. "Done talking to your violent adviser?" he asked as closed the door behind him.

Akeem shook his head. "Naaji will smack you if he heard you call him that." Ten only shrugged his shoulders as he went to take a seat on a random chair. "What is it, Ten? I thought that you'll be sleeping."

"The ship is getting ready to leave for the next port. The captain wanted to ask you if there is anything that we need besides picking up our soldiers."

Akeem blinked and shook his head. "No there isn't. Is everything in stock?"

" We have plenty of food for the trip." Ten said while he placed his head in his hands. Akeem nodded his head while he closed his eyes. " The crew mates are really curious about Lady Abidemi, they think that she is some fair skin, blond-haired and bright-eyed woman. Well, she does have bright eyes but that's beside the point."

Akeem groaned. "Right. They have to meet her soon." Akeem rubbed his face with his hands. " What gave them the idea that Abidemi looks like that?"

"Well, the majority of Valtis women don't look like Abidemi. One look at our princess they would think she automatically came from Elov." Ten said with a shrug. Akeem sighed. "Until she shows off her Valtis traits."

Akeem smiled warmly. "Yeah. Her Valtis traits." Ten cleared his throat. Akeem looked at Ten with a raised eyebrow. "What?"

"I hope I never become like you." Ten said in a flat tone.

Akeem laughed. "You act like your parents don't look at each other the same way."

"They don't." Ten said with a shrug. Akeem arched an eyebrow at Ten. "Well, yeah they both care for me but the both of them are more like friends. Probably be enemies if I didn't come into their lives."

"Came into their lives?" Akeem asked Ten.

Ten shrugged his shoulders. "I'll tell you later. When I take off the mask."

Akeem blinked and shook his head. He looked at the ceiling. "That's the most you told me about yourself, Ten."

Ten shrugged. "We're Shadows, until we reveal ourselves to you. We have to keep information about ourselves a secret. Besides, you're going to know who I am after we leave the next port anyway."

Akeem shrugged his shoulders. "True." Ten nodded his head. Akeem wanted to ask him but he kept his words to himself. Ten was right, it is better if they were away from Valtis waters. "So where are Kanene and Shyla?"

"Having lunch with Lady Abidemi." Ten said with a small yawn. He placed his head in his hands. Akeem couldn't see it but he was sure that Ten probably was closing his eyes. " At first I thought they were serving her but they said that it was lunch for all of them."

Akeem sighed. "Well, it's a start." Ten shrugged his shoulders. "Any other things we should know about."

"Besides the troublesome sirens, harpies, merfolk, spirits, and some water fairies here or there. Things should be fine unless a storm appeared all of a sudden or if there's a random pirate attack." Ten muttered.

Akeem laughed. "You really should head to bed, kid."

Ten groaned. "I'm not that sleepy. I could stay awake."

Akeem sighed and shook his head. "If Naaji was here. He would've forced you to bed."

Ten scoffed. "If Naaji was here, that guy would parent me to Elov and back."

Akeem laughed and smiled at Ten. "Go to bed Ten."

Ten groaned. He sat up and stretched his arms out. "What if the ship gets attacked or something?"Akeem shook his head. "As the person who's protecting Lady Abidemi, I have the right to worry."

Akeem blinked at Ten. He placed his head in his hand as watched Ten. "Don't tell me you like her already."

" I just met her. How could I like her already?" Ten said while stuffing his hands in his pockets. Akeem narrowed his eyes at Ten as he continued talking. "At least she stays put when she is told. Unlike a certain someone."

Akeem laughed nervously as he looked the other way. " You're going to start with me too."

Ten groaned. "I want to but I'm too exhausted for all of this."

Akeem rolled his eyes. "Go to sleep, Ten. The ship will be fine and everyone will still be alive once you wake up."

"Fine but scream if something is happening." Akeem shrugged his shoulders. Ten turned around to leave. "See you later, Your Highness."

"See ya, Ten." Akeem only waved as Ten left the room and closed the door behind him. Akeem sighed before closing his eyes. He had to admit, he was pretty exhausted too but he had to do something.

Getting up from his seat, he walked over to his bookshelves to pick a few books. He had a total of four books in his hands as he walked out of his cabin and headed down the hall. He found himself in front of Abidemi's door, holding the books. He could hear someone running to the door.

"Demi. Don't run." She heard Shyla call out.

"Sorry but I really can't have you guys serving me in any kind of way." he heard Abidemi say back as the door opened up. "Besides, both of you are going to get married soon. You can't just…oh." Abidemi had finally looked at him. He watched her swallow as her hands played with her skirt. Her blue eyes stared at him. Her lips bit nervously as her eyes flickered back to Shyla and Kanene then at him.

"Hello, Lady Abidemi." Akeem said to her. He swallowed heavily as she looked up at him. "I brought some books for you to read."

Abidemi blinked before looking at the books in his hands. He watched as her eyes widened a bit before looking up at him. "You brought these for me. I didn't think you'd bring them yourself. I thought you'd send Ten to do it or something."

Akeem shrugged. Not caring for her statement. He doesn't know if she was aware she said it out loud or not but he always likes her bluntness a bit. "Ten is getting some needed rest." Abidemi blinked.

Abidemi's eyes widened in shock. "I said that out loud." Akeem nodded his head as she quickly bowed. "I'm really sorry."

Akeem blinked from her sudden change and reached for her. "Relax, Lady Abidemi. I wasn't offended."

Abidemi shook her head as she stood up. "No. I should have way more respect for you than that." Abidemi jumped when he touched her head. "Huh."

"It's fine. I like your honest thoughts." Akeem said. Abidemi frowned at him. " I don't mind it."

"Really?" Abidemi asked him. Akeem laughed.

"You said worse to me and I didn't scold you for it." Akeem said to her. He noticed Abidemi frowning at him. "Remember at the carriage."

Abidemi grimaced. "Yeah. I remember that. I was out of my mind with exhaustion and stress. Please disregard that, your highness."

Akeem smiled at her. "Why?" Abidemi blinked and looked up at him with a small frown. " What are you thinking?"

Abidemi frowned. "You want the truth?" Akeem nodded his head slowly. Abidemi sighed before saying. "You're a weirdo."

Akeem could hear Shyla snorting from inside the room as Kanene let out a small chuckle. Yet his eyes focused on Abidemi. "What do you mean by weirdo?"

Abidemi sighed as she spoke in a firm and clear voice. " Maybe it's because I'm only not used to being around Elov men, that isn't my family or…my friend. Or maybe it's just how you are but you're a bit too close to me."

"You don't want me close to you?" Akeem asked her.

Abidemi sighed. "You're highness. We just met a few hours ago and it's odd to be so close."

Akeem cocked his head at Abidemi. "Lady Abidemi, that didn't answer my question." Abidemi blinked at him.

Abidemi's hands tugged at her skirt. " I didn't?"

Akeem shook his head and smirked at her. "You didn't." He answered her. He examined her face as she narrowed her eyes at him. He leaned toward her a bit. He noticed that she swallowed heavily. "So please answer it."

Abidemi gasped as she looked away. She covered his face with her hands. Akeem couldn't help but think that her hands smelled like strawberries. "Please don't tease me, your highness and give me the books too."

Akeem blinked before moving away from her. He held out the books and smiled at her. "Sorry Lady Abidemi, I got in your personal space."

Abidemi nodded her head and looked at him. She quickly took the books as she took a step back from him. " It's alright. Umm. Thanks."

Akeem smiled at her. "You're welcome." He noticed that she was examining him. Her eyebrow was furrowing and her lips were twisted a bit. "Lady Abidemi."

Abidemi shook her head. "Sorry. Thanks again. Your highness." she whispered as she grabbed the door. She looked up at him, her blue eyes full of confusion as she swallowed. "Goodbye."

"Goodbye." Akeem whispered as Abidemi closed the door. He sighed heavily as he looked at the door for a long time. He shook his head and walked away.

'This is gonna be a lot harder than I thought.' he thought to himself.

After this chapter. Paywall!

I would clean up the previous chapters and have four updates per week. I need a lot more time to work on the outline and where the story is going.

Alexialasthopecreators' thoughts