
Overexcited Ella

The next day, Ava didn't keep any operation on her schedule since she had to go to the Jones house to check Michael.

Like the last time, the little maid brought Ava into the living room where Michael was. Before entering the room Ava saw from the distance that Michael was with another woman. They were talking and laughing happily.

Ava went over and with a smile greeted Michael politely, Michael and the woman turned at the same time and looked at her. Michael saw Ava and gave her a kind smile, so did the woman, in fact, she looked even happier than Michael.

The moment Ava realize the woman was Oliver's mother she became a little stiff but soon she composed herself and greeted Ella nervously, "Hello Mrs. Knight, How are you?"

Ella stood up with a smile and pulled Ava toward the couch. Her eyes were bright. "Doctor Green you are here. Why are you being so formal, call me Auntie ok?"

Ava was even more nervous now, this was the second time they met and she was already asking her to call her Auntie, did she know about her and Oliver? However, she said with a smile, "Only if you call me Ava."

Ella smiled and nodded. "Ava! How are you doing?"

"I am good Auntie, thank you." Ava liked Ella's warm and kind nature. She didn't know if Oliver and she will end up marrying each other or not but she would love to have a mother-in-law like Ella. Looking at her smiling face Ava felt calm.

Ava started her routine checkup on Michael. Then she took his blood sample for testing.

"Mr. Jones, you have recovered very well. Don't work too hard or stress yourself. You will be fine." Ava said with a smile as she put back her stethoscope on the box.

"That's all because of you Dr. Green." He smiled.

"Mr. Jones, I didn't do anything, you followed the instruction properly and rested well so your body healed early," Ava said sweetly.

Although Ava was always on guard against Michael, but she didn't let him see that and pretended to be innocent. Oliver had taught her that sometimes people have to put on masks to protect themselves from the harmful people around them.

"Ava are you free this afternoon, let's have some coffee together." Ella smiled modestly.

In fact, after talking to Oliver yesterday Ella wanted to go to the hospital to find Ava, but she was afraid her sudden visit would scare her, so when Liam told her yesterday that Ava would come to see her brother this afternoon she made a plan to stop by.

"Ah? Well...OK," Ava was embarrassed and very nervous. After all, the invitation was from her boyfriend's mother.

They went to a quiet coffee shop. Ava and Ella found a seat at the corner beside the window. Outside the window there were some colorful flowers just beside the stone road, it looked beautiful against the dull surface.

As they were sitting face to face, Ella was looking at Ava carefully observing her every action and a smile appeared on her face, she thought the girl was really beautiful.

"Ava, what would you like to drink?"

"A Mocha, Thank you."

Ella was surprised, thinking that Ava's taste was very similar to her son's, Oliver's favorite coffee was also mocha.

"Waiter," Ella called the waiter elegantly.

"A mocha, a cappuccino, and some Macarons please."

"OK." The waiter took the order and left.

Ella had a sweet tooth, she loved to try different kinds of desserts. In fact, Conner had specially ordered the servants of the mansion to always serve some dessert with the afternoon tea for Ella. Although Conner was not very fond of sweet food but to make his wife happy he would take a bite sometimes.

"Ava, how old are you?" Ella started the conversation casually. Although she had found out about Ava a while back but she didn't investigate her, so she didn't really know anything about Ava.

"Twenty four," Ava replied with a smile. She was relaxed when she saw Ella's gentle and smiling face.

"Which medical school did you graduated from?"

"University of Oxford."

"Wow, that's amazing," Ella said with a smile. She was very satisfied thinking her son didn't just choose anyone. If she got into Oxford then she must have been an excellent student.

Ava just smiled, although she knew it was very common for the boyfriend's mother to ask this type of question but she was still feeling very nervous and shy.

"Ava, what kind of hobbies do you have?"

"I like reading, playing chess, and shopping," Ava said lightly.

"Really, you like shopping too? I love shopping. How about next time you accompany me for shopping?"

"It will be my pleasure, Auntie."

Ava and Ella chatted for almost an hour. Ella asked a lot of questions in order to find out more about Ava and also to understand her better, but she didn't mention Oliver, not even once. She didn't want to put any pressure on Ava, so she just treated her like a friend.

"Auntie, I would love to chat with you more but I am afraid I have some outpatient appointments today. So I'll have to leave now." Ava was very embarrassed to mention Ella about her appointments but she had to tell her, otherwise, her patients would be waiting for her.

"Go ahead, it's late anyway so I will have to go back as well, but promise that we will meet again," Ella said with a gentle smile. She was very happy to see Ava's sincerity toward her work.

"Sure, Auntie," Ava said with a smile and left the coffee house.

After Ava left, Ella immediately picked up her phone and called Conner Knight.

"Conner, guess who I was with just now!" Ella asked excitedly.

Conner knew his wife's character so he didn't get as enthusiastic as his wife, he took a sip of his tea and asked in a relaxed tone, "Who?"

"Your future daughter-in-law." Ella smiled happily.

Conner almost choked on the tea and said in an unbelievable face, "Did you go to the hospital?"

"No, I met her at my brother's place. Conner, I tell you, this girl is really good. The more I know her, the more I like her." Ella's happiness could be heard in her excited tone.

Conner listened to her patiently but didn't say anything, he just shook his head helplessly. This was his wife she would get overexcited about any simple matter and this was about their only son's girlfriend so he could imagine how happy and excited she must be. Hearing Ella's happy voice he was also satisfied and thought as long as Ella and Oliver liked that girl, he would like her too. He believed in his son's choice.