
Face it together

Ava still felt uncomfortable in her heart, what if after the investigation they found that she had slept with Sam? How could she still stay with Oliver after what she had done?

"Oliver, I don't think I'm worthy of you, I feel dirty," Ava said quietly and buried her face in Oliver's chest.

"What are you talking about? Tomorrow, let's go to the hotel and investigate it." Oliver patted Ava on the shoulder. Now he was calm and relieved. Oliver's instincts told him that nothing happened between Ava and Sam. Even if something happened, he didn't care, she didn't do anything she was just tricked.

"But Oliver..." Ava blinked and looked at him uncertainly.

"Ava honey, no matter what had happened, I still want you." Oliver looked Ava in the eye and said sincerely then gently placed a kiss on her forehead to reassure her. He must find out the truth and make the people suffer three times more for making Ava this miserable.

He still wanted her? Tears flow down from Ava's eyes again. What she had done in her previous life to deserve such an excellent and kind man?

"Hey don't cry, no matter what happens, we will face it together. Ok! No more running and no more crying."

Choking by the tears Ava couldn't answer, she just nodded. After the emotional breakdown, Ava felt very tired and she was about to fall asleep when she suddenly realized that they were not in Oliver's Villa. Ava panicked and sat up on the bed.

But Oliver pulled her back and held her in his arm.

"Oliver This... This is your grandfather's house." Ava stuttered nervously, but she was comfortable in Oliver's arms.

"Yes, but this is my room. No one will come here." Oliver smiled lightly. What was the silly woman worrying about?

"Shouldn't we go down?" Ava asked in a low voice.

"What will we do there, the party is not over yet. We can go down after all the people leave ." Oliver looked at his watch. It was only 10 o'clock and the banquet was expected to end after midnight.

"But it's your grandfather's birthday, if you are not there wouldn't people notice it?" Ava asked worriedly, she didn't want Oliver to face any trouble because of her.

"Do you want to go down?" Oliver narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Not really but I think you should go down," Ava said seriously.

Oliver smiled softly, and shook his head then said, "No, I am not leaving you again."

"Then what do we do?" Ava asked.

"Let's go down together." Oliver locked his fingers with her.

At that moment, the two people looked at each other with so much love in their eyes that it felt like their hearts just closely linked together.

"But you have torn down my gown, how can I go down?" Ava asked and looked at him sadly. Although she didn't like the dress but it was expensive and Liam bought it for her. She was hoping to return it but now it was lying on the floor in pieces.

Aware of Ava's thoughts, Oliver smiled. "It's just a dress, wait." Oliver took his phone from the bedside table and made a call to Uncle Joe.

Uncle Joe was sitting in the hall downstairs in a relaxed mood and listening to the chattering around the people. Two hours ago he saw Oliver disappear from the party but since no one was looking for him he didn't care. Oliver grew up here so he wouldn't go missing in the manor. Moreover, he also noticed that Ava was missing from the party so he guessed they must be together.

"Uncle Joe, please bring me an evening gown. I'm in my room." Oliver hugged Ava and said with a smile.

Uncle Joe was very smart, as soon as he saw Oliver called, he found a quiet place to answer the call. "CEO Knight, you still remember that this is your grandfather's birthday party right! If the old man finds out that you are not here, you know he will get very angry."

"I know, I will come down but first bring me an evening gown, long and conservative." There was a sly smile in her deep eyes.

Oliver liked it when she wore sexy clothes. In fact, she looked very beautiful tonight, but he hated it when others stared at her with hungry eyes. Only he was allowed to look at her like that.

"Mr. Knight, you already did it here? In your grandfather's house?" Uncle Joe was shocked.

"You talk so much. Will you get it or not?" Oliver said impatiently, but he was still smiling.

"I'll be right there." Uncle Joe said helplessly, but he was very happy that Oliver and Ava finally made up.

After hanging up the phone, Oliver looked at Ava and thought, he hasn't yet settled the matter about her dress with her. he leaned forward and started to kiss softly on Ava's stomach.

Ava was very ticklish so the soft kisses were making her tickle and he started to laugh and wiggle under him.

"What are you doing? Oliver, stop it."

"Why did you dressed up so sexy tonight?"

"Well I didn't want to but the designer and Liam insisted so I had no choice," Ava said innocently.

"Don't you know, if any man sees you dressed like that, they will be thinking about the things they should not!" Oliver said a little upset.

Ava already knew what he meant, she was so embarrassed that her face turned red.

Uncle Joe was very efficient, within half an hour, he came to Oliver's room through a secret passage and knocked on the door.

Oliver was talking to Ava about his business trip to the United States when Uncle Joe knocked on the door. Ava got scared and grabbed Oliver's hand nervously and said, "Oliver, someone is at the door."

"Stupid, it's Uncle Joe." Oliver put on his trousers and went to the door to open it.

Uncle Joe leaned on the door frame and looked at Oliver with an amusing face. Oliver blocked the entrance with his strong body and didn't let Uncle Joe get close.

Oliver asked solemnly, "Where is the gown?"

"Here!" Uncle Joe took out a hanger from behind with a beautiful pink dress on it. He knew Oliver's taste well so he chose the dress considering his preference.

Oliver looked at the gown satisfied and said, "OK. You can go." Then he closed the door on Uncle Joe's face.

Uncle Joe stood there outside the door, sighed, and shook his head sadly. This was his master, he was so absorbed in his girlfriend that he didn't bother to even show the normal courtesy. However, he was happy because since Oliver came back from the USA this was the first time he was actually acting like a human.

When they broke up Oliver became very abnormal, he would work day and night without caring about anything else. His mood also used to be very bad all the time, he would snap without any reason. The whole Knight International staff were scared to death by him. He worked from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. without any break every day and since he was working late, his employees also had to work, they were going crazy but no one dared to complain. However, in these half months, their productivity increased by 5%.