
Amelia's punishment

Ava looked at Oliver and decided to ask him about Amelia Taylor.

"Oliver, can I ask you something?" Ava's tone was a little tense. She wasn't sure if she should bring it up in front of Oliver.

"Sure, what's up?" Oliver asked gently but he could feel Ava's tense tone so he was also a bit worried about her question.

"Did you banned Amelia from the entertainment world?" Ava looked at Oliver and asked biting her lips. She was really nervous.

"Not really. She is in the mental hospital." Oliver relaxed and replied with an easy voice as if it was nothing.

Ava stared at him with wide eyes. Why was she in the mental hospital? The last time she saw her she looked healthy then how did she become mentally sick all of a sudden?

Oliver saw Ava's reaction and knew what was on her mind he said gently, "Ava anyone who dared to touch you or hurt you must die. I have a principle, I don't beat a woman to death, so I chose a punishment worse than death for her."

Ava felt goosebumps rising all over her body. She believed him, he was capable enough to do that. Ava didn't know she should be moved by his words or should run away from him in fear. In this world, there was nothing that Oliver couldn't do.

Although Oliver did it for her but Ava still felt Oliver was really cruel. She didn't like that he was using her as an excuse to hurt other people. Although she didn't really like Amelia but she sympathizes with her at this moment. She could imagine how painful it could be to live with mental patients for a normal person.

"Oliver, don't you think you are being too cruel to her, after all, she didn't do anything severe to me." Ava sighed and said gently.

Oliver glanced at Ava and saw the sadness in her eyes, he said seriously in a deep voice: "Ava, you are too soft-hearted. Those who dare to hurt you, you must be cruel to them. If you don't then people will take advantage of you and you will be the only one to suffer. I understand your character and I know you can never be cruel to anyone so you leave it to me. I will take care of all your enemies. To survive in this world someone must be the villain. I will always protect you and give you a good and happy life."

Listening to Oliver's words, Ava fell silent for a while thinking, was she a burden to him? If she didn't fight with Amelia then he wouldn't have done that to her. Then wasn't she responsible for Amelia's terrible fate? And wasn't it because of her problems Oliver became the bad guy?

"But don't you think it's better to forgive others?"

Oliver's eyes were bright and he said with a smile: "Ava, don't you know me yet? For me, there is a clear line between gratitude and resentment, and revenge is inevitable."

Oliver's tone was very relaxed, but Ava felt a mountain of pressure in her heart, she lowered her head and said in a low voice, "I just don't want you to be a bad person because of me."

"Ava for you I could go against the whole world, let alone be a bad man." Oliver's mouth raised and there was a charming smile on his handsome face.

What Oliver said was true, for Ava he could go to any extent, he loved her that much. His love for her was very simple and pure without any motive.

"If one day I annoy you too much will you put me into the mental hospital too?" Ava asked lightly.



"That place is too dark for you. I'll keep you by my side." Oliver said with a warm smile.

"What if I have to go someday?" Ava asked.

Oliver suddenly stepped on the brake in the middle of the road. Thank god there wasn't any car behind them otherwise they would have had an accident. He then parked the car at the side of the road. His face was gloomy and he looked at the distance. He didn't speak for a while just kept staring at nothing.

"Then I'll let you go," Oliver replied sadly in a very low voice.

Ava's eyes moistened as she said in a choked voice, "Oliver, I love you."

"I love you too silly women. In this life, just stay with me and let me take good care of you." Oliver reached out and gently stroked Ava's hair. There was an unknown emotion in his dark eyes.

Ava couldn't stop her tears and they were flowing like a waterfall. Many people have told her before to take good care of herself, but Oliver was the first who said he wanted to take care of her. She could see in his eyes he truly loved her. Although sometimes he was really overbearing but that was also because of his love for her. Tonight every doubt about him being in love with her had cleared in Ava's mind.

"Silly girl, don't cry," Oliver said gently and placed a deep kiss on her forehead.

Ava wiped his tears and said, "Fine I'll stay by your side but you can't bully me."

"I'll let you bully me all my life, OK?"

Ava nodded, showing a gentle smile on her beautiful face.

Oliver started the car and head to their home. They both looked happy and very much in love with each other but they both forgot that love was selfish it was not easy to keep all your promises and let go of the one you truly love.